@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz cover
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar


@[email protected]

Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.

Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.

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MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I would swap out Manjaro for Endeavour.

I started off with Manjaro, and updates kept breaking shit. Only reason it was usable for me, was that I kept timeshift going so I could recover from an unbootable state if updates borked something.

Especially if OPs system is unusual, I wouldn't trust Manjaro. I've yet to need timeshift on my Endeavour install, while setting it up to do the same things was no more difficult.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

No-one has commented on your mentioning VS and Flutter... I haven't used it but I think VS is available for Linux?

I contribute to the Thunder client for Lemmy from my system running EndeavourOS with KDE.

I personally use android studio for this. I hit a pitfall on installing the android, flutter and dart SDKs from the AUR, but that turned out to be the lesser method. It was much easier to just let android studio install them to a folder, and thereby have it manage their versions.

The one downside was having to add their folders to PATH, so terminal commands like adb, dart, emulator, flutter, etc. work, but that's not a big deal.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Dude writes code, that makes me a lot more comfortable recommending an arch install of some kind. Endeavour especially, as it sets you up at a very good starting point without doing messy shit like Manjaro.

Agreed on flatpak, it's fine.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar


You seem to be a lot more vehement about this than I am. Not to mention confidently uninformed on arch.

I don't think this is worth getting into further. You've already decided I'm some kind of elitist, deserving of insulting analogies thrown at them.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar


My main concern would be running terminal commands to control an emulator and dart and flutter commands, but as long as all that can interact correctly, it should serve.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

In my experience, Manjaro breaks all the time.

Arch doesn't.

That said, Debian is great. Probably gonna ditch Ubuntu for just pure Debian on my server.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Yes. Because when I pause to discuss a show I'm watching with someone, or to otherwise pay attention to something else for a moment, for some other sound and video to play is exactly what I want.

This makes literally no sense. The whole point of pausing, is that it's something you do right before you turn your attention away, and that's when they want to show you ads?

Either these ads won't work, because no-one will look at them, or they will defeat the point of pausing, annoying the living shit out of your users. It's a lose-lose for everyone involved. Including the advertisers.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

FullSentenceExplainingExactlyWhatItDoes(GiveThisVariable, SoItCanWork)

MentalEdge , (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

It's a hoard shooter. Most of the time.

The main gameplay loop is as follows.

fly to planet > choose operation > select mission > "helldive" down to the surface to complete an objective (evacuate civilians, launch ICBM, eradicate swarm, etc) > complete optional objectives and gather resources > call down a shuttle and extract back to your ship > spend resources on upgrading gear and your ship > repeat

The ship provides "stratagems", basically various forms of orbital support. You can call down mechs, orbital bombardments, automated weapon emplacements, etc.

The enemy's designs are very varied, it's possible to sneak around them and the gameplay down on planet surfaces is generally just very diverse compared to other hoard shooters. Mission types are many, guns, stratagems and gear are many.

There is also a macro game, where all completed operations contribute to the war effort as a whole. All players are fighting the same galactic war, though each mission is always a four player max instance. Playing on a certain planet will contribute to its occupation/defense/invasion, and what planets the community spends their time on, determines where ground is gained or lost.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Yeah but they're like three times the price last I checked.

I refuse to pay more for a smartwatch than a phone.

Which is the best micro sd card company/manufacturer you can recommend ?

I don't care about speed, bigger storage, or small price difference all i want is it to not start corrupting my files randomly, die really fast, be unreliable etc . i just want something to put my files on then delete em and add something else, and forget about it and have it work for atleast 10 years . I don't really transfer...

MentalEdge , (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

There is no "set and forget" solution to data storage. If not cared for, data does not last.

Already pointed out by others but:


Flash storage drives work by trapping tiny electric charges to represent binary data. Multi-cell NAND uses multiple levels of charges to represent more data with less individual charges, and this makes the drive more sensitive to corruption over time. Older NAND (or just any SLC drive) is better at data retention because of this.

As capacity has gone up, the tech has become gotten smaller, cheaper and more dense, it's sensitivity has gotten worse.

If you want your data to still be there in ten years DO NOT USE NAND FLASH. It relies on being powered regularly to "refresh" the charges representing the data.

Unplugged, the data will start to become corrupt within 3-5 years.

A magnetic hard drive is slightly better but most manufacturers won't promise you more than five years of guaranteed data retention when unpowered.

If you want something to be safe for ten years, an external storage device/card of any kind is not the answer (except tape drives, they are rated at 15-30 years). A live storage array with parity and hot spares, is.

If you don't want the hassle of maintaining a storage array, the next best thing is optical media, CDs, DVDs and Memory Blu-Rays are all very reliable for their rated lifetimes. Even they will eventually experience data rot, but you can expect about 25 years before that becomes a concern.

If you intend to use the SD card to essentially expand you phones storage for example, or something similar, this is ideal.

Always plugged in, is the best, and kind of only, way to use flash storage with full reliability. In this use-case, regularly powered, their only functional limit to their lifetime is how much data is written to them over time.

How to find the good ones has already been commented on. I've had a good experience with Samsung's higher end microSDs.

MentalEdge , (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

The read-only fail-safe mode only prevents additional write operations from further wearing out the NAND cells, as reading does not cause nearly as much damage as writing does. This is to allow any data to be read off the drive before it is discarded.

As such, SSD lifetime is usually measured in how much can be written to it before it fails. The data should not start to become significantly corrupt before the drive cuts you off.

But this won't save OP. Unplugged, the electric charges that represent the data inside the SSD, will fade. Unpowered, the data on an SSD will begin to simply "leak away" within 3-5 years, as the NAND cells lose their charges representing the binary data.

If this is allowed to happen, the drive will be fine the next time you go to plug it in, but the data will simply be gone.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I love this advice.

Sadly if I had to expand on the analogy, I hate a warm and humid climate. I've learned to function in social situations, but never to be comfortable in them. I want nothing more than to be left alone by people I don't know.

I am painfully aware that to get to interact with more people I already know and like, I'll first have to interact with people I don't know, and might not like. And that makes it even harder to get over that hurdle. And my asocial ass is not actually that bothered by loneliness so I just don't bother.

The common advice is to do things you enjoy, and meet people who also enjoy those things, but my enjoyment of something is quite closely linked to how alone I get to be.

If dealing with other people is involved, I just won't be as into it.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Yeah no. This is just the exact same advice I can't use. I know all this. I don't think you understand my problem.

For me "warmer waters" means less people. Even when doing things I like in an environment I enjoy, the presence of people, or even a single person, puts me off. Always.

I like going to the gym, but I like it best in the middle of the night at the 24/7 gym when no-one else is there.

I like to move to music. I hate dancing with another person.

I enjoy multiplayer games, but I have zero interest in in-game chats of any kind.

I could go on.

The things I like, I enjoy MORE alone. Doing any of it in a way that introduces the possibility of getting to know a new person significantly reduces my desire to engage, or ruins my interest entirely.

The person I'm looking for, who enjoys the same things I do, isn't someone I will meet while doing things I like in the way I like doing them. Because doing them in a way where I might get to know someone, means doing them in a way I do not like.

I do not enjoy the process of getting to know someone, there is no context where it becomes painless and effortless, because the thing I don't like is the fact that another person is involved. Every word they say might be exactly what I want to hear, but it doesn't alleviate my desire to be somewhere else, even as my excitement at meeting someone I might like, grows.

I don't "value" my alone time. I literally can't get enough of it. My alone time is so inoffensive to me I feel basically no need to change how I live my daily life, just so I can eventually find someone whose company I can simply enjoy once I get past the chore of getting to know them.

And the energy investment for me to make friends is insane. I basically have to feign wanting to be in someone's company until I know them well enough for it to be true, and that's a process that continues for me well past the point of my realising I like someone.

Even as I start wanting the company of a particular person, once actually in it, I want nothing more than to be alone again. It takes me years for that go away completely with someone, and during all that time I have to resist my desire to leave/kick them out, because if I do, things will never progress past that, and into the phase where I just... enjoy having a relationship.

I like this advice. It's true. But some of us simply don't work the way it precludes.

For me to find another person like me, I'd have to be making an "expedition" into warmer waters, fully intending to leave them as soon as provisions run out. And then during that, run into someone else doing the same. That is astronomically unlikely, especially due to how rarely I can scrounge up the provisions for an expedition.

I'm far more likely to run into people who are comfortable living in the warm waters. That's not a problem. As long as they don't mind visiting me in my cold waters, they can make for excellent relationships.

But it does mean people like me can't directly apply this advice in the way it is presented.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Foss project: has 100 open issues

A year passes

Foss project: 50 issues got resolved, 50 new ones have been opened in the meantime

Why hasn't this giant project fixed a single bug?

MentalEdge OP Mod ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Haha, fixed. And yeah, Fran mostly draws anime girls but sometimes does video game fanart, and it's fantastic.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

There are very few printers that don't work with Linux. Linux has drivers to interface with most of them through whatever means you like, right in the kernel.

That's one of the reasons my android phone (Linux kernel, remember) is better at finding and queuing up prints on a network printer than any windows machine I've ever used.

I just hit share on a document, choose print... And then it just works.

MentalEdge OP Mod ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

My posting tool thumbnails large files for quick loading in the feed regardless of client or connection.

The source file is still linked in the post body.

Webp can do animations, but not as efficiently as actual video codecs. Better than gif tho.

MentalEdge OP Mod ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

You should also be able to use catbox as the host for the webp file, and still use that link as the main link in the post? I've used this to post small animated images.

Additionally, Lemmy already embeds videos if you link a video file directly, but some mobile clients have trouble.

Supposedly, the next major Lemmy version will come with video upload support.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

"Alright dev studios, your assignment is to bake a cake. Core feature: it must be possible to eat the cake, and then still have the cake"

Arrowhead: wtf

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Wait. So you're saying the only appeal of the device, is the hardware?

200 bucks of what's reportedly exactly as cheap-feeling as the price suggests?

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Well if you link it, you will "gain the right to appeal a ban".

(This is not a joke it's in the actual announcement from sony)

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Valve doesn't need to make games anymore. Their corporate structure allows for it, but relies on people at the company wanting to work on it.

But if they don't, it's not really a problem. The company is doing fine.

I think they just lost interest. They got back to it with Alyx because VR was exciting and new territory to explore.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I have an inkling that would result in people speedrunning all the stuff up until they can see what someone looks like...

Looks do matter, and everyone has different preferences.

The problem isn't that people are judging people based on only their looks, it's that these companies have tuned their matching algorithms to match people who enjoy each others appearance, and specifically don't like each other as people.

In reality, for a satisfying relationship you need both. It's really hard to be more than friends with someone that physically repulses you, and it's really hard to be more than friends with benefits with someone you don't like as a person.

By specifically tuning their system to only give you one, and never the other, they keep people in the grind. You might be pretty happy using these apps for hookups, but even there the algorithm will actively be working against you stumbling onto someone you might wanna meet more than once, because they want you back to swiping for the next person asap.

The fact remains that the matchmaking industry is doomed to be toxic in a capitalist system, because actually being good at it, also means getting rid of your customers.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Bots. Bots everywhere.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

You absolutely can love someone because of who they are alone. And if you genuinely, truly, can "get it up for anyone", then great. Or maybe you don't have a need for that stuff in your relationships in the first place.

But as someone who is borderline haphephobic (the fear of touch), yet also absolutely have a psychological and physiological need for physical intimacy, loving someone as a person is not enough to automatically mean I'm also going to feel something physical.

It doesn't matter how strongly I feel about who they are. If I don't want to touch their body, no amount of wishing I wanted to, changes that.

And personally, I do need to want that.

MentalEdge , (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

No one is being provided any avenues. These services do not work any better if you swipe based on looks.

My point is that none of it matters. The real problem is bigger.

Everyone has their preferences, and any current system that actually respects that and helps people find each other, will inevitably shift to blue-balling its users with people that are never quite what each person is looking for, because actually doing it right means you lose "customers".

Because of that, different "avenues" for different people to find what they are looking for, don't exist. For anyone.

No matter what you specifically need, matchmaking companies are incentivised to identify exactly what you are looking for, and then give you anything but that.

If things actually worked, it wouldn't matter that the service has pictures. If you don't care about that part, just swipe accordingly. As long as the people queued up for you are genuinely random (they aren't) you will find someone you like, and someone who likes you will find you.

Except that these systems explicitly do the opposite. You will be shown every person the system can find who is your type, as long as you aren't their type.

Meanwhile your profile will be shown to everyone who'd like you, as long as they aren't the kind you like.

This way, everyone gets the illusion that there's plenty of fish in the sea. While in reality everyone gets their own algorithmic fence between them and anyone with whom the interest might be mutual.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Your first mistake is to use US prices as if that's what the care actually costs.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar


Doesn't change the fact that US prices are orders of magnitude out of proportion. You simply can't use it as a yardstick.

Now, if you're looking at the plain amount of material, manufacturing, infrastructure, and labour required, then you're making sense.

But it seems you're making the argument that too many people cost more to care for than they are "worth" in terms of economics, and would be too great a burden on the productivity of the healthy for a universal healthcare system to function.

But that's not even close to true. Universal healthcare is essentially an attempt at triage on national scale. To apply resources where they do the most good.

In comparison, commercial market healthcare is just less efficient across the board. A universal system is able to provide more care for more people at less cost, even if it isn't able to do so for everyone in every situation.

No-one is claiming universal healthcare systems save everyone and care for every ailment, every time. The argument is that it's simply the smarter way to use the resources a country has.

MentalEdge OP ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

The Lodge griddle I have really isn't usable for pizza... But for setting atop my induction stove to turn into a big hot metal surface for bacon, burger patties, and toasting the buns, all at the same time? Perfect.

MentalEdge OP ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

There is. It's essentially a version of Adam Raguseas cast iron pizza, modified a bit for the stove and oven that I have.

MentalEdge OP ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I'm confused.

Why would removing the seasoning improve the performance of cast iron on an induction stove?

Polymerised oil in no way interferes with a magnetic field. The cast iron heats up from the inside out, just the same.

Or did you just do it to keep your stovetop clean?

My griddle, due to the edge on it, doesn't sit flush on my stove, there's about half a centimeter air gap. Yet, because induction is just a powerful switching magnetic field, it heats up just the same. It just needs to be close enough to the electromagnet below the stove surface.

MentalEdge OP ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Shhh! I outpizzad the hut years ago, but don't even imply it! They'll come for me.

MentalEdge OP ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I have no clue.

It's a POS ikea convection/microwave combo thing. The convection mode maxes out at 250 °C, which is pathetic, but for pizza I put a sheet pan in the middle and blast the grill mode which uses a heating element in the top of the oven.

This halves the volume of the oven, and the grill mode doesn't take a temperature, just one of three heat settings.

So I set it to MAX and let it preheat for a bit, and the result is pretty good.

MentalEdge OP ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

No it won't. Induction stove tops are ceramic. Ceramic on mohs scale is "hard as fuck".

Unless you have rocks (or salt crystals) stuck in the seasoning, neither polymerized oil nor any metal is hard enough to scratch it. They literally can't.

That would be like a metal knife scratching a glass cutting board, which famously can't happen, and is the reason why glass cutting boards are a terrible, knife destroying, idea.

MentalEdge OP ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I dunno man. If you can just pay me enough to cook some for myself, and have a place to live, we'd have a deal.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Fedora apparently has some functionality.

There is also an arch wiki page on the subject.

Linux systems are used all over for enterprise use cases, which means there is a robust user permission system. Usage won't be Googleable with stuff like "parental control" but more likely keywords like "user restriction".

Not sure if you mention your wife because she knows Linux and thinks it's a bad idea, or because doesn't know Linux, and still thinks it's a bad idea.

Of course, when your kid one day learns to flash an iso onto a usb, and install an OS, any and all parental control will be symbolic. Hopefully you've successfully taught your kid how to use tech safely by then.

You'll want to look into browser extensions and blocking websites on your router, as well.

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