@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar


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LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

You've gotta compensate your penis size with your car. This is just basic science.

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

This is how Chuck Norris lights up a cigarette

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

If South Korea does this, he'll tell his fat buddy Kim to send more shit balloons over the border.

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

I want one to get beer from the fridge to the couch. I could move the fridge next to the couch, but if a pneumatic system is an option, I assume I don't have to explain which would be the better choice by a land slide. Cool beers on the couch, in the garden, in the bath tub, etc. I could fire my wife.

Of course I'm joking, I would never exchange my wife for a pneumatic tube system. I don't have a wife.

LordWiggle , (edited )
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

"grisly results". Are you sure? I think the pressure failure of the Titan submarine was closer to "grisly". Transit tube failure scores lower on the pressure failure scale. /jk

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

It could kill a European, if consumed by a European. However, it is consumed by an American, so it kills an American.

LordWiggle , (edited )
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

So if you have a fingerprint smart lock cops don't need a warent to enter your house?

A phone is also property owned by you. Or by the company you work for, so it's not even yours.

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

There are other ad block options. And there is Firefox. I use Vivaldi browser, it has a built-in ad blocker, just like many other browsers. I just wish Vivaldi would be Firefox based.

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

Assange fled to a consulate in London. After years of annoying everyone in that small building he thought it would be smart to unveil sensitive information on the government of that consulate. So, they kicked him out by letting the British police in, now he's getting prison time because fuck freedom of press apparently. Snowden fled to Russia. He would have never seen the light of day if they would have cought him. Probably Guantanamo Bay torture for the rest of his life. So their situations are different, I don't know why that would make a difference to the trust in them.

Both have a strong moral compass, otherwise they wouldn't have done what they did.

I'd rather trust and believe whistleblowers with a very strong moral compass, acting in the interest of the general public, then big tech companies hoarding in our data, breaking copyright and privacy, all for those tasty billions. Those companies only have a moral code towards their own bank account.

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

I'm in (the top of) this image and I don't like it.

LordWiggle , (edited )
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

The one I use for years and years now, something I cannot live without anymore: Directory Opus. You can costumize everything. It works with ftp. Moving files has its own transfer system which is faster then windows. It has one folder tree and 2 folder screens next to eachother, each with tabs. I've tried several file browsers, but this one is by far the very best. It took the best from all file browsers and combines them. As options, so you may have a totally different one as to I have, fit to preference.

Edit: a free alternative is Total Commander. 2 windows, tabs, just no folder tree.

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

This is how mine looks. You can even change all colors (this is easy for the eyes). If you like I can give you my settings, as you can back them up into a file.

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

I didn't know it could, I have a 32TB NAS as a central storage. But apparently it does.

See This and This link.

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

I completely agree. I want to switch to Linux as I'm done with the atrocities of Microsoft. No Dopus makes it hard for me to actually make the switch, and I keep on postponing.

No right wing wave in Finland as Left Alliance take record result in EU elections ( yle.fi )

Finland's results in the European election bucked a continent-wide trend of rising support for parties on the outer fringe of right-wing politics, with the Left Alliance and the National Coalition winning big at the expense of the nationalist Finns Party....

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

I'm moving to Finland.

LordWiggle , (edited )
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

I'm familiar with the language, I just don't know it. But Finland is bilingual, as there is also a lot of Norwegian Swedish spoken and many signs are in Norwegian Swedish too. I have less issues understanding Norwegian Swedish. Myself I'm Dutch, I've been to Finland several times. I'm not even going to try to learn the language, it's really hard. But in major cities they speak English.

Edit: I didn't remember correctly the second language

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

Ah thanks for the correction. It has been a while since I've been there, I clearly didn't remember correctly.

LordWiggle , (edited )
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

I fixed it, my bad :)

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

Friend of mine bought an EV. Didn't even last a month. He landed in a tree.

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

Lost consciousness for a bit. Unknown why.

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

Nope, he drove 80km/h with traction control, but lost consciousness somehow. No lines on the road (out in the German countryside) so no line assist. Car went straight when there was a very mild turn, so he drove off the road, into some uphill ridge whi h launched him, woke up when flying through the air after which he landed in a bunch of trees.
This is where he landed. He luckily only had 4 broken ribs.

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

This is often the issue. Not in this case though. He had his license for 24 years, while driving from the south of Germany to the Netherlands back and forth twice a month. He never had an accident before.

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

No, but it's still a factor why they may not last forever XD never underestimate human error.

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

There were no stripes on the road so the line assist didn't work. He was unconscious for just a sec, he remembered seeing the slight turn, then to wake up while flying into the trees.

Missing mother found dead inside 16-foot-long python after it swallowed her whole in Indonesia ( www.cbsnews.com )

A woman has been found dead inside the belly of a snake after it swallowed her whole in central Indonesia, a local official said Saturday, marking at least the fifth person to be devoured by a python in the country since 2017....

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

16 foot. With that many feet, it's not a snake but a centipede imo.

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

Time for Linux. I don't like to change, I've used windows from 3.1. But I see no other option. They will pull the plug on 10 while at the same time are trying their best to make their shitty 11 even worse.

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

Is this a deceleration of war? If the inquisition is over, why is Israel continuing their inquisition?

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

Is that their entire airforce? xD

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

I'm from NL, we only have 24 F16's and I doubt they all work lol. But we also have 34 F35's, although I doubt they are all flight ready. But I completely agree, we should follow Belgium by sending our F16's too, next to the anti air we are gathering to send. We should all send more to support Ukraine! Even troops imo. They are fighting a battle not for just them, but for all of us.

But my initial comment was to make fun of Belgium, because whenever Dutchies have a chance to do so, they will. And vice versa right? Although I love the Belgians! Don't get me wrong!

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

I've had many Belgian colleagues in the navy, besides them I know many others. They sure make a lot of fun of us and honestly, their jokes are way more accurate then ours haha! I'm surrounded by stupid, seriously. Look at our government and how we voted. It's fucking embarrassing and it's getting even worse. I want to move to Norway or something.

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

I'm leeching premium from a friend so no ads on pc, but because I'm getting sick and tired of all the shorts shit being pushed onto me (even play automatically when I would open the YouTube app) I'm using Grayjay on my phone instead of the official YouTube app. Never ads and it even has sponsor block. Plus you can follow creators instead of channels, across platforms. And downloading a video means you can actually watch it without a connection too. It has more perks then someone paying for premium has. Piracy pais off.

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah I hear ya, same here. Fuck shorts.

Grayjay is from Louis Rossmann, one of the biggest advocates for right to repair. It costs 10 dollars, one time payment, but if you don't pay it also works. It's open source. If you have an issue and mail then, they actually respond (fast) to try to solve the issue, or make changes to the app to make it better. It's really great what they do. And YouTube hates him.


LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

There aren't many products being sponsored through YouTube creators which are actually worth it imo. I mean, the best VPN providers don't pay loads of money for ads. Same with many other products. Companies focused on mass ad campaigns often have expensive products which are not that great. I did see some which are actually pretty good, but most of it is just average at best.

But I also have a personal hate towards ads in general. We are being overloaded with ads wherever you look. I try to live as ad free as possible. I think sponsorblock is awesome, because the creator still gets payed as no one can see you skipped the promotion part. I also don't like self promotion parts either. I don't like begging for likes and subscriptions. If the video is good, it gets a like. If the creator is good, I'll follow. If it's really good, I'll consider patreon. Many of the best creators do not beg for likes and only slightly mention patreon at the outro.

I understand creators need to do it, don't get me wrong. I just don't like it so sponsorblock is perfect as creators can continue doing it while I can auto skip. Before I had sponsorblock I never clicked any of the links because of what I mentioned before, so me skipping the parts doesn't change anything for the creator.

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

Louis said in the announcing video it's open source, anyone is free to do with it what they want, even if they want to exclude the 10 dollar payment in it. He really doesn't give a shit.

He did give a warning though:

"if you dare to put malware in it or any other malicious shit, I will hunt you down and destroy you."

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

Oh no! Another rich person caring more about an Instagram photo then the environment on the mountain and the wellbeing of their sherpas has died! Aaaaanyway.

My thoughts go to the sherpas.

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

To call someone you need to have friends. Who needs friends when you have snake?

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

I'll get one for sure. Always handy to have a long battery lasting cheap phone for on festivals, so I don't have to carry my 1000 euro smartphone which probably won't survive. I'm always super careful with my stuff, never break my screen or lose my phone. Except when I'm on festivals. All I need is WhatsApp so I can find my friends anyeay. This becomes an issue after day 2, so I need to carry battery packs or be offline. And battery packs for 7 days festival is heavy and annoying.

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

I had the same experience when switching from the reddit app to Boost. When Boost stopped working for reddit, I couldn't stand it so it was bye bye reddit my entire pc connection is ad free. There's a filter in my router, strong filter in my vpn and I have blockers. I do not watch streaming services, I download everything through usenet with an automated system on my NAS. I have no TV. I order groceries online, I never enter a store. My phone has filters too. I live completely ad free. But then Microsoft comes, and says "fuck you, here's an ad!" on MY machine. Without consent. I was boiling.

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah but that's only UI issues. It also runs much slower then win10. There are massive performance issues. Next to that I have less rights to do stuff. Few days ago I wasn't allowed to forget Bluetooth devices for example. Even in control panel bt settings. After XP it all went downhill with accessibility of settings. Fancy setting pages with restricted options. Why, what's wrong with control panel? I know it's still there, and we still have WIN+X but it's getting placed behind more sub menus and restrictions and more and more is being removed to make it idiot proof. But it's also locking me out. I want full control over my machine. No one tells me what I can and cannot access on my device. Fuck Microsoft.

LordWiggle , (edited )
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

I used something similar for win10. A stripped down version without all the booking dot com and Xbox bs pre-installed. Only local account. But it auto upgraded to 11. Time for format C.

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

Sounds good, I'll go check it out :)

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

They are committing loads of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Why is it news they are being accused of this single crime done in West Bank? Sounds like it's an isolated incident while in fact it's daily business.

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

Damn. Disgusting. After everything in Syria, Rwanda, Ukraine, China, etc, we as western countries claim "we are better than this." While in fact in western countries we have people with power capable of approving and justifying horrific acts which are the same or even worse then what for example Russia does in Ukraine or China with the concentration camps. THERE IS NOTHING WHICH CAN JUSTIFY GENOCIDE. This shit is fucking embarrassing.

LordWiggle , (edited )
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

I would highly advice against using Wine. It requires constant root access, just like virus scanners, making your system vulnerable. EDIT: I was wrong :)

I want to make the switch as win10 moved to 11 without asking and 11 sucks donkey balls. It even has ads as notifications, soon it will have ads in the start menu (not that I use it, but wtf Microsoft!). The games are no issue anymore now a days, so that's fine with me. I just don't want to switch DAW. I just got a work flow using ableton for recording, editing and mastering my dawless setup. Kind of same story with photoshop, used to the work flow and don't want to switch. Other than that, I don't see a reason why not. So maybe it's going to be a multiboot. I'm definitely going back to win10 but support will stop next year or so, so I have to use Linux by than anyway.

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

Anyone who does should be trialed for crimes against humanity.

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

Maybe it changed recently, but this is what I know about wine. Many Linux friends of mine all advice against it.

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

I guess I'm wrong than :)

I'm just saying what my experience was with Wine a while ago and what all my Linux friends tell me. But I guess things changed! Awesome!

LordWiggle ,
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

Check, will do! Good point :)

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