Furbag ,

Well, we survived him once, we can do it again.

I'd still prefer to not get set back another decade by having him in office, and the danger of him never leaving office by way of dismantling all of the safeguards that prevented his coup in 2021 can't be ignored.

If there are ways I can resist, I will. If there are people I can help just by reaching out, I will extend my hand to them. I won't let Trump's hateful rhetoric poison my humanity or turn me against my fellow man.

If things get bad enough, my girlfriend and I have a "bug-out" plan that we discussed and agreed upon that basically amounts to - withdraw everything from our financial accounts, sell everything that isn't nailed down if we can or abandon everything in place, round up the family and buy plane/boat tickets to head somewhere that has low requirements for citizenship or will accept American petitions for political asylum if things get desperate enough. This is in the worst-case scenario where the U.S. descends into a full fascist/totalitarian state and there is a clear and present danger of us getting killed just for being political dissidents.

Ideally, we'd like to stay here and hope that things get better, but every year things seem to get worse and worse. The American Dream is dead and rotting, and we can just barely see a pinhole of light at the end of the tunnel for us to be able to achieve a life, but we're both left wondering if we're even going to be able to hold on to that if we do manage to seize it given how much the economy is backsliding each year.

tl;dr: the plan is to keep our heads down, but our spirits as high as possible, and always know where the closest exit is in case of an emergency.

Lloyd_the_lloyd ,

The problem is knowing it's time to leave when you're still able to leave...

CaptKoala ,

I was going to say something along similar lines, once the borders are ordered shut, you'll have a much harder time getting out of dodge, not impossible, but much, much harder.

Wahots ,
@Wahots@pawb.social avatar

Vote. He's not allowed to turn this country into a "shithole country" in his words.

Triasha ,


intensely_human ,

I’m going to keep going to work, brushing my teeth, keeping my apartment clean, working out, visiting my father on the weekends. (serious)

n0m4n ,

I would immediately erase everything that I have ever posted, anywhere. I would go underground as much as possible, online speaking. When the purges come, I would be a target.

IDK if we would leave. We are not prime immigrant status, not qualifying for Canada. That shocked me, TBF.

snownyte ,
@snownyte@kbin.social avatar

Someone has already opened an opportunity for me to move to the UK, but for non-political reasons. Though it will remain an option.

EssentialNPC ,

Before the election we will be preparing bugout bags for my nuclear family and establishing concrete plans to flee.

After the election, if Trump wins we will monitor and be ready. At the first sign of trouble we get out of dodge. I have the ability to get EU citizenship for my family if need be. In the meantime, my wife and I have skills that can get us the privilege to move into some countries based on their employment needs.

My family and I would have reasons to be targeted by white nationalists if they felt empowered. I have received semi-threatening letters from such people in the past.

I hate that we have to think this way, but we do.

Boiglenoight ,

Try to avoid being murdered by my neighbors.

TheReturnOfPEB ,

Living in a cop neighborhood is fun, no ?

Boiglenoight ,

Living in a neighborhood with open Trump supporters feels like sitting on a ticking time bomb.

PineRune ,
ramble81 ,

I’m torn on this. I’m “white”-ish enough, no kids, can’t get pregnant (or anyone pregnant) and I’m in the top 10%… so would anything for me fundamentally change? No…. I could stick my head in the sand and ignore it, but that’s really not me and it freaking breaks my heart to see all the people it impacts.

So I see one of three things:

  1. Try to ignore it and keep voting blue and on policies to help those where i can
  2. go one step further and put my money where my mouth is and help run an Underground Railroad for those who need to get to blue states while they still have the rights
  3. flee to another country

I don’t really want to think about it, but it’s been at the back of my head.

rez_doggie ,

Insurrection? Lol

hardcoreufo ,

Move in with my friend in the Netherlands. He's wanted me to move even if Biden wins.

corsicanguppy ,

I say Go Anyway. The Netherlands is awesome.

match ,
@match@pawb.social avatar

What the fuck are you hanging around here for? Go live a better life

RizzRustbolt ,

Well, I'm definitely going to lose my job if he gets elected. So I guess I'll do one good thing with my life.

cordlesslamp ,

Hi, Biden.

TheWoozy ,

I'm a govt. contractor. I will retire the day before he's swarn in. I'm not sure what I'll do beyond that. A lot of Americans already retire to Costa Rica or Panama. I'll have to decide whether to run away or stay & resist.

Postmortal_Pop ,

I'd like to think I'm not so backed into a corner that violence is the answer, so I'll do what I do every day of the week: keep my head down and wait.

If push comes to shove, and the lives of myself and my people are genuinely threatened, I won't retaliate in kind. I come from a long line of people that knew the benefits of blending in. I may not have the moxy to be a firebrand or to rally others to a cause, I may not have the heart to pull a trigger, but I have the means and skill to make triggers and the good sense to stay away from they places they get used.

It may not be the heroic sense of most Americans, but I was born into an America that sold us an action hero instead of providing us safety and I've never been one to buy rhetoric. I will not give my life for a cause, I will live to see it succeed.

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