shiroininja ,

Just try to live my life like I did during all the bad presidents I've had over my life. I grew up protesting against George Bush Jr and my friends still died in Iraq. now I just try to live my best life, and love and help protect others. I've always been lower class and on the outside of middle class suburban America, so I'm used to just going about my life, no matter what's taboo, or illegal at the time. Hell, DnD was the devil when I was growing up and I still played it. I still smoked weed when it was illegal, and I'll still love a man even if they say I can't.

iconic_admin ,

This is the way. Some things you have control over and some things you don’t. Don’t waste your limited life sitting in your house being mad about who the president is. Raise your kids to be good people. Try to find a job that lines up with your personal philosophy. Find a local community and be helpful there.

Olgratin_Magmatoe ,

Not sure. But my partner and I have an out, we will probably move to their home country and start a new life there if need be. It's kind of hard to determine when the right time to leave is.

vermyndax ,

If things get very, very bad, this will be our plan as well.

lemmefixdat4u ,

Keep doing what I have been doing - dragging MAGA fence sitters back from the brink one by one. The ones who have adopted Trumpism as their religion are too far gone. But there are a lot who just need to be taken by the hand and shown a better path.

When you see MAGA BS, challenge it with well-reasoned arguments. The object really isn't to change the mind of the poster. It's to prevent them from changing the minds of others.

Snapz ,

Can you please give an example of a well reasoned argument that's relevant here?

I'm not sure of the relationship of reason to people that aggressively disregard objective fact and fluidly move the goalpost of their burden of proof.

bradorsomething ,

I like to ask who will replace the main stream media, and how that won’t make them the new mainstream media.

Snapz , (edited )

IME this just leads to "yeah, but ours will be different/better!" type responses like...

"Politicians suck, but ours are good"

"Stop giving out all these services with our tax dollars but don't touch our Medicare"

"Gay marriage shouldn't be legal, but my gay daughter is fine."

"Immigrants are evil, except for the waiter at my favorite Mexican restaurant, he is one of the good ones"

I/Me/Mine is ALWAYS the exception to every rule for them.

So the NEW mainstream, MY mainstream, will be different and tell the REAL truth.

lemmefixdat4u ,

Look up how to debate. Success is not measured by how bad you make the opponent look. That may work on one person, but you have to repeat it for every person who advances the same argument. Instead, take apart their argument, reveal underlying motives, expose untruths with irrefutable documentation, uncover false logic and bad assumptions, and respond without attacking the messenger.

For instance, "The economy is terrible! Everything is so expensive." Well, stuff -is- expensive. But is the economy really the reason behind it? The US stock indexes are at record highs. Most companies have been beating the expected earnings per share. Isn't it more likely that things are expensive because companies are taking more profit to give to their shareholders? Which candidate do you believe is more inclined to change that?

The object is not to defeat the opponent. It's to prevent others from being convinced by their arguments.

Iceblade02 ,

Yeah, there's a huge difference in tactics depending on whether you're trying to comvince the person you're arguing with, or the audience.

The latter is soo much easier - often it's enough to back them into a corner where they out themselves as wrong whatever they say, and they'll quickly descend into a ball of rage.

intensely_human ,

Making someone descend into a ball of rage is now how you get them off the fence.

GnomeKat , avatar

Thats what my brother does, but he is a cis het man who works in construction as an electrician. He is very left leaning so he does try to challenge things where he can.

But I can't do that. I am a trans woman and confrontation legitimately would put me in danger and it wouldn't work anyways. People claim I am biased because I am in a group who is being targeted, its bullshit beyond belief but thats how people are.

IronKrill ,

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • GnomeKat , avatar

    The fact that you think these things are even remotely comparable is kinda part of the problem

    IronKrill ,

    I was attempting to make fun of the concept that being part of a group makes you "biased".

    dan1101 , avatar

    If nobody paid any attention to him we could just passive aggressively get through the next 4 years.

    bitwaba ,

    Yeah. That worked last time

    intensely_human ,

    It did

    match , avatar

    For the survivors at least

    Sanctus , avatar

    I don't think you can state the plan legally

    degen ,
    Nemo ,

    sic semper tyrannus

    original_reader ,


    Though you might have thought of Darth Tyranus. Which is fine.

    Nemo ,

    You and I both know I was thinking of Tyrannosaurus Rex, but okay.

    altima_neo , avatar

    He had the right idea.

    He came and he went.

    Clent ,

    If I end up on try that jury, not guilty.

    gravitas_deficiency ,

    Jury nullification goes brrrrrrrrrrrrr

    PsychedSy ,

    Tree of liberty is gettin' mighty thirsty.

    Today ,

    Oh man. I'm pretty non-violent, but Nov 2016, when my adult kids called me in tears, i had ideas swirling.

    Boiglenoight ,

    Try to avoid being murdered by my neighbors.

    TheReturnOfPEB ,

    Living in a cop neighborhood is fun, no ?

    Boiglenoight ,

    Living in a neighborhood with open Trump supporters feels like sitting on a ticking time bomb.

    Mastengwe ,

    Probably enjoy the peace and quiet on social media when all the right- wing… I mean- “far left” propagandists disappear after succeeding in getting their beloved fascist elected.

    It happens every four years. It’ll happen this year as well.

    The irony of YOU asking this probably isn’t lost on anyone I’d assume.

    return2ozma OP , avatar

    I don’t hate the Democrats because I’m on the right. I hate the Democrats because THEY are on the right.

    Mastengwe ,

    Hilarious take. I’ll bet you hate all those Christian satanists as well.

    Son_of_dad ,

    All the young uni kids who went full anti Biden on one issue, are likely too young to remember what president Trump was really like. They're gonna love him, since being miserable and outraged seems to be their preferred default.

    match , avatar

    the uni kids reasonably thought they could convince biden to condemn genocide

    hardcoreufo ,

    Move in with my friend in the Netherlands. He's wanted me to move even if Biden wins.

    corsicanguppy ,

    I say Go Anyway. The Netherlands is awesome.

    match , avatar

    What the fuck are you hanging around here for? Go live a better life

    OlPatchy2Eyes ,

    First I'll do whatever I can to be sure my communications and whereabouts aren't trackable, tell my friends how to contact me, and recommend they use the same channels anyway.

    Then I'll find protests to go to and local campaigns to support however I see fit, and I'll do that right up to the point where I feel unsafe, at which point I don't know how I procede.

    rageagainstmachines ,

    This would essentially require you to not communicate outside of Signal.

    OlPatchy2Eyes ,

    So be it, I guess. If that turns out to be unrealistic I would just have to be careful about the content of the messages I send. Discord and WhatsApp have to go, obviously, but I think I could convince most of my friends and family to download Signal if push came to shove. Maybe I could look into hosting a small Matrix instance if I felt comfortable with whatever risks would come with that.

    I don't think a second Trump administration is going to force me into complete anonymity, at least not overnight. I do want to commit to keeping my finger on the pulse so to speak, and staying a step ahead of whatever threats to my rights may be introduced. I have friends that would be much more threatened by Trump 2 than myself so if I can familiarize myself with these tools then I think I can help them feel safer.

    acockworkorange ,

    Jump ship. Honestly, I’ll execute plan “leave the U.S. while it’s still possible.”

    unreasonabro ,

    Hope it don't turn out that's before the election. he's signalled every intent to clamp down hard

    PlantDadManGuy ,

    You must realize he's pandering to the far right extremists. He had every opportunity to actually close the borders and realistically build a wall. This guy is so full of shit his eyes are brown.

    acockworkorange ,

    It’s not him I’m afraid of, it’s his followers.

    _core ,

    Check out project 2025 to see how Trump's cronies are planning on purging the govt of anyone not loyal to Trump and MAGA and replacing them with loyalists.

    Unlearned9545 ,

    Move to New Zealand. TBF, I'll probably move there if doesn't will as well.

    skeezix ,

    Welcome mate.

    boatsnhos931 ,

    Find new loopholes to exploit. Adapt and overcome. Possibly buy some some snacks.

    vynlwombat ,

    Let's talk about these snacks

    intensely_human ,

    Fruit by the Meter?

    vynlwombat ,

    Nice try non-american

    retrospectology , avatar

    Start getting into a resistance mindset. People have a rapidly vanishing window to organize for what's coming. Biden or Trump this cycle it doesn't really matter that much, Democrats and their supporters are simply are not equipped to resist fascism. We've reached the terminal end of the lesser of two evils, and it's going to be bad. Genocide Joe won't save us.

    SwingingTheLamp ,

    Indeed. I keep asking what is the plan to stop a fascist MAGA candidate from winning the Presidency in 2028, when the Democrats don't have incumbent advantage, and the historical pattern is a party flip, and have received only one (joke) answer. I have heard no talk whatsoever about how to handle a Biden win this year, although the MAGA politicians are signaling another attempt to overturn the election. (My state AG is still "investigating" the fake elector scheme from 2020; no way a prosecution will happen before the election, and likely never.) "Vote harder" is not going to be effective.

    sp3tr4l ,

    As a person made utterly destitute and disabled by a series of crimes committed against me, well, I have SSDI and thats basically it.

    Cost of living is way lower in Ecuador, i can relearn the Spanish I knew in high school, and theres a good number of affordable cities and towns there with considerably better crime statistics and public transportation than anywhere I can afford in the US.

    I have done the math and it would be vastly more cost and time effective to move abroad... as I have been evicted, and basically that means I can't rent anywhere in the US for at least two years.

    I am seriously considering noping the fuck out if Trump wins. Spent most of my adult life advocating for minorities, the poor, the disenfranchised, and now I am too fucking tired, in too much pain and too broke.

    (Ironically my last job was at a non profit assisting the homeless, who didn't give a fuck about me becoming homeless.)

    Not like anyone will miss me, every family member and friend I thought I had either committed crimes against me, told me to fuck off, or told me that they what was happening to me was too emotionally traumatic for them to deal with right now.

    Of course this plan goes to shit if Trump and the Republicans somehow massively defund or cancel Social Security.

    I used to think they would not be so stupid as to actually do that, as... an insane number of Trump's core voter base rely on SSI ot SSA or SSDI... but obviously with the MAGA crowd, anything is possible.

    Guess I can always teach English. Maybe if I can ever walk again I can guide tours.

    wesker , avatar

    as I have been evicted, and basically that means I can't rent anywhere in the US for at least two years.

    There are an increasing number of sublets and private rentals in my area, that don't check rental history. Everything is fairly under the table, month to month with no binding leases, for better or worse depending on your situation. Just bringing it up as a potential avenue to consider, maybe there are options in your area too.

    sp3tr4l ,

    Can you like dm me where this place is?

    I am basically bound to my current roach motel that just happens to allow month to month rent, without kicking you out after 3 weeks.

    I have been using a shit tier 4g phone for months now trying to find no credit check apartments. Everything is a scam, and none the shady apartments seem to actually list online anywhere.

    'Look for private rentals!' Is good advice but... with what search engine, what rental website actually has a private rentals filter that actually works? Ive not found one.

    Craigslist is bone dry where I am, and the few times a listing pops up, either they don't respond or they don't allow evictions or , again, its a scam.

    I bussed halfway across the country to find the cheapest motel rates I could.

    Im not a resident of the state as I do not live in a residence.

    I dont qualify for rental assistance as I do not live in a residence.

    And I don't qualify for homeless assistance as I am not homeless.

    Its fucking wonderful.

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