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maniii ,

Some meetings are for:

  • Project Planning

  • Roadmaps

  • Brainstorming

  • Project-Milestone-Task breakdowns

  • Issue-Triage work

  • Budgetary allocations

  • Priority item tracking

There are many many important meetings to have and to get done. The worst meeting you can have is a status-update call where you mark off items on a checklist. This can be done by automation and status-tracker boards.

maniii ,

Unless you spent 1000s of dollars buying saucers and hammers and lollipops or something garbage that lets you finish without actually playing.

I hate these "gatcha" gaming nonsense where you pay-to-win.

maniii ,

More security theatre. And more traffic. Also difference between Domestic vs International flight requirements.

maniii ,

Lab-grown meat might not have nerve-endings or nerve-endings that connect to nowhere. You will need a brain or spine for the nerves to connect back to for the nervous signals to get recognized and processed before the screaming and "conscious" state of the brain can potentially exist.

So in essense, the lab-grown meat will just be like tissue cultures kept artificially alive but not a living organism.

maniii ,

HRT doesnt level the playing field for benefits gained due to "doping" or "Y-chromosome" development.

Sports should have "XX-chromosome" category i.e. Female/Women sports. And "XY-chromosome" category i.e. Male/Men sports.

And if there are sufficient participants, an "All-Gender" category i.e. Open/Neutral sports.

There is no need to co-opt or include ambiguous situations. Sports should be fair, equal-opportunity and intensely competitive within their segments.

maniii ,

It sucks that everything these days get politically and ideologically bent out of shape. I just want to enjoy sports without all the hoopla and co-opting.

Just too excited waiting for the Paris 2024 to start, hopefully there will be less controversy and more human moments in sports.

Keep Being a Good Human and Calmly Carry On Being Excellent to One Another !


maniii ,

Very interesting

maniii ,

:smh: If you have to split hairs what is "Human" I cannot help you. Be Awesome or don't it is eventually every persons choice to act or not act.

maniii ,

Any sports that is competitive requires testing to ensure that no one cheats or has an unfair advantage. If you are against testing in sports, then sports is not what you are looking for.

An Open participant category would solve almost every problem. Only the best of the best will win.

Traditionally, "Women" ( biological XX-chromosome Homo-sapiens ) had their own category due to their inherent physical weakness compared to "Men" ( biological XY-chromosome Homo-sapiens ) in almost every physical category. This allowed "Women" to compete on their own "safe" "fair" "even" "fair" playing field separate from "Men".

If you want a sports category "Trans-Woman" or "Trans-Man" or "Trans-any / Non-Binary" PLEASE GO FOR IT ! I am not saying anyone should be excluded from sports. But there are reasons that categories exist in sporting events. Be constructive or don't it is your choice.

[Beau of the Fifth Column] Let's talk about Putin's promise of peace in Ukraine.... ( )

TLDR: There was a recent shakeup of the Russian top brass and an economist was put in a top job. He thinks the economist has told Putin that this can not be sustained given Russia's capability and Western promised support. Putin might actually be listening and why he wants to settle on current control.

maniii ,

mass-murderer vs not-a-murderer ... huh I guess we should both get reduced 50-year jail terms !

Putin must be forced to withdraw from Ukraine as established in 1994 and Russian territories surrounding Ukraine become DMZs manned by UN watchtowers and UN controls.

UN has become a farce and I dread another League of Nations levels of failure in the near future.

maniii ,

I believe pfizer? and some other pharma companies have now admitted to the non-zero risk for blood-clots and fatally-low platelet counts due to the vaccine. We still do not understand the full long-term impact of the vaccines. We need to stop the vaccine rollout and study the long-term and wider population effects now so that if in 10 or 20 or 30 years down the line if we start seeing people developing abnormal long-term systemic chronic effects due to the vaccines, we now have a MASSIVE study-patient-base available.

Medicine has to be RESPONSIBLY applied and while vaccinations are necessary they still have to be studied to death to ensure their safety and efficacy.

Private corporations DO NOT GET A FREE PASS.

maniii ,

It doesn't absolve the need to study the Golden rice for health problems. If Monsanto/Bayer made this "healthy rice" I will be even MORE skeptical of this. Corporations have been well-known for greed and mutual-human-extinction.

I trust the rice that was humanly modified and grown over 20,000 years rather than the rice that was suddenly placed in the market by a greedy-corporation in less than a century.

maniii ,

If you mix rice with turmeric ( another attempted cash-grab-by-patenting ) you will get "golden rice". Not sure if it will have Vitamin-A so thats what supplements are for.

maniii ,

If it makes "Hitler" happy and isn't hurting "not-Jews" else why do you care?

These kinds of whataboutism is how bad things happen from well-intentioned but ultimately bad things end up happening.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

maniii ,

I heard somewhere that only the Top 2% of OF-"models" make 80% of all the revenue and the rest hardly make enough to pay for a meal a day.

maniii ,

I heard that during COVID lockdowns, couples in Paris parks were left-alone if they were caucasian while the non-caucasians we beaten by the cops without any warning whatsoever.

maniii ,

Extreme examples bring to light why whataboutism is so prevalent. Find a better answer than "public nudity never hurt no one" ... is not the correct answer.

maniii ,

you mean cardboard packages with plastic linings ?

maniii ,

Yep. You can get it composted quickly enough, you can get the plastic film out of the composting bin, but the microplastics are already seeped in and contaminated the biomass.

maniii ,

The Brits flew night raids deep into Europe, dropped their payloads and returned home. The Tech definitely DID EXIST.

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