I like American music. Do you like American music? I like American music, too, baby.

Other versions of me:

  • @Nemo
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Nemo ,

Quite the opposite.

Though, TBF, my wife's maiden aunt sends us a fat pre-inheritance check every other year or so. We usually put it towards a trip to visit her or fixing up the house.

Nemo ,

Doris Hall, aka "The Solo Cup Lady"

Still know all the songs!

Nemo ,

Sorry, all my conspiracies are publicly known.

Nemo ,

No, I mean both the shadowy organizations of which I am a member are already documented, as is the fact that I am a member of each.

At some point, it stops being a secret society and starts being just a society with secrets.

Nemo ,

As someone who's never played, which ones the good one?

Nemo ,

Three questions:

Can I play it in front of my kids?

What's the minimum play session? (That is, how long from startup to the next save point?)

Is it a lot like Mass Effect?

Nemo ,

I was going to say the same thing. Doing it with her, and at the same time every day (or every other day) would be the most helpful if she's like me. Even better is getting her to join a study group with others taking the same exam; it's a lot easier to do things for others who depend on me than for myself alone.

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • Nemo ,

    Caveat: The ones that are still around "just work". The ones that were overconstructed or relied on now-deprecated elements broke and aren't still around.

    Remember flash-only websites? I do. How about "Best viewed in Netscape Navigator"?

    Nemo ,

    I don't. At some point, you've got to prioritize.

    Nemo ,

    Besides statutory, there are other situations where the man "can't say no". Power dynamics that are coercive. Intoxication. Fraud (eg. purporting to use birth control but not doing so would be a form of rape.

    Being sexually aroused is not consent to sex is not consent to sex, to clarify the mechanics of it for you. And consent to sex of one kind is not consent to sex of another kind.

    Nemo ,

    Playing videogames, mostly, but reading fiction is another. Cleaning open-endedly while listening to music, as well. Primal screaming.

    They all work pretty well as long as I pick the right kind of videogame.

    Nemo ,

    I mean, it is the logo

    Nemo ,

    What? Not in my accent. Is yours one of those where "claws" and "doors" rhyme?

    Nemo ,

    different vowel sounds (short A like "father" versus long O like "oat")

    different final sounds (one ends with the mouth still on the vowel sound, one ends with an R sound)

    Nemo ,

    Close enough, though "doors" is one syllable when I say it. Definitely not even a slant rhyme, though.

    Nemo ,

    The first thousand, formal learning. The next thousand, informal learning. The remainder, conversation or light reading in the language.

    This is true for both of my non-native languages, Spanish and Latin. I never got past the formal learning stage in Japanese and without reinforcement it's mostly slipped away.

    I've a smattering of phrases and pleasantries in French, German, Dutch, Lakota, and some Slavic languages, but that's just from exposure to native speakers.

    Nemo ,

    That all communication is an attempt to manipulate the behavior of others.

    Nemo ,

    You ask the question in the hope that the answers will provide you either entertainment or edification.

    I answered the question in the hope that others will give me a sense of validation for my views or, failing that, start an entertaining or edifying discussion on a topic I'm already interested in.

    Nemo ,

    "alter the behavior of others for one's own perceived benefit", yeah?

    Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? ( old.lemmy.world )

    Disclaimer: I am not trolling, I am an autistic person who doesn’t understand so many social nuances. Also I am from New Hampshire (97% white), so I just don’t have any close African-American friends that I am willing to risk asking such a loaded question.

    Nemo ,

    Because one is actual ethnic cuisine, and the other is a stereotype.

    Nemo ,

    I personally am interested in seeing more of wild theorycrafting.

    Nemo ,

    I like videogame lore theorycrafting like r/TESLore but real life theorycrafting is fun, too. You would see it sometimes on r/DankChristianMemes, r/Stoicism, and lots on r/etymology. r/C_S_T was devoted to it.

    Nemo ,

    Well I caved and started a new Minecraft world, but I'm not sure I like my seed. Playing the original Moving Out with my kindergartner and he's surprising good at it.

    Nemo ,

    It's on crazy sale on the Nintendo e-store right now, maybe other platforms, too.

    Nemo ,

    I love the sticky note idea! I'm going to try it as soon as I remember to buy sticky notes in four months.

    Nemo ,

    Yeah, it'll be the rest ofy life. We should'vbe been doing this two decades ago, honestly.

    Nemo ,

    Seconded. When I was vegan I'd already been vegetarian for years. Meat, including fake meat, held no appeal.

    Nemo ,

    Millennials are killing the idea of retirement!

    Nemo ,

    Got the first Moving Out game on supersale and my kids are loving it. I'm always on the lookout for coup coöp games to play with them.

    How do you connect with people and make friends without social media?

    I'm struggling to figure out how to make friends without having Instagram or any other social media. I have discord but don't use it much. I see all my acquaintances in discord channels and sharing Instagram posts and stuff. It's already hard for me to make friends, but I feel like not having any of the traditional social media...

    Nemo ,

    How do you make friends with social media?

    Nemo ,

    I fall asleep when my exhaustion overwhelms my anxiety; I get up when my anxiety overwhelms my exhaustion.

    Nemo ,

    Two. My original account on slrpnk.net and this one I opened on midwest.social when I realized the community I wanted to start was off-topic for the other instance. I use both interchangeably, but this is my main.

    Nemo ,

    First there was God, then came the monkey, then came the robot! Then there was God, next came the monkey, then came the robot! Again there was God, then came the monkey, then came the robot!

    ...and on and on amen.

    When you stopped caring about staying in good shape?

    I completely stopped caring about 2 years ago, I realized I was never going to do anything with my good look and that I will never get into a relationship in my life, so I just figured out "what's the point then, I'm already invisible to women?" And I don't care about my health tbh......

    Nemo ,

    Halfway through that first Presidential Fitness Test back in elementary school.

    Nemo ,

    I'm a waitress, used to have this amazing young busser I worked with named Beni. Beni was as American as apple pie, but like apple pie, originated somewhere that French is spoken.

    One breakfast shift this woman comes up to me. The place is empty, she's the last table before we close to flip the dining room for lunch. She looks around and hands me her tab in cash, saying "I didn't want to leave it on the table," in just north of a whisper.

    Beni walks out of our server station behind me and her eyes get just a little bit wider. I calmly turn to Beni, hand him the cash, and say, hey Beni, can you hold this for me? then turn back to the guest and explain, very slowly and patiently, that in the future it's perfectly acceptable to leave her cash on the table if she doesn't want change because we're all professionals and work as a team. It would not be an exaggeration to describe her departure as "scurrying away".

    I turned back to Beni and rolled my eyes. He just shrugged. I doubt it was the first time someone has acted like that towards him.

    Nemo ,

    Neurotypicals look down on easy dopamine hits.

    Nemo ,

    One that used to really grind my gears was "oh, you're babysitting today?"

    No, they're my kids. I'm their father.

    "No, I mean, you're giving Mom a break?"


    Nemo ,

    Then explain Liverpudian or Mancunian.

    Nemo ,

    Delivery trucks are fine. They don't contribute to sprawl, are driven by professional drivers, and don't need parking lots.

    It's personal automobiles that are the problem.

    Nemo ,

    "second language" English has problems with articles, unusual plurals, irregular verbs, and tends to an overly formal tone

    "only" English has problems with homophones, apostrophe placement, and using slang where it's not appropriate

    Nemo ,

    I used to work at a pizzeria that had fig, pistachio, and arugula dressed with truffle honey. It was very popular.

    Nemo ,

    Yep. Whatever project seems more interesting than what I'm doing at work, but less interesting once I get home and have options.

    Nemo ,

    It's not an LLM but it is absolutely AI.

    Nemo ,

    Not all AI is machine learning.

    Nemo ,

    You can be edgy and not be called racist. What you can't be is racist and not be called racist, and I think that's a good thing.

    Nemo ,

    Yep. I can rumble, and I can click.

    Nemo ,

    Apparently there's a thing called lucid dreaming that many people try very hard to achieve.

    Most of my dreams are "lucid".

    I can also, using only my facial muscles, pull my eyelids back extra far so it looks like my eyeballs are popping out.

    Does the USA have any open market cellular options that are legitimate pay-as-you-go and only for what you use options like Europe yet?

    I've lived under a rock for 10 years. I did Metro ages ago while most were still on contracts. Surely we've reached true capitalist open market freedom by now. Is it still total closed market, noncompetitive, privateering corruption?

    Nemo ,

    We had that twenty years ago, it just wasn't a very good deal. Nobody wants to pay 2¢ per text.

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