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AA5B ,

A 500km tunnel would be only $23B, and they call that wildly expensive?

Let me introduce you to a 1.5k tunnel for $22B

AA5B ,

This is the downside of USB-C: a single connector used by many different capability ports and cables. On another thread I was complaining that laptops/computers still have too few USB-C ports and too many USB-A that I want to migrate away from. Why shouldn’t I be able to have all small, symmetrical connectors, like I have for the last decade with Lightning?

Some of the answers were that you can’t support the power and bandwidth for that many and there is no easy way to distinguish either ports or cables that do from those that don’t. That’s a pretty bad excuse when standardized marking could take care of that so easily. Even with USB-A there is a convention with color of the port - it would be trivial to do the same

AA5B ,

From Boston Harbor: “representation without taxation! Everyone drink tea!”

Q: “Are we doomed?” A: “We would be, if not for the amazing developments in renewable energy.” ( )

I wasn't aware just how good the news is on the green energy front until reading this. We still have a tough road in the short/medium term, but we are more or less irreversibly headed in the right direction.

AA5B ,
  • don’t cut back on planes, increase intercity train use
  • don’t cut back on cars, create more walkability and transit
  • dont cut back on meat, try this fantastic new meal that happens to not include meat, or fine: just one less day of red meat every week
  • don’t try to avoid facism, stand on your constitutional rights (for us). There’s more to that doc than the second amendment
AA5B ,

Degrowth is coming. Birth rate is below replacement in essentially all developed countries and is steeply dropping in less developed ones as well. We’re on track for population to level off and start dropping in only a few decades, as current larger generations die off.

We just need to hope that “natural” depopulation isn’t too late for addressing climate change.

But I’d argue it’s likely to drop too steeply, further destabilizing societies. Think of it like climate change in the 1970’s: we can fix it now with minimal impact, or we could wait until it’s a crisis. We need to take steps now to make having more children a more attractive choice

AA5B , (edited )

Robots are cool and all, but considering our (in a larger sense) children is literally the future of our civilization. The next generation is why it’s important to fix our mistakes, to leave things better than we found them, to open new opportunities and greater potential. Automation can enable that but is not a goal in itself, or is a short term goal for personal gain.

So yes, I’ll agree that we seem to have passed the healthy carrying capacity of the planet and should fix that. However I’ll strongly disagree that it would be a good thing to drop below the sustainability of current society, innovation, science, and I’ll strongly disagree it’s desirable to drop population fast enough to destabilize societies, economies, or to cause human suffering. That’s what we my be headed for. A few tweaks now, might help population level off and gradually decline without causing suffering, and hopefully level off at a healthy total.

Let’s fix our mistakes while still setting the next generation up for success, not give in to misery and root for disaster

Edit: if you read the Wikipedia article on degrowth, there’s surprisingly little focus on reducing population and it really isn’t a goal, although an important tool. Pretty much all of the precepts contradict sudden population declines or the aftereffects of that

AA5B ,

As a more manageable and not quite as expensive option: a shorter sail might be most of the adventure you need.

I live in Boston and at one point joined a sailing school/club out of Boston harbor. They had mostly 35’ boats but a few up to 49’. It was so much fun learning to deal with open water, complex boats, crew cooperation.

However the one thing I wasn’t in a position to do …. They organized cruises on the bigger boats: form a crew and sail to the Caribbean! While it’s nowhere near around the world, something like this is a couple weeks at sea and seems like a really cool adventure

AA5B ,

The article is missing too many details:

  • Why pigs? I thought by far the biggest offender were ruminants
  • The article says “cows and pigs” but how does it apply to similar animals? I’ve recently had bison and elk but there are more? Or are they enough of an edge case to not worry about it.
  • There are additives to cattle feed that reduce methane emissions: does the tax make any adjustment to encourage that?
AA5B ,

Wow, that’s really good news for the environment if it is general to livestock, and that much more of a miss for the headline

AA5B ,

You need to get up to date from three years ago. NodeJS 16.20, or thereabouts, enabled dependency auditing by default.

I’m still fighting my engineers go get current enough to use this (but we do have a proxy artifact server that also attempts to keep downloads clean, and a dependency scanner)

Tesla is recalling its Cybertruck for the fourth time to fix problems with trim pieces that can come loose and front windshield wipers that can fail | The new recalls each affect over 11,000 trucks ( )

The company says in the documents that the front windshield wiper motor controller can stop working because it’s getting too much electrical current. A wiper that fails can cut visibility, increasing the risk of a crash. The Austin, Texas, company says it knows of no crashes or injuries caused by the problem....

AA5B ,

Right, I considered it …. I’m not interested in a truck but a fully refundable $100 to hold my place in line, for what was at the time the first EV pickup?

AA5B ,

It was the first EV pickup, at the time of announcement, and the battery tech sounded excellent, as did the list of features. Most importantly the announced price would have made it one of the lowest priced EVs. How could you not get hyped?

But when it dragged out so long and they were going to deliver on features offer price, maybe they should have cut their losses.

At the time, I was saying Cybertruck was a huge success because it pushed Ford to build the F150 Lightning.

AA5B ,

Seriously, people have been saying this stuff about WordPress as long as it’s been around, and I’m always surprised that it still exists. This was definitely one of those technologies that sounded bad enough that it could never last. Joke is on me.

Of course I thought the same with JavaScript but was forced to learn it last year

AA5B ,

It’s not my choice. I’m only here to help others fix their code, not to actually do the coding. I have to someone know best practices and how to fix common bugs

AA5B ,

This system of water pipes could have made for excellent, very low energy heat pumps. Imagine how efficient that could be with a ground source only 5-10° away from comfortable at all times!

Even Apple finally admits that 8GB RAM isn't enough ( )

There were a number of exciting announcements from Apple at WWDC 2024, from macOS Sequoia to Apple Intelligence. However, a subtle addition to Xcode 16 — the development environment for Apple platforms, like iOS and macOS — is a feature called Predictive Code Completion. Unfortunately, if you bought into Apple's claim that...

AA5B ,

At that point you gotta wonder if it can keep up with an $80 Raspberry Pi, especially if HP tries to shoehorn Windows into that

What do you think the Great Filter is?

The Great Filter is the idea that, in the development of life from the earliest stages of abiogenesis to reaching the highest levels of development on the Kardashev scale, there is a barrier to development that makes detectable extraterrestrial life exceedingly rare. The Great Filter is one possible resolution of the Fermi...

AA5B ,

Exponential functions. Seriously. You meet crisis after crisis, each having a risk of ending civilization, but that risk never goes away. It keeps multiplying and multiplying, until you realize the risk curve is approaching a vertical line

AA5B ,

Generational ships wouldn’t have to reach the edge of the galaxy, just the next planetary system. There’s no reason civilization needs to remain centered on Earth, either. Think of it as a wave traveling outward, where it eventually reaches the edge, by many smaller hops. It will also eventually reach earth, where they might wonder at signs of a prehistoric civilization. Actually, think of it like the Middle East, where empires rise and fall, crusades and jihads burst through, religions rise out of nowhere, people speak many different languages. A galactic civilization could be dynamic and ever changing, distance can make us strangers to each other, the fate of any planet matter only to its inhabitants and neighbors

AA5B ,

True, you’re not getting to the next galaxy. However within the galaxy, your generation ships only need to work for a century or two per voyage. That’s at least conceivable

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • AA5B ,

    The problem is buying means nothing about whether it is legit or whether a company decides they want it. It only means you reserved it. Any disagreements are hashed out after the fact in court. It’s not a game that individuals can afford to win vs a corp

    AA5B ,

    Step 0). Decide if there’s anything you dont want on a common server.

    I realized long ago that my projects sometimes stall out partway through. However some things need to just work, regardless of where I am in a project. HA is a great example of something that manages itself (so less advantage to the VM) and that I want always available, so even if I decide to go down a route like you are, HA stays independent, stays available

    Amazon Mulls $5 to $10 monthly price tag for unprofitable Alexa service, AI revamp ( )

    Amazon (AMZN.O) is planning a major revamp of its decade-old money-losing Alexa service to include a conversational generative AI with two tiers of service and has considered a monthly fee of around $5 to access the superior version, according to people with direct knowledge of the company's plans.

    AA5B ,

    You could also argue Apple is heading in an interesting direction with on-device AI. Im ready to switch to Apple TV for fewer ads, as soon as they release a new version capable of on-device AI

    AA5B ,

    Yeah, mighty tempting, especially since I wouldn’t need anywhere near that many. On the assumption the new improved Siri will need on device ai, I’ll go for it when they release that

    AA5B ,

    HA is making good progress toward a home automation voice assistant, which is definitely cool, but I have read about where it works as a general voice assistant. Siri is a good general voice assistant and Apple is making good progress toward home automation, so I’d go in that direction too. As soon as a new HonePod comes out to support on-device AI, I’m in

    AA5B ,

    For me ….

    On the one hand it worked. The cheap price introduced me to something I wouldn’t have bothered with. And the cheap price encouraged me to buy many. Now I count on it. But if it’s not cheap, I have no reason to pick that option

    AA5B ,

    Yep, I’m already too far into the Apple cult, but if they release AirPod and AppleTV with in-device support for new Siri, I’ll be begging them to take my money

    … and a Thread radio. I’m not sure what use Apple plans but I’m thrilled my phone has it and plan to get an iPad that has it

    AA5B ,

    Unfortunately, I’m still getting overnight and next day delivery on a lot of stuff, so I’m not giving Prime up. I did stop watching Prime Video already, since I’m not paying yet more.

    Now I’m already way into the Apple ecosystem, so if Amazon insists that I give Apple yet more money for airpods, I’m ok with that

    AA5B ,

    Granny Smith apples. They have intense flavor and solid crispness, unlike other variety vaguely sweet mushy apples. Most importantly, they’re still good out of season.

    Every year I go wild with variety for 1-2 month, then return to Grannies for the rest of the year

    AA5B ,

    It’s getting more and more difficult to turn off the ads and internet noise, so you can actually get useful results

    AA5B ,

    I don’t object to anyone using that, but:

    • smoking it stinks up the whole block/park. You need to get a handle on that.
    • it’s a vice, don’t pretend otherwise. Be honest with yourself.
    • it does seem like a fun vice
    AA5B ,

    But you’re assuming the type of growth will never change.

    • population growth is not sustainable and we’re past that point, but knowledge growth is
    • resources growth is not sustainable and we’re past that point for many resources, but economies can grow independently of resources
    AA5B ,

    More importantly, it’s quite possible and we have living examples, to intentionally design cities this way and give people more freedom and convenience

    AA5B ,

    Hah, a few walkability and transit improvements to 3-4 cities will cover most of the population of Canada ….

    AA5B ,

    There are already trends showing economic growth disconnected from both resources and energy. Welcome to the service economy

    AA5B ,

    Vice: bad habit, especially used as a form of escapism

    Yes I’m one of those, my vice is alcohol, pleased to meet you.

    You don’t need to be defensive about it: we all need a way to cope with life, something to let off a little steam. But it’s important to recognize it for what it is and be honest with yourself

    AA5B ,

    We already have many cases where a very small number of humans can manage automated services for millions. It’s extremely scalable

    While you could argue the electronics and power are also a resource dependency, it again scales extremely well

    AA5B ,

    Their only goal is attention

    This is not scammy advertising where “any attention is good attention”. This is an important cause where we need to build support

    They can afford to be unpopular to further the cause.

    Sure, no donations, no popular support, they can just be marginalized and ignored as a bunch of extremists. Everyone cheers when the cops cart them off to jail. Yay for attention though

    Those who are apathetic about the climate are still going to be apathetic, with a bit of rage

    This is where they’re wrong, and where I’m especially frustrated when it’s a cause I agree with. All those middle ground or non-active people who could be wooed as supporters, will now dismiss the cause as a bunch of annoying kooks. Nobody caused change by driving away potential supporters

    AA5B ,

    People don’t just go “a small group I hate cares about climate change so now I don’t care”.

    No they don’t, but if I want to talk about the same cause to try to change people’s minds, instead I have to explain away a bunch of extremists and try to get them to take the cause seriously despite those extremists

    AA5B ,

    Do you think some kids are going to be able to buy the support of politicians by outbidding the oil companies?

    Politicians care about votes, money is just an easy way to get them. No, a bunch of kids by themselves brings nothing to the table. A bunch of extremists probably never gets to the table. Do you know what’s the only thing that may outrank those corporate interests? Votes. If you bring votes to the table they don’t even have to buy, you’ll get a response

    Notice what’s being discussed here. You claim this type of action gets people talking but no one here is discussing their cause nor supporting it

    AA5B ,

    Is there enough of a market for Corvettes to support a global manufacturer?

    AA5B ,

    There’s no reason to need a garage. Mine is full of kids crap so I never park there, and just had the charger installed on the exterior p of my garage where it’s convenient to my car in the driveway. They’re all weatherproof and it’s not like someone is going to spend hours in your driveway charging their car to steal a couple bucks of electricity. Or, at least for Tesla, every car has a unique identifier, so you can configure a white list of allowed vehicles while blocking every phone else.

    AA5B , (edited )

    Great, and I’m sure the same applies to public chargers, for those making the excuse that there aren’t any near them.

    Yes, we need a lot more public chargers, especially to make charging convenient, but there really are some near most of the population

    AA5B ,

    If I were expecting to buy a car for $1-2k, I’d expect it to be on its last legs, even for ICE. Unless you’re comfortable fixing it yourself, any significant repair is already not worth it

    AA5B , (edited )

    If you’re looking for a 10,000 pound vehicle, and are not one of a very small percentage that needs it, you have other problems. Yes, EVs are too heavy, but think like 20% heavier that on comparable, it’s not that bad. It’s only excessively huge inefficient trucks that are that heavy. My mid-sized SUV EV is a 4,000 pound explosive, thank you very much.

    One of the benefits, if you’re able to install a home charger, is to never really have to think about refueling. Think of it like charging a phone and just get into the habit of charging over night. I need to recharge a couple hours per week, but I never have to go anywhere. When I get home, if the car is below 50%, I plug in. Then It’s always just ready to go without me ever waiting or going anywhere. So much more convenient than gas stations. Granted road trips aren’t as convenient but they’re also not as bad as people fear

    AA5B ,

    It’s an industry wide problem for sure. Whatever politician takes that up will get huge votes.

    My EV is likely one of the worst offenders l, but they’re all offenders

    When I looked into similar for my 1996 Pontiac, it was already a concern, and it’s gotten much worse

    AA5B ,

    I feel like Jeep owners will be the last to go EV: the car is so unique in appearance, customizable, and functionality. And it’s not like Jeep owners are looking for efficiency.

    Some of Cybertruck’s announced capabilities might have bit into that market, if they’re able to deliver them eventually

    AA5B ,

    That’s what I’ve been saying for the last several years: give me a good commuter EV to replace my more commuter ICE. I still think two car households in single family homes are the ideal market, but i divorced my second car and spent a little more in the EV that can get me places. So far so good with road trips up to 3 hours, but we’ll see this summer with bigger road trips

    AA5B ,

    Y’all really need to go about asking your landlord to install chargers. There are even options where it charges you for power so he’s not out the cost

    They’ll probably ignore the request, but at this point it’s progress to plant the seed, give them the idea, show them interest is building. Your future self will thank you

    The condo my ex lives in just had a board meeting about installing chargers. It seemed like a reasonable cost and they haven’t rejected it, so it’s possible

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