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What's the story you would write if you were an author?

A lot of people worldbuild when they daydream and have the bones of a story kicking around in their brain, but have to pay the bills and raise the kids etc so they never flesh it out and write it down. What's your story's premise? Fantasy, sci-fi, alternate history, mystery, western, whatever genre.

Postmortal_Pop ,

A doppelganger of sorts replaces a character, but it's entirely for the better. Despite being an unearthly monstrosity, it's well meaning, good intentioned and has everyone's best in mind. Unfortunately this isn't seen as a good thing by the crowd the original ran with, and those who find out are at a crux between liking the person and fearing the monster.

Postmortal_Pop ,

Superman is such a single note character that the good things that came out of his existence can all be counted on one hand. I get that he was foundational to the concept of superheros, but it shows in this day and age.

I will say the monologue in justice league while he's slapping around Darkside is immaculate though.

Postmortal_Pop ,

I'd argue Batman's equally bad, it's interesting that he's not super by the definition everyone wide uses, but trauma an only carry you so far

Postmortal_Pop ,

There are sea snails living near volcanic vents that metabolize the extra iron into shells and plating. I expect we'll see a similar adaptation at some point. Simple organisms issuing plastic in some sort of process that toughens their shells. If left unchecked we may see an evolutionary leap as more things adapt, and a die off as plastic becomes a finite resource. Future generations may argue the merits of artificially supporting the microplastic ecosystem in the same vein that we argue about reducing it.

Postmortal_Pop ,

You guys wouldn't happen to have any tips on DVD ripping would you? I'd like to go all digital but I just can't make Handbrake work.

Postmortal_Pop ,

It's a buck 25 now, but you can get two Inc brand R2 pens at dollar tree. They're the only thing I've written with for nearly a decade now. They're a smooth ballpoint with a slight bleed in 0.7 making your penmanship look bold, smooth, and steady. Everything my handwriting lacks. They now make a 0.5 and is equally as clean but far better for smallest script. One pen lasts me about 6 months of regular writing.

Postmortal_Pop ,

I used to use the heated bed to brew tea while I was modeling. Poly makes a good cup.

Postmortal_Pop ,

I'd like to think I'm not so backed into a corner that violence is the answer, so I'll do what I do every day of the week: keep my head down and wait.

If push comes to shove, and the lives of myself and my people are genuinely threatened, I won't retaliate in kind. I come from a long line of people that knew the benefits of blending in. I may not have the moxy to be a firebrand or to rally others to a cause, I may not have the heart to pull a trigger, but I have the means and skill to make triggers and the good sense to stay away from they places they get used.

It may not be the heroic sense of most Americans, but I was born into an America that sold us an action hero instead of providing us safety and I've never been one to buy rhetoric. I will not give my life for a cause, I will live to see it succeed.

Postmortal_Pop ,

This is the kind of drama I want from Twitter. Nothing to do with presidents.

Postmortal_Pop ,

I got cut off by a minivan one time so I guess Biden is saying I have carde blanc to run every minivan I see off the road.

Postmortal_Pop ,

Yeah, that's the French I was looking for!

Postmortal_Pop ,

I don't think I could afford keeping her around just to remind me though.

Postmortal_Pop ,

That's kind of the point though isn't it? It's not the car's fault we can't afford the gas. We need to stop arguing about the ethics of using AI and start arguing about the ethics of the people using it unethically.

There is a person in that studio that suggested using AI, there is a person who gave the go ahead to do it. Those people need to be the problem, not the toy they decided to play with.

Postmortal_Pop ,

Honestly, I'd argue that that's exactly what AI should be for. Either being used by that one guy to give voices to his passion project because he can't afford to hire voice actors, or to add a touch of the uncanny to an AI character.

Postmortal_Pop ,

I'm actually quite a fan of this song. Her cover of stands by me is also pretty amazing.

Postmortal_Pop ,

Oh cool, I didn't know they used it in final fantasy! That's a fun fact.

Are kintsugi kits all the same, or are some brands better than others?

I saw plenty of kintsugi kits available in my area (to those who do not know what kintsugi is, it is the art of fixing broken ceramic/pottery items using lacquer). However, I do not know if the quality is good for the price presented by these shops. Could anyone knowledgeable or experienced in kintsugi give some tips? I'd...

Postmortal_Pop ,

From my personal experience having just taken it up as a craft a few months ago, the most cost effective option is to buy dishwasher safe 2 part epoxy, dishwasher safe clear coat, and gold mica powder separately online. That's what most sets are made of, but you get a much greater quantity if you get them individually.

Personally I went with food and dishwasher safe options because I plan on doing it to fill the chips in a 70's easter pastel dinner collection that my partner and I absolutely love. The juxtaposition of honorable Japanese artist craft on ketchy Americana dinnerware just delights us. Bonus points is that mica powder comes in a lot of colors so you don't have to only use gold! Personally I feel copper on black glazed ceramic would be gorgeous but you can also get glow in the darks and thermoreactive.

Postmortal_Pop ,

So I gave the article a glance and it's a bit beyond me can someone give me an eli5?

Postmortal_Pop ,

That actually lays it out incredibly well for me. So in practice, what would I need to look out for as a wired desktop Ubuntu user with mullvad? It's sounding like this is going to be an issue on public networks, is this something my isp can do to me at home?

[Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?

Seen a lot of posts on Lemmy with vegan-adjacent sentiments but the comments are typically very critical of vegan ideas, even when they don't come from vegans themselves. Why is this topic in particular so polarising on the internet? Especially since unlike politics for example, it seems like people don't really get upset by it...

Postmortal_Pop ,

My personal experience has actually been quite whew opposite of everyone here apparently. Of the 3 vegans I've spent time with, not one of them has ever brought it up to preach or to sound smug. It only ever comes up because I ask for a recipe they served and they say something along the lines of "now, this is a vegan recipe, but you should be able to substitute 'x' with 'y' if you wanna avoid that." It's never preachy, it's always in the "don't let this being vegan ruin it for you" kind of way.

My low stakes conspiracy is that vegan hate on the internet is like people that don't like the word moist. They either watched friends and decided to adopt that as a personality trait, or they look up to someone that did just that. They hate veganism because they watched a comedian quip about it and agreed or they saw someone that watched a comedian and agreed. It's all too consistent to not be feeding from the same bowl.

Postmortal_Pop ,

Yeah I find it delightful, it's inspired me to make vegan, gluten, free, and allergen free variations of all my recipes incase someone ever needs them.

Postmortal_Pop ,

Gotta get it straight from the source 👖

What are some free interests/things/hobbies you can do in the city?

I live alone and I'm just wasting away my time here. It's actually making me very depressed to be honest. I do live in the city which makes think there ought to be at least something to do out here. Though I can't really afford to spent money on it every day....

Postmortal_Pop ,

This! My area has a sizable Hispanic population and I wasn't aware of how many street festivals they have until I moved here. It's pretty great. Had the best churro ever the other day, and got an amazing poncho for day off the dead.

Postmortal_Pop ,

Literally anything from Aldi. Every single sweet they sell there is amazing, stupidly cheap, bafflingly well made.

Outside of that, Easter egg reese's pieces eggs. They have a way better ratio of peanut butter to candy shell than the little bits.

How do you get rid of bad neighbors?

So our neighbors have been a growing problem for a few months now. They seem to be a flop house for six or seven people, most of them look high all day. They go out and Rev a Harley at 3am, they burn plastic been our houses in a fire pit, they have a new dog every two weeks because they keep getting out and getting hit by...

Postmortal_Pop OP ,

Sadly, the US keeps all it's organized crime in the halls of government buildings.

Postmortal_Pop ,

Off topic, but what car is that and where do I get one?

Postmortal_Pop ,

I'm totally adding that to my list of dream cars.

Postmortal_Pop ,

Guy here, I've worn a few in my time and it's a lot like wearing a new ring on your finger, at first you notice it constantly, you feel it between your fingers and you notice when it moves, but eventually you forget it's even there. Exact same experience with thongs. After the initial sensory experience wears off its as present in your mind as the underwear you're currently wearing. It doesn't move much between the cheeks, and I can't say I've ever explicitly felt it shading my asshole.

Personally I'm not a fan of them because they don't provide the two things I wear underwear for, padding between my thighs so they don't chafe, and decency if I manage to cut it rip my pants while working. If I don't need to worry about those I'll just go commando.

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