@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar


@[email protected]

Just a humble squid that over produces slime. Buy my slime, its a medical wonder, cures halitosis, weird eye syndrome, bolding.

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squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Trumps wearing nappies though.

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

I'm a guy.

Question: on several intimate occasions with more than a few partners I have notice partners will cup my pecks..

It makes me feel self-conscious and would like to know why some of you cup pecks? 🫠

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Lol I like the latter more

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Good question, and highly dependent. I think for the most part I'd move to being friends.

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Yes and it sounds pretty good to me, although I'd draw the line at pegging 🫠

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

They look like this ( . )( . )

squid_slime , (edited )
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Sadly there won't be any learning, the security company will improve the tech and continue as usual.

This shit is here to stay :/

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

This misses the point of spec ops the line

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Wiping ones ass is easy, simply slide down a banister cheeks parted to each side.

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

That is rather spooky

squid_slime OP ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

I will be trying to shoe string this in to my vocabulary!

squid_slime OP ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Its a word that carries an air of a 1960 detective 😍

squid_slime OP ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

I'm a fan of the British "yhu-no"

squid_slime OP ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Why isnt this a link O.o

squid_slime OP ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

I entreat that we bring this word back

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Based Christians be out there 🥲

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

My ex is a hardened Christian in as far as her relationship with god and moral guidance but wasn't one to judge.

Not watch Dr who but I will agree David Tennant is aw-lala, if I was to swing that way that is..

Whatever happened to lemmy.film?

It had a few niche communities I would occasionally post to after the Reddit exodus but a couple months later I would post there and get no responses or votes. Going to lemmy.film now gives me an error message. Did they decide to shut it down or combine with another instance similar to FMHY? I am curious if they gave some kind...

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

You could make a film community or look for an alternative film community hosted in Lemmy.

Ask Lemmy is for questions.

squid_slime , (edited )
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

I was answering the last part of op's post... Asking if there is a place to ask question on Lemmy. It would of been redundant of me to suggest "no stupid question"

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

I had posted there and checked after seeing your post. Sad to see it go.

squid_slime , (edited )
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Since introducing micro-plastics into my diet I have never felt better, I am currently 43.4% plastic. I look forward to my reincarnation as a tesco carrier bag😍

squid_slime , (edited )
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

I dislike crypto for the grift but also that people had repackaged it as a form of DRM in NFT's, it became commercialisation in the extreme promoting materialism.

Also Cryptos relation to libertarianism makes it very off putting.

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Open source isn't a buzz word that brings people flocking over, its a definition of key features. Shit products can still exist in that space.

squid_slime , (edited )
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Please get fucked on assuming where i live and inturn my life style.

If capitalism died we wouldn't have first world countries feeding on third world countries. Crypto won't help with this issue, you will still have american companies drilling oil out of third world countries paying workers fuck all, sweat shops will still need to be somewhere too and the capitalist would prefer it away from they're first world country. If anything crypto will only shield the exploiters but at least the libertarian can be happy whilst getting fucked by daddy bazos.

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

I saw the point you where trying to make, diminishing my knowledge in the matter due to your presumption of my privileges.

Then railroading off with how its good as poor countries are forced to invest in these schemes.

Do you know much of rune scape gold farming? Gold farming in rune scape was very profitable. Westerners would pay slave wages to poor countries to play and farm in run scape working 60 hours, this was eventually broken up which also didn't lead to a good outcome as a large community lost the financial structure they depended, essentially chewing up and spitting out the disadvantaged.

Similar instances have popped up since crypto where again it has created a work force built on shaky ground which doesn't just exploit but creates a dependency on something liable to fail.

So again no crypto will not fix third world problems as it allows for massive exploitation.

squid_slime , (edited )
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

like nobody is forcing the poor to drink dirty water or go without food..

Just because you feel like you missed out on a good investment and so you are bitter

you make a lot of assumptions. next you'll be calling me a basement dweller.

capitalism isn't evil, guns aren't evil, physical currencies aren't evil, they are instead an easily manipulated vehicle that intern can be used for evil. crypto has proven itself with the sheer amount of scams to be easily manipulated.
i don't see crypto as complex, i have followed it since 2013 and have a good understanding of encryption and decentralized systems as well as economics.

the main reason i don't like or see use for crypto is that i am a socialist, crypto goes against core socialist economic values. it also pollutes as the oil cost is high, it promotes commercialization, its abusive to human psychology with fomo, it feeds into libertarianism.

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Speaking about guns, capitalism and currency were to give examples, and thus context. And if you can show me evidence that crypto has improved so many live in impoverished counties, maybe a crypto GDP study I would love to see it.

I speak of gas prices as I had mined bitcoin and monero and know for a fact that my GPU was 100%, my electricity bill went up. and the crypto miner I repaired PC components for would have a repaste job every few months.

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

The worm people O.o, this is what happens when we don't look directly at the sun for 30 minutes each day

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Is there a way to check?

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

I've seen enough of pugs vitriolic, egotistical, disingenuous tirades for one day tbh.

Cryptobros will take any opportunity to market their Ponzi scheme, even to people who seem adamantly opposed.

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Rand and her husband ended up taking welfare.

cant say i trust her ideas if she cant stick by them.

squid_slime , (edited )
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Its a cop out. She added little to society other than justification for the rich cunts to profiteer and lord over the many.

Her books are treated with scepticism in academia, what has she really done other than prop up a few insidious think tanks?

Edit: not argumentive btw sorry if I come of that way

Will I ever be seen as truly British?

My family immigrated to the UK from Poland when I was six. I'm 20 now, speak much better English than Polish and feel like this is my land/culture. However I have a Polish first and last name, Polish passport and "unique" accent everyone picks up on, so despite this I'm usually perceived as an outsider. It makes me really sad...

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

No ones truly anything, nationalism is a horrid thing and sorry people have treated you as they have, its more they're own insecurity then anything to do with you.

How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals

I constantly see angry mobs of people decrying "woke", "critical race theory", ""grooming"", and whatever other nonsense they made up this week. They march around with guns, constantly appending lib as a prefix to any word they can use to denigrate. They actively plot violence and spew hatred in the open....

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

My right wing uncle just yesterday posed this question in reverse oddly enough, it was a jarring conversation, soon ended when I pointed out the plentiful admittions of hateful rhetoric the right have spouted.

His information comes from YouTube personality's and I take great pleasure in researching the shit he regurgitate and showing him my finding with carefully selected source as unbiased as possible. in a way I feel sorry for the working class right winger, misguided, fueled purely by escapism and negative emotions then peddlers with skin in the game wrap them up with crazy notions of patriotism and conspiracy

squid_slime , (edited )
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

You need to cross post this or something, and keep researching as your an asset to humanity!

Would love to hear more of what you've found.

Russia threatens Britain with retaliation if involvement in Ukraine war deepens ( www.pbs.org )

Russia on Monday threatened to strike British military facilities and said it would hold drills simulating the use of battlefield nuclear weapons amid sharply rising tensions over comments by senior Western officials about possibly deeper involvement in the war in Ukraine....

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

RIP Trosky. fuck Stalin the absolute cowered

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

The tables have turned my friend O.o

But seriously I hardly notice this stuff, and females have historically been treated miserably

squid_slime , (edited )
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Yea like the brother never inherited the family business, and the brother was sold off to a rich older lady to marry, or the brother for goes university in place of his sister, the brother having a bastard child meant he was ostracized from the family and sent to a Catholic nunnery to learn the ways of god.

Women have historically been repressed through out many culture in history and even to present wealth be damned.

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

As a member of the democratic socialist party I often am out speaking to people and for the most part I receive a sincere and accepting response from the regular public, but sometimes I will speak with a working class right winger and they either dont want to know or regurgitate false information usually of the fear mongering verity so I dont think people are put off due to members, not saying it never happens where a member has put someone off but I can't imagine it to be all that regular.

squid_slime , (edited )
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Why would you be apposed to equality of outcome? Don't you think the homeless on the streets deserve a liveable life, or the African Americans a way out of repression, and women should be able to walk home at night with out fear of rape. Then internationally the poorer country's having their resources plundered by the capitalist while the residents have no education or clean water, hospitals, this all allowing the rich to live exceedingly extravagant lives.

I doubt your racist or a Nazi but rather poorly information in socioeconomic and the greater reach capitalism has in devastating lives.

squid_slime , (edited )
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Equality of opportunity does not work, the richest 1% continue to get richer year over year whilst the poorest get poorer and this isn't a slogan this is a real statistic we can see. Even the middle classes are entitled to less now and the trend will only continue. Then we have inherited wealth, people tend not to work for they're fortune its often inherited.

So if the intention of equality of opportunity is to bring prosperity than its failed the largest percentage of people. Really I think its a way for people to say "well we tried, we gave them the opportunity" and in that way they can sleep at night.

The USSR took place 1922 to 1991 where homelessness fell drastically, literacy bloomed to near 100%, people who'd only heard of electricity suddenly had electricity, 'diets became much better as well as food portions' (this is power phrased from a leaked FBI document which detailed nutrition being better of an american), work was a given thing if someone was of ably body and mind they'd have a consistent job. In truth the USSR worked amazingly at points, especially considering the state it came from, they skipped capitalism and were feudal before the revolution so had no modern infrastructure like farm equipment, industry and others.

The USSR was a messy thing and to understand the full context would take a lot of explaining, inside the politburo there were bad actors for sure but externally the USSR had to deal with Americas mccarthyism and strong arm tactics, setting nukes on the Russian border or training and supplying arms to terror organisation to economically drain the USSR which the damage can be seen current day in the middle east and even in the USA and Russia with the opioid crises.

But the best part is that once the USSR crumbled we'd like to think the victory of capitalism lead to prosperity and liberation of Russia but the standard of living has dropped, social housing is now privately owned and rented at prices most can't afford, the average age has declined in Russia, dietary standards have dropped, domestic abuse risen, education levels fallen.

With your last statement I'm sure the feudalist said the same to early capitalism.

squid_slime , (edited )
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

I found the reason people call you names. I'm only here for a polite disagreement. Take it easy

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Its a universal tactic, look up Manufacturing Consent, it's a book but you dont need to read it to grasp how insidious the governmental news machine is instead look at the Wikipedia page

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