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Beetschnapps ,

No I don’t. And when I think of those things they are considered negative. Despite my own thoughts never feeling normal or normative.
Despite the fact that I never have a societal norm that keeps me going… I instead find my own norm and keep going… it’s weird I never seek to pull society down I try to move up…

I don’t really agree with this post, but I’m trying to move forward so who knows…

Beetschnapps ,

Use kodi for last mile?

VLC is great as a file playing app, terrible as a home server…

Beetschnapps , (edited )

Camp fire for the saints…

Edit: to point out that the comment demonstrating the worst parts of that book has 50 upvotes.

While my pointing that out has negative downvotes.

Then a later comment of mine mentioning how fucked up that mindset is… was upvoted… just like the original comment acting out that mindset…

Beetschnapps ,

A horrid mindset.

Beetschnapps , (edited )

“I fear that nothing matters and even being concerned is a wasted effort.”

Your “fear” is the issue. You offer nothing but issues / excuses.

Beetschnapps ,

“Ignoring all that”

keep whining… keep adding conditionals…

Beetschnapps , (edited )

Nothing unread. Nothing of value was lost. No value missed. You cling to BS.

Beetschnapps ,

Random string of numbers weighs in…

Perplexity Is a Bullshit Machine ( )

A WIRED analysis and one carried out by developer Robb Knight suggest that Perplexity is able to achieve this partly through apparently ignoring a widely accepted web standard known as the Robots Exclusion Protocol to surreptitiously scrape areas of websites that operators do not want accessed by bots, despite claiming that...

Beetschnapps , (edited )

Historically it’s blamed on UX. PMs don’t create products they run MS Excel.

The gators are everyone that interacts with your code.

Beetschnapps ,

It’s funny how accountability is just ignored so that certain folks get to feel good.

Having worked in tech companies for decades, I’ve never once felt comfy with letting computer science majors just take the wheel… but I’m sure someone think this hits “hard”.

Beetschnapps ,

Aka “I have zero responsibility here.”

We are talking about about engineers whose careers are based around abstractions.

Beetschnapps , (edited )

The movie is bonkers by definition! Kinda the whole point. Hopefully the game can make the same!

Beetschnapps , (edited )

“Hi! I’m white and I hate you!”
It’s now your problem and you should move…

Beetschnapps , (edited )

Think of it as a function you can unleash on others…

Beetschnapps ,

The important thing is that you find gratification regardless…

Do you feel good? Need a tummy rub?

Beetschnapps ,

My first thought too! How could you talk shit on Blankman? J5!

Beetschnapps , (edited )

You have to understand “capitalist” in this case means “I’m in high school and someone looks greedy”.

Like, there’s nuance and then there’s “everyone who is not an anarcho-socialist-utopian-solar-punk-revolutionary is a capitalist”.

And I say this totally not defending capitalism, I’m just smart enough to see a difference between “fisher-price my first socialism” vs reality…

Having a greedy oligarchy isn’t capitalism, it can be just as bad if not worse but the idea things being different is lost on these folks… if you are going to argue that Putin taking everything for himself is just Russia being “capitalist” then you are literally telling the world “I can see lots of trees, but no forest…”

Beetschnapps ,

No shit. Doesn’t make them capitalists and it doesn’t make a mob boss the monopoly man. Regardless of “systems” I wouldn’t call China capitalist nor Russia and comparing them to or claiming them as such wouldn’t be accurate or even helpful really.

It’s not helpful in assessing current context or motive. But yea let’s just call em all capitalist…

Beetschnapps ,

Makes you feel better? So changing groups totally makes it all okay?

Beetschnapps ,

So in a world where micro plastics are infecting every aspect of our lives…

Beetschnapps ,

You may be right…

Just checking comparing this to pottery, thinner/less plastic, or metal…

Or did I miss something by considering the waste from PROTOTYPING everything via spools of plastic? Like I was just talking about planters but if you like, you really have me wondering… what about all the excess plastics prototyping other things… how familiar are you with all that plastic coming off the 3d printing industry? Did I miss something about all this plastic?

We would all be better off knowing what you know. What did I miss?

Beetschnapps ,

There wasn’t an excuse in the first place.
It’s kinda amazing anyone can say centering a div was ever hard, especially if you have a computer science degree.

I mean sure it’s different from say object-oriented programming… but it’s frankly weird in a professional setting hearing grown adults with plenty of experience struggle over basic front-end work.

Beetschnapps ,

I don’t want to go back to sega fucking up the hardware game that bad…

Beetschnapps ,


Now don’t look…

Do you need a dentist visit every 6 months? That filling? The data is weak ( )

A 2020 Cochrane review that assessed the two clinical trials concluded that "whether adults see their dentist for a check‐up every six months or at personalized intervals based on their dentist's assessment of their risk of dental disease does not affect tooth decay, gum disease, or quality of life. Longer intervals (up to 24...

Beetschnapps , (edited )

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say a random person on YouTube is not worth it compared to dentists consistently telling you the same thing since childhood.

I mean, how do you put this gently… a random YouTube video likely does not have your interests at heart… and if you have a cavity go see a dentist! It can only get worse.

[Brace yourself]

In the states, insurance often requires cleanings at a set schedule before they cover payments.

Fluoride does prevent cavities and doesn’t promote communism.

Losing teeth can hasten mental decline.

All you gotta do is brush your teeth…

How do you store your grounded coffee? ( )

Hiya, just quickly wondering how people store their coffee? Mine is in a tin box I got second hand, cos I thought it looked nice. Any rules regarding storing grounded coffee? I don't store much at the time, it's just if I grind a little too much and what not. I'm assuming the general thumb rule for this is to store it in a...

Beetschnapps ,

OP was curious enough to ask, but not curious enough to you know…

Beetschnapps ,

The same as everyone else on the planet not desperate to sign up for a pump and dump scheme like crypto.

Same as my parents and your parents and their parents and everyone’s grandparents and the whole sum total of hundreds of years of human experience in what has been pretty much a prosperous economy.

But something tells me the whole internet couldn’t stop you from telling us all why we have it all wrong and should instead waste the energy output of Argentina on fake math problems to artificially create a coin…

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