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Buffalox , (edited )

125° F that's above boiling temperature in Flaffenfeit!!! But boiling what is the question? Probably somebody's temper.

Buffalox ,

IDK kind of looks like a cybertruck, pretty fancy eh?

Buffalox ,

This is why some UK leaders wanted out of EU, to make their own rules with way less regard for civil rights.

Buffalox , (edited )

God is a maniac and he wants you to kill all infidels, it's in the Bible.
In what part of the Bible have you ever seen god commanding his followers to help another tribe that believes another god?
Also bring me their foreskin, because reasons.

Buffalox ,

First: It is factually NOT a meme.
Second: I don't see anything justifying calling it psych.
Third: Many here actually appreciate these posts, as can be clearly seen by the daily upvotes, and frequent constructive comments about them.

What good reason do you have for your post?

Buffalox , (edited )

There's a definition of the word meme that was coined by Richard Dawkins, and you obviously don't have a clue what you are talking about.
I also don't see how it's Nazism to post about Ukraine defending themselves against an unprovoked extremely hostile invasion. If there are any Nazis in this, it's obviously the Russians who started this war.

Also there is a link to the source of the image, the telegram page it refers to is an acknowledged reliable source. Where the numbers are shown to be from The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Buffalox , (edited )

Makes very little sense to downvote this, there are several points where Musk could go to jail. Both regarding fraud towards investors and also customers.

Probably the most obvious case is that Musk claimed in 2019 it would be possible to earn money on owning a Tesla, because it would be able to be used as a robo taxi by 2020.
But Full self driving required for Robo Taxi is still nowhere near ready.

He also claimed that Tesla would NOT depreciate like other cars, because they are the most future proof cars you can buy.
But Tesla cars have since depreciated faster than almost any other car, in part because of Tesla price reductions, and in part because the promises came to nothing.

There could also be situations considering Hyperloop, where he promised faster and cheaper public transport, and that it was actually easy to make. But the projects he has accepted all came to nothing.

There may be cases on his promises every year since 2016 that Tesla cars would be capable of FSD next year.

He has also made wildly exaggerated promises about SpaceX, that may constitute fraud towards investors. Starting a Mars base 2022, and manned missions 2024, I don't recall any SpaceX Mars missions.

People have invested their pensions on these false claims, and at some point, I have no doubt they will result in lawsuits, at least some of them.

Buffalox ,

I'm guessing from new investors. That still believe Enron Musk groks it.

In a presentation for investors, Elon Musk revealed that the new supercomputer will use as many as 100,000 Nvidia's H100 GPUs

Buffalox , (edited )

While this wasn't treated as fraud, Musk did lose his $55 billion bonus as deemed an insider job, where Musk controlled the board to the detriment of other shareholders. Here (Denmark) we had a similar case in principle but by a majority shareholder (although much smaller), that resulted in 7 year jail time for the CEO/Stock majority holder that did it.


Why musk isn't in jail for this IDK, but IMO he should be, and by better standards he would be.

Buffalox , (edited )

Yes it does seem the far right is doing better than they should be, this is unfortunately also the case in Europe. And it has very much to do with systematic control and manipulation of both normal media and social media by the 1%.

Buffalox ,

UPS! That must have been a typo, any relation to a company that was fraudulent and went bankrupt is PURELY coincidental.

Buffalox ,

That's probably the reason he is using an older version, the H200 is about to be released, and will free up supply of the older chips.

Buffalox ,

Is there something noticeable about the numbers today? I think there is, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

Buffalox ,

Hmm yeah that could be it, I just still have that nagging feeling...

Buffalox ,

These are some pretty big numbers today, and an aircraft on top.
Sadly Ukraine also has losses, but Ukraine is fighting hard to protect their country and families, and avoid Russian totalitarian control of their country. They are fighting for their freedom and a better future.

Russia is fighting for bullshit reasons, so how heavy losses are they willing to accept as a people for basically nothing? At what point will it be enough?

Buffalox ,

One more day

2300 to go so Probably 2 days, making it Saturday.

Buffalox ,

the Russian economy has to collapse and due to worker shortages, falling oil sales, higher import costs due to sanctions and a lot more it seems like it is starting to happen.

Yes I think it's starting to happen too, but their economy has been more resilient than we originally hoped. But when a company like Gazprom is running at a deficit now, it can only be a sign of a struggling economy IMO.

Buffalox , (edited )

IMO it sounded fake, not fake like artificial or not being real, but more like not being honest or genuine. Like a bit too much or over-attached girlfriend.
Don't get me wrong, it was very impressive, but IMO they should tone down the fake enthusiasm.

Buffalox OP , (edited )

"Plans to allocate" is a bit imprecise, the package is decided and secured. With the 37 Billion SEK Sweden has already donated, the total donation decided is $10.4 Billion USD now. A very significant donation, especially considering Sweden is a country with only 10 million inhabitants.

Thank you Sweden 👍 😀

PS the article states "over $9 billion" the actual number is SEK 112 billion = $10.4 Billion USD in all.

Buffalox ,

500k estimated by Saturday.
Putin: Some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.

Buffalox ,

Obvious strong blinking red light ahead, obvious train passing ahead...

Tesla FSD: Hmmm let's not even slow down, I don't see any signs of problems.

FSD is an acronym for Fool Self Driving.

Buffalox ,

Didn't he recently claim Tesla robotaxi is only months away?
Well I suppose he didn't say how many months, but the implication was less than a year, which has been his claim every year since 2016.

Buffalox ,

I don't get it? Can anybody buy a gun at a gun show? Do you show ID, to have it registered?

Buffalox ,

OK so if I understand you correctly, at a gun show, you can buy a gun as if it was a piece of candy! No check, no registration no nothing. I'm sorry if it's a stupid question, but this seems pretty crazy to me.

Buffalox ,

What!!! Are you saying you don't have your constitutional rights if you are under 13? /s

Buffalox , (edited )


That sounds like a background check, so now I'm as confused as I was to begin with.

Edit: Maybe states are different, but apparently it's possible to buy without any check or showing ID at least in some states.

Buffalox ,

Have you tried to open it in a private window?

Buffalox ,

Thanks for clearing that up for me. 👍

Russia’s War Machine Revs Up as the West’s Plan to Cap Oil Revenues Sputters ( www.nytimes.com )

The United States and its allies in the Group of 7 nations set two goals in 2022 when they enacted a novel plan to cap the price of Russian oil: restrict Moscow’s ability to profit from its energy exports while allowing its oil to continue flowing on international markets to prevent a global price shock....

Buffalox ,

A variety of factors have allowed Russia to continue profiting from strong oil revenue,

IDK the biggest energy company in Russia Gazprom recently posted losses for 2023. That was BEFORE Ukraine began to target Russian refineries and oil depots.
Also the strategy was to LOWER Russian profits, so oil production keeps going, to prevent global oil prices from exploding, but make it so Russia has as little profit as possible.

Apparently that strategy has worked extremely well, and with Ukrainian attacks on refineries, the effect will probably more than double, as Russia now needs to export crude oil, and re-import it as refined products, to sustain both the war effort and the population. Further stressing the Russian economy, but still without harming global oil prices.

It's very clever IMO, and it must be extremely frustrating for the Russians.

Buffalox ,

That was a very successful bailout, government got all its money back, lots of jobs were saved, and competition was maintained to the benefit of consumers.

Buffalox , (edited )

The bank bailouts is where they went wrong. The car industry didn't cause the financial crisis, the financial institutes did, those are the ones that should have been allowed to crash IMO.
It's a misunderstanding that it would have been damaging to the economy to allow them to crash. Iceland did just that, they were among the hardest hit, but they were first to recover.
The amount of money to keep the system going, is NOT dependent on the existence of irresponsible money losing financial institutions.
Whoever came up with that argument to save the banks, is a straight up con man.

Saving an industry or company under extraordinary circumstances they didn't cause, is patching an imperfect free market to minimize harm is fair, and we all know that free markets are never perfect. Claiming otherwise is delusional.
Saving the ones that caused the harm by acting extremely irresponsibly is idiotic and unjust.

Buffalox ,

Free market economy is inherently imperfect, and needs to be both regulated and adjusted by government.

Russia's Kharkiv offensive – what is the plan? ( www.youtube.com )

Russia has launched an offensive into the Kharkiv region, and it has created a lot of alarmist news reports. In reality it is difficult to see what Russia's plan is, and it is not self-evident that it is a smart use of resources. In this video I discuss whether we might be seeing a return to the fragmented command structures...

Buffalox OP ,

This was very informative and interesting to me, Anders Puck Nielsen explains why the "tactical significant results" Russia has achieved at Kharkiv may not mean as much as we might think.

Important knowledge for us that are not savvy in military expressions.

But the part afterwords is even more interesting IMO, about how Russia might not even have a strategy to win this war.

So I thought this would be interesting to others too.


Buffalox , (edited )

I am very unsure that planet picture is real, I don't think they can get that kind of detail even with James Webb telescope. It's also not described below the picture what the actual source is.
Seems extremely misleading to include that picture claiming to "look" at James Webb images.

Buffalox ,

It honestly look inaccurate to me, so I downvoted it as IMO misleading.

Buffalox ,

Move to Europe, that NDA isn't legal here, which makes the whole thing void.

Buffalox ,

This is a pretty gutsy move by Estonia if they do that. Estonia is a small country with most of its border towards Russia. They have little chance to defend themselves if Russia is stupid enough to decide to invade.

Obviously being a NATO member is the best protection there is for Estonia, but does chapter 5 still work, if Estonia sends personel officially to Ukraine to participate in the defense of Ukraine, even if it isn't on the front?

I hope we will see this happen soon, I am pretty sure that if Estonia does it, other countries will follow. That's the way it's been with everything else. If one country takes the lead others follow.

Buffalox ,

Great, I hope you are right, we need to enable Ukraine to finish this.

Buffalox ,

A decline is ALWAYS relative to something, otherwise it wouldn't make sense. So what is it really that you mean?

Intel used to be the undisputed leader both on CPU design and production process. Those positions are both lost, Intel also always used to have huge profits, but has had deficits lately, that used to be absolutely unheard of. They have lost both their economic and technological lead and they have lost marketshare, So how is that not a decline by every measure?

Buffalox ,

Don't you mean standing relatively still? /s

Buffalox ,

It's literally the fist sentence of the article:

Tesla might be dropping Steam support

Buffalox , (edited )

Wow they are actually copying what digg did, and expecting a different outcome.

Edit: Changed DIGG to digg for correctness.

Buffalox ,

Sorry digg.

Buffalox ,

Shame reddit didn’t have the same amount of people jump ship like when everyone left Digg

For me that would mostly be schadenfreude, people use all kinds of social media I am not at all involved with, and I've stopped caring about it.
The way Reddit is run is all about monetization and stock value now, I seriously doubt they can do anything to attract me again. But it's better that certain people stay over there IMO.

I've contributed to "Fedihosting Foundation .world group" and I'm considering monthly contribution, as I do use it on a daily basis.

Buffalox ,

Yes because snopes is a better source than CNN, WaPo, BBC, AP News, The Hill, Reuters and on and on.

Also he has admitted it himself:


Elon Musk says he withheld Starlink over Crimea to avoid escalation

So why don't you just butt off with your bullshit already? You are hereby reported.

Buffalox ,

Mercedes: Requirements to be used Legally.
Tesla: Not Legal unverified results.

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