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Strit , in Uuh grub? avatar

Can you replicate it?
If you can, you can create a bug report. If not, it's probably a one-time thing where the stars alligned and the conditions where just right for it to happen.

Molten_Moron ,

The ol' cosmic bit flip

acockworkorange ,
ceasarlegsvin , in What would an ENSH*TTIFIED Linux distro look like? [video]

Using sudo costs in game currency

caseyweederman ,

Sudo is on a cooldown

MonkderDritte ,

I use rdo.

ceasarlegsvin ,

That's locked behind the battle pass

MonkderDritte ,


hunger , in Linux kernel Rust coding guidelines are heretic. avatar

Rustfmt is not very configurable. That is a wonderful thing: People don't waste time on discussing different formatting options and every bit of rust code looks pretty identical.

Doods OP , (edited )

My emotions just stopped, so I can now think straight.

There are really only 2 changes that - in my eyes - should be made:

  • 8 space-long, hard tabs.
  • 80 character limit instead of 100.

I don't think a tool like rustfmt can affect most of the original guidelines, and it's generally compatible with the OG style by default.

Edit: I - surprisingly - never actually used rustfmt, so I will go now and test before I say something stupid.

Edit II: I just found this on their repo:

Rustfmt is designed to be very configurable.

Edit III: I tested rustfmt with:

hard_tabs = true

max_width = 80

It's great!

acockworkorange ,

We are not stuck to DEC VT100 terminals anymore. It’s okay to have 100 columns of code. And wasting 10% of that space for each indentation? What are you smoking?

Doods OP ,

wasting 10% of that space for each indentation? What are you smoking?

As I said before, this standard is older than C itself, and the kernel's been using it for decades, I shouldn't have to explain it. Long tabs and short lines boost readability, and restricting indentation to 3 solves the problem. Read my reply to [email protected] for more context.

Also rustfmt didn't move the string in

println!("a very long string slice with a static lifetime"); to a new line even when it exceeded a 100 columns, I should seek a solution.

Note: The actual string I used was way longer than that.

thingsiplay , avatar

8 space-long, hard tabs.

Hard disagree. 8 spaces is waste and 4 should be industry standard. Tabs should not be used for indentation, but spaces. On the other side, Tabs are configurable, so that's actually a plus point.

80 character limit instead of 100.

Why? 80 is an old standard with limitations that do not apply today anymore. We have wider screens and higher resolutions. While it makes sense to keep this to be consistent with previous code and language defaults for C, there is no reason to enforce this for the new adopted language, which already has a standard on its own.

And yes rustfmt can be configured and when I started with Rust I changed max_width to 80, just because I was used to it with Python. But there is no benefit doing this in Rust.

eveninghere ,

I think they can just ban tabs. And do some automatic rejection via... what? Are kernel devs still using email attachment for this?

mypasswordis1234 , in Windows is hell, i need to do something avatar

In all honesty, you should decide between Debian and Fedora. If you're new to this, stay away from Arch Linux, Gentoo, or Manjaro. Simplicity is key. The two systems I mentioned are known for their reliability, so you should be fine with either one.

HumanPerson ,

If you are made out of matter stay away from manjaro. Other than that I agree, and would recommend debian slightly over fedora but that is just personal preference. Also I feel like opensuse deserves an honorable mention. Maybe not tumbleweed, but leap could be suitable for a new user and yast rocks.

Also vscodium can be good alternative to vscode. It is vscode without Microsoft's tracking, but an exact copy otherwise.

mypasswordis1234 , avatar

Indeed, I use VSCodium on my Fedora system every day, but since the question was about VSCode, I provided information specifically related to VSCode.

Debian rigorously tests its packages over an extended period before they are released in the official version, ensuring a very stable system. This approach means the software is generally older, but it's been thoroughly vetted. Fedora, on the other hand, provides newer software while still maintaining a good level of stability.

On the other hand, Arch Linux — and its sub-distributions like Manjaro and Gentoo — releases software much more quickly, sometimes almost immediately which can kill your system during updates. I'd go so far as to say that Arch Linux is less stable than Windows.

TL;DR: If you don't want to find out five minutes before an online meeting that your system won't boot — avoid Arch Linux.

not_amm ,

I use Canva in the browser, but I gotta say that it works better in Microsoft Edge than in Firefox. I think it may be a Chromium thing, but I haven't tested other browsers.

LeFantome ,

Microsoft Edge works great on Linux. It is my second browser after Firefox.

mypasswordis1234 , avatar

Imagine switching to Linux and installing Microsoft Edge 💀

LolaCat , in Uuh grub? avatar

Did you replace your BIOS with Minecraft’s texture files? Classic mistake, I’ve done it a dozen times! /s

JustMarkov , (edited ) in KDE Plasma needs stability

Plasma needs stability

Yeah, let's not mention Gnome breaking every peace of itself every update, along with abandoning APIs and hating QT apps. How can I use a DE, if I can almost certainly be sure that half of my extensions won't work after another update? Or that all of my QT apps will look weird (if they'll work at all)?
And I don't hate Gnome. It's cool and stuff, but you can't call it stable, 'cause KDE/XFCE/LXDE/[insert DE name here] will be far more stable than Gnome.

Kusimulkku ,

*me waiting for EventCalendar and Krunner-Symbols being updated for Plasma 6*

Luckily with Plasma it's not as common for extensions to break.

Spectacle8011 , avatar

Yeah, let’s not mention Gnome breaking every peace of itself every update

This is not my experience.

optissima , avatar

That's mine!

john89 ,

What's sad is the gnome team is so adamant about removing functionality to make their jobs easier.

This means you need extensions to make gnome usable, but it ends up feeling hacked together because it is.

I'll never forgive the gnome team for their defense of putting the dock on the side with no option to change it or not including something like gnome tweak tools by default.

It's really obvious gnome died with gnome3. That's when all the forks happened, and for good reason. The gnome3 team just listens to the wrong people.

I'm glad we have alternatives to that pile of crap.

TheGrandNagus ,

Gnome is amazing.

john89 ,

I'm glad you like it.

TheGrandNagus , (edited )

Yeah, it's amazing. Best DE for sure. I'm sorry that it hurts your feelings or whatever, that's unfortunate.

TeryVeneno ,

If you rely on extensions when you use GNOME, that’s on you. Vanilla gnome is perfectly fine by itself if you understand the workflow. I only really want, not need, one extension and that’s pano the clipboard manager. Anything else is just extra.

LinuxAlex , avatar

@TeryVeneno @JustMarkov, Gnome really works good and it's stable, but the Apps Ecosystem isn't really the best. You have "limited" apps in the sense of: apps don't have so much features as the Kirigami apps for KDE. Sometimes we like an integrated terminal in apps or split screen option (like in Dolphin) and Gnome doesn't feature it from out of the box. Then you have to use extensions, which are really, really unstable 🙄 (that's just my point of view)

TeryVeneno ,

That’s really interesting cause in my experience it’s been the opposite, I feel way too limited and also overwhelmed using kde apps, the plethora of gnome apps on flathub dedicated to doing one thing really well are just wonderful. And sometimes more complicated ones show up too like Design or Denaro or Planify.

LinuxAlex , avatar

@TeryVeneno, Yes Gnome it's more user friendly and has more macOS features. It's easier to catch up and use it (I used it for 4 years, before switching to Cinnamon, then Deepin and now KDE for another 4 years). On KDE I just like the features that Gnome doesn't provide, like: hot corners, easier switching desktops, integrated terminal in almost any app 😅, KDE admin apps (like KSysLog), SSH profile in Konsole,... It's better for daily usage. But Gnome has far better UI/UX (I have to admit) 😁

TeryVeneno ,

Aside from the integrated terminal in almost any app, I think gnome has all those other features you mentioned. I do have to say KDE is definitely more customizable though. Also not sure I would say gnome has any MacOS features, the two are very different in my experience. But gnome is definitely lagging on implementation of Somme Wayland things. UI/UX is king though for me so here we are lol.

gian ,

Vanilla gnome is perfectly fine by itself if you understand the workflow.

Well, maybe it is the DE that should be able to adapt to my workflow and not the other way around

randomaside , in Revive That Old Computer With AntiX Linux avatar

My favorite trick to reviving old computers is trying to find ways to get them to run off of solid state storage. It really makes a huge difference. You will be surprised by how much more tolerable classic computers are when you no longer have to deal with slow storage mediums.

Mind you this doesn't make them modern levels of fast and you no longer get the satisfaction of hearing the hard drive grinding away when you open a window but thems the tradeoffs...sigh...

vzq , in Linux kernel Rust coding guidelines are heretic.

You are just stoking the flames of a meaningless holy war.

Doods OP , (edited )

The kernel had a consistent style before rust was even an idea! Who do you think has started this inconsistency? (Maybe not, what does someone like me know about the kernel anyway)

vzq ,

Not a lot, apparently.

Doods OP ,

Agreed, and upvoted.

thingsiplay , avatar

To be fair, consistent styling across the entire project is not meaningless. But on the other side, I don't think this needs to be fixed here, because it is already consistent (within their language).

owenfromcanada , in I don't know anything about Linux and the idea of installing it frightens me. Where do I start? avatar

Try Linux Mint. You set it up on a USB drive, and you can try using it before you install it. So load it up, and try doing a few things you'd normally do (check email, etc.). This way, you can get your feet wet without committing fully. If you find you like it, you can do an installation (and it doesn't require any fancy terminal stuff).

Suoko , avatar

If the disk is not encrypted you can go wubi, it's a windows app that will install Ubuntu in a virtual disk.
You can use it forever without touching windows and also upgrade it with newer Ubuntu version:
Check under assets here

vhstape , in SSH login without user name? avatar

There are instances where the user is implied, but there is always a user. As far as Git goes, the user is almost always git.

Aarkon OP ,

I guess this is probably the solution to my riddle. Thanks.

refalo ,

Yeah either that or they use a custom SSH implementation that just ignores the username because it's not needed for the type of authentication they're doing (like checking the keys of a specific account/project that is already known).

CameronDev , in how to create a file and make it executable in one command?

Write an alias/function to do it and add to your bashrc.

function nanox() {
    nano "$1"
    chmod +x "$1"
psmgx ,

This is the way.

BigMikeInAustin , in Raspberry Pi Connect: an easy-to-use way to access your RPi remotely, using just a web browser

from anywhere on the planet, using just a web browser.

The poor astronauts on the International Space Station miss out on so much.

pastermil ,

They'll still find a way to connect.

Our friends on Mars, on the other hand...

TigrisMorte ,
Gormadt , in How to create a bootable Linux USB drive avatar

Personally I use Ventoy

Basically I can just throw a whole bunch of ISOs on a USB drive and when I boot it it brings me to a menu to pick which one I want to boot

It's freaking great

I've got various windows ISOs and Linux distros just living on a 64GB flash drive

CosmicTurtle0 ,

It must have gotten better than the last time I tried to use Ventoy. Maybe 5 years ago? It kept complaining that the USB drive I was using was bad when it worked completely fine with other tools.

Gormadt , avatar

It has gotten a lot better over the years

That was basically my first experience with it as well also about 5 years ago

Nowadays it works like a dream come true for every OS I've thrown on the drive

governorkeagan ,

I tried a couple of months ago on my Windows PC and something went wrong somewhere and my USB was stuck in a permanent read-only state.

I definitely will give it another try though, it's super handy to have.

I'm an idiot and got Ventoy confused with another program I was testing at the time. Please ignore me.

Empricorn ,

Was it VampBoy? I accidentally ordered one and opened the crate to find a sexy, undead Twink. ☹️ I wanted to nerd-out with Linux!!!

penquin , avatar

Ventoy is great. It was a bit confusing when I first ran into it. It installed, but I didn't know what happened. Lmao. I think I installed it like 10 times because it wasn't telling me what it did, but then the light bulb went off. Aaaaaah.
I was trying to install windows on a laptop and it was being a bitch on the USB stick, and Ventoy made it work.

billwashere ,

Yeah totally go with Ventoy. I had an external device that basically did the same thing but it was a pain in the ass. Little screen and you pick an iso on the drive and it simulated a CD rom. Ventoy is so much simpler. My only complaint is there isn’t an installer that works on a Mac so I have to use Windows. But other than that it’s awesome.

Empricorn ,

Huh, never tried it. It has persistent storage? Updates? Security?

I'm currently using MX Linux for my Persistent, Live USB of choice, but apparently I need to check out Ventoy?

pineapplelover ,

Best way to have a bootable USB

MrSoup , (edited ) in Linux Mint looks to fork more GNOME Apps because of libAdwaita avatar

Can't they theme gtk4/libadwaita without editing libadwaita? Like gradience do

I've made a bunch of libadwaita apps, because I like its UI/UX not because I want to break other Desktop Environment. That would mean even more fragmentation.

lemmyvore ,

If they did you'd have one theme that works with Gnome and one that works with Mint. Both of which would be irrelevant to someone using GTK apps on, say, XFCE on Arch.

MrSoup , avatar

Aren't mint themes gtk themes?

Ashtefere ,

Libadwaita is only compatible with gnome and only works with gnome. Other DE's can try to make it work in their DE, but the experience for them is hostile.

To put it mildly, gnome devs are being dicks about it as much as they can be, because they consider themselves the only "real" desktop environment to Linux.

If you want your apps to be cross platform, you can just use gtk3/gtk4 instead, or any other ui library. Even QT.

I use gnome ATM because I think paperwm is the best desktop experience on any OS, but the gnome DE devs are just assholes and they break my heart.

MrSoup , avatar

I use Gnome too and I don't like their attitude against other DEs. Their attitude is becoming a real threat to Linux interoperability.
At least we got flatpaks.

Giooschi ,

Libadwaita is only compatible with gnome and only works with gnome. Other DE's can try to make it work in their DE, but the experience for them is hostile.

Not sure what you mean with "compatible", as libadwaita apps are supposed to work on other DEs as well. It might not fit visually with them, but that's not being incompatible.

Ashtefere ,

Gnome can't use the argument that "theming our apps is incompatible" and then at the same time not allow other DEs to manage window controls and the like to be compatible. Shit attitude and shit arguments.

Giooschi ,

GNOME devs never said that theming is incompatible (just "not supported"), and you're still not explaining whay you mean with "incompatible" either. Managing window controls also doesn't seem a requirement to be "compatible", as the app still runs fine even with client side decorations (again, it just won't fit visually with the rest of the system).

And by the way, the problem is not theming per-se, but the fact that apps get themed by default, they inevitably break by default, and app developers are left to deal with that. Nobody ever tried to improve the situation so the solution they came up with is to have their apps always look the same.

Charadon , in Gnome's Adwaita team is breaking icon compatibility

Gnome breaking shit for no reason as always =P

Seriously, this is as simple as keeping symbolic links for compatibility, but they won't do it because it maybe might possibly lead to issues.

AnUnusualRelic , avatar

I can't believe they've been doing this since the very start of the Gnome project. I stopped using it long, long ago (1.1) when they dropped their nice and configurable WM for something you couldn't do anything with. Nice to see they haven't changed a bit.

potkulautapaprika ,

You summarised it nicely why gnome people frustrate me

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