@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz cover
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar


@[email protected]

Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.

Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.

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MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

My initial reaction to the announcement clips was that of disgust.

Like auditory uncanny valley. The result is impressive, but holy fuck hearing it speak makes me cringe, I want to shut it up asap.

Unplug it before it can ask if I want to kill myself, as if it actually cares, and isn't a million coin tosses away from acting on some random training data to encourage me to do it instead of not.

To interact with humans with such sycophancy, I am viscerally creeped out imagining the design objectives.

The worst part is, it's being presented with the same false confidence that LLMs themselves exhibit... Even as they confidently explain how simple it is to prove the earth is flat when you ask.

Fucking hell, the tech is amazing, but can we not handwave away the limitations and irresponsibly apply it to literally everything, as if just a few more yottabytes of training data means it'll stop making mistakes "aaaany second now".

Jailed Iranian Nobel Peace Prize winner Narges Mohammadi says she is facing a new trial after she accused the security forces of sexually assaulting women ( www.bbc.com )

In a message from Evin prison where she is being held, Ms Mohammadi said the trial relates to an audio post, in which she condemned a "full-scale war against women" by the Iranian regime....

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I'd joke about what they could do to her, she's already in jail, and under severe restrictions, so what, double-jail?

But they absolutely could do so much worse. The only thing keeping her even marginally safe, is that whatever they do would only amplify her message.

They’re fast. Pedestrians are furious: ‘fat’ ebikes divide Australian beach suburbs ( www.theguardian.com )

Popular among teenagers, the large electric bikes have triggered ‘numerous complaints’ to councils as fears grow for the safety of riders and pedestrians

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

There was a phase of idiots riding the rental scooters irresponsibly in my city when they appeared.

As they've become normal, tho, the novelty has worn off and you mostly just see people calmly getting from point A to B, and parking them in sane spots. Ebikes have been more gradual so there's not been a wave of dangerous behavior at all.

I ride a high performance electric skateboard, myself, and though I like my fun, I make it a point to never put pedestrians in danger. I do unintentionally scare people at times, as they don't expect a dude on a skateboard to be capable of stopping on a dime when needed.

Douchebags seem to push the limits on new things like this, at first, but at least in my city, courteous rider etiquette has developed.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I think it was a combination of things. The city didn't ban them outright in response to the initial problems, in fact they set up no-go and slow zones within which the scooter companies have to disable or slow down the scooters.

Some kids that ran into a baby stroller (no one was hurt) were made a huge example of in the local news, the family fined and shamed to hell and back. The problem is the people, not the vehicles.

The city was already built for mixed modes of travel, so there were already bicycle "highways" that are perfectly suited for these. As my city was already extremely favourable to multiple layered transit systems, instead of getting rid of a new one, a lot of work was put into solving the problems around it. And traffic separation has only gotten better in the years since.

I also think people here were just more courteous around something like this to start with. A city-run public rental bike system had been a thing for a couple of years already, so the concept was somewhat familiar. Though they aren't electric, and have to be parked at special racks.

The most recent development is that some car parking is being converted into scooter parking around common destinations, and the scooter companies now give you a discount for parking in them, alleviating the big disorganised piles of scooters around transit hubs, supermarkets, etc.

The rental fees have gone up to much more realistic amounts, so people don't use them every chance they get anymore. And when they do they try to get where they are going in a timely manner so as to not waste money on a minute more than they have to.

And I think more are committing to using them long term using the monthly passes. I've been seeing more and more people carrying helmets, for when they use a rental scooter. They've legit become a utility, integrated into people's routines, instead of sporadic entertainment for drunken idiots.

At least one company has instituted a system where you can report badly parked scooters, which on repeat offenses apparently results in some kind of consequences for the person who last used it.

During the second summer the city limited their speed to 15kph across the board for a month, IIRC, which I bet took the fun out of them for people joyriding them. There was also a "curfew" for a while where they would stop working after 9pm, because people were using them to ride home while drunk.

The limit is back up to 20kph, I'm on my fourth summer of skateboarding, and no-one seems to be a dick about it anymore. Electric personal vehicles are just one of the things you see in the city now, and they are used by everyone. It's been especially nice to see more of the elderly out and about on pedal assist bikes.

But introducing them definitely came with some bumps.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Oof. Yeah that wouldn't fly here. Pretty sure they can only deploy them at spots decided by the city.

I think all the models here now have field-swappable batteries, so they only get taken in for maintenance. Still I've only ever seen recently deployed neat lines of them in designated scooter parking areas.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Why? dB is logarithmic so it's difficult for people to picture how loud something is, if that's the only number given.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Yeah, I thought this was for those pieces of shit.

I'm sure electric ones are being used around my city, but that's not the ones I notice.

MentalEdge OP Mod ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Played a lot of Signalis this weekend.

Not playing Signalis if you are a fan of survival horror and sci-fi mystery, is potentially criminal.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Also big enough for that to be a somewhat unhealthy amount of content to keep up with.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Oh, hey, I started one of those!

So happy you like it!

For any fellow weebs, there's an instance, ani.social. It is host to a bunch of relevant communities.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Well yeah, but to say browsing all will actually let you see everything is a bit of an exaggeration if that's what you do.

Like I said. It's possible, but probably not something anyone should actually be doing.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar
MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Altman going "yeah we could make it get things right 100% of the time, but that would be boring" has such "my girlfriend goes to another school" energy it's not even funny.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar



Soon enough the result will be an AI generated "blogpost", generated by the search engine, in response to your query.

MentalEdge , (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

You are on a hair trigger, friend. No one's trying to reject you or hurt you.

Your meme didn't land with some of us, that doesn't make you any less valid.

The meme implies the list of benefits simply comes with being a woman, not just from transitioning as a trans person.

If you're trans, every step of transitioning to your real gender is a real improvement to your life and health.

But if you're not trans, or are trans, but FtoM or just look at it a little different...

The meme is rubbing people the wrong way because it mixed up the improvements that come from transitioning as a trans person, with being a woman being better than being a man.

If you were assigned male and transitioned or started transitioning to female, of course your life and health will be better!

But you accidentally implied being a woman automatically solves a bunch of problems that women absolutely can and do still have, and that the problems men have are caused by them being men.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I had a nightmare situation a few years back with a ZenFone 6.

It bricked itself within a week, and after I sent it in I got months of radio silence, until I started calling them about it. They had no clue what the status of my repair was, there were a ton of orders for part after part, and it just kept going.

Eventually I just started pressuring anyone I could with "I need a new phone, this old one is falling apart, I can't just keep using it for months on end as you figure your shit out" and they eventually relented, instead just giving me an entire new unit.

Last year I bought an Asus monitor with clearly advertised "on-site-warranty" (which means a courier comes to your house and just drops off a replacement in exchange for picking up the old one), it was DOA.

I thought great, "on-site-swap" should have this sorted by tomorrow. I started the RMA and the first thing they want me to do is ship my monitor to Germany at my expense. I said "fuck no", and instead returned it to the retailer as I was still within the return window, and then just walked into another retailer with more in stock, to pick up another, which then worked.

Then, months later, some dude calls me and asks when I'll be home for my on-site warranty swap, straight up dropping my jaw to the floor. I know I cancelled my RMA.

Lo and behold, the RMA case-number wasn't even the same, so for some reason Asus decided, on their own, to open another RMA, WITHOUT TALKING TO ME for a monitor I TOLD THEM I WOULD BE RETURNING. Maybe someone tried to fix the fuck-up of not honouring the on-site warranty, but holy fuck if that took two months, thank god I took it into my own hands and got it fixed within 24 hours.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar


But your instance must be running v19.

If it is, you should be able to add servers to the blocklist in account settings. If you are using an app or client which doesn't implement instance blocking, you may have to do this in the webUI In a browser, but once you do the block will work in any client.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

You are.

Does memmy not have instance blocking? I'm on thunder myself, and it definitely does.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

This is a local filter and will not block the instance using the Lemmy native instance blocking feature. Meaning it will not sync with your account.

It is also broken.

You may want to look into other clients, looking at the GitHub, Memmy development seems abandoned.

If you want to continue using Memmy, blocking the instance in your account from the webUI should still work.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

This is apparently broken, and memmy development looks to be dead.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I've been using Thunder since the exodus, and its development has been going slow and steady since (with help from me and others).

Without updates to Memmy, eventually the API may break, as happened to LiftOff when the v19 update landed, stopping it from working entirely.

A lot of new apps got started during the reddit API drama, now it seems we are finding out which ones are actually sticking around.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Seems like it. Latest update was last year. No commits or merges either.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

You can. Instance blocking was added in v19. Or does it not block users from the instance appearing elsewhere? That seems an oversight, if so.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Some apps have had local filtering for a while, but v19 implemented account level blocking in Lemmy itself.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Go to search, set it to comments, and set yourself as the author.

Results will now be limited to comments by you.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar


For that to happen, the good ones would need to be bad enough to shoot the really bad ones in the face.

We should have been blowing up pipelines and sinking mega yachts for decades by now.

But this civilization is just too damn polite to do more than kindly ask the parasites among us to please stop killing us before they don't have anything left to eat.

If things get better, if will be after we nearly go extinct.

And even after that, there will be some who take actions that risk the annihilation of us all, rather than have lass then others.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

"hello, I would like to inspect the firmware of the insulin pump/pacemaker/artificial heart that keeps me alive, can I have the copy of the source code?"

"no? it's proprietary? well golly! guess I'll trust ya in blind faith then!"

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Like I said. Blind faith it is.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

That's not even remotely the point I was trying to make.

Medical software should not be treated the same as any old random proprietary code.

Right now we just have to trust that "the car has airbags" because no-one is allowed to open it up and check.

That shouldn't need to be the person themselves, but that's the bare minimum of what a sane situation should allow.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar
MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I love how whenever you advocate for this kind of improvement, someone always feels the need to try and dismiss you because "it still won't mean the world is perfect".

You assume I'm under some delusion that if only enough people were allowed to check, every mistake would be caught every time.

I'm not.

And you're being rude about it.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar


Unfortunately firmware-related problems especially is something regulatory bodies haven't kept up with. They'll test the device, sure. But not necessarily every line of code that might ever interact with it.

Overall they are operating under outdated levels of complexity while medical device manufacturers are running ahead with wireless functionality, mobile apps, over the air updates, etc.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

You're comparing apples and oranges.

The speeds you mention are defined by the memory type, not the connector.

As far as I can tell, there is no reason this connector could not, and won't be, used with more advanced memory types. Including the type in apple silicon, and beyond.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

No, I'm simply standing behind my initial statement, and pointing out why your counter argument is bad.

It's not though.

Wat is arch? I only used it and its derivatives on multiple devices for multiple years in my 15+ years of Linux

Good for you.

If you think a hyperbolised analogy is an insult, take care of your delicate constitution and don't risk maladies by entering discussions on the internet.

I mean, if my assumption that you were being mean-spirited before was strenuous, this and linking that video makes it a sealed deal.

You can't get under my skin, but that doesn't mean you're not being shitty by trying.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Well the deck only gets updates once Valve decides they're good to go, and it's immutable so there can't be edge cases where system packages don't play nice with something user-installed.

Something similar is true for arch in general, package updates go out once they are good to go, and more importantly, when something really breaks, the fix comes in fast.

But manjaro tries to fix something which isn't broken by delaying arch updates by two weeks, meaning you sometimes gets stuck with broken things, waiting for the fix, or get updates that install versions of things that don't work together.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I have no idea. I think the claim is that as "arch is unstable", the delay allows them to make sure none of that "wild instability" makes it into Manjaro. But as far as I can tell, no such checking occurs and the delay is just a delay. I got into the habit of putting off updating because more often than not it meant an evening of timeshifting and troubleshooting.

But arch isn't really that unstable. On Endeavour (endeavours main repos are just the arch repos, they don't maintain their own) I update whenever my system notifies me there's new stuff, and the possibility that my system won't boot afterwards doesn't really cross my mind anymore. I still run timeshift, but I haven't needed it yet.

In fact, if you really want stability... Unless you need some upcoming security update, bug fix or feature, you can just keep using your system, only installing things when you need them. There's no real reason to impulsively install updates the second they are available. My system doesn't even check for updates more than once a week.

Then, if my system worked yesterday, it will do say today. And unless I decide to change something today, it will do so tomorrow too.

In that sense even arch's stability is "customizable" because you can voluntarily reduce how often you risk breaking something, while at the same time running a system with still more recent packages than most other distros.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I approve of both of those options. Personally I simply find the AUR the most convenient community driven way to install software.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Good. Did I claim otherwise?

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