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muntedcrocodile ,

There is plenty of evidence qwerty is slower there are also plenty of alternatives that get minimal to no use cos well standards.

muntedcrocodile ,

What happened to separating art from the artist?

muntedcrocodile ,

The only thing I would disagree with in this take would be who are you to judge what is and isn't of sufficient redeeming value to override to state of the artist? I would argue that art by definition is subjective and as such making any objective arguments or claims to discredit an artwork simply due to its creator is therefore invalid.

muntedcrocodile ,

If ur in Australia I'll buy u some ramen

muntedcrocodile ,

I though art was subjective didn't realise I needed a PhD in art history to have a subjective opinion.

muntedcrocodile ,

Its defiantly above the level of well done sweety I'll hang it on the fridge here.

Why go to so much effort to discredit an artwork just cos u dislike the creator? Also when was the last time u listened to Michael Jackson?

muntedcrocodile ,

Hmm its an interesting take. I tend to take the approach of evaluating the frameworks individually and and comparing to other artworks based on each framework itself. Obviously the artist themselves are one framework for which you must evaluate but I think trying to compare that to other frames as apposed to other artist themselves is an exercise of the subjective.

muntedcrocodile ,

The ramen is the same as everywhere else but I don't see why u could put a kangaroo steak on her.

muntedcrocodile ,

Do u not know what subjective means?

muntedcrocodile ,

Here ya go. No that's exactly what it means.

muntedcrocodile ,

Any perspective is a framework I would consider the artist to be a perspective (framework) through which you can view said artwork. You are a framework I'm a framework an artist is a framework it inherently creates subjectivity.

I'm well aware its usually not considered a framework in its own right and often lumped in with contextual or maybe historical but when making a division between the frameworks I find it a useful division to make.

muntedcrocodile ,

If u want ai powered search results I would recommend this tool instead:

muntedcrocodile ,

Stupid idea brought to by an extremely bias youtuber.

muntedcrocodile ,

You can point out that something is a moronic stupid idea without pushing a political agenda while doing so. I went a watched a whole bunch of his other ideas they all have a political bias first then have facts second.

r/The_Donald helped radicalize users into far-right identities and discourse – Active users on r/The_Donald increasingly used white nationalist vocabularies in their comments within three months. ( )

I know most people that were on reddit at the time are fully aware of this and won't be surprised but don't dismiss the findings out of hand. It's important that studies are being conducted and the fact that the finding match our lived experience is still noteworthy.

muntedcrocodile , (edited )

So what's the definition of white nationalist vocabulary?

EDIT: Why da fuck am I getting down voted for wanting specifics on the very premise of the article?

muntedcrocodile ,

Wow that's a lot of text with a lot of opinion I don't really care for. I was more looking for a list but all I got was cuck, zionist, ethnostate, soros, and 1488. The rest is ideas and concepts and Dumas's conspiracy theories not vocaulary.

Also imo its incredibly nieve to lump anyone who identifies with republican as an alt-right Nazi. That is literally the same generalisation group think blame game that Hitler used to blame and prosecute the Jews.

I guess my only other question is why are the Palestinian protesters using at least 2 of these ideas/words?

muntedcrocodile ,

I wanted a list I thought I said that? I refuse to pay hence I asked as I want to be better educated on the topic.

Here is u lumping all republicans together with the people u call extremists Nazis, antivaxxers, and antisemites.

The "alt-right" is now just "Republicans" so they can hide their extremism behind moderates.

I never said the left where Nazis. I made no comment of political affiliation or assumptions about you or myself.

The right is riddled with far right extremists same as the left is riddled with far left extremists. The reason u do that see them as extremists is because u are aligned with them (no extremist thinks they are an extremist).

They are completely comparable acts both Hitler and the left are finding real examples of a problem, both then selected a section of these people based on a common ideology (that they happen to not like), both then attributed the bad shit committed by a small percentage no higher than the societal average to the whole group, both then used that to organise societal prosecution of the whole group based on the actions of a few. Hitler not the left then used the general disapproval of these people to relocate them which he then used as justification to murder them because out of sign out of mind. Lot of similarities here.

Zionism plays an important part in Israeli hostilities towards Gaza.

So its antisemitic when the right does it but acceptable to literally call for the destruction of their nation if the left does it (from the river to the sea etc)? That's some very impressive doublethink does 2+2=5?

I'm not trying to link u to Hitler just pointing out the similarities and ur hypocritical or idiotic refuse to a knowledge said similarities. I have literally no say power or influence over what 2 other sovereign nations choose to do. It is quite literally 2 democratic nations going to war with each other I believe that we should respect the peoples decisions on how their democratically elected government operates. I'm simply concerning myself with the actions violence and hate happing in my backyard.

That's two mentions of my family not speaking to me. I'm not sure what kind of a psychopathic family refused to talk to someone because of political ideology but Me thinks you doth protest to much.

muntedcrocodile ,

So they are using and you are using a word that according to this article is radicalising or is that only when the right uses it?

muntedcrocodile ,

Is that why you want to equate right-wingers playing the victim card to people who were actually murdered simply for existing?

If u could read u would realise that's not what I said at all. If I really wanted to equate the left with Hitler I would point out he gained most of his public support from promising everyone land a fammilly and job. Sounds like the same thing socialism is promising.

Have u ever gone and spoken to a republican in person? have u ever gone and had a legitimate conversation with one? Have u even left the world greatest 3rd world country?

And since it seems to be your culture to call me a facist as an Aussie its culturaly insensitive for you to stop me calling you a cunt.

muntedcrocodile ,

but I guess it doesn't sound very socialist any more now, does it?

I don't see how which group ur pandering to matters?

in person?

Why? I grew up in a fascist regime, genius - I have been hearing the garbage fascists peddle since birth.

So that's a no? Get off the fucking internet and go civilly speak to the goddamn people especially the ones u disagree with.

muntedcrocodile ,

What makes u think I'm a facist what facist things have a done/said?

muntedcrocodile ,

So pointing out that facists make up a very small percentage of people politically right of centre is running interference now?

muntedcrocodile ,

First u cut off half my quotes rude. Second these are factually correct statements. Third I do not support or endorse fascism as it goes against my fundamental belief in equality. Fourth I do not excuse fascism and am greatly saddened by their unwillingness to engage in good faith discussion much like yourself.

muntedcrocodile ,

Isn't it a national security risk?

muntedcrocodile ,

Yes, it runs grapheneos.


I'm talking about the mass deployment of spying devices across an entire country mapping every street running facial recognition collecting military related data. The idiot who buys the var who cares its everyone else.

muntedcrocodile ,

I'd prefer to be ground down for profit by greedy american pigs than be put in a concentration camp by the CCP.

muntedcrocodile ,

Because no car company would ever lie about the software there cars are running or go to extreme measures to hide that its not what it claims to be when being tested.

muntedcrocodile ,

Fix no, reduce attack surface 100%. Lets say hypotheticaly u know a foreign country is going to fuck u in the ass would you A let them fuck u with 60million dicks or B make it expensive so u are getting fucked over less.

muntedcrocodile ,

Riiiight so if its so conspiratorial why has China banned teslas from being within kilometres of any Chinese military establishment?

muntedcrocodile ,

What u think they will do if they invade/become the dominant global power. My country is at a far greater risk of Chinese invasion than urs. U set precidents the west follows like the good little vassals we are.

As for the un thing that's idiotic the us has veto power.

If Reddit had a soul/conscience, I think it was us, and we're all on Lemmy now...

As a little background, I didn't actively use Reddit for months following the blackout. I still barely stop in over there and if I do I'm never logged in our contributing to the communities there (where I was previously a daily poster/commenter)....

muntedcrocodile ,

Lemmy is barely any better its just more left leaning.

muntedcrocodile ,

Where can I go download this cubic mm?

muntedcrocodile ,

I imagined it would be big but that's mad. Is that full 3d model or just connection cos of its just connections it really shows how far our ai is from replacing us.

muntedcrocodile ,

Its perpetually hungry. All that's fucked Hahahaha.

muntedcrocodile ,

I've been trying to use osmand but it doesnt have public transport capabilities or live updates which is just too much its missing out on to switch for 100% of tasks

muntedcrocodile ,

I don't see any advantage over google unless its open source.

muntedcrocodile ,

I can't use it for 80% I don't even have house numbers on streets Ive added a whole bunch tho so I guess I'm making it better for the future. Idk where to even start with adding live traffic/public transport to it what language does it even use?

muntedcrocodile ,

Someone please assassinate him mans gotta pay for his genocide

muntedcrocodile ,

Sounds like fun NGL probably would solve a lot of problems add a multiplier bonus based on the number of substances in the bloodstream. Ohh and probably should make it so every elected official for the area has to spend the same percentage of time homeless as the area they govern has homeless. Death is one hell of a motivator.

muntedcrocodile ,

Is it really a genocide if u can stop it happening to ur people at any point u want them choose not to? Then again nothing's really a genocide as long as ur the victor u get to write history.

muntedcrocodile ,

Exactly we have mad. That ensures China won't nuke us just as much as it ensure don't nuke them. Mad is a mathematical concept that makes nukes NEVER a viable solution it ensures the calculus of battle never advantages their use.

Nukes pose little to no diplomatic leverage between 2 nuclear powers except maybe preventing an invasion. Grow up stop falling for the nuclear sabre scare tactics.

muntedcrocodile ,

U fucking imbecile the Cuban missile crises was calculated retaliation for america moving nukes within similar range to the USSR. The USSR could have launched nukes instead they chose to ship nukes half way across the fucking globe to send a point then the leaders had a phone call and decided to both withdraw.

muntedcrocodile ,

U where this close to getting the point. America tried to use nuked as leverage USSR relocated nukes negating said leverage net impact of nukes on leverage equals 0.

I'm not sure how advocating for fucking them up while having a convo in the context of sanctions is a nuclear threat. But keep pushing you appeasement propaganda worked great with Germany.

muntedcrocodile ,

Because equality of outcome is guaranteed to breed inequality. We will see the same effects as the soviet union of people taking advantage of the system because why put any effort in if it doesnt make ur life any better. Ur point about no education that most certainly isn't equality of oppertunity educate them abolish private funding of schools etc. Health care I would also argue is equality of oppertunity. Is this not a socialist idea itself?

I don't think I'm poorly informed I simply think that socialist ideals are exactly that ideals. I guess I simply prefer to live in reality.

muntedcrocodile , (edited )

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer because we don't have equality of oppertunity. Still if u worked for ur fortune or not do u really want to take that oppertunity away from everyone else?

Again we do not have equality of oppertunity nor is the ideal of it even particularly tied to capitalism. But we didn't give people the oppertunity we didn't give them a fair chance anyone who pretends we did is either stupid or promoting a straw man.

As for everything u said about the USSR stop sucking the dick of a dead empire.

The whole food thing

Maybe social standards dropped cos of a dictatorship not capitalism but who knows. From my understanding there are many nations that had and continue to have far better standards than the soviet union and well all of them are capitalist.

Then again I'm not arguing for or against capitalism or socialist/communist just that we should be willing to accept ideas from both and incorporate them to build something better.

muntedcrocodile ,

Please do elaborate

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