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Buffalox , (edited )

VW doesn't own a single one of the other brands on that list.

Buffalox ,

Why is this bullshit upvoted?
Already the first sentence, they change from the headline "without recoding" to "with further optimization".
Then the explanation "a companion chip that optimizes processing tasks in real-time"
This is already done at compiler level and internally in any modern CPU for more than a decade.

It might be possible to some degree for some specific forms of code, like maybe Java. But generally for the CPU this is bullshit, and the headline is decidedly dishonest.

Buffalox ,

The country blocking peace is 100% Russia and ONLY Russia. Russia go home is absolutely the quickest and most sensible route to peace.
Russians are the Nazis and Putin is as bad as Hitler.

Buffalox , (edited )

How is that even remotely relevant to Russia invading Ukraine completely unprovoked in 2014, and again in 2022?
If you side with Nazi Russia, that's your choice. But it's self destructive and insane.
Because of Putins imperialistic dreams, Russia will now have poverty as the Soviet era, so in that way Putin will achieve his goal of bringing Russia back to the lack of greatness of the Soviet Empire.

Russia says U.S. is responsible for deadly Ukrainian attack on Crimea ( www.reuters.com )

MOSCOW, June 23 (Reuters) - Russia said on Sunday that the United States was responsible for a Ukrainian attack on the Russian-annexed Crimean peninsula with five U.S.-supplied missiles that killed at least five people including three children and injured 124 more....

Buffalox ,

No Russia is completely responsible, if they hadn't occupied it, Ukraine wouldn't have to fight to get it back. Fuck Russia your rhetoric is stupid. The Russians are the Nazis and Putin will die in a bunker.

Buffalox ,

May he despair so he wish to commit suicide, but be in prison so he is prevented from doing it.

Buffalox ,

At less than a tenth the size, this is actually a better explanation than the article. Already correcting the fact that we do at the very beginning.
If you absolutely had to put a bit width on the Zen 4, the 2x128 bit data bus is probably the best single measure totaling 256 bit IMO.

Buffalox ,

Yes you are 100% right, and I did consider level 3 cache as a better measure, because that allows communication between cores without the need to go through RAM, and cache generally has a high hit rate. But this number was surprisingly difficult to find, so I settled on the data bus.
Anyways it would be absolutely fair to call it 256bit by more than one measure. But for sure it isn't just 64 bit, because it has 512 bit instructions, so the instruction set isn't limited to 64 bit. Even if someone was stubborn enough to claim the general instruction set is 64 bit, it has the ability to decode and execute 2 simultaneous 64 bit instructions per core, making at least 128 bit by any measure.

Buffalox ,

But on the other hand, it will also create 800 million new jobs needed for damage control.

Buffalox , (edited )

This is working as intended, Ukraine attacks refineries, which makes it necessary for Russia to export crude oil at lower prices.
This way Ukraine can hit the Russian economy, without causing oil prices to increase on the global market, something Ukrainian allies have expressed concern about.
It is allegedly already causing difficulties for Russia to refine enough oil for their needs for their war against Ukraine, and that makes it necessary for Russia to export crude oil and buy some of it back at higher prices after it has been refined.

Buffalox , (edited )

What's it say? Go find yourself? Go Fill yourself? IDK is this some game you Americans have where you have to guess the word, because the amount of pearl clutching is just too insane in America?

Ah yes that's the amazing freedom of speech Americans are so proud of, except they don't actually have it, they are just indoctrinated to think so.

My god American regulation is so idiotic sometimes!!!

Buffalox , (edited )

Yes and they may actually reelect that criminal traitor malignant narcissist SOB! .
That's the the country that refuses to regulate guns despite massive amounts of school shootings, but won't allow words to be written or said because that is apparently more harmful than bullets!!!

It's absolute insanity.

Buffalox ,

we can and do say fuck without any problem.

Not on public TV you can't. Beep beep beep Fucking idiots.

Buffalox , (edited )

Ha you don't even know, that so funny. Look up freedom of speech index, and see the difference to countries that have better freedom of speech than USA.

Buffalox , (edited )

For instance in schools you are not allowed to talk about gender identity in some states.
Often you are not allowed to teach about slavery either.
You are also often not allowed as a teacher or just working at the school to say if you anything other than straight.
That would actually be illegal to enforce in countries with better protected freedom of speech.
One school banned a graphic novel Maus about holocaust despite it has won a Pulitzer.
Aaron Swartz was persecuted by authorities to the point of suicide for legally copying and trying to make information available to the public, that should by definition of the terms they were kept, be available to the public, but were not.
In the military you are not allowed to say you are gay.

The terrorist acts has secret courts giving secret organisations power to silence companies on for instance when information is demanded on users from companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft Apple, also when the demands are illegal by normal law, generally because they are too wide. Other often targeted companies are also mail services with increased security. This is monitored by a secret club in congress. This is part of what Obama called a "balanced" approach.
Failure to respect these secret courts, will result in you being judged by same secret courts!!!
You are not even allowed to seek outside council or mention it to anybody for help on what to do.

In much the same way there are restriction on the "free" press, which make it impossible for the press to air concerns.
This is probably why you have a multitude of stories like this:

What's notable is that the more experience a journalist has, the more likely he is aware there's a problem. But there are no specifics on exactly what the problems are.

On public TV you cannot air profanity:


outlined the swear words that are still taboo on broadcast TV to this day -- ended up causing the highest court to rule that the Federal Communications Commission had the authority to regulate what viewers see on broadcast media.

Beep beep beep, it's so incredibly stupid!!!!

So maybe the meme was self censored, but it was out of a habit of doing so because in some situations you MUST, meaning your freedom of speech is restricted. By doing so on the meme, it parrots more official channels.

USA is probably the most censored country of the free world they claim to protect, and you don't even know it!?!?!

Buffalox ,


swear words that are still taboo on broadcast TV to this day – ended up causing the highest court to rule that the Federal Communications Commission had the authority to regulate what viewers see on broadcast media.

Buffalox , (edited )

People were tired after being chased by security forces before Arafat day. They were exhausted," one Arab diplomat told AFP

What? This doesn't make any sense!

But terrible that so many people die, just to live up to a delusion.

Buffalox ,

Yes there is that.
Btw I suspect Mohammed was a western plant, to prevent the Arabs from getting too far ahead scientifically. If that's the case, it has worked better than anybody could dream of.

Buffalox , (edited )

I can't find a quote from the OP linked DW article, so I found this.

EDIT: It is in the original article posted, it's just the OP comment that is misleading. Read the article, and forget the OP comment.

Diese Mannschaft ist wirklich großartig. Stellt euch kurz vor, da wären nur weiße deutsche Spieler.

My amateur translation as neither English or German first language:
This team is really great, imagine (for a moment) if it was only white German players.

Seems like she is trying to defend the fact that it's not an all white team. But IDK, seems somehow inelegant the way she writes it. But maybe my German isn't good enough?

I think she should have stopped at just saying the team is great, the second part just seems like a weird response to racist complaints that there are too few whites on the team. Just saying the team is great, is probably the best counter to racism IMO.

Buffalox ,

Thank you. 😀

Buffalox , (edited )

100% at skattelettelser ikke gavner iværksættere ret meget, det er meget svært at skabe overskud i starten som iværksætter, og ofte tjener man faktisk mindre end en almindelig løn i starten for at bygge en virksomhed op.

Så det her er bare traditionel højreorienteret politik hvor man påstår de rige er iværksættere. Selvom det er tydeligt demonstreret at skattelettelser ikke hjælper til at skabe flere jobs.

Så alt i alt fis i en hornlygte, mens offentlige ydelser bliver ringere og ringere for at give mere til de rige.
Sundhedsvæsen både hospitaler, skadestue og lægevagt er alle blevet ringere, skoler, ældrepleje, videregående uddannelser, SU, kontanthjælp, førtidspension, pensionsalder. Det hele er skåret hårdt ned for de svageste, mens skatten sættes ned for de rige.

Socialdemokratiet er blevet et borgerligt parti, i en process hvor de er gået mere og mere til højre siden Nyrup blev valgt til formand. for at samarbejde over midten med de radikale.

Buffalox , (edited )

Boafgift er allerede reduceret væsentligt i forhold til den gamle arveafgift.

Boet skal betale 15 procent boafgift af den del af arven, der er større end 333.100 kr


Tror de vil holde danske virksomheder i DK,

Jeg tror det er bullshit. Hvis du ikke kan overtage en virksomhed hvor du får 85% forærende, så kan jeg ikke rigtigt se hvordan den skulle være værd at sælge til udlandet.

Faktisk kan jeg slet ikke se nogen sammenhæng, om hvorfor hverken højere eller lavere skat, skulle øge eller sænke graden af salg af arveselskaber til udlandet???

Buffalox , (edited )

Jeg gad vide hvad det er de vil prøve for at vinde vælgerne tilbage,

Det mest oplagte er nok at afskaffe påske helligdagene, dem er der ikke nogen der gider have alligevel, og det vil sikkert øge populariteten af regeringen for deres ansvarlighed og evne til at tage svære beslutninger.


Buffalox ,

Hvis virksomheden er noget værd, er det ikke noget problem at finansiere de 15% skat. Hvis virksomheden ikke er noget værd, tvivler jeg på at udenlandske købere er interesserede alligevel.
Men selv hvis den bliver solgt til udenlandske købere, kan det faktisk være en fordel, fordi det er udenlandsk investering i dansk erhvervsliv. Og det er faktisk noget vi forsøger at tiltrække.
Så hvis øget skat øger salget til udlandet, tror jeg nationaløkonomisk set, at det er en fordel at sætte skatten endog kraftigt i vejret.

Buffalox ,

Jamen det har du ret i, men fra 15% til noget lavere gør det nok ikke stor forskel.

Buffalox , (edited )

Jeg har en tanke om at det kunne være cool at mindre virksomheder kunne aflevere bilag til skattevæsenet, og de så lavede regnskab for en. På den måde ville opstarts virksomheder blive lettet for en betydelig byrde, og man ville være sikker på ikke at få bøvl senere. Måske endda have en tilknyttet personlig rådgiver.
Det er den slags forbedringer jeg kunne forestille mig kunne være gavnligt, ikke skattelettelser og ringere service. Skattelettelser er kun relevant når ens overskud/indtægt er høj nok til man ikke strengt taget har brug for dem.

Når det er sagt vil vi selvfølgelig allesammen gerne betale mindre i skat, men efter min mening ikke på bekostning af de stadige forringelser vi har set gennem 40 år nu.

I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicity ( ludic.mataroa.blog )

How stupid do you have to be to believe that only 8% of companies have seen failed AI projects? We can't manage this consistently with CRUD apps and people think that this number isn't laughable? Some companies have seen benefits during the LLM craze, but not 92% of them. 34% of companies report that generative AI specifically...

Buffalox ,

We need AI because it's convenient to blame for any problems.

Buffalox ,

Yep AI will definitely be used as stamp of approval for bad decisions. Just give it input and questions in different ways until you get the answer you want, and you can say, hey the fancy AI advised it!

Buffalox , (edited )

Wait a second, I think I'm just about to get it, maybe if I read it one more time...

Ah yes, but has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

Buffalox , (edited )

That's rude where are your manners? It's Hey Enron, go fuck yourself PLEASE.

Buffalox ,

OK, that's amazing, and should clear that up completely. ;)

Buffalox , (edited )

but even when it went through, it was about 50/50.

First search result:
Seems support for NATO is way more than 50/50, 76% for and only 12% against. (May 2022)

Second search result:
Maybe you claim that's an outlier, but the next result was 78% for: (September 2022)

US just has somewhat too much influence over it for it to be truly a politically neutral defence alliance

Nobody ever claimed it is politically neutral, there are actually political requirements to become a member, like it's only possible for democracies.

The people who were pro-NATO used a lot of fear mongering

Maybe you are naive, and believe Russia would never dream of doing anything against Finland if Russia won over Ukraine. The Ukraine war by Putin was a moment of truth, Putin was ready to use military power against peaceful neighbors, and Finland used to be under Russia too, so Finland is very likely on the list.

But all that is besides the point, that Russia very obviously does not in reality fear NATO, Because Finland is NATO now, and that was the point of the comment:

Shows how concerned they actually are about NATO

Which is true, and Russia has been lying all the time about their need to defend themselves against NATO.

Buffalox ,

I do not think you understand the strategic danger Finland would be in without NATO, If Russia had won Ukraine.
It's not even really questioned whether Russia would go further afterwards, but more what the strategy would be. And that would likely be to go for areas that only had lose defense alliances, meaning Finland would probably be higher on the list than Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Maybe Russia would go for Moldova and Georgia first, but they would fall quickly, and Russia could surprise by going for Finland first.

There is no doubt that Finland would be in much higher danger than Sweden, and the idea of Russia as a mostly peaceful neighbor ought to be dead for anyone by now. And it's absolutely laughable to compare EU with NATO, Just see how Hungary has messed up aid for Ukraine, Finland could be overrun before a decision was made in EU to even do anything.

NORDEFCO is mostly nothing, and it's definitely NOT a defense pact. IDK why you would even mention that?

It's amazing you feel you need to mention you are not anti NATO, being anti NATO as an NCO in the Finnish reserves, would be insane now IMO.

Buffalox , (edited )

I don't care to go through all your misunderstandings, but this is probably key enough to show you don't really grasp the basics.


NORDEFCO has not generally been seen as a mutual defence pact and it is not regarded as a command structure,

Buffalox , (edited )

Where did you sit your lessons on Finnish military capability,

Please show me where I make just a hint about that, I have not written ANYTHING about the Finish defense capabilities.

The reason I don't care to go through all, is that it's just to damned much.

Yes EU is an actual defense pact, but it lacks structure and capability, because most countries have relied much on USA for the actual military muscle.
This has been shown in our lacking ability to supply Ukraine without USA. Also EU unfortunately doesn't include UK anymore, which would be the best militarily prepared country if they were in.
EU is ramping up now, so we will be less dependent on USA. And I'm happy we have Finland and Sweden with us. (Denmark here)

Before Russia invaded Ukraine, things were different, there was a strong effort for cooperation with Russia, which unfortunately they didn't appreciate as we had hoped. So if by "before" you mean when Russia had not shown their true colors, I'd believe the 50/50 thing. The difference is the invasion. And after that it was certainly not 50/50, and it became clear the danger to Finland had increased too.

The part of the Russian strategy I'm talking about, was exactly about Russia poking in places that was NOT Nato, but where they might have a chance to divide both Europe and NATO, and Finland could be such an area to poke.

Obviously we are all standing much stronger now, because we have been strengthened both EU and NATO, and Russia has been weakened. But if Ukraine had fallen when USA didn't support them much for 8 months, the situation could be way more dangerous than it is.

Buffalox ,

cockiness is exactly why a lot of people still oppose NATO.


Buffalox ,

Apple should make a virtual headset you can buy in META, then put it on when you are already in a VR setting, except now you can use Apple services with it!

That way it would have zero production cost, be absolutely as useless as it already is, and can be just as overpriced.

It seems like the perfect Apple scheme.

Buffalox ,

I wanted an Arm based Linux netbook or laptop for many years ever since the multi-core Smartphones came out around 2008.
Already back then the Intel based Netbooks were laughably bad compared to Arm, and couldn't even play video properly, while you could do that with ease even on early smartphones with Arm at 1080p.

But for some reason Arm has given Linux very little love with their GPU drivers, and AFAIK they still don't support it well, so now I say go fuck yourself.
Arm is NOT a good company for Linux. How they missed that opportunity for a strong market entry for over a decade I simply cannot fathom.

If AMD made an Arm CPU with Radeon graphics, that would be cool. Because AMD has good open source drivers on Linux, and has generally good Linux support.

Buffalox ,

Yes that's what Intel has been preaching for 2 decades now, but I don't believe it, if it were true, then how come Intel could not compete spending more than Arms entire revenue for 10 years to try to make a better CPU than Arm? They failed for 10 years with $10 billion in losses trying, and then they simply gave up, because they were basically no closer after 10 years than they started out with. And that was back when they still had a production process advantage!!!

But apart from that AMD would make an Arm CPU because it's become a huge ecosystem competitive in scope to X86. AND I have zero doubt that if they do, they will prove to have better power efficiency than their X86 offerings.
AMD was at it before, but that was when they were near bankrupt, now AMD is hugely profitable, and can easily afford the extra R&D, but of course they will only do it, if they believe they can capture Arm marketshare enough for it to be profitable.

Buffalox ,

In theory yes, in practice I'm not so sure. Risc-V is BSD, so whatever company chooses to make it, can change it as they like and completely ruin compatibility.
I don't think it will work, because the BSD license doesn't protect it from whatever abuse any maker feels like.
I do follow it as a potential alternative, and alternatives are always nice.

Supermassive black hole roars to life as astronomers watch in real time ( arstechnica.com )

In December 2019, astronomers were surprised to observe a long-quiet galaxy, 300 million light-years away, suddenly come alive, emitting ultraviolet, optical, and infrared light into space. Far from quieting down again, by February of this year, the galaxy had begun emitting X-ray light; it is becoming more active. Astronomers...

Buffalox ,

Just a bit of latency. Maybe they'll improve that in universe V2.

Buffalox , (edited )

Thanks for picking up the torch. 👍 😀

Russia has had huge losses for several months now, so I was wondering what it will take for Russia to finally give up? AFAIK Most wars end in total defeat and surrender for the losing side, but this war seems to be based on such an incredible miscalculation by Russia, that I sincerely hope they will give up before that.
Some claim Biden is abandoning his balancing act, because it leads nowhere, if that is true, and if Biden wins the election that should be very great news for Ukraine.

Rumors of an economic collapse in Russia are increasing, I've mentioned this before, but I don't see how Russia can sustain an economy that is both overheating and in recession at the same time. So far they have manged, but for how long can they keep it up?

Anyways, other allies are ramping up support, so hopefully if Trump wins, it will be less devastating than the 8 months with little help from USA because of the Republicans.


Biden's balancing act for those unaware, is preventing Russia from winning, but also trying to prevent Russia from losing so badly it disintegrates into several smaller powers, each of which will have nukes. Creating a very volatile situation with higher risk of nukes being used.

Buffalox ,

And those are the lucky half, that still have a place to stay.

Buffalox ,

To be fair, it's no joke to be a minority in either Russia or China either, so they are pretty poor countries to use for that comparison, as they actually are worse in most regards.

Buffalox ,

We need to stop acknowledging the one China policy. China is threatening war against Taiwan, and there should be absolutely zero doubt that we don't condone Chinese aggression towards Taiwan.
EU and other allies should of course not support it either.

Buffalox ,

What? I have no idea where that came from? The One China policy is about reuniting Taiwan with mainland China.

In principle I don't mind that China wants Taiwan to reunite with China, as long as they are perfectly peaceful about it, like with Germany and Est Germany.

But what are you talking about?

Buffalox , (edited )

Jamen regeringen har lovet skattenedsættelser igen, så hvad fanden brokker i jer over? /s

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