@hitstun@fedia.io cover

Internet hologram, Reddit refugee, and mod of @FloatingIsFun . Retro game streamer since before Twitch, on hiatus to grind levels in being a dad and ally. Easily distracted by floaty things. he/him


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hitstun OP Mod ,
@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

Oops, I actually teased two different posts for today, so here's the other one. On Sonic the Hedgehog's official Japanese Twitter, telekinetic hedgehog Silver is delivering packages to atone for the game he debuted in, but it's no use . This fan remake is looking good though.

hitstun OP Mod ,
@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

I warned you! This not-subtle ad for Levi's jeans is the dumbest crap I've posted since Fat. For this Jackass reject to float like that, those pants would have to be inflated to about a 15-foot sphere. It's dumb fun, though, and the music is good.

From Mozilla: Help us uncover Firefox 3rd party installer ( discourse.mozilla.org )

In 2023, a significant portion of Firefox downloads came from unknown sources. We believe many of them came from 3rd party websites that let you download Firefox. While some websites are okay, others can put you at risk of downloading an old version or a build with the wrong locale, leading to security risks, a bad user...

hitstun ,
@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

To take the survey, go to this campaign page and scroll down to the "take part" button to get the survey in your language. I basically just told them that I install Firefox ESR from Chocolatey. They were really interested in locale strings like "en-US".

hitstun OP Mod , (edited )
@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

My last post didn't go over all that well, so here's some anime-ass anime art for a VTuber from Holostars. Oh man, you guys are not gonna like what I have planned for Sunday. It's more bogus than Luma's Dream Machine. More than this.

hitstun OP Mod ,
@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

That's right, it's a CD single from that VTuber Kanade Izuru. The Linkfire page has links to the CD on Spotify, Amazon Music, YouTube Music, Apple Music, and Deezer. All the most popular VTubers are apparently musicians too.

hitstun OP Mod ,
@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

Now I'm thinking of a character like Primer who can choose her abilities for each encounter by equipping different colors. Primer's such a cool character.

hitstun OP Mod , (edited )
@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

We look everywhere for floaty stuff. but sometimes it finds you.

These are all named characters, by the way. Duolingo has lore.

hitstun OP Mod ,
@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

I've started keeping track of some anniversaries and goroawase days. June 16 can be read as mu-juuroku, which sounds like mujuuryoku, the Japanese word for zero gravity. Incidentally, June 16, 1963 is the day Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in space. Oh, and today is also Father's Day here in the US, so shout out to all the other dads I've got floating around here.

Next week, we've got Sonic the Hedgehog's birthday on Sunday and UFO Day on Monday. Let's try to get relevant floaty things posted here on those days.

hitstun OP Mod ,
@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

118 years ago, America's first stunt pilot flew circles around the Washington Monument and then landed on the White House lawn to try to greet the President. Nowadays, Washington, DC has all these capitol-specific airspace rules that diidn't have personal dirigibles in mind. Drones are banned city-wide too. It's not to say that this stunt is impossible to do legally nowadays, but good luck getting permits to do this.

hitstun OP Mod ,
@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

Wait, is it tethered? It's a poor quality photo, so maybe it is? Beachey and Knabenshue were out there flying that dirigible every afternoon and evening for a week, so maybe wind was a factor? Like, if they were worried about crashing into the Washington Monument, the thing is made of marble bricks, so it wouldn't do any damage to the monument.

hitstun OP Mod , (edited )
@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

It's a misfire, but from the cover of that Levitation 4 Dummies book, I think she nailed it! Things like her hair, clothes, and candle flames behave like gravity is still kind of working.

hitstun OP Mod , (edited )
@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

Oh, that girl out there? That's just Hatsune Miku, flying around like she does anytime an artist feels like drawing her doing so. I'd be flying out there too, but I'm stuck doing boring real world stuff with boring real world physics. Maybe I'll get a paraglider someday.

hitstun OP Mod , (edited )
@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

Indeed, if it's anything like the Vegetable Orchestra, she has to buy fresh leeks the day of a performance. Rotten leeks are probably poorly balanced and harder to spin. Unless those are hologram leeks, because those don't rot.

hitstun OP Mod ,
@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

How does someone make soap bubbles big enough to put a person inside? A giant bubble wand, of course. In this MikuMikuDance render, Chie Sasaki from Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls uses this wand to bubble little Yaia from Granblue Fantasy just because it's cute. They're both having fun.

hitstun OP ,
@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

Blessed be, Imaginary Witches. Congratulations on reaching 1000 subscribers! This art is from 21 years ago, but good witchy stuff never gets old.

hitstun OP Mod , (edited )
@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

Have you seen this before? It's the page image from TV Tropes's index of flying tropes. I just had to go back 21 years on the Japanese internet to track down the source.

hitstun OP Mod , (edited )
@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

Uh oh, somebody turned the fish bowl inside-out! Now we're all inside a fish bowl pocket dimension.

hitstun OP Mod ,
@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

It seems I need to say this: This video is a joke. Because it's in Russian, a lot of non-Russian media didn't recognize this was a joke and reported it as real. Bubbles can bounce on fishing line, and it looks really cool when lit by a laser pointer.

Speaking of bubble illusions, I really wanted to post the bubble trick from a Now You See Me, but the only clips I could find were pirated. I hope I have a legit place to link to it someday.

hitstun Mod ,
@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

Nice! That's better than my idea for today. I ought to watch this Freiren show if stuff like this keeps happening.

hitstun OP Mod ,
@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

Fedia is back and so am I! I like how underwater plants can grow in a way that would collapse on themselves anywhere else, but I'd be worried about getting dirt in the water. I suppose some biologist could probably engineer a pond's biome in such a way that it's self-cleaning. I'd swim in that.

hitstun OP Mod ,
@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

I apologize for the four day gap between posts. I didn't feel well, and I struggled with the current OGQ version of Grafolio. Man, they really botched that migration. They broke all of Grafolio's old links! I thought I could find 9Jedit on the new Grafolio like I found Aeppol over there, but I had no luck.

hitstun OP Mod ,
@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

Reimu Hakurei from Touhou is back, this time wearing clothes that aren't red. This Blue Reimu looks way more relaxing floating around, and all she did was swap colors with Cirno. It's amazing what a simple player 2 color palette can do to a character design.

hitstun OP Mod ,
@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

Ooh, we have a 2hu group now? I just posted it there too. Thank you.

hitstun OP Mod ,
@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

Thank you! I do my best to keep it interesting. Feel free to post floaty things you like. Just be sure to credit your source like you would on ani.social and follow the rules in the sidebar.

hitstun OP Mod ,
@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

Here we go again. Alice in Wonderland's rabbit hole? That's not flying; that's falling with style! I think it's stylish enough to belong here.

hitstun OP Mod ,
@hitstun@fedia.io avatar

No, this isn't mine. It's a T-shirt design by Tobe Fonseca and Andre Muller, and there are plenty of links to the shirt and its design underneath the post title and image. Most of Floating Is Fun is other people's work, but there was that one time a year ago...

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