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Blue_Morpho ,

I thought they were completely insane but losing their parking because of poor planning is a good reason to be mad.

The city planners created a town that wasn't walkable and then took away parking from a few people knowing that a minority of complainers can't fight back.

If the council wants to take away a few citizens' parking, how about they bulldoze the council members yards for parking lots. Even better is eminent domain the council members homes to turn it mixed use urban design to make the town walkable. Then they can have more bike lanes and everyone is happy.

Blue_Morpho ,

These council members are trying to make it less car dependent and you want to bulldoze there houses for trying?

It's always someone else that must make the sacrifice, not those making the decisions.

Blue_Morpho ,

This is a bit of a reach but bike lanes are most effective when they connect directly. That means they are built on major roads, not cul-de-sacs that go nowhere.

Who buys roads in front of major roads: the poor. Because the expensive homes are in cul-de-sacs far from the heavy road noise.

So the law is equally just to rich and poor in the same way it is equally just to rich and poor by making sleeping under a bridge illegal.

Everyone benefits from the bike lanes, but only the poorer homeowners are inconvenienced.

Blue_Morpho ,

The reason they complained wasn't specifically the bike lanes but the loss of parking which affects them and causes a ripple effect on their neighbors. Adding parking fixes the overcrowding that the bike lanes caused.

Blue_Morpho ,

Lead acid batteries have a 99% recycling rate.

Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising ( )

Windows 11 is getting out of hand with its push for advertisments, frankly - remember the recent full-screen pop-up to persuade users to install Edge or other Microsoft services? Then another advertisment was placed in the Start menu, and now Microsoft has finally worn my temper thin - with a new Game Pass ad coming to the...

Blue_Morpho ,

No, Pihole doesn't help.

I think the reason you say you haven't seen an ad on Windows is because the ads aren't the traditional ads like you see on a webpage.

When someone talks about an ad on Windows, they are referring to the Spotify app presinstalled in the Start Menu, the OneDrive prompt for backing up during setup, and the weather bug on the taskbar that brings up news if you click it.

You might think that a weather widget isn't an ad, but the idea is you click it, see a relevant news article, click the news article and you are taken to a traditional webpage with ads.

Blue_Morpho ,

That's what a hobby is supposed to be.

Every hobby doesn't need to be a lifetime career.

Blue_Morpho ,

I bought several before knowing what I was getting into. They work well but are designed by people worshiping Apple. Everything is locked into their ecosystem. You can't even ssl into the access point to configure it. You need to run their Java controller app to configure them or worse buy another product (cloud key) just to configure the access points you purchased. Then they try really hard to get you to setup your network admin password on their cloud servers ( they have already had security breaches where the passwords leaked).

For a small businesses that pay someone off-site to manage their network they seem fantastic. But they are the opposite of homelab ethos.

But again, they work really well. The access points do channel strength negotiation automatically every night by talking to each other.

Blue_Morpho ,

I’m not sure about configuring them independent of a controller as I haven’t tried.

That's my point. With regular ap's you can do everything via ssh. Ubiquity doesn't seem to document the command line. The website doesn't list any commands. It only says "only do it with a Ubquity engineer helping you".

Blue_Morpho ,

Requiring a phone app, java app or Cloud Key to configure an AP isn't home lab ethos. That it looses config on reboot if you configure it by ssh is weird given you don't need a controller running once they are setup. They can be rebooted without a controller and still work fine.

Where did you find the command line documentation? I was never able to find anything.

Blue_Morpho ,


Yes, the Java app dockerized.

Blue_Morpho ,

If you were actually able to set it up via ssh, then you should be able to point me to the documentation for the Ubiquity AP cli.

I'm not sure if you are a fanboi or a shill but it is dishonest to claim that you say you could configure your Ubiquity AP when Ubiquity itself refuses to provide documentation of the cli interface.

Another poster said the same thing and linked to the same thread I found years ago which says in effect, "There is no official cli documentation for the APs. You might be able to sneak a few commands by digging through the forums."

Blue_Morpho ,

I never claimed it was. But Java comes with its own baggage of Oracle shenanigans (they could start licensing drama with open source forks just like they did a few years ago) and java security patches means maintenance. All of which would be completely unnecessary if Ubiquity let you setup the AP with ssl.

The controller interface is amazing. But it, or a phone app should not be required to set up an AP.

Blue_Morpho ,

Published documents from the Iraq and Afghanistan war that outed Iraqis and Afghanis who were helping the US.

Received dirt on the American Democrat party from the Russians and released it during the election to help Trump.

Raped a woman and hid in the Ecuador embassy until the statute of limitations ran out.

Blue_Morpho , (edited )

Its simple. Now that China is in the lead, do what China did to the west. If you want access to the markets you have to build a plant in the US and share IP. That's what the EU just proposed to China's EV manufacturers.

It's good for everyone. Consumers get cheap batteries, China gets Western Markets, and Western companies get Chinese technology to drive the next wave of competition.

Israel's high court orders the army to draft ultra-Orthodox men, rattling Netanyahu's government ( )

Israel’s Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled unanimously that the military must begin drafting ultra-Orthodox men for compulsory service, a landmark decision that could lead to the collapse of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing coalition as Israel continues to wage war in Gaza....

Blue_Morpho ,

The other important bit is the Ultra Orthodox are, in general, the most Anti Palestinian block. They are 40% of the "settlers" in the West Bank.

How long would it take to create a Pyramid today?

Just a shower thought. Seeing how these structures took decades to build in their times, and that too entirely with manual labour, I was wondering how long these architectural marvels would take to be built in this post modern era with the help of our technological advancements....

Blue_Morpho , (edited )

The Manhattan project took 2.5 years. It involved mining 18.8 million pounds of uranium. 10 Cyclotron factories of 20 cyclotrons for 22,000 workers were built in 6 months to separate the uranium.

It boils down to collecting all the building equipment from around the world and sending it to where you want to build the pyramid.

50,000 people cutting stone while 50,000 heavy construction equipment operators move the stones would take 2 months.

So it's really down to resources. If it was a Manhattan Project level of resources thrown at building a Pyramid, I'd wild guess 3 months.

Thoughts on the self promotion rules that many Reddit subs have? ( )

Isn't this what upvotes and downvotes are for? Do they only want posts about billionaire mega corporations? 10% is a really strict cutoff for people that make things as a hobby. What else am I gonna post when everything else is already posted instantly? I can't post to r/pcgaming for the same reason....

Blue_Morpho ,

There are two solutions.

The first is to post to the very specific relevant forums. The niche forums want your content.

The second solution for you is to do what corporations do and create many sock puppets. When a new episode of a Disney series comes out, a post is made promoting it and no one is warned for self promotion despite the post very likely coming from Disney Marketing.

Blue_Morpho ,

Yeah that's why I used the qualifier "most likely". Production companies always know details before fans, so they are better positioned to market their products early.

Blue_Morpho ,

I'm not sure what you are talking about. Linux got PAE in 1999. Windows XP got PAE in 2001.

Blue_Morpho ,

Your other posts didn't reply to your claim that it is a Windows only problem. Linux did and some distros (Raspberry Pi) have the same limitations as Windows 95.

32 bit Windows XP got PAE in 2001, two years after Linux. 64 bit Windows came out in 2005.

Blue_Morpho ,

2 years was a long time to wait to use the extra memory that Linux could use out of the box.

For 8 years, Linux had the same limitations as Windows. Then for 2 years it was ahead. Pae could always be turned back on with a boot switch. Going back 25 years to criticize Windows is kind of weird but you do you.

(I run Linux on a variety of PCs, SBC's, and VM's in my house. I just get annoyed by unjustified Linux fanboyism.)

Blue_Morpho ,

And as I said, it could still be enabled with a boot switch.

It's not like all distros in 1999 had PAE enabled by default. You had to find a pae enabled kernel.

And Linux PAE has been buggy off and on for 20 years:

"It worked for a while, but the problem came back in 2022. "

Blue_Morpho ,

Cropping can completely change the context of a photo.

Blue_Morpho ,

I know it's a common meme but it still annoys me. Netscape's own JWZ wrote about how Netscape destroyed itself. I have personal experience with Netscape being full of itself, buggy, and forcing myself and all other small isp owners (which were over 50% of the market at the time) to ship Internet Explorer CDs to customers despite our really wanting to ship Netscape.

HP bricks ProBook laptops with bad BIOS delivered via automatic updates — many users face black screen after Windows pushes new firmware ( )

On May 26, a user on HP's support forums reported that a forced, automatic BIOS update had bricked their HP ProBook 455 G7 into an unusable state. Subsequently, other users have joined the thread to sound off about experiencing the same issue....

Blue_Morpho ,

What are your suggestions? The only reasonable choice I've found is the Framework. I'd prefer if I had more than a single choice.

Blue_Morpho ,

"implying the hype train could've begun with a book"

But it didn't. Yet your title wasn't posed as a hypothetical but as a fact.

Is it more energy efficient to charge a phone/tablet using a desktop/laptop while your computer is being used vs using the charger? ( )

I was just thinking if you are on your computer anyway would it just use some of the excess electricity that your computer would have wasted or would it be worse than charging your phone from a charger while using your laptop separately.

Blue_Morpho , (edited )

Gallium Nitride based modern phone chargers are 95% efficient.

The very best, most expensive PC power supplies on 115v AC will only reach 94% at the very specific 50% load of power supply rated wattage. So if you have a 500 watt power supply, and aren't using almost exactly 250 watts, you aren't getting that 94% efficiency. Regular power supplies under normal variable load conditions are going to be somewhere in the 80% efficient range. If the PC is idle, that efficiency can drop to 20% (but it's fine because it's only a few watts).

So using a modern Gallium Nitride stand alone charger will be more efficient. It will be extremely more efficient if you use that stand alone charger instead of charging off your PC while your PC is idle.

Blue_Morpho ,

Adding a 30 watt phone is going to be maybe 5% of the PC load. So it could bring it up to a few percent. But that is insignificant compared to the normal swings of 200+ watts between normal and load.

Blue_Morpho ,

Yes, the batteries would need to be replaced but that means designing them to be replaced.

Unlike the Tesla model Y which built the battery into the frame and filled it with foam so that it absolutely cannot get replaced. Musk said the way to replace the battery is to send the entire car to the scrap yard and recover the lithium from the shredder.

Blue_Morpho ,

Here is the link where Sandy Munroe determined the Model Y pack is non repairable and it includes Elon Musk's reply tweet saying the pack should be seen as "high grade ore".

Blue_Morpho ,

The sauce should be thick so it doesn't immediately soak. The meal needs to be eaten fresh.

It's no different than dipping sauce on fried ragoons, pakora, samosa, etc.

Blue_Morpho ,

Your statement is technically true but wrong in practice. Because your statement applies to EVERYTHING on the Internet. We had tons of error ridden garbage articles written by underpaid interns long before AI.

And no, fact checking is quicker than writing something from scratch. Just like verifying Wikipedia sources is quicker than writing a Wikipedia article.

Blue_Morpho ,

But Clarity is an app a web developer adds to their own web site. So, yeah a website you visit sees everything you do on their website.

That's not new.

Screen capping everything on your PC at all times is new.

Transition from litter box to doing business outdoors

We've got one cat 6months and the other 3months old, currently both using the litterbox. However we're going to move to a new house soon, and eventually try to transition them to getting used to doing their business outdoors instead of the litterbox. Does anyone have any tips or best practices for this transition?...

Blue_Morpho ,

Your government knows it's a problem but doesn't care.

"A report by the Norwegian Ornithological Association (NOF) from 2018 states that there were about
770,000 cats in Norway in 2016, and that these together kill circa 7 million birds each year. "

Blue_Morpho , (edited )

This is really nice for home servers. There has been a huge gap for years where the choice was a 16-64 core high watt monstrosity or use a 4 year old server CPU before every server went to high core counts.

8cores with ecc is perfect for my home use.

Blue_Morpho ,

Plex, Blue Iris, Minecraft mod servers for the kids. I'll often use the server CPU for video filtering/encoding home videos off of VHS tapes because the nnedi3 filter takes a lot of CPU.

Years ago I lost data on a nas because the ram wasn't ECC. So I won't buy/build any PC without ECC unless it's only going to be used for web browsing/gaming.

Blue_Morpho ,

Could be but finding a motherboard that has verified ECC is tricky. Most say works but not tested/supported so you're on your own to figure out if ECC fully works.

Blue_Morpho ,

The AsRock says ECC but not verified with Ryzen.

So you end up having to test it yourself like this guy and hope the version hasn't changed between when he bought the motherboard and now.

Blue_Morpho ,

I've read there is an id pin on Epyc cpus that differentiates them from Ryzen. Der8aur made it work by masking the pin on the socket.

Blue_Morpho ,

Yes! The anti mow people don't understand that your yard doesn't turn into a wildflower meadow if you stop mowing.

I spent hundreds of dollars on wildflower seeds and tiller rentals to get a wildflower meadow started.

5 years later and it's just weeds. And not nice weeds- It's 1/2" long thornbush weeds- perfect for spreading tics onto the local deer population.

Blue_Morpho ,

I still let it grow despite the weeds. But weeds is an understatement. As I said, it's thornbushes and they grow into impassible thicket. I have enough acres that I'm fine with it. But it's not something the average homeowner could allow to happen. It isn't child safe.


The Animals record "House Of The Rising Sun" in one take at De Lane Lea Studios on Kingsway in London. The song would top the UK singles chart the following July and reach number one in America two months later. In 1999, the record was given a Grammy Hall of Fame Award

Blue_Morpho ,

I just went down the wiki rabbit hole:

Sky pilot was also the Animals? How did I not know that??

Eric Burdon's wife left him for Jimi Hendrix.

The guitarist for The Animals was Andy Summer who went on to The Police.

The bassist was Chas Chandler who left to manage Jimi Hendrix and Slade.

Eric Burdon was the Eggman in the Beatles I am the Walrus. There are two stories confirming it. One is from Malcolm McDowell with Eric being at Lennon's house for breakfast, and one story is racy. Although both stories could be true with the common thread being Lennon calling Burdon the Eggman.

Blue_Morpho ,
Blue_Morpho ,

While I agree that ROM + emulator is best for preservation, you absolutely can fix the space invader bug because you have the C code which would let you add in delays. Just like there are many versions of Space Invaders for different consoles an none of them use emulation but play like the original. I'm a fan of si78c, a memory accurate reimplementation of the 1978 arcade game written in C.

Of course Space Invaders wasn't written in C so this new tool doesn't apply.

But the article does talk about how the decompiler sometimes introduces bugs and how they were manually fixed before compiling.

So you were right but the problem you brought up has already been addressed. (And will continue to need to be addressed as more cross compiling bugs are found in each game.)

I interpreted the word "legacy" the OP used as the fandom for old games rather than perfect preservation.

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