@Die4Ever@programming.dev cover
@Die4Ever@programming.dev avatar


@[email protected]

Developer of Deus Ex Randomizer, StarCraft 2 Randomizer, RollerCoaster Tycoon Randomizer, Build Engine Randomizer, and Groovie 2 in ScummVM



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Thoughts on the self promotion rules that many Reddit subs have? ( programming.dev )

Isn't this what upvotes and downvotes are for? Do they only want posts about billionaire mega corporations? 10% is a really strict cutoff for people that make things as a hobby. What else am I gonna post when everything else is already posted instantly? I can't post to r/pcgaming for the same reason....

Die4Ever OP ,
@Die4Ever@programming.dev avatar
Message text so you don't have to read the image:

Hi /u/Die4Ever,

Thank you for posting to /r/Games. Unfortunately, we have removed this submission per Rule 8.

Promotional Content Requirements

We have strict rules for promoting content. Posting links to your own or affiliated content are considered self-promotion. Promotion should not be the main purpose of your account, you should be an active, participating member of this community first. Violation of these rules can result in a ban either on your user or on the site or game in question. Remember that Reddit has its own advertising feature which is a much better, appropriate way to use Reddit for the purpose of advertising!

Post Compensation and Disclosure - Receiving compensation of any kind to post about something without disclosure is strictly against the rules. This includes money, Reddit Gold, or anything in between.

Account History Requirement - No more than 10% of your submissions across all of Reddit may be to any single site, profile, or channel. This is not limited to your own content: you can be in violation of the promotion rules for a site that you have no direct affiliation with. Comments usually do not factor into the 10% rule. That being said, we can take comments into account if we feel they are being used to circumvent the 10% submission restriction (such as posting a specific domain repeatedly in comments) Additionally, moderators may use their discretion when it comes to multiple sources about the same topic in relation to promotional limits.

If you have any questions or would like additional clarification on the promotion rules for /r/Games, feel free to send the mods a message about it!

This is considered an official warning. Further Rule 8 violations may result in greater consequences, up to and including an account and/or domain ban from this subreddit.

If you would like to discuss this removal, please modmail the moderators. This post was removed by a human moderator; this comment was left by a bot.

Die4Ever OP ,
@Die4Ever@programming.dev avatar

It's ok to have a rule like this in case of abusers. But I'm not being abusive about it, I'm not using AI, and I'm getting many upvotes. The 10% rule is incredibly strict if applied indiscriminately.

Die4Ever OP ,
@Die4Ever@programming.dev avatar

Plenty of site to participate in and plenty to talk/post about that doesn't involve your thing.

I comment plenty, and anything else I want to post has already been posted. I guess the only way is to start following RSS feeds to post things more quickly lol. I'm not gonna do that though.

Also the fact that they count it site-wide instead of sub-wide means if you create your own sub or use an appropriate niche sub, you're gonna screw up your own ratio.

Die4Ever OP ,
@Die4Ever@programming.dev avatar

Tomorrow Deus Ex is turning 24 years old, and DXRando is turning 4 years old!

Biggest Changes Since v2.0

  • You can now pet the dog! And other animals too. With bingo goals.
  • Way more goals randomization
  • Mirrored maps
  • Installer program
  • New game modes:
    • WaltonWare mode - A quick option to get into the game without the time commitment of the full game! You start in a random mission and win by completing one bingo. As New Game+ keeps making it harder, see how fast you can complete them or how many you can complete!
    • WaltonWare Entrance Rando - both modes combined!
    • Zero Rando - great for first-time Deus Ex players to benefit from the bug fixes, QoL improvements, and balance changes we've made, without any randomization.
    • DXR Vanilla Fixer: This one is for the purists. Use our new installer program and it will do compatibility fixes for the vanilla game (Kentie's Launcher, D3D10, DXVK, Engine.dll fix, and more), then just run DeusEx.exe as normal and the gameplay will be unchanged but with high frame rates and resolutions!
    • Randomizer Lite - randomizes some things without interfering with the immersion and mood of the game. Great for players who haven't played Deus Ex in a long time, or if you're intimidated by the full Randomizer.
    • Randomizer Medium - similar to Randomizer Lite but with more randomization features enabled by default. Remember you can tweak the settings in the Advanced menu to play with any randomization level you want.
    • Serious Sam mode - same as the normal game but with 10x as many enemies. The player has increased health and takes reduced damage to compensate.
    • Speedrun mode - speedrun with fewer resets while still being able to enjoy higher difficulties. And a built in splits viewer!
    • As well as the old Entrance Randomizer mode and Horde mode
  • Enemies overhaul with more variety, augs, helmets, face shields to protect from tear gas, and randomized patrol routes.
  • Now up to 337 bingo goals
  • Randomized music, continuous music, and support for Unreal and Unreal Tournament music
  • Auto augs to reduce fumbling with all your F-keys
  • Many more possible locations for items, datacubes, nanokeys, crates, and enemies to appear.
  • Loot refusal system.
  • Reduced pixel hunting
    • Datacubes/nanokeys/medbots/repairbots now glow
    • Crates that become emptied now turn into cardboard boxes so you know from a distance
    • Training mission improvements including explanation of some of Randomizer's features
Die4Ever OP ,
@Die4Ever@programming.dev avatar

are you asking from a technical perspective or a gameplay perspective?

Die4Ever OP ,
@Die4Ever@programming.dev avatar

Technical perspective first...

This is Unreal Engine 1, which used UnrealScript programming language. It was extremely flexible, and you can extract the original UnrealScript code (including comments) from the game. This means it's nearly an open source game, except for the native code. But pretty much everything is controlled by the UnrealScript anyways. Including the GUIs, HUDs, conversations, most of the AI stuff, damage calculations, keyboard key bindings, etc.

On top of this, Deus Ex released their SDK tools (I think in 2001, around the time of the multiplayer patch). Which is their version of the UnrealEd map editor, conversation file editor, and UnrealScript compiler/extractor.

Die4Ever OP ,
@Die4Ever@programming.dev avatar

Gameplay perspective...

This game is really open, there are many approaches to every situation. Which means when things get randomized, it tips the scales of balance and you have to reconsider every option for every seed.

Even just choosing a melee weapon, you're thinking about knife vs baton vs crowbar vs sword vs eventually the dragon's tooth sword. On some seeds the knife does a bit extra damage and then you gotta think if it's better than the baton and crowbar because of its speed, and it only uses a single inventory space. On some seeds you might get a weak and slow dragon's tooth sword and it might not even be worth keeping!

And then you've got all the different paths through the levels, and you'll be rethinking routes based on random start locations, random goal locations, or random enemies in different spots, or items or medical bots. Or maybe a door was randomized to need more lockpicks and your lockpicking skill is worse than vanilla, maybe you need another way around or you choose to find the key to save lockpicks for later. You won't be doing the same thing every playthrough like vanilla where eventually you figure out which approaches you like best for each spot. The randomizer gets you to rethink it all and adapt.

The ability to do anything also means you can always progress, you don't get stuck just because you're missing a password or low on multitools, there's always another way. The randomizer really forces you to adapt.

I think any game with good replayability is a good target for a randomizer, it just amplifies that replayability.

Die4Ever OP ,
@Die4Ever@programming.dev avatar

Thanks! Yea everything shown in that trailer is in UnrealScript aside from the creation of the mirrored map files, and the installer obviously, both of those were done in Python. The death markers and other online features (which are all optional and opt-in, disabled by default) use a TCP connection in the game written in UnrealScript to make HTTP requests, the backend is a Python Flask server. We even wrote our own JSON parser inside of UnrealScript (it's not perfect but it does enough for us). Technically it's possible to add a DLL module to the game for stuff like JSON parsing but we haven't needed to, and technically this keeps it more easily portable (like if SurrealEngine even gets to a more completed state).

We had to write our own PRNG function to work inside UnrealScript, because the provided one doesn't allow seeding.

Die4Ever OP ,
@Die4Ever@programming.dev avatar

And dogs, rats, greasels, karkians, and fish if you're standing (the game doesn't have a use animation while swimming), and grays too but you'll take damage when you do it

Die4Ever ,
@Die4Ever@programming.dev avatar

I scrolled to the bottom, saw there was 1 instance still running 0.16.6 lol, I clicked on it and saw it's actually still active, there are recent posts there. Amazing.

Die4Ever ,
@Die4Ever@programming.dev avatar

0.19.5 has passed 0.19.4 now, with 86 vs 85

I'm surprised 0.18.4 has more instances than 0.18.5, considering 0.18.5 was the simplest update ever with just a small hotfix for federating moderation actions (which is a really important bugfix) and it didn't have any changes to the database or configuration or dependencies

Die4Ever OP ,
@Die4Ever@programming.dev avatar

I need to try a DSVania rando some day, I loved Dawn of Sorrow

Die4Ever ,
@Die4Ever@programming.dev avatar

below 5W, then the charger is considered “slow,” and the message “charging slowly” is shown on the lock screen. If the power is above 7.5W, then it’s considered “fast,” and the “charging rapidly” message is shown instead. If the power is between 5 and 7.5W, then the charger is seen as “normal,” and the lock screen simply says the phone is “charging.”

Seems to be a purely cosmetic change. I was wondering if the OS has any different behavior when charging quickly (like being more aggressive with running background processes, and running updates/backups) but the article didn't say anything about that.

If my phone was only charging at 5 or 6W I'd want to know the charger is garage. That might not even be enough to use the phone without losing battery. What they really need is to rename "slow" to "very slow", and then 5W to 7.5W could be considered the new "slow". The intent being that "very slow" is problematically slow (maybe the OS scheduler could pretend the phone is not charging). And "slow" charging would just be for mild inconvenience.

If only the phone could just tell me the actual number of watts it's charging at lol. Even if it's rounded and averaged.

"Moderation tools are nonexistent on here. It also eats up storage like crazy [...] The software is downright frustrating to work with" - Can any other instance admins relate to this?

After a year online the free speech-focused instance 'Burggit' is shutting down. Among other motivations, the admins point to grievances with the Lemmy software as one of the main reasons for shutting down the instance. In a first post asking about migrating to Sharkey, one of the admins states:...

Die4Ever ,
@Die4Ever@programming.dev avatar

there was a discussion about this same post before, I'll just copy paste my comment...

That post complains about not being able to view/manage images hosted by your instance, but v0.19.4 already fixed that last week? So that kinda disproves them saying the Lemmy developers didn’t want it to be possible. Also the post complains about the amount of storage used by caching images but that was also fixed/improved in v0.19.4

Die4Ever ,
@Die4Ever@programming.dev avatar

It's very hard for people to accept that there are other things that may need to be worked on before their requested fix/feature. Every big project has a huge backlog of issues/feature requests, you can't do them all in 1 day or even 1 year. Especially with low funding lol.

Die4Ever ,
@Die4Ever@programming.dev avatar

Though Lemmy has funding for full-time developers.

barely, edited it to say low funding

I hope the plugin system will attract more contributors, especially since it supports a variety of languages

Die4Ever ,
@Die4Ever@programming.dev avatar

I think it's just a comparison because during the Reddit Exodus people often suggested Discuit instead of Lemmy because ActivityPub is "too complicated". So I guess this is a good demonstration that federation really is our best hope at replacing the big billionaire social media platforms.

As another point of reference vs Discuit's 6,787 registered users, Lemmy has 1,904,195 registered users. Kbin has 66,175, and Mbin has 5,453 registered users.

[RFC] Thoughts on Combining Comments for Crossposts?

Disclaimer: If this isn't in the spirit of the community, feel free to remove the post and I'll re-post it in my app-specific community. I'm posting it here since it's a feature that I'm thinking through that may eventually make it into the Lemmy app I develop, and the people here would probably have good ideas/opinions on the...

Die4Ever ,
@Die4Ever@programming.dev avatar

Related: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/2012

I think the devs want comments to be specific to the community in order to retain the culture of each community.


Combining comments is out, because these are different posts that live on different communities, each with their own members and mod policies.

Lemmy-ui already has a "post-deduplicator" that simplifies viewing cross-posts on the same page, that should probably be replicated in a lot of UIs. But that seems to me the best way to handle it.

This comment is another way to explain the issue https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/4225#issuecomment-1837522660

This would be a bad user experience for certain communities. Imagine the same news article is posted in /c/cars and /c/fuckcars. It is not desired nor expected to have all comments combined.

But I do think there may be some room for combined comments, like when Lemmy has a method to group communities, maybe those comments could be combined from the grouped communities.

Die4Ever ,
@Die4Ever@programming.dev avatar

I'm still most excited about the ongoing work on plugin support


would you say this belongs in the 0.20.0 milestone? or is it too soon?

Die4Ever ,
@Die4Ever@programming.dev avatar

I think that's https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/pull/4623

which is part of the milestone for v0.19.5

Die4Ever , (edited )
@Die4Ever@programming.dev avatar

Especially with Lemmy getting support for plugins soon, I don't see the need for making a new platform

A new sorting method for "unanswered" is a cool idea. I'm not sure if it's quite as simple as just finding posts with 0 comments, because people can put additional questions in the comments but it's still unanswered. Also how do you sort them for posts with the same number of comments/answers. But this is definitely something that a plugin could handle.

Die4Ever ,
@Die4Ever@programming.dev avatar

tl;dr: apps should login with the username [email protected] similar to email, instead of choosing instance programming.dev and then typing in die4ever for username separately

yea that probably would be simpler, I'm sure some apps already do this

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