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What do you think the Great Filter is?

The Great Filter is the idea that, in the development of life from the earliest stages of abiogenesis to reaching the highest levels of development on the Kardashev scale, there is a barrier to development that makes detectable extraterrestrial life exceedingly rare. The Great Filter is one possible resolution of the Fermi...

bradorsomething ,

The Dark Forest theory is a great answer to this paradox. Anyone more advanced has a rational choice to exterminate all competition. We haven’t found any other advanced life because it hasn’t shown up and killed us yet.

bradorsomething ,

We don’t eliminate uncontacted groups any more because we’ve contacted everyone we want stuff from, and it didn’t work out well for them. Lower technology groups in the 1800’s submitted or were killed off. In a finite universe, any competition could one day try to take you out, so you take them out.

I don’t believe anyone can fathom another alien race, much less assign them ethical rules about interfering with other species. And apes are slowly being driven out of their habitat as we continue to expand.

bradorsomething ,

10.0.2 fixed coveting of cattle to match other items in coveting domain

bradorsomething ,

At my company management pay is a fraction of the hourly cost of employees for standard time and materials work.

bradorsomething ,

I would argue the difference between republicans and conservatives is the fanaticism. Conservatism is believing that we want to do the most good things we can afford, but we have to be conservative in our estimates of what we can afford. That is the only belief inherent to being conservative. I would likewise define the core belief of Liberalism that we have to take care of many basic needs, and figure out how to pay for it, even if it creates hardship. I greatly respect that point of view, and feel the best answer for society lies somewhere between the two.

Republicanism doesn’t care about conservatism any more; I vote for middle of the road Democrats as a conservative. The abortion/gun/god crap is ridiculous.

YSK: Using dairy milk after being tear gassed or pepper sprayed doesn't provide more relief and has slightly increased infection risk. Use water or saline instead

Generally medical professionals do not vouch for using milk for tear gas despite it often being touted. The research seems to suggest they are largely the same in providing relief...

bradorsomething ,

I did medical support for cop trainees in texas doing the same thing. I appreciate making them experience it before they did it.

bradorsomething ,

Did you ride the full 8 on the taser, or did they make you do the instructor 100 seconds?

I’d agree the 100 looks horrible, give me the spray in that case.

bradorsomething ,

No need to cremate them, just a pocket full of sunflower seeds and everything will be fine.

bradorsomething ,

You’re the taste-tortured tart-tasting tort-placing court casing civil complainant plaintiff from the soup suit?

Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? ( )

Disclaimer: I am not trolling, I am an autistic person who doesn’t understand so many social nuances. Also I am from New Hampshire (97% white), so I just don’t have any close African-American friends that I am willing to risk asking such a loaded question.

bradorsomething ,

You just made me so happy to be on Lemmy and not Reddit. Great answer!

bradorsomething ,

Oh, so you’re responsible for all these flies then. Rather cruel to wish for them two at a time.

bradorsomething ,

Has anyone seen academy award nominated actress Margot Robbie lately?

bradorsomething ,

I thought she was only nominated?

bradorsomething ,

He’s calmer than you are.

bradorsomething ,

I think the actual question is do you feel you can eat lab grown meat? Ethically it meets all the requirements of vegan, as there is no animal suffering, no consent, and muscle tissue cells are less sentient than a plant.

bradorsomething ,

As an omnivore I’ll admit the idea is curious, and while I wouldn’t personally partake because of cultural upbringing about cannibalism, I wouldn’t judge someone who did enjoy it the way I would an actual cannibal.

bradorsomething ,

Can they make school shootings the official state shooting?

bradorsomething , (edited )

I feel China has learned they need to build a few million dones before they try that. Taiwan should be teaching every school kid to fly drones as part of the high school curriculum.

bradorsomething ,

Wow your art is getting so good, paper comic when?

bradorsomething ,

Does anyone ask Zelensky if he should declare war on North Korea because russia bought shells from them?

bradorsomething ,

I didn’t know russians celebrated day of the dead.

bradorsomething ,

I saw a fpv drone and some mortar rounds, where was the bradley?

Imperor , to RPGMemes avatar
bradorsomething , (edited )

A peasant walks into a bar. The bard provides the bar and gives you the “d”.

bradorsomething , (edited )

Cope coops?

Technically still serving prison sentences?

bradorsomething ,

Best I can do is superstorms and a ten-foot ocean rise.

bradorsomething ,


bradorsomething ,

I’m glad to hear a sane voice from out there; do people ever talk about moving? This is the same “if you don’t like it leave” crowd, so I’m surprised they don’t move to idaho.

bradorsomething ,

I like to ask who will replace the main stream media, and how that won’t make them the new mainstream media.

bradorsomething ,

So I just barely make it into the classes that do well under trump, but I’m very worried as the social safety net is falling apart for most americans, and that republican rule only speeds that problem. I’m going to be trying to strengthen resources that help people trying to make it to self-sufficiency, but I can’t overcome the typical american attitude of “I’ve failed because I need help.” I guess the best plan for most people is to take care of those around them, be moral and resist bad policy by quiet lack of compliance, and try to help good people get out of bad parts of the country so they collapse all the sooner.

bradorsomething ,

In about 1980 they stopped selling it at the last local station and my dad and someone did something to the van to make it run on unleaded. It lasted 10 more years.

bradorsomething ,

It would have looked so much better in Unified Reich Sans.

bradorsomething ,

Microplastics are fine, but previous generations ate macroplastics, and they did just fine, so I include them in my diet as well.

bradorsomething ,

He has three testicles? Wow, that’s odd.

bradorsomething ,

Hope they scrubbed this well, russia would love to find hin.

bradorsomething ,

The might of the USSR has truly been smashed in the attack on Ukraine.

bradorsomething ,

One major concern here is that the additional moisture will increase the power of storms as well. A great analogy I heard from a climatologist was “this of ice as money in the bank. Once you take it out, it gets spent on weather.”

Qualified experts of Lemmy, do people believe you when you answer questions in your field?

The internet has made a lot of people armchair experts happy to offer their perspective with a degree of certainty, without doing the work to identify gaps in their knowledge. Often the mark of genuine expertise is knowing the limitations of your knowledge....

bradorsomething ,

Well, that’s just your rigorous analysis of multiple data sources and field expertise, man.

bradorsomething ,

I do specialty work in electrical engineering systems, and I am meticulous and careful about what I say, because it appears that at a certain level in this field no one will question anything you say, because no one understands what you’re talking about.

bradorsomething ,

Haven’t you ever done an egg hunt and turned them in for F-16’s afterwards?

bradorsomething ,

Air defense is a high priority target lately, are they getting new airplanes or something…

bradorsomething ,

Probably the first one, Putin knows it’s win or die at this point. I suspect the war will touch off when NATO creates a protective zone in western Ukraine. They can mix their F-16’s with Ukrainian ones. It will be a gunpowder fuse waiting for a spark.

bradorsomething ,

Picturing Polish and Germany forces fighting together reminds me of when France and England became true allies.

bradorsomething ,

When your neighbor’s house is on fire you become a firm believer in fire protection.

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