TommySoda , to Technology in Is This the End of Plastic? Visa's New Technology Could Replace Physical Cards

I can't wait for the article saying how we're gonna solve world hunger with AI.

RizzRustbolt ,

I think someone already wrote a proposal for that.

todd_bonzalez ,

Nobody goes hungry if the Human race is extinct.

filister ,

The same way Israel is solving hunger with AI in Gaza.

Stalin once said, "Net cheloveka, net problemy" ("No person, no problem").

sik0fewl , to Streetwear in This company sells jeans designed to make it look like you wet yourself

Because it's the coolest!

jodanlime , avatar

Well than you can call me Miles Davis

So_zetta_slowpoke ,

Oh my god, that is the grossest thing I've heard in my life! Let's go!

Anyolduser , to Streetwear in This company sells jeans designed to make it look like you wet yourself

It's got nothing to do with piss.

Jilanico OP Mod , avatar

What in all hell

Kolanaki , avatar


Anyolduser ,

You gotta give, otherwise the whole thing falls apart.

jacksilver , to micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility in I Tried an AI Exoskeleton That's Like an E-Bike for Legs

This feels more like an ad than an actual review. There is hardly any details about the exoskeleton and the person testing it had the least rigorous process imaginable. One of the tests is climbing stairs with and without the exoskeleton once and then the "assessment" is just how they feel about how it worked.

HootinNHollerin , to micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility in I Tried an AI Exoskeleton That's Like an E-Bike for Legs

Someone beat Zuckerborg to developing legs lol

JackGreenEarth , to Technology in Is This the End of Plastic? Visa's New Technology Could Replace Physical Cards avatar

Only when they stop trying to DRM lock phone pay to phones with locked bootloaders will I use phone pay

Fizz , to Streetwear in This company sells jeans designed to make it look like you wet yourself avatar

This reminds me of the meme where the stick man acts dumb and then everyone thinks he's dumb then as he is walking away he's like ha they didn't know I was only pretending.

Same energy with whoever wears these pants.

thefartographer ,

Pffft, I was peeing my pants before it was cool

Fizz , avatar

You can sit cool knowing you're saving money with each piss.

thefartographer ,

I'd say it's warm at first, but then it feels cool after a little bit

towerful ,

A good investment, you say?

Deceptichum , to Technology in Is This the End of Plastic? Visa's New Technology Could Replace Physical Cards avatar

People still use physical cards? I haven’t been carrying any cards at all for so many years now.

canis_majoris , avatar

There's a transaction limit on tap payments. Sometimes you need to chip or swipe when it's over $250 or something.

kirklennon ,

Seems like you're Canadian. America doesn't have limits on tap to pay.

saiarcot895 ,

It depends on the place. There's a grocery store I go to (in Seattle, WA) that has a $100 limit for mobile payments.

Kusimulkku ,

I'd be happy to use Google Wallet most of the time but Google is real worried about my custom ROM and won't allow me to.

thejml ,

Sadly, too many places around here don’t get support Apple Pay and even less Google wallet. It’s definitely improved the last few years, probably 80%, but not 100%, so I’ve had to carry mine. So close I can’t wait!

partial_accumen ,

I'm getting old. Google keeps changing their touchless pay system and app. I got tired of switching after the third version of whatever Google is calling it now and gave up. Google pay, no Android pay, no Google wallet!

Imgonnatrythis ,

Assume you are not in US? Phone pay never caught on here in a big way unfortunately.

ThePrivacyPolicy ,

I did it when I was travelling to the US a few years back and the store clerk looked at me like I had two heads. It's so normal in Canada I never thought much of it, and here I was a celebrity in this store and everyone was just wow'd at the magic I'd done.

Telodzrum , (edited )

I’m in the US and use my watch or phone for nearly every purchase. I was at the farmers market this morning and used my watch for five transactions. The last time I used a card was at the dentist a few weeks ago.

htrayl ,

It is definitely picking up very quickly currently. Far more common in the last couple years than before.

Skua ,

I don't feel comfortable putting that much important stuff in one thing. If I lose my phone or my wallet, the other can do a lot to help cover for it until I get a replacement

Cheskaz ,

I remember on reddit once someone from the US complaining about people assuming their bar had EFTPOS machines/pay wave saying "You wouldn't go to the grocery store without your wallet?!"

And me, in Australia just being like...but... I do? I almost never take my wallet with me to the grocery store...

(Although, because my student public transport card is the only thing I can't put on my phone, going out for drinks is one of the few times I'm almost guaranteed to have my wallet) (also because I want to have backups if something goes wrong while I'm inebriated)

nyan ,

I prefer carrying the plastic over carrying a tracking deivce everywhere with me. Then again, I'm one of those weirdos that also still carries cash.

(Note that I'm not saying you should ditch your phone—your priorities are doubtless different from mine—just that for me the tradeoff is not acceptable.)

return2ozma OP , to Technology in Is This the End of Plastic? Visa's New Technology Could Replace Physical Cards avatar

Within a decade, you’ll likely access all of your cards with one credential and choose which payment method you’d like to use. That includes not just credit and debit cards, but also buy now, pay later options and direct payments from your bank account.

Visa is rolling out technology that will allow you to tap your card on your smart device to add it to your wallet. You’ll also be able to tap your card to your phone to confirm a transaction without needing to input any additional information.

Gormadt , avatar

Visa is rolling out technology that will allow you to tap your card on your smart device to add it to your wallet. You’ll also be able to tap your card to your phone to confirm a transaction without needing to input any additional information.

So like almost any tap to pay system?

Shit I was doing this stuff with GPay for years.

Within a decade, you’ll likely access all of your cards with one credential and choose which payment method you’d like to use. That includes not just credit and debit cards, but also buy now, pay later options and direct payments from your bank account.

This is just PayPal.

aniki ,

yeah I never go to the grocery store with more than a bag and a phone...

metaStatic ,

and I would trust it about as much as paypal.


AA5B ,

So …. In a decade we’ll get ApplePay?

Audacious , to Android in Prominent Android manufacturers commit to supporting phone software for 7 years

What about the battery? I doubt they support free battery replacements for 7 years...

IsThisAnAI ,

Insane request.

henfredemars ,

Attempts have been made to improve battery longevity in software, but at the end of the day battery chemistry sets the rules.

Bezier , avatar

I'm all for consumer protection, but I don't think demanding new hardware for free is reasonable at all. Making them easily available and replaceable would be.

Audacious ,

It's an alternative idea for a removable battery that they don't want to give back to the consumers, not even the steam deck has this. Software updates are nice, but the batteries are still the main limiting factor on a phones usability. I know getting free battery replacements is asking too much, but their dark patterns are as well. Corporations have way too much leeway, power, and protections; I don't care if they get hit hard with changes that help consumers.

Todgerdickinson ,

That would be too far fetched in reality.

They should at least make it easy to buy a genuine battery over that lifespan. Nobody should have to browse eBay & AliExpress for a replacement component that could theoretically explode.

Manufacturers should also be forced to promote battery recycling practices & initiatives too. They are tossing endless amounts of them onto rubbish piles via planned obsolescence and yearly updates.

baggins , to Android in Prominent Android manufacturers commit to supporting phone software for 7 years avatar

That is good news.

Cynical me says there's some sort of catch though. They are commiting themselves to sell fewer phones. How else are they going to make their money?

Then again perhaps they are accepting they can't keep going on as they have been.

schizoidman ,

This is for the S series lineup. Samsung still have their A series and M,F,C series in other markets.

henfredemars , (edited )

I see it as the other way around. People are going to keep their phones for longer whether or not they fix the security issues that emerge. It’s better to fix the issues, to improve user perception and user experience.

Smart phones are on increasingly longer replacement cycles before the announcement. Perhaps they see the writing on the wall.

Ilandar ,

Through subscriptions. Both Google and Samsung are focusing heavily on that at the moment. That's also why their unique software features are often free at first. If Galaxy AI started off as a monthy subscription everyone would ignore it but their plan is to get you reliant on it then introduce a fee.

baggins , avatar

Ah yes, the subscription. I'd forgotten about that.

lnxtx , to Technology in Is This the End of Plastic? Visa's New Technology Could Replace Physical Cards avatar

Aren't metal cards better?

SaltySalamander , avatar

100%, but they cost the card companies a hell of a lot more to produce. Ergo, plastic.

FartsWithAnAccent Mod , to micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility in I Tried an AI Exoskeleton That's Like an E-Bike for Legs avatar


_haha_oh_wow_ OP Mod , avatar

"I'd be an Adrienne Barbeaubot!"

____ , to Technology in Is This the End of Plastic? Visa's New Technology Could Replace Physical Cards

Cnet? Yeah, no.

The whole premise of how I use virtual cards is to separate - and block, as needed - charges from a given source.

If I use a physical card, it’s because I’m physically in a store and want to choose who charges my card, and when.

This is a step towards making it easier for random things to charge cards unexpectedly, and towards making it harder to dispute charges.

“You were there, per the thumb|face print. Therefore, you must have authorised it.”

That’s a sea change in how questionable charges/questionable disclaimers are handled.

Nope. I absolutely demand that protection, and if I lose it I’m taking my cash out of your bank ASAP and using that, suffering with change be damned.

Cris_Color , to Streetwear in This company sells jeans designed to make it look like you wet yourself avatar

It's called fashion, sweaty pissy

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