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jnk ,

Google is an advertising company first, everything else second. Of course they shouldn't be trusted, it's safe to assume they'll log and analyze the smallest piece of data

jnk ,

"No, because *proceeds to explain the definition of a service problem *"

My guy if they export only some mangas and animes, much slower, and with lower quality than pirates, then shoot the characters with the american ray; why should i pay them instead of having a superior and closer to original experience?

I'm already paying for HDDs and other hardware for my home media library, I'd rather pay for a service and save my time, but they won't do it right.

jnk ,

Counterpoint: If said community is about a certain type of software, decisions over the type of platform matter more than popularity within teenagers. Coherence is important.

jnk ,

Even for unexpected/accidental deaths, this has an easy fix: Put my bitwarden master password on my will.

jnk ,

I would 100% use this HPL-v2 for all of my (temporary) foss projects. It's just genius. I mean, good luck keeping track of the current owner, Nintendo lawyers.

jnk ,

The XZ topic was way more complicated than that and overly exaggerated by some people. Open source is still the closest thing we have to "safe by default".

Still, as someone else stated, if you're not hosting it's not truly open source as you can't really verify the actual code running behind the server.

jnk , (edited )

I haven't tried it myself (tho I'm planning to do so soon), but check Onju voice, it tries to do something kinda similar.

I hope someone tries do pull that on an echo dot. Good hardware, shit software.

Edit: Update with related links.

The Onju Github i forgot before, tho it's linked in pcbway. It has instructions to set it up along with home assistant and even a matrix bridge.

Onju voice satellite is a different project using the same custom pcb. This one looks better integrated with home assistant and has an actual wakeword system (unlike og onju, which doesn't have one by design). This one feels more like "better private alexa for home assistant".

jnk ,

Everything is open source for this guy after using this simple trick. Big techs HATE him!

jnk ,

My god i shouldn't have read the thread you crossposted from

Glorious ship btw

jnk ,

If they require at least a 71yo, assuming the person started working at 16 and has dedicated their entire life to develop software without ever touching management positions, ... At what age does people retire in that country??

jnk ,

Damn... I swear no one will ever see me again after my 65th birthday, I'll be on the beach, probably knitting till I die

jnk ,

If you're going through that route, SearX beats everything and it's not even close. It's self hosted and takes search results from any engine you check in a config, different config for search categories, ... Rn I'm mostly getting results from brave, qwant, and duckduck.
Gotta acknowledge the bing copilot tho, it's pretty decent, but requires to use edge or bing app in android, so i only use it when I'm lazy or I'm searching for something too obscure for searx.

jnk ,

Doesn't mean the statement is less true, the enshitification of google is a symptom, the disease is the internet as a whole. Google and LLMs screwing the web, M$ screwing windows, Apple's existence by itself, Meta monopolizing and screwing social media, and don't get me started with streaming platforms and other media industries are all symtoms.

Considering all of that, yes, the internet enshitification is very real.

jnk ,

Not true because we're getting the same experience whether we pay or not. The same kinda goes for google, they have other services you could pay to support them (please don't), and it won't make the search engine better. Big difference is one of them is actually free (full meaning of the word) and the other one is just usable without paying.

You're still using a free platform to say good free software is not a thing tho, kinda weird.

jnk ,

It would be interesting tho to use a LLM to spot AI/SEO crap and add whole domains to a search blacklist. In that case we wouldn't need AI to do the actual search, and this could easily just be a database for end users by the SE's side (kinda like explicit content filters).

I'd call that option "Bullspam filter" and leave it on "moderate" by default.

jnk ,

Same for plasma, global clipboard is just more convenient

jnk , (edited )

You should be ashamed of your peers

That's exactly the war crime mentioned before. How is that different from blaming every german for being from the same country as nazis?

Edit: The nazi analogy was just me trying to find an example that even a moron could understand.

... I failed miserably

jnk ,

Ok ok, let me understand you:

  • You had bad experiences with people of the other gender.
  • You think now that every man is exactly the same, and if they don't, they're just evil manipulators who want to hide their true evil nature.
  • You're complaining about people who generalize with the other gender because of their past experiences (aka. sexists).
  • You 100% agree with the post, so you support neglecting people's feelings as long as they're from the other gender.

So... Are you a sexist incel? Why should men respect your feelings or validate your past experiences then? Stop trying to solve sexism with more sexism, it doesn't work like that. And please don't disrespect me or assume shit from my personal life amymore, it's just lame.

Do you use the device you torrent on for personal things as well?

I'm just curious as I've permanently dedicated my laptop to torrenting. I've been too nervous to install anything but the VPN and Firefox on it. Now, I'm curious to mess around with Linux some more, which is what I use on it, but I can't fully test out what all I can do with it without signing into accounts....

jnk ,

Who said anything about torrenting something illegal 👀

As far as I'm concerned, everything i discuss here is for educational purposes only and even if you share info about "your" setup, it's just hypothetical. Not your fault if someone you totally don't know has the same setup you described and uses it for illegal activities.

jnk ,

Agreed on that last part, making that the default would be a great solution. I could also use a signature in comments, like that guy who always puts the "Commercial AI thingy" but automatically.

jnk ,

Have you tried to read the fucking manual you filthy lazy fuck? Marked as solved. Is there anything else i can do to help you? 😊

jnk ,

The price difference is that google steals your data. That's it. OpenAI steals data, ask for money to use most of their models, and buy even more data from other companies stealing user data (like google and SO). Also indexing web pages is not even the "stealing" part of google, it's just not comparable.

Yes, training AI on user data for free then selling the end product is a reasonable thing to be concerned about. It'd be different if the product was free or the data was sold to them with user consent.

SO has announced a subscription-based service trained on user data for free, and not only there's not even opt-out, they're mass-banning users for trying to "opt-out" manually. Tell me one thing here that's not completely fucked up.

Stirling-PDF: Locally hosted web application that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files ( )

This is a robust, locally hosted web-based PDF manipulation tool using Docker. It enables you to carry out various operations on PDF files, including splitting, merging, converting, reorganizing, adding images, rotating, compressing, and more. This locally hosted web application has evolved to encompass a comprehensive set of...

jnk ,

Do you think this would pass the grandma test? If so I'm 100% going to host this (mainly for my mother, hence the question)

jnk ,

The simplest TL;DR of those statistics is: "Precaution is good when dealing with both stranger humans and bears, demonizing half of the humans because penis is not justified tho."

I can't believe that is a sentence that needs to be said, what a time to be alive

jnk ,

I know and agree. I actually didn't even specify men, just stranger humans, as women also are way more likely to murder or rape you (statistically) than a bear. Remember we are still comparing to bears.

Edit: to be extra clear; the danger order is human male > human female > bears (i don't have gendered data for bears, that'd be weird).

But that guy, as other people on this post, seemed concerned about certain communities where men are really demonized. I just added a logical conclusion you get from the numbers and his answer

jnk ,

No worries, i can see why you thought that. This was a pre-nap and just waked up me problem lol

Stack Overflow and OpenAI Partner ( )

cross-posted from:

From the official stackoverflow account: We’re thrilled to announce we’re partnering with @OpenAI to bring best in class technical knowledge and the world’s most popular LLM models for AI development together! This groundbreaking partnership with OpenAI will drive our mission to empower the world to develop technology through collective knowledge.
jnk ,

...Did you just speculated a terrifyingly credible AI-generated Microsoft ad disguised as genuine tech support?

Confusing realization here

Isn't that like an AI ad about AI and ads?

jnk ,

Upvoted & i want to end my life now

[Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?

Seen a lot of posts on Lemmy with vegan-adjacent sentiments but the comments are typically very critical of vegan ideas, even when they don't come from vegans themselves. Why is this topic in particular so polarising on the internet? Especially since unlike politics for example, it seems like people don't really get upset by it...

jnk ,

I'm not against vegans, but where the hell did you read that meat is bad? You can have an opinion, but that's just not a fact. Period.

If you go and tell people they are "weak" and they "100% just have cognitive dissonance" for not accepting a hot take as a fact, how do you expect anything but people confronting you? You can't expect civilized discussions if you literally open by disrespecting the other party and dismissing anything they might argue ;-;

jnk , (edited )

I love how you just went "HAHA, CHECKMATE ANIMAL GENOCIDES" out of nowhere. This is why you get hate, you don't know what a fact or a point is, and your ethics are weak. Just explain why a) you need to do diet gymnastics and take supplements to avoid animal products if they are so bad and b) are you implying every carnivore and omnivore animal is a monster?

As i said, you do you, but be coherent and respectful. I respect vegans, morons are harder.

Edit: I refuse to reply to someone unable to stop disrespecting others.

jnk ,

Thanks, this is what i was talking about. I think i eat a healthy amount of meat, mostly white ones because of health and because istg chickens in specific have no souls. Most argumens you used can actually be outweighed by "i just like meat a lot", which is fine, but they are still relevant to choose what meat. I mean compare, in terms of ethics, health, sustainability, and even taste a McDonald's and a halal butcher shop.

What i try to say is that respect is just as important, if not more, than ethics; and you need both along with a little bit of reading to get a balanced point of view.

...Biggest problem is I'm broke af and bad meat is cheaper than good meat and no meat, ethics are a luxury not everyone can afford 🥲

jnk ,

Nope, they said meat itself is bad, which is factually incorrect. The industry sucks in many ways tho, and not only to the environment lol

jnk ,

Hard agree on this. Sell software and services to companies, only sell services to end users. I believe both selling your service as a dev and selling a service behind a free app are compatible with copyleft.

jnk ,

Trusting someone for convenience isn't ideal, but not everyone has the time and resources to audit, compile, and host a dumb frontend for yt. Most of the people here is good enough trusting literally anyone except a big tech company, including FOSS devs, the people who check the code, and public instances of their software. Even considering recent drama (solved by the community btw) I'd trust any FOSS project over google any day.

jnk ,

Earlier this week i ended up pirating some games i actually own because it was easier that way than the official one (which involved going through 3 freaking launchers for one game!), so there's the answer lol.

jnk ,

I haven't found a serious critic that didn't rely on fucking racism yet. If the only real argument is "rUsSian cOmPAny bAD" but you're ok with USA companies, you're just braindead.

I don't even use windows for that same reason, but if a windows user asks me, based on past experiences with low end computers (where you can actually tell the diference), I'd always recommend kaspersky for performance and malwarebytes for precision.

Pro tip: Downvotes without arguments only prove my point.

jnk ,

It would make more sense to change that to "Community managers are managed by contributors". Less effort for them and potentially better moderation.

jnk ,

I'm starting to think that not getting it probably means we are the caveman, but how could I know, I'm just a caveman after all

Would you teach your kids how to pirate?

My gf and I have had discussions about teaching morals to kids. In that vein, I asked myself, would I teach piracy to my kids? Yes, it’s technically illegal and carries inherent risks. But so does teenage sex carry the risks of teenage pregnancy, and so we have an obligation to children to teach them how to practice safe sex....

jnk ,

Nobody taught me, so I'm not teaching anyone.
Nobody banned me from doing it tho, so there's my answer. Piracy is a consequence of freedom, among other things.

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