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corsicanguppy ,

Running npm install would give me a mini heart attack

It should; but more because it installs things right off the net with no validation. Consistency of code product is not the only thing you're tossing.

corsicanguppy , (edited )

[both sides]

  1. There is a difference
  2. When you don't see a difference and feel like not voting, understand this is a calculated effect by the party who most benefits from your non-vote
  3. That party isn't your friend
  4. Always vote the party who can best deliver on the least-worse plan for even the non-rich people in the country. And repeat. Force an evolution.
corsicanguppy ,

What we do realize is that this "both sides" bullshit is the biggest thing pushed by Russian spammers right now, because their goal is to elect someone better for Putin.

But carry on.

corsicanguppy ,

The orange steering the reds hand over fist has given us things you will never realize if you don't actually look at things ever.

corsicanguppy ,

Oh, they can leave whenever they want. As per any rental agreement, make sure to leave it how you found it or we'll sue ya for repairs.

No, you don't get the land; just your freedom from healthcare. Go.

corsicanguppy ,

It's not the product, it's the cavalier consumption of unsigned add-ons despite knowing better.

corsicanguppy ,

Months before. By the time it comes around, the only thing we're doing is calling the cab to the posh airport hotel (because fuck yeah) and bugging out.

corsicanguppy ,

Um, sorry. We'll be more polite.

corsicanguppy ,

The CF is an armed force. It's a force that is armed.

Primarily it's brought out for prisoner search and sandbags. So, so, so-so, so, so many sandbags.

corsicanguppy ,

The Clovis people would like a word.

But they're wiped out. Violently.

Weird how that's not in the stories though.

How long would it take to create a Pyramid today?

Just a shower thought. Seeing how these structures took decades to build in their times, and that too entirely with manual labour, I was wondering how long these architectural marvels would take to be built in this post modern era with the help of our technological advancements....

corsicanguppy ,

At my house we agreed I'd never play factorio. Not even once.

Microsoft Account to local account conversion guide erased from official Windows 11 guide — instructions redacted earlier this week ( )

Microsoft has been pushing hard for its users to sign into Windows with a Microsoft Account. The newest Windows 11 installer removed the easy bypass to the requirement that you make an account or login with your existing account. If you didn't install Windows 11 without a Microsoft Account and now want to stop sending the...

corsicanguppy ,

Typescript, VS Code, and DotNet Core

Aren't these all just its own products?

And wow, do I hate VS Code. Just sayin.

corsicanguppy ,

Every medication has conflicts and side effects, ranging from vitamin absorption changes to actual risk of death depending on your situation. Adding another medication adds to the complications, in a 1+1=3 kind of way.

The more you keep going, the more you're taking on. Soon it becomes a "do I like living or do I want to kill my liver for X benefit" choice. "Brain-zap effects or suicidal thoughts?" (Or, with effexor, both!)

So tread carefully.

corsicanguppy ,

Huh. In theory, at least. In IT I've really only seen the status/blamestorm sessions. If I suggest that meetings aren't a good use of time, it's from that bias.

OP: "This is my most advance moon photograph EVER it consist of 81000 images and over 708GB of data." (see comments.)

From the other place:

Extremely high res moon photo, with enhanced colours. The surface is pockmarked and traces of different elements are apparent across the surface.
corsicanguppy ,

Wow. The level of writing failure in the headline is ALSO astronomical.

corsicanguppy ,

You want the Council of Nicea where a pagan edited the Bible by decapitating people expressing ideas he didn't want in it.

corsicanguppy ,

That comma could have been anything else and it would been a valid sentence.

corsicanguppy ,

But then fracking.

corsicanguppy ,

Yeah they're trying hard to achieve the "too big to kill" status, like shamu.

corsicanguppy ,

I love the efficiency and risk comparisons of 1970s nuclear power and 2070s solar.

corsicanguppy ,

A pattern I'm seeing here, in activism and open source is that you basically want the full package right now. While I understand that that is what you need, people like that don't grow on trees

The post-y2k bust removed a lot of our higher-paid staffers, and those were our mentors. For 2-3 generations of new coders we've been without that crucial "this is WHY it's best-practice" understanding from an experienced peer.

When you lament the loss of ready and experienced volunteers, what we lack are people who've learned at the side of truly talented people and are ready to take on some projects.

Now we have people with free time and a short history of ... Well, it's work.

What I'm saying is, there's a clear cause for the current state, for breach after breach after massive breach, and the lack of stellar volunteers.

This will get better, but - as downvotes will show - the current state is one of massive potential but little realization.

corsicanguppy ,


everybody's ?

Amazon Mulls $5 to $10 monthly price tag for unprofitable Alexa service, AI revamp ( )

Amazon (AMZN.O) is planning a major revamp of its decade-old money-losing Alexa service to include a conversational generative AI with two tiers of service and has considered a monthly fee of around $5 to access the superior version, according to people with direct knowledge of the company's plans.

corsicanguppy ,

Two things:

  • our alexa units are fine. We manage a half-dozen bulbs and a set-top box.
  • if they want a subscription to keep doing that, HomeAssistant becomes the top job on the queue.

That's it.

corsicanguppy ,

Hasn’t Hezbollah been targeting Israel for decades?

It's just cute how much you left out, there, as if that's the only thing that's been going on.

"You see they hit us then we hit them. Then we hit them and they hit us, man. It's like a war, ya know what I'm sayin'" -- Ice-T

corsicanguppy ,

P.S. One solution is to give him a little cart

P.S. one solution is to not go there, and as a bonus you won't feel a need to ruin our joy.

corsicanguppy ,

My chiro has all his training in physiotherapy. So is he a quack or is he a pro? I'm so confused!

corsicanguppy ,

Lenovo: it may as well be Huawei.

You... don't follow that rule?

corsicanguppy , (edited )

This would be a handy way to get rid of half your staff, but the people you chase away are usually the ones you want to keep. As per the Dead-Sea Effect, the ones who will leave are the ones who generally are more able to, who will be your most employable people, and thus your most talented. Usually.

Making work suck, and letting the best half of the staff bail, seems like stupid and a game show.

corsicanguppy ,

I peaced out at 2. Manager was a bit of a prick, and the office was bright, hot, cramped, loud, and had no visual or audio privacy.

No fucking thanks.

Found a job thanks to my peers and it's a little more pay and 100% remote as per the union contract. Wheeee. Work anywhere in the country.

corsicanguppy ,


I wish people knew this wasn't a word.

corsicanguppy ,

the people complaining about how awful it is to desecrate stonehenge also want to build a motorway right through it

I can't be the only counterexample of this ridiculous generalization.

corsicanguppy ,

This happens on my country all the time of late . I can't even pronounce the letters in the new name of the hospital where I was born.

They're gonna name the town the same name, so I wonder whether I'll get a passport with a home town I can't say or spell, or a passport with a home town that no longer exists. Either way, I'm getting strip-searched .

corsicanguppy ,


The participle is 'cast'. Here's your tree.

How many people actually want fully on-site IT jobs?

I've been looking for a new job as a software developer. The huge majority of job listings I see in my area are hybrid or remote. I just had an introductory phone call with Vizio (which didn't specify the location type in the job listing). The recruiter told me that the job was fully on-site, which I told her was a deal breaker...

corsicanguppy , (edited )

My ask is

You mean 'request', right? You need to leave the used-car-salesbro jargon at the lot, man.

But I run a surcharge as well, and it's prohibitive for some. It's about 40% more for the first day in the office, and 20% more for each day-per-week after that, to 120% surcharge at most. I put the interview answers in the spreadsheet, and when they ask about Salary I tell them how it's based on the per-person rent of a 2-bedroom condo closest to the work location and a percentage surcharge or rebate based on the job attributes. Either that's too offbeat or detailed for them, and they sometimes get sad for one or both of those reasons.

Software update policy, dress code (there's a difference between 'casual' and 'business casual'), a tax for Teams or Office or Outlook, mandatory standby, forced field work, 9x9 schedule, etc. I don't have a tax for 'distance from nearest commuter train station' but it's coming. (security not vodka) was down to $85k, though, as it was so awesome. But ohhh, if MDA or the BoC had bit, it would've been nearly $500k as they had SO many problems.

corsicanguppy ,

How to win against the dead-sea effect, I guess.

corsicanguppy ,

the commute is considered working hours.

I think in Germany that's part of the labour code: the clock runs the entirety of the time you've left the house on their instruction.

corsicanguppy ,

most people that are for in office work like having the separation between work and home.

My apartment offers wework-style glass cube space, as well as (totally unused) conference space on the 30th floor. Big conference TV, kitchenette, global supra high-back seating (good-not-amazing) and panoramic river views.

corsicanguppy ,

Random conversations solve a lot of problems.

Trends indicate no. The odds of that vs the costs of the distractions - because Mike, I swear to god, you keep clicking that pen and I'm gonna find a new home for it - don't make it a winning choice.

In 2002 we solved this with an open skype call where everyone was muted. Convos were easy to start (alt-space to unmute and start talking), which created some distraction but not like Larry and his goddamned sad cowboy music.

corsicanguppy ,

thrilled when we have an in-office event. And some [who] choose to go there

We call these 'extroverts.' We don't understand them, but we can point them out.

corsicanguppy ,

when companies have spy software gauging every minute

It's not WHY people quit, but it's why they don't stay.

corsicanguppy ,

the office was only 5 miles away [...] enough to keep you on a schedule and get out of the house.

The new building where I live has wework spaces. I can rent on 5 and live on 20 and it's an elevator ride if I want to work in the glass cube farm or open petri dish. But nooooo, we got this place for the AC and extra bedroom to write off and my cat's sleeping on the desk as we speak like a sloppy floofy hobo so .... nooooo.

corsicanguppy ,

my work [computer] is powered off[;]

That's the way. KVM switch if you multi-use the space. Mine has USB for sound so it's the same sound setup.

corsicanguppy ,

I have to be on site Tue - Thur to support the users.

My current day-job went from 100% get-in-that-chair-and-straighten-that-tie to 100% get-out-now on CoViD day 1. It was a rapid adjustment, to say the least; and the shit managers who needed to stare at asses all day to feel better just ... left. They've since sold most of the office space but for some meeting space, 2 hotel spaces for those who prefer it, and one rotating helldesk dude to receive Fedex.

Supporting users? Onsite? Nope. It's 100% remote service, and for the rare cases where it needs physical interaction with a component, the user and gear comes to the office and the onsite helldesk stuckee works it over. For those of us far-remote (regs are anywhere in the country, so long as the internet's clean) we cross-ship for cheap or bring it to one of a very few deputized-for-secret-squirrel shops. I have a docking port-replicator I'm waiting on a shipper label for, for instance.

TL;DR - you don't need to be onsite to support remote workers. That whole "bodies in the same room" thing is gone.

corsicanguppy ,

Even neuro-typicals can benefit from this idea.

Oh, totally. I've been patting where the swipe card is around my neck as I pass through secure doors, for years. I left it behind once, and the sheer hell of getting the escort to get back in to get it cemented the check-behaviour in me. It's weird now to be in the same areas - as a customer and not a provider since I switched jobs - and NOT have a swipe card to pat.

Keys go in the Key Place. If I don't see it there, I go find it. ;-)

The ritual I'm starting to love is the Clearing of the Desk at the end of the day. It's not because I like putting things away - even as a neurotypical I'm just sloppy and will just leave something pre-staged where I need it next - but I've decided I like the part where I fucking give up on the day 5 minutes early and fuck about tidying up before stopping for the day. I feel so empowered. I feel like such a slacker. I feel if people have an issue with the "I can get it done if I can get 5 more minutes of focus" as I used to tell myself (the fool!), that choosing to fucking bail and toddle about before quitting could be a helping thing because of that empowerment.

If you do this, or if you start, lemme know if that micro feeling of control makes a difference; but give it like a month of trying before assessing your feelings about it.

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