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john89 ,

Say it loud and proud:

This is how we fight back.

john89 ,


This is a good one.

john89 ,

No. Most sites don't offer their own ways to download videos.

If you want to save videos, you can always use a browser addon. I use VideoDownloadHelper for Firefox and it allows me to download any video, even on Linux.

john89 OP , (edited )

So are you saying we shouldn’t group them together?

john89 OP , (edited )

So are you saying we shouldn't group them together?

Do you know enough about copyright law to know whether or not an online list grouping them together will make it significantly easier for law enforcement to take them down?

john89 OP ,

it’s not wise to put a everything in one since if something “happens” there will be no alternatives since…the sole source will be gone due to everything being grouped into the sole source.

Umm, what? It's just a list grouping them together.

How are they going to identify the 'sole source' out of that?

I don't think you know enough about copyright law to know whether or not an online list grouping them together will make it significantly easier for law enforcement to take them down.

john89 OP ,

Grouping them together in a list will not affect those logistics.

john89 OP , (edited )

So what's the problem with adding another group for duplicates?

john89 OP , (edited )

So how does an online list grouping them together make it significantly easier for law enforcement to take them down? For reference, there is already a list of free streaming sites; it's the list in question. I'm merely mentioning adding further classification for duplicate streaming sites.

It's sad watching the upvote ratios, but I can't say I'm surprised. The internet is full of 🧩's.

john89 OP ,

Except there's already a list of all the sites.

Seven out of 10 Europeans believe their country takes in too many immigrants ( )

Europeans view immigration with increasing suspicion. Seven out of 10 Europeans believe that their country takes in too many migrants, according to a survey carried out by BVA Xsight for ARTE Europe Weekly, a project led by the French-German TV channel ARTE GEIE and which EL PAÍS has participated in, as part of the countdown to...

john89 ,

Immigration is a good thing.

On average, the more people contributing to an economy bolsters it.

john89 ,

Make it easier to immigrate legally, then.

john89 ,

Then why are people doing it illegally?

john89 ,

If all the biggest fish are getting caught and killed, won’t that give smaller fish an evolutionary advantage?

Fishing is a little bit different than that. It's the big fish who are able to avoid getting caught, which is how they get to live to be so big.

john89 ,

He's not. It's the big fish that avoid getting caught.

john89 ,


reddit joke

john89 ,

Banned for everyone?

john89 ,

but when the American right made trans people their next target after their abortion win

WTF? When were trans people not the target of the american right?

john89 ,

Oh boy, some people are about to be fired.

john89 ,

Hm, I never used songsterr but guitartabs has always been based for me.

I kinda stopped using tabs years ago and just started learning by ear though... [subtle brag]

john89 ,

So like, I know this might sound weird, and I hate to be "that guy" but...

Is it really necessary? I get you probably want to play it like it's guitar hero, which is cool and great and all. Just, you could also queue up the song in youtube and do it old-school style.

It's just, good not to be too dependent on your limitations when learning an instrument. At some point, you will surpass them.

Good luck though, don't let me bring you down.

john89 ,

You guys ever notice how people only recommend movies/entertainment made in [CURRENT YEAR]?

Whenever I see someone recommend a movie, I immediately look up the year and discard their recommendation if it was released in the current year.

Too many great things go unnoticed because of useful idiots with more money than sense.

john89 ,

Emulation, baby.

Use your brains before your wallets.

Also don't pay for things you can get for free.

john89 ,

Hear hear!

john89 ,

What's sad is the gnome team is so adamant about removing functionality to make their jobs easier.

This means you need extensions to make gnome usable, but it ends up feeling hacked together because it is.

I'll never forgive the gnome team for their defense of putting the dock on the side with no option to change it or not including something like gnome tweak tools by default.

It's really obvious gnome died with gnome3. That's when all the forks happened, and for good reason. The gnome3 team just listens to the wrong people.

I'm glad we have alternatives to that pile of crap.

john89 ,

I'm glad you like it.

john89 ,

I like talking to AI because it uses grammar properly and I don't have to structure my questions as though I'm dealing with an insecure retard on the internet.

john89 ,

Because they're not actually pulling too much from the grid to cause damage to others or even the grid itself.

Any musings about curtailing AI due to power consumption is just bullshit for clicks. We'll improve efficiency and increase productivity, but we won't reduce usage.

john89 ,

Found one.

john89 ,

Right. I'm talking about this specific instance, not China as a whole.

john89 ,

If they were losing as badly as Ukraine, probably.

john89 ,

Have you seen the pornos? Everyone gets laid with a Tesla. That alone is enough to get people to buy it.

The fact you can waste money like an idiot makes you very attractive to a certain sex.

You see the same thing with the "Supreme" crowd.

john89 ,

Maybe we should write an open letter to our senators and congressman

This has never, and will never work.

I don't know why you people keep suggesting it.

We need to actually elect people who care about us, but they're usually the ones in third parties.

john89 ,

What the fuck is this rent-a-center propaganda?

How stupid are we?

john89 ,

Hmm. It sounds to me you just don't want to acknowledge when you're being taken for a ride.

But hey, to each their own.

Businesses want a lifeline to our wallets, which is why subscriptions and renting are pushed on useful idiots.

john89 , (edited )

The problem is that you're renting access to something you're not actually consuming.

Once you stop paying, you lose access and have nothing to show for it. They still have your money, though.

This is different than, say, paying for electricity which is consumed and no longer available for either party after consumption.

Sorry bud, you're defending being scammed.

Plus a large part of the article is about non-profit libraries anyway.

Nice talking point just to cover your bum from shilling.

john89 ,

But you are effectively consuming them. Just like renting books and movies

No, you're not. Consuming something means it is no longer available after consumption. We can't "consume" media unless we destroy it afterwards.

Sorry, you've been played by industry talking points just to get you to spend as much money as possible. Now you're doing your part in perpetuating them.

There's a term for people like you, but I'll refrain from using it here.

Goodbye. You may have the last word since you need to push your products on others.

john89 ,

You didn't subscribe to those things.

john89 ,


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