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Zedstrian ,

I get the damage to the thumbs, but what in being a scribe would cause more damage to the jaw or hips than anyone else?

Zedstrian ,

Didn't realize that; interesting to know, thanks.

Zedstrian , (edited )

It's $3 a month and called RealDebrid + Stremio

Zedstrian ,

If a homebrew game is popular enough, such as Micro Mages, you can sometimes find them in romsets. Unfortunately some cartridge-only and less popular ROMs take a while to get uploaded; took me a year to find a specific Genesis ROM that was cartridge-only.

Zedstrian ,

If you just want to browse Reddit and have a user script extension installed, you can use LibReddit Redirector to browse via a third-party frontend without turning off your VPN.

Zedstrian ,

Given the economic imperialist policies Chinese Communist Party in South America and Africa, let alone the lack of democratic institutions when compared to Taiwan, the CCP's interest in Taiwan has far less to do with 'liberating' it than taking control of its substantial economic base.

Zedstrian ,

Good on the EU for supporting consumer rights over corporate profits.

Zedstrian ,

There isn't a free alternative that works as well, unfortunately. Bing not only has many of the same issues, but has worse results. Since DuckDuckGo makes use of Bing's API for its results, in addition to lacking features such as date range searches, it is still a step down in terms of the quality of one's search results. Having switched to Firefox due to Google's efforts to make unilateral, self-serving changes to Chromium, I'd be only too glad to switch search providers if an alternative provider had a similar number of accurate results.

Zedstrian , (edited )

Isn't it only source available, and not open source, due to a restriction on reusing the code?

Linus Tech Tips (LTT) release investigation results on former accusations ( x.com )

There were a series of accusations about our company last August from a former employee. Immediately following these accusations, LMG hired Roper Greyell - a large Vancouver-based law firm specializing in labor and employment law, to conduct a third-party investigation. Their website describes them as “one of the largest...

Zedstrian ,

As with corporate mediators though, wouldn't such investigation companies have a financial incentive to favor their clients, so as to improve the odds of being rehired?

Zedstrian ,

It doesn't seem like the suggestion would be to destroy cultural landmarks, or even the majority of commercial ones, just the key components of the island's chipmaking industry that would incentivize an invasion by mainland China. It's an outcome that no one wants, but remains sufficiently feasible so as to be effective in preventing such an invasion in the first place. If the current CCP is bad, one that directly controls the majority of the world's chipmaking industry would be far worse.

Zedstrian ,

The Taliban and ISIS are acting like the Spider-Man pointing meme.

Zelensky: 'Our partners fear that Russia will lose this war' ( kyivindependent.com )

President Volodymyr Zelensky believes that Ukraine's partners "are afraid of Russia losing the war" and would like Kyiv "to win in such a way that Russia does not lose," Zelensky said in a meeting with journalists attended by the Kyiv Independent....

Zedstrian ,

When billions of dollars worth of equipment is shipped to Ukraine, that's billions of dollars going to the American military industrial complex. Some of them might prefer if Russia weren't dramatically weakened, so as to still have something to point to when lobbying for additional military spending.

Zedstrian ,

No need, Firefox buffer settings (media.cache) can be adjusted via the about:config page.

Zedstrian ,

The difference is that most of that content lasted for at least a few decades, if not centuries before being lost to time. As content on the internet is 'destroyed' if no one hosts it any more, a lot of valuable content is being lost in just a few years after being created. Archiving needs to be more widespread and better supported if the resources and culture of the internet as it has evolved over time are to be preserved for posterity.

Elections opportunity for Kurdish-Turkish de-escalation – US think tank (May 8th, 2023) ( rojavainformationcenter.org )

QAMISHLI, Syria (North Press) – The upcoming Turkish elections on May 14, especially if they yield an opposition victory, will be “a rare opportunity” for the US to broker a Turkish-Kurdish peace, argues a new report by the New Lines Institute, a Washington-based think tank....

Zedstrian ,

The Turkish government's the one with all the cards; if it were at all interested in the rights of its ethnic minorities, it would recognize the Armenian genocide and grant the Kurds their long sought independence.

Zedstrian ,

"Genius! Who would'a thought? 10,000 extra shares in your bonus this year!"

Zedstrian ,

Who would go on vacation in central Afghanistan knowing that the Taliban is in control?

Zedstrian ,

I get that, but if even the most interesting historical landmark in the world were being operated by a terrorist group, that alone is reason enough to pick another travel destination, in my opinion. Human rights aside, situations such as this demonstrate the safety risks that come with visiting such destinations.

It's a shame that there hasn't been extensive political support within Afghanistan itself to oust the Taliban, as I'm sure it would have tremendous tourism potential, given its historical landmarks and central location in Eurasia, if only it were safe to visit.

Zedstrian ,

Sanctioning Russia should take any and all forms until they stop their assault on Ukraine. They've made it clear that they're not acting in good faith, so extending that to them is five steps short of appeasement.

Zedstrian ,

Clearly not; I just meant that we should at the very least not be weakening the spirit of the sanctions even in the slightest by sending Russia diplomatic invitations to events.

Zedstrian ,

aka, China Trying to Keep Its Bubble from Bursting

Zedstrian ,

Given the number of people in today's world that rely on social media instead of well-sourced (or better-sourced, at least) publications for 'reliable' sources, it's highly important to minimize the extent to which such platforms can be used to manipulate the outcomes of elections.

Zedstrian ,

If I were one of them, the NRA would be the last group I'd want advocating for my release...

Zedstrian ,

They could still hold onto the land and Ukrainian population they've taken so far. Anything less than Ukraine regaining Crimea and the rest of its territory will not only be a loss for them, but would tell the Russian government that the West would rather appease them than let allow a conflict to escalate further. Appeasement didn't work on Hitler, and it won't work on Putin either.

Zedstrian ,

I have mine configured as a background service with a Rainmeter desktop widget to play music at a moment's notice. Works better than any official Windows option.

Zedstrian ,

Although a boycott effectively rendered the 2021 referendum on independence meaningless, referendums on the issue in 2018 and 2020 in contrast had over 80% turnout, voting against independence by 56% and 53% majorities. As voter registration for those referendums excluded residents who had moved to the island after 1994, the issue of independence among long-term residents is, at the very least, a divisive issue.

In any case, suppressing the voices of those promoting independence, aside from being clearly undemocratic, will only worsen France's optics among New Caledonians. If the French government wants to convince locals that staying part of France is the best outcome for them, it needs to invest in the island's tourism and service industries to ensure its residents, particularly the disproportionately lower-income Kanaks, have an economy that will outlast the limited nickel deposits of New Caledonia.

Ukraine’s troops withdraw from parts of north-east as pressure mounts ( www.theguardian.com )

Ukraine’s troops withdrew from several areas of the country’s north-east amid mounting pressure from a new Russian offensive, as the president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, postponed all foreign trips underscoring the seriousness of the threat....

Zedstrian ,

To be fair, that's also about how much the EU plus the UK's combined GDP is versus the US. In any case, governments around the world need to step up aid to Ukraine to prevent Russia from cementing its hold on Ukrainian territory.

Zedstrian ,

While statements like that are needless fear mongering, any jobs they do replace in the long term are at least making the economy more efficient, in the same sense as computers did. It's unfortunate for anyone's job to become redundant, but technology shouldn't be delayed or avoided for that reason alone.

Zedstrian ,

For my relatives Facebook's not the problem, it's all the far right wing propaganda on YouTube that makes claims without backing them up with any sort of evidence. The more they watch, the more they believe it, and the less they believe evidence to the contrary.

Zedstrian ,

Didn't realize Transylvania was supporting the Ukrainian war effort with vampires. /s

Zedstrian ,

"Four legs good, two legs better." -Animal Farm

Zedstrian , (edited )

The fact that there's any Georgians who would support pro-Russian legislation after seeing what Russia's doing to Ukraine is ludicrous, especially since Georgia's next on the chopping block if Ukraine were to lose.

Israel launches Rafah offensive it says is start of mission to ‘eliminate’ Hamas ( www.theguardian.com )

Israel has launched a major military offensive against Hamas forces in Rafah, Gaza’s southernmost city, seizing control of a key border crossing and cutting off most aid into the territory a day before indirect talks on a ceasefire deal are due to restart....

Zedstrian ,

Israel launches Rafah offensive in continuation of its mission to eliminate all Palestinians


Zedstrian ,

Why can't taller apartment buildings be built in the city to fulfill the housing shortage?

Zedstrian ,

From the perspective of a piracy community, however, that's not a win.

Zedstrian ,

They need to self-host their repository if they don't want to end up in the same situation...

Zedstrian ,

Unless the EU makes Apple get rid of the yearly cost per installation, any app store other than Apple's is limited by the inability to have free or freemium apps, giving them a substantial disadvantage in comparison.

Alternatives to TorrentLeech

While TorrentLeech is great, the demise of FileList makes me want to diversify my catalogue of tracker options in case something were to happen to it as well. Popular releases are usually available on public trackers for a while, with some releases findable on usenet as well, but are there any easily-joinable private trackers as...

Sources for Movie and TV dubbed audio tracks

While many popular English language TV shows seem to be dubbed into other widely-spoken languages (looking for French, personally), the releases that include those audio tracks unfortunately often either have lower bitrates than their English-only counterparts (which only include subtitles for other languages) or only have one...

Looking for the simplest means of playing videos from a USB storage device on a non-smart TV

Having already configured a VLC-powered Google TV configuration with USB hard drives for a relative without the router or download speed needed for reliable streaming, I'm now trying to configure a similar setup for another relative with a non-smart TV and an even slower download speed....

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