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Skua ,

I think we have the same cat

Little scam artist is getting himself double dinners and still looks that good

Skua ,

"During WW1" is the context for this

Skua ,

The UK openly said Ukraine could use British-supplied weapons on Russian territory a few weeks ago. We're much closer to the Russian heartlands and have a much less scary military than America, but Russia hasn't done shit about it

Skua ,

The European NATO members did continue supplying Ukraine. However, the US had previously accounted for roughly half of the total arms supplied and Europe didn't do anything extra to make up for that sudden colossal shortfall.

Skua ,

They got to announce that inflation is more or less back down to normal levels, so this is about as good as the polling is likely to be. A there was one a few months back that actually showed the Conservatives getting fewer seats than the SNP. To be clear it was only one poll and I do not think it will happen, but for readers that don't already know this, the SNP only even contest less than 10% of the total seats. The fact that that was ever even close to the bounds of possibility is wild.

Skua ,

True, but the octopus does not actually have any hands. As such, the octopus has no guns, and is one short of the minimum necessary to shoot the cat

Skua ,

I think you've misunderstood the comment above. They're asking why snapshotting DRM-protected content would be a problem if everything stays local, implying that since it's a problem it does not stay local

Skua ,

It's nothing to do with it being an acronym, it's just because the first sound pronounced is a vowel sound. Similarly, it's "an FPS", "an ATM", and "an SUV", but "a PPV event" and "a USB stick"

Skua ,

I'm going to assume that the ladysitter is the most responsible friend on a hen night

Skua ,

Round trip efficiency of modern pumped storage hydro is about 80%. How is that horrible if 72% is decent?

Pumped hydro obviously does have drawbacks in that it requires you to have the water and suitable landscape available to dedicate to it, but efficiency doesn't seem to be one of them

Skua ,

I don't feel comfortable putting that much important stuff in one thing. If I lose my phone or my wallet, the other can do a lot to help cover for it until I get a replacement

Skua ,

She's a Star by James. The only part I could remember was the "star" part of the chorus, which is not exactly an easy lyric to decipher when you hear it on a supermarket radio. Eventually I found it by buying a James CD and running into that track by chance

Skua ,

After all, how else am I to appreciate the tits that I now have?

Skua ,

I'm not sure how much of a difference that would make. That's less than the total cumulative CO2 emissions of China and the US, and it's 1% of 1% of the total mass of the atmosphere

Skua ,

As the article correctly points out, 3 C warming is still really fucking bad. Just because it can technically be worse and we won't all die does not mean it'll be nice to live through. Bringing about the extinction of 29% of all species is madness. To quote the article:

"The most comprehensive and authoritative assessment of risk across all sectors — health, food, water, conflict, poverty, and the natural ecosystem — by the IPCC in 2018 basically concluded that we don’t want to warm the planet beyond 1.5°C (2.7°F), and we really don’t want to warm it beyond 2°C (3.6°F). And if we do happen to overshoot those targets, we want to keep the duration of overshoot to a minimum."

Skua , (edited )

Edit: alternative image host, I had no idea that imgbb was blocked in a bunch of places

Here's Alaric. He made me panic when I first adopted him because it seemed like he was refusing to eat for several days. I then discovered that he had found the bag of cheese treats, hidden it behind the sofa, torn it open, and eaten nothing but those the whole time. He also dislikes hearing voice calls for some reason, perfectly happy to sit on my lap while I watch a video but will get up and leave if I go on a discord chat or take a phone call. Those big ears of his can apparently tell the difference, even when I'm using headphones.

I love this little guy. He is a blessing.

Skua ,

If someone could convincingly scientifically back up their belief that climate change isn't going to be a big deal, they'd be swimming in oil company money to promote their work. There's definitely an incentive to research it if you think the other way.

Skua ,

It feels weird to frame this as an EU objection considering that Greece has also put the same kind of ban in place. It's specifically France objecting.

But for other Brexiteers, the policies help illustrate the flexibility the U.K. has outside the EU on matters which would have previously been subject to lengthy negotiation under the Commons Fisheries Policy — and which Brussels and member states are outright hostile to for their own reasons.

Brexit benefits! We could never have done this as EU members without a whole load of negotiations, please ignore that we're still dealing with a whole load of negotiations over it and also that EU member Greece did it on a larger scale than us!

Skua ,

That's not true at all

We now deport those people to Rwanda

Skua ,

Fuck it, buy extra Taurus systems with frozen Russian assets. We can have both.

Skua ,

We could so easily choose to use the spelling Ouranos and drop the Y sound at the start, but in our hearts we clearly don't want to

Skua ,

Why would Olympic athletes not be drafted?

Skua ,

The Ukrainian government clearly reckons that famous people getting special treatment is worse

Skua ,

A UN mission that China has actively voted for repeatedly, no less. Every UNSC resolution against North Korea going back to 2006 has been unanimous.

What linguistic constructions do you hate that no one else seems to mind?

It bugs me when people say "the thing is is that" (if you listen for it, you'll start hearing it... or maybe that's something that people only do in my area.) ("What the thing is is that..." is fine. But "the thing is is that..." bugs me.)...

Skua ,

Absolutely nobody is checking the god damn patents for the name of either variety of chip

That said, in British English, chips and fries are different things. McDonald's don't sell chips. Those are the thick-cut ones. Fries are the skinny ones.

Skua ,

Both the flat ones and the long ones have been around for over 200 years, it would honestly be weirder if regional differences in the names had never developed. After all, why would someone in York, UK and someone in Boston, USA in the 1820s know or care what the other called their fried slices of potato? "Chips" is a pretty reasonable name for both of them, so maybe the flat ones got popular in America first but the long ones got popular in Britan first, so then each had to find another name for the other sort. I'm guessing here, but I don't think it's in any way strange that it happened, however it did happen.

British English using "fries" for thinner chips (chips in the British sense) actually is because of American influence, though. In the same way that Americans call their long fried potato "French fries" because they are fried in the French way, Brits call those thinner ones "fries" because they're fried the American way. You wouldn't usually say "American fries" here because "fries" by itself alreadyy means that, but if you did people would immediately understand that you mean the thinner sort that you get at McDonald's, not the thicker sort you get at a fish & chip shop.

Skua ,

Isn't it generally used to mean the opposite of that? "Despite what I just said, I hold or will present the following apparently contrary position," more or less. Like if you spent a couple of paragraphs talking about the excellent cinematography of a film and then followed it with "That said, I didn't actually enjoy it. I found the protagonist insufferable."

Skua ,

It makes a fair bit of sense for someome that already speaks English to want to claim asylum in an English-speaking country, and a lot of people already speak at least some English. They've got a far better chance of being able to make a life for themselves if they can already converse with everyone.

Skua ,

The first Japanese embassy to America even landed in San Francisco in 1860

Skua ,

Gazprom went from a profit of 1.2 trillion roubles in 2022 to a loss of 630 billion in 2023, so I'd say that the current effots are already paying off too. If the EU can do more, fantastic

Skua ,

Not quite candy but I think it's close enough to count here: Co-op's own brand salt & vinegar kettle crisps. They're so vinegary it hurts. It's wonderful.

Skua ,

I will give you a heads up that if you buy vinegar powder (acetic acid, basically) in an attempt to make your own, be very careful. I made salt & vinegar popcorn once, but the seasoning was too loose on the surface of the popcorn and if i breathed in at all while eating I got a hefty dose of burning lungs

Skua ,

I will have to preface this with the fact that I have not read any of his books, but former British politician Rory Stewart is one of the people that comes to my mind when reading your description. I don't think that he comes to the right policy positions, of course, but whenever I listen to him he does seem to at least have a degree of empathy for all people. He seems to at least generally see the problem even if I think that his solution wouldn't work. He has an effective way with words in interviews and his writing is generally very well reviewed too.

Skua ,

I'm not sure that makes him not right wing, surely that just means he wasn't the kind of right wing that succeeded in the political landscape of the UK in the past 20ish years? His voting record is generally in favour of less regulation (outside of a few issues), lower taxes, military intervention, isolation from the EU. He's pro-environmentalist, but that hasn't always been an exclusively left-wing thing. Similarly, anarchists and Marxist-Leninists are both left wing, even if they wouldn't necessarily get along well in a single political party together

Skua ,

Fair enough. The whip is a reasonable point to bring up, though I would suggest that if it bothered him that much he wouldn't have stayed in the party for ten years. After all, he had switched parties beforehand. I get where you're coming from though.

Skua ,

You seen their estates? They're the half corporation

Skua ,

To a degree, but recent years have definitely shown the flaws of the EU model as it currently is. I do have some faith that the EU can and will reform itself to overcome those problems, as it is still a very young entity in the grand scheme of things and is generally quite effective legislatively. Things like Brexit and Hungary's obstructionism show that it is currently far too easy for governments within the EU to scapegoat it for local problems, and the Syrian migrant crisis really tested the unity of it.

Skua ,

Mine definitely isn't gentle, but I think that that's only because I don't mind getting a little bit scratched up when playing with him so I only taught him to keep it to that. He understands that playtime is over otherwise. He seems to understand when he has done more than he meant to as well, he immediately goes from fighting to affectionate

Same experience with kneading though. It's very cute that he's so happy and comfortable but holy shit cat your claws are so sharp

Skua ,

Any hobby would fit honestly. Musicians call it Gear Acquisition Syndrome

Skua ,

Damn if you had checked one hour earlier a few hours later it would have been 69 days and 420 minutes

Skua ,

7 hours is 420 minutes

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