@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar


@[email protected]

Always eat your greens!

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Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

Similar tactic among all the large tech corpos, switch focus to IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, become the backbone of the modern computing landscape.

It's basically a slow switch to becoming critical international infrastructure like power grids, water ways, and gas/oil pipelines.

This all while locking you in as much as possible and milking as much value as they can squeeze.

Am I the only one preferring low quality media over high quality one?

I have a very slow Internet connection (5 Mbps down, and even less for upload). Given that, I always download movies at 720p, since they have low file size, which means I can download them more quickly. Also, I don't notice much of a difference between 1080p and 720p. As for 4K, because I don't have a screen that can display 4K,...

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

Here's my twisted life exposed...I have no issue watching 1080p on my QLED 4K TV. I game at 1080p happily, I honestly don't give a shit about 4K content.

1080p looks good enough for me, and I actually watch 720p on my phone screen half the time too.

And not because of lack of speed, I have a 1Gbps+ fiber line up and down.

And tbh, if it means I get to own and control my media, I would tolerate even worse quality if that's what I needed to do.

Grunge computing ftw! Quality at the cost of your soul? Fuck that!

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

"...that I don't agree with the ideals of transgenders."

Ah, there it is. Has the same vibes as, "I don't have a problem with black people, just black culture."

And what "ideals" are you taking issue with? You mean how trans folks want to be treated equally and fairly? Or maybe how trans folks want to raise awareness of violence across the world towards them? Or maybe how trans folks would like people to respect their pronouns, the exact same way people have been doing for centuries with nicknames and preferred names?

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

You can discuss trans issues all over the place. Trans folks and allies in thousands of forums, websites, and physical locations like diversity centers at universities will happily provide you with reading materials to learn about trans issues and larger LGBT+ issues.

What people won't tolerate is bigotry and hate. You can disagree with trans folks about all kinds of things, just like anyone else in the world, but nobody is going to tolerate you questioning their identity or whether or not they should have the same rights as anybody else.

The fact that you keep treating trans folks and their views as a universal collective means one of three things:

  1. You disagree with the core issues that 99.99% of trans people agree on.
  2. You are using "transgenders" as some kind of dog whistle for your bigoted views and you're trying to play the victim in the classic, "I'm just asking questions, why is that banned?" kind of way.
  3. You're totally ignorant to trans and larger LGBT+ issues and you need to get informed.

If it's the first, then you're a bigot who doesn't think trans folks should be treated fairly and equally in society.

If it's the second, you're also a bigot and just trying to hide it.

If it's the third, you need to start reading and listening to LGBT+ content and learn about social issues from them and their lived experience. Go to a site like glaad.org and start reading there. You can also go to your local library and ask for the LGBT+ section, they will usually have materials and content there that will be informative. Also, any major college/university will have a diversity center or club, go there and ask them for good starter material for getting informed on LGBT+ issues.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

You are literally the "enlightened centrist" stereotype, and you are talking nonsense about trans treatment. Despite the vast majority of research showing that gender affirming care has extremely high success rates and almost all trans folks not regretting transitioning, you apparently refuse to accept that.

Worse yet, you are trying to frame your bigotry as love and care, the same way homophobic Christians claim they "love and care about gay people."

There is no such thing as a "politically neutral" position. That would imply that there is some perfect center between different views, as if political viewpoints can be narrowed down to a 2-dimensional line with "right" & "left." All views have implications for society, and everybody falls into different varying categories and schools of thought, even if they aren't aware of it.

Claiming that you don't means either you are either very ignorant to political theory and philosophy, or you are deliberately being obtuse out of some false sense of moral/intellectual superiority.

Inform yourself, or if you're a bigot, just be open about it and stop pretending you're somehow magically above or outside of political/social biases.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

You're not listening to anything I'm saying, so I'm not really interested in continuing.

I've been extremely charitable to you despite your offensive commentary with other users and myself, I've made a half-dozen points in my other comments and you haven't engaged with any of them.

You're either supremely ignorant or you are a blatant transphobe trying to pretend you're confused and innocently curious.

I've given you resources to get informed, if you're a genuine person you'll follow them. If not, then your question of why you're constantly getting banned from inclusive communities has been answered.

Lettuceeatlettuce , (edited )
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

"We won't train AI on artists' work...this quarter."

~Adobe probably

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

Go easy on them, they're only a 3 trillion dollar company. It's hard for them to get the resources to build well thought out and secure software.

Pathetic, so glad I've been on Linux for years. I don't miss Micro$oft one bit.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

Wild for sure. It's pretty clear that M$ isn't interested in making their OS anything more than a portal for their cloud products.

The overall percentage of revenue that Windows produces for them directly has been steadily shrinking for years while their Azure and cloud services/licensing has grown dramatically.

I guess it makes sense from that perspective. Call me old fashioned, but I still prefer my OS to be a platform for me to compute locally on and use as I see fit. Not be a bloated ad-ridden portal to a walled garden of proprietary web software.

Windows has gotten so bad in the last year or so, that I've actually started telling people, "Try Linux, but if that doesn't work for you, just go with Apple."

Both are scummy, evil mega corps that try to lock you into their platform forever. But at least with Apple, the cage is 24K gold with a little cushion, and you're fed avocado toast & kombucha.

Windows is a rusty, filthy prison cell where the guards randomly come in to rough you up and you're fed a steady diet of stale bread heels and gruel.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

To make matters worse; lots of the trucks listed that I see on the roads have aftermarket larger "off road" tires and lift kits, making them a good 12+ inches taller than stock.

And of course, I see them hauling stuff in the bed or on a trailer about 20% of the time at most. But gawd damnit, they're exercising their rahhts!!

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

Here's a proposal: First, all dog breeding is regulated as strictly as bars with liquor licenses. Criminal charges and jail time if found doing it illegally.

Breeders and owners are required to have insurance coverage specific to dogs.

Owners are held liable for all damages their dog causes, no matter what. Your dog attacks somebody, mauls them and they seek settlement? It's on the owners. If the owner cannot be determined, the breeder is held liable.

Or, just make dogs above say, 30 pounds illegal. "But what if your dog is little and just really fat and becomes over 30 pounds?" Then you are fined and told to get your dog healthy within a certain timeframe, say 90 days, or surrender the dog and pay a fine for neglect, or get charged with animal abuse.

"Well then, nobody would want to get/breed dogs that are anywhere close to 30 pounds full grown because of the risk of violating the law." Yes...that's good. The only dogs people would have are small dogs that can't severely maul/kill people even if they do go off the rails.

"But what about hunters or sportspeople that use dogs to hunt or herd?" Plenty of herding/hunting dogs are within that 30 pound weight range, like Corgis or Beagles. Obviously there would be exceptions for government organizations that use large dogs for legitimate purposes like Saint Bernards for search and rescue.

"But muh gawd damn riaghts!!!" go cry about it.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

Should be distributed laws, not centralized, but you're a statist, so this convo won't go any further.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

I've been on 1080p since highschool, over 15 years, works perfectly for me. I value high frame rate over resolution/fidelity. Luckily for me, even mid-tier hardware is so powerful now, AAA games on ultra at 1080p can easily hit 160+

I have an AMD 6700XT and a 5800X3D with a 240Hz 1080p monitor, it's wonderful for me.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

The fact that you're asking other people about this while being so concerned about all the red flags, is itself a red flag.

Think about it this way: If I wanted you to invest in some company, but I prefaced it with a long list of reasons why the company was really risky and not a wise choice to invest in, would you still invest your life savings into it?

I've known several people, men and women who dated somebody similar to your description, a tortured soul/bad boy or girl that was trying to get better. Do you know how many of them it worked out for? Zero, a zero percent success rate. Worse yet, all of them were hurt in the end by that person. It caused trauma, heartache, and in some cases, straight up abuse.

You shouldn't get into a relationship with somebody who's not fully healed. It is absolutely possible for people to heal from severe trauma and life circumstances, I've seen it happen. But until that happens, you shouldn't get into a relationship with them. It's a bad idea for both parties.

If they get therapy, work on themselves, become established, fix their issues, heal their wounds, and are like that for years consistently, then you can think about dating them. If they are truly on the right path, they will be completely fine with it working out or not at that time down the road.

If they aren't alright with that, then it is a confirmation that they aren't actually healed because they aren't healthy enough to accept that happening. A mature and well-adjusted person is patient enough to wait, and mature enough to accept that different people's lives sometimes go in different directions.

TL;DR Don't do it. You almost certainly will end up hurt, worse off, and possibly even abused. You might also ruin their healing process unintentionally too.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

Not really, accept that he definitely needs professional therapy from a licensed personal who is experienced dealing with that specific form of PTSD.

Remember, you aren't his therapists, nor can you ever be, and trying to fill that role won't be good for either person.

I had to learn this the hard way with a friend of mine who grew up with a very rough childhood. Lots of deep trauma, some pretty horrible stuff. I was trying to act like their therapist without intending it, and they started unintentionally treating me like a therapist.

It caused a lot of problems in our friendship and almost ended it actually. I had to eventually tell them, "I care about you, but I'm not your therapist, and I can't ever be your therapist. You need professional help to deal with your trauma."

Lots of space, no even hints of a relationship for a long time, (years). It takes a long time to heal from that level of trauma, and there isn't anything wrong with that. If at the end of all that, he's truly a new person, fully healed, and there is still a potential spark, then it's a different situation.

But until then, And I do mean several years at least no relationship, trust me, you both will be better off.

PS, not sure if you're also getting professional therapy, but if you can, do it. You very likely need it too, and I say that lovingly. I have received it myself and seen many people I know get helped by it.

Stay smart, stay safe, and best wishes.

Encrypted services Apple, Proton and Wire helped Spanish police identify activist | TechCrunch ( techcrunch.com )

By the way, the earlier posted article https://restoreprivacy.com/protonmail-discloses-user-data-leading-to-arrest-in-spain had an update starting at the paragraph with title Update: Statement from Proton and additional commentary

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

Obligatory reminder:

Email is not a secure medium! If you need truly secure and/or anonymous communications, DON'T USE EMAIL!

Use a platform/protocol designed from the ground up for those things!

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

I'm interested to try their Cosmic desktop later this year.

Overall, seems like a solid company, I've heard good things about their laptops, although I've never had one myself.

Pop_OS as a distro, heard generally good things about. The few times I've messed around with it have been fine. The folks that stick with it seem to like it.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

Plasma has been pretty stable for the last several years I've been using it, especially X11. Wayland is buggier, but not terribly so, and it gets better all the time.

I've switched over to Wayland with Plasma now because it is stable enough for me now, I'm on Nobara.

I don't really use Gnome, so I can't speak to that experience.

If I were to vouch for a DE that is rock stable, it would be Cinnamon. I've never had any problems with Cinnamon. It's not super pretty, and it's a bit clunky, but if I want a DE that just works and gets out of my way, Cinnamon is my first choice.

It's what I use for my business laptop, LMDE with Cinnamon, rock solid.

I should also add that I've always used fully AMD hardware, CPU and GPUs, and never brand new. Always a year or two old, so the Linux kernel has time to address bleeding edge bugs and such.

How are companies or developers supposed to make a full time living with OSI opensourced projects? ( opensource.org )

There has been a lot of talk about companies and individuals adopting licenses that aren't OSI opensource to protect themselves from mega-corp leechers. Developers have also been condemned who put donation notices in the command-line or during package installation. Projects with opensource cores and paid extensions have also...

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

Also paid integrations into your existing environment.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

Sitting in a hot tub as a kid will make you infertile.

Totally an old wive's tale. I looked it up when I was an adult and found out I had been deprived of tons of hours of hot tub time.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

Unclear, my grandma was a nurse. I thought she should have known better, but then again, maybe back in the day that was considered accurate advice medically.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

Well you assumed my sex, but regardless, that claim is still disputed. Some research indicates that it does temporarily lower sperm counts.

None of that is particularly relevant though, because my family was claiming it would permanently cause me to become infertile.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

For invoicing at my small business, I use Invoice Ninja.

Open source, self-hostable, and they offer cloud hosting. Free for the base version with less than 20 users. It has a bunch of features, you are able to create very professional invoices, define services and products, calculate taxes, fees, etc.

It's very clean, fast, and intuitive.

For accounting, I use GnuCash. It's old looking and clunky, but it has a bunch of features and works fine for everything I need.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

No prob! Yeah I've been super happy with Invoice Ninja particularly, it's a really solid piece of software.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

So glad my job allows me to use Linux as my OS. I do IT, and everybody else in the company uses Windows.

Constant problems, brutal driver issues, OS crashes and lockups, software installation failures, hardware incompatibility problems, it's awful.

Linux at work, Linux at home, such an improved experience.

I'll still always love XP though, the last OS from Microsoft that felt like it had a soul.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

I'm happy for you, I wouldn't wish it on people, it sucks.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

Thinkpad A485. If you're going used, I would grab a T460, T470, or T480. Really reliable models, all those can be had for $300 or less online, work great with Linux, and last forever. Plus they are decently repairable.

If new, I would also go with Framework laptops. Super repairable and sustainable. And very high quality laptops. My friend got one and it is super nice. Runs Fedora on it flawlessly.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

"Ay, you ever heard of Lemmy? Lemmy get your number?"

Would you teach your kids how to pirate?

My gf and I have had discussions about teaching morals to kids. In that vein, I asked myself, would I teach piracy to my kids? Yes, it’s technically illegal and carries inherent risks. But so does teenage sex carry the risks of teenage pregnancy, and so we have an obligation to children to teach them how to practice safe sex....

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

Piracy is a great example of a topic where legality and morality aren't the same.

Those kinds of topics are incredibly valuable teaching moments for children.

I would teach them when they are mature enough. Help them understand why some people think it is wrong, when/why you think it is acceptable, and how to do it safely.

You can teach them the difference between actual theft and copying. Explain how piracy has benefited humanity as a whole, explain why knowledge and cultural experiences shouldn't be gate kept by mega-corps from underprivileged people.

There are so many valuable lessons that you as parents could pass on to your kids through the topic of piracy.

And as every major platform enshitifies and information of all kinds gets locked behind more paywalls, piracy will become a more and more important skill to have.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

Timeshift will save you soooooo much pain. Set it up to auto backup a daily image. You can also manually create as many snapshots as you want.

Timeshift has turned system-destroying mistakes I've made into mere 5-10 minute inconveniences. You can use it in the command line, so even if you blow up your whole desktop environment/window manager, you can still restore back to a known gold state.

I create a snapshot before any major updates or customizations.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

Isn't that roughly the overall vision of the Free Software movement? We can all build software that's open and free, as long as that is pushed forward in perpetuity to all subsequent versions/forks.

Your compensation for providing code for free, is that you also get access to all other code for free too. I have paid for lots of FOSS software over the years, or at least donated to their projects and creators/maintainers.

I've actually paid for more FOSS software and services than proprietary software and services overall. Because I want to support the kind of ecosystem I believe should exist.

I favor a pay-what-you-can model personally. Some take for free, some pay a pittance, some pay at cost, and a few pay well over asking price. It's actually the same model that modern free-to-play games use. Most players spend little to no money on the game, just playing for free and keeping everything stock.

But a small amount of players are dolphins and whales, people who happily spend hundreds, in some cases, thousands of dollars on in-game features, items, skins, etc.

That gives me some hope that the model can work, we just need a culture of end users that believe in that sort of thing. That's the kind of pirate ethos I advocate for. Pay for stuff that deserves your money. Pay for things that respect you as a user, respect your privacy, right to repair, right to copy and remix, right to self-host and mod, etc. Those are the kinds of products and services that get my money.

Giant media conglomerates and super-rich entertainers with private yachts and jets, they don't get a cent of my money. I pirate their stuff with the wind at my back, sun on my skin, and a smile on my face.

New York Bill Would Require a Criminal Background Check to Buy a 3D Printer ( gizmodo.com )

I understand the intent, but feel that there are so many other loopholes that put much worse weapons on the street than a printer. Besides, my prints can barely sustain normal use, much less a bullet being fired from them. I would think that this is more of a risk to the person holding the gun than who it's pointing at.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

Anything to regulate and restrict the people/end users but not address any real problems in society.

Go after the gun companies, gun lobbies, NRA? No, never. Address housing, income, and educational inequality? That sounds complicated, tough, and expensive.

This has similar vibes to shaming/regulating people for using too much water in their showers and for washing their cars, but when a multi-billion dollar oil company spills millions of gallons of crude into the sea causing years of environmental damage due to negligence, fine them a few million dollars and tell them they've been very naughty...

So tired of politicians being in the pocket of Capitalist scumbags.

Lettuceeatlettuce ,
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

People who are strongly against nuclear power are ignorant of the actual safety statistics and are harming our ability to sustainably transition off fossil fuels and into renewables.

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