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Lemongrab ,

If they want proper anonymity, the user needs to protect against fingerprinting from the duckduckgo website (Tor or Mullvad). If by anonymity you are meaning from OpenAI, then duckduckgo needs to be running user's text prompts through a paraphrasing LLM to normalize text and avoid deanonimization using writing-style Fingerprinting.

Lemongrab ,

I watched it and I thought it was alright. I have no context for anything outside the video but what he said seems to make sense. Idk anything about FUTO other than they are at least source available for their apps which is enough to be able to inspect their claims about privacy and security.

My take on non-profit source available licenses (I know nothing just stream of thought):
I am I'm favor of an "open" source license minus profiting off of your forks, which I understand makes the resulting license not open source. In a capitalist system, the capitalist class will take every opportunity to parasitically take where ever possible. Nothing free in a capitalist system, including living. Free development comes at a cost, even iif made purely out of passion.

Most of the code I will ever publish will be open source, with the exception of some big and very unique passion projects that I wish to stay nonprofit. Any person who forks it owns their code, but is limited to donations (just in the same way I'd adhere to the license). Source available at least means people can inspect it for badware, which is good for privacy and security. Allowing forking and community collaboration is important. But some greedy corporation stealing your code without contributing back is gross. In an ideal world we wouldn't care about the perceived costs to our time by developing and releasing code for free because money would play no part in our ability to continue existing or as a way to measure our "worth". Why freely enable thier behaviour just to maintain some pure ideological boundaries. They dont deserve to profit off of our labor and passion.

Lemongrab ,

Many mechanics, and bugs, and features. Redstone is very different because the bug/exploit parity doesn't exist and even obvious features are different (Redstone attaches to pistons). When they add a new mechanic, the bugs are different and unique to each game. Like because cauldrons can hold potions in bedrock, you can (idk if its changed) use the newish block dripstone to increment the potion fullness, duplicating it.

Lemongrab ,

Unofficial MCPE launcher is the only way to run bedrock on Linux

Lemongrab ,

They block VPN users.

Lemongrab ,

How recently. I tested with Mullvad and it gave me a notice.

Lemongrab ,

Not a fan of your variable formatting within that string. You are banished from the mickey mouse code house. /s

Lemongrab ,

Its not official, but you can read the manifest to see what is done during building.

Lemongrab ,

Flatpaks are pretty easy to read through. Just go to the links section of Flathub and click the manifest, then read it to see what is done during building.

Lemongrab ,

I just read through the unofficial Flathub Flatpak for Signal and it is very simple. It fetches the .deb from Signal's website, installs it in the sandbox, and uses a launcher script to tell the OS some basic toggles like should it start minimized or should it display a tray icon. In the script it makes use of zypak, which to my understanding is to tell electron (chromium) to allow sandboxing to be handled by Flatpak. Here is the repo and the build instructions is the .yaml file.

Lemongrab ,

And I'd add Celeste to the category of "I'd feel bad for pirating it".

Lemongrab ,

Its hard to not see how big your queue is...

Lemongrab ,

Fingerprinting from the original website is easy, the frontend will have a fingerprint as well but it should be shared by all the users without exposing their browsers. Better privacy therefore.

Lemongrab ,

Librera FD as your reader app: https://www.f-droid.org/en/packages/com.foobnix.pro.pdf.reader/
Sherpa Onnx as your TTS engine: https://github.com/k2-fsa/sherpa-onnx

I recommend the piper TTS pretrained models, either Lessac medium or Kusal high/medium

Lemongrab ,

Installing Sherpa Onnx TTS makes it an option to use as your system TTS voice

Lemongrab ,

You can get USB-C to 2.5 mm jack. I assume your phone is USB-C if it is modern enough to have that specific missing feature.

Lemongrab ,

For a regular user, I'd suggest fedora workstation over Debian. Debian is old reliable, but the out of box experience for the user is clunky and missing some utilities and features. I had a tech friend of mine transition from windows and there were many small things that I hadn't noticed would cause problems.

I still run Debian on many different devices, I like it quite a bit especially when distromorphed with Kicksecure.

There is also Linux Mint Debian Edition which switches the base OS used by Mint to Debian. Out of box experience with LMDE is much more user friendly.

Lemongrab ,

As a rebase, I reccomend secureblue: https://github.com/secureblue/secureblue

Lemongrab ,

Or instead of Kali check out ParrotOS

Lemongrab ,

Kali is all about the tools. It is not more secure than the average linux system, actually the opposite most of the time. It is designed for red team hackers mostly. Still neat to poke around with. The same is true for ParrotOS

Lemongrab ,

2nded. OpenSUSE in general is great imo. IIRC, OpenSUSE has the 2nd largest repo, after Arch Linux AUR

Lemongrab ,

Ketamine is actually great for treatment resistant depression. Lotta ignorant people in the comments. Fuck the corpos and their nonsense to avoid treating workers with human decency, but ketamine prescribed correctly is actually quite effective.

Lemongrab ,

Do you play niche or weird games? Most games I play work as well if not better than windows compared to my gaming friends. The only problems I've had on Linux were because I decided to fuck around with the OS while doing some niche programming shit.

I interact with windows enough (since everyone comes to me for their tech problems) and I don't see a reason that Windows needs to still exist. Ads everywhere, cancerous data collection practices, crappy products that lag or glitch. Its a mess and I hate every time I have to use it any more. Nowhere near the same feature richness of linux, costs money, and they are constantly making poor anticonsumer decisions.

Lemongrab ,

Understandable. For making sure games work I use protondb.com

I haven't had any problems modding games, even using external mod managers.

For most people, a browser and some apps is enough, which linux is perfectly ready for. For most gamers, linux can run basically any game like native, and most niche games with some finagling.

Lemongrab ,

When I tried self hosting it I kept getting trackers blocked by ublock. From just my self hosted instance I get 0 blocked, but with the materialious frontend it would keep climbing. I killed my instance when I reached 90 blocked. It was ublock in hard mode

Lemongrab ,

I assumed it was remote Fonts or something, I may try it again.

Lemongrab ,

Behind ublock or behind materialious? I understand what ublock hard mode is. It blocks all 3rd party frames, scripts, and just 3rd party in general. Minor benefit over ublock medium mode but important in my setup.

Lemongrab ,


Lemongrab ,

It was to make the data inaccessible to general people, therefore removing the reason people visit reddit. Even if reddit could still get the data, regular people would be inconvenienced (in theory) and look somewhere else.

Lemongrab ,

Garbage take. Having apps as PWAs is better for security, privacy, and doesn't need to be clunky. Websites are clunky when they import massive remote JS libraries instead of just relying more on CSS. No website I've every visited has had a valid reason to be slow, I mean we can literally use a webpage to control a remote VM in real time. Apps get to declare most of their permissions and will often require these unnecessary permissions to use them at all.

Lemongrab ,

For security, yes, your word is not enough. This would be confidentiality in the CIA triad. I still understand your disappointment seeing probably many dozens of drives get destroyed. I get the majority of drives by scrapping old PC and it pains me to see what people will throw out.

Lemongrab ,

It is often to teach you how to cope, not just accept.

filminator_developer , to Piracy

Search and Download Films For Free

Lemongrab ,

For real, so many times they have cross posted this with no effort to explain why it needs to be closed source

Lemongrab ,

Virtual machines dont protect absolutely. The fact that it is closed source will stop 99% of Lemmy users from trying your app.

Lemongrab ,

L. Have better pattern recognition then, nerd.

Lemongrab ,

Nah, self hosted local search engine on Microsoft's platform? Lol

Newpipe is getting updates on fdroid again and seem like will be getting updates for the foreseeable future as the issue stopping it is solved. ( lemmy.sdf.org )

Also on an unrelated note anyway to remove live from your subscribed channels update field ? Some channels are filling it with live so i have to really scroll down to see my video feeds and can't find a setting to switch it off. Newpipe didn't used to add live in your what's new feed of subscribed channels, related pic .

Lemongrab ,

Settings>Content>Feed>Fetch channel tabs

Lemongrab ,
  • Stirling PDF
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  • SearXNG
  • Dashy
  • PiHole or Adguard home
Lemongrab ,

Custom default settings, speed, and reliability (not IP blacklisted)

Lemongrab ,

I don't fetch from google. Also a VPN does wonders for that.

Lemongrab ,

It looks clean, maybe not very original but better than a early 2000s looking-ass website

Lemongrab ,

This is true

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