
@[email protected]

don’t keep sweatin’ what I do 'cause I’m gonna be just fine

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klemptor ,

All I can offer is sympathy. You're not alone - we all make this mistake exactly once in life. Never again!

klemptor ,

Well that's... certainly an opinion o.O

klemptor ,

It's always been to fly. Every time I blow out birthday candles, every time I fix my necklace chain, every time I blow away a fallen eyelash, every time I've thrown a penny in a fountain (oh how I miss the mall fountain!).

It never fucking works >:(

klemptor ,

It's no surprise to me, I am my own worst enemy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

klemptor ,

That way there'zzz alwayzzz more flyzzzz 🪰🪰

Canadians who have lost their sense of smell say it's misunderstood, undervalued — and deserves more attention ( www.cbc.ca )

For millennia, the sense of smell has been widely undervalued — ranked far below vision by the likes of Immanuel Kant and Sigmund Freud. In 2021, a survey in the journal Brain Sciences found that people consistently ranked smell below vision and hearing — and even below commercial products. One quarter of college students...

klemptor ,

I lost my sense of smell for two days when I got covid and it was so sad. I huff everything all the time. Husband, dog, books, food.... There's something comforting about smelling things.

klemptor ,

I disagree. A theoretical exact middle is a single point within the n-dimensional space that describes mindset. In reality, there's a pretty wide swath of what's considered "normal"; it occupies a volume in that n-dimensional space.

klemptor ,

Until you're through with bronchitis, you should rest and focus on getting better. After that, I suggest reevaluating whether you're still into running and HIIT. Those are great exercises but you sound bored with them. Plus they're really hard on the joints, and as you get older, you might want to switch to lower impact exercise anyway.

Dealing with depression is tough because it's a huge demotivator and even the smallest things can seem daunting. It might be worth talking to your doctor about the depression, and getting your bloodwork checked because sometimes nutrient deficiencies can be a contributing factor. But with your current mindset, it seems like just getting up and moving around would be a good start for you. So while your shoulder heals (and I agree with the other poster, are you going to physical therapy?), you can work on cardio with walking. Maybe find somewhere out in nature to go for a walk, and don't focus on it as exercise, think of it as medicine for your mind and body.

As for rebuilding muscle tone, have you considered starting weightlifting? If you're already thin, you'll start to see your gains pretty quickly, which is a good motivator to keep going!

Good luck to you 🤜🏻

Also your English is pretty good, but just FYI most people only use "flaccid" to refer to a limp penis. :)

klemptor ,

Ah yes, that definitely clears things up

klemptor ,

The Sound of Her Voice was heartbreaking!

Me at age six, at Star Trek: The Experience ( startrek.website )

Here is me at Star Trek: The Experience in Las Vegas, Nevada at the Hilton. This was 1997 (spring or summer). I got to go on The Klingon Encounter (which may have been the only ride-type attraction at the time). The line to enter was lined with status of Borg (First Contact had just come out the previous November)....

klemptor ,

To be really honest, your comment lacks organization and is sort of hard to follow. However, this stuck out at me:

I want to talk about the fact that people would rather be murdered by a bear, than potentially be near someone who could be violent.

I think this is a huge misunderstanding of the whole debate. Nobody wants to be murdered by a bear. But:

  • The behavior of a random bear is a lot easier to predict than the behavior of a random man.
  • Most men (of course not all) aren't physically afraid of most women, and so a woman has a better chance of scaring off a bear than a man. Whenever I'm hiking in bear country, I make enough noise to advertise my presence to any bears nearby. This is generally enough to scare them off, but wouldn't work on any man, regardless of whether or not he wanted to hurt me.
  • Statistically speaking, bears rape and/or kill women way less often than men do. A bear isn't going to block you from exiting a room, or slip something in your drink, or get angry if you refuse to give him your number, or follow you down the street catcalling you and laughing at you. A bear can't lie to you to put you at ease so that you lower your guard. The fear of bears is pretty abstract for most people because they don't spend a lot of time around them. But most women have at least one scary or violent personal experience with a man that creates a visceral fear and shapes her thinking going forward, especially because the first question she hears after a bad experience is something like "Well, why were you there? What were you wearing? Had you been drinking?" And we can't quantify how dangerous any given unknown man is - we usually don't know a man intends harm until he tries something. So we adopt a very earned mindset of self-preservation, because even if we do everything "right" there's a prevailing attitude that we did something wrong.

If I'm considering situations I have a better chance of surviving unharmed, both statistics and personal experience tell me I've got a better chance with the bear, because I can predict the behavior of a bear and have a good chance of scaring it off, but I can't predict the behavior of or scare off a random man.

klemptor ,

OMG please give that pup a smooch for me!

klemptor ,

I really like the Harry & David's chocolate covered cherries. Also malt balls, Good n Plentys, Ferrero Rocher, popcorn and peach jelly bellies, and anything with a dark chocolate ganache.

klemptor ,

I'm currently rereading A Clockwork Orange and yep, it's pretty fucked up.

klemptor ,

So I can crash on your couch when Civil War II: Electric Boogaloo starts? Cool, cool.

klemptor ,

I'm a pacifist, so no, I don't think I could live with myself if I took another person's life, unless it were in self-defense. I would nope the fuck outta the country though, and relinquish citizenship.

klemptor ,

Oh shit count me in!

klemptor ,

Not always. On DS9, when the Defiant was departing the station, the heading was given as 180 mark zero - meaning, traveling exactly backward from their current position. This made sense because when docked, the Defiant's nose is buried in the docking ring.

klemptor ,

Minidisc. My then-boyfriend bought me a recorder for Xmas 2002 and I was absolutely in love with it. I still use minidisc but I think for most people it was a flash in the pan - it didn't have the staying power that I thought it would.

Also ephedra - right before it was banned, all the women in my office went through the Atkins -> Xenadrine -> Pilates fads. Holy crap did that suck. Atkins made me stink (ketosis) and xenadrine make me shaky, dizzy, and irate. I was too poor for pilates haha. The entire office was miserable!

klemptor ,

Did Athena punish Poseidon in any way?

klemptor ,

Some things I've noticed in my early 40s:

  • You talk about things like property taxes and 401k contributions more often than you ever thought would be possible
  • You seriously weigh whether a drink is worth the bad sleep and headache it'll cause you
  • Your pop-culture references are lost on younger folks
  • You start referring to college-aged people as "kids"
  • You need reading glasses but you're in denial about it
  • Injuries take longer to heal
  • Those of your peers who haven't taken care of themselves are starting to have serious health issues
  • You care more about flossing, skincare, fiber, and hydration
  • You still rock bottom eyeliner like you did in high school
  • You've seen fashion from your high school years go out of style and then come back as "retro"
  • You see the utter confusion on your nephew's face when you explain that you used to keep a quarter in your bike pouch in case you needed to call someone, because he doesn't remember a time before cell phones and his generation isn't allowed to just roam around unsupervised on their bikes
  • You have strong opinions about things like laundry detergent brands
  • Birds become fascinating
  • You have no problem spending a few hundred dollars on a new kayak paddle, but the price of cold cuts these days is just unacceptable
klemptor ,

Yorkshire Gold, 2 sugars, small splash of evaporated milk.

klemptor ,

Funny, on other tea threads I've gotten similar comments. I don't know who SpiffingBrit is but they have great taste in tea!

klemptor ,

The Arch Deluxe was so goddamn good. When it first came out I would walk to McD's with my sister like twice a week to get one. We weren't a fast food family but that was just too good to pass up. It's a good thing I was in high school with a young person's metabolism then!

klemptor ,

I have a few!

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