csolisr ,
@csolisr@hub.azkware.net avatar

@reimufumo The Discord is bridged to a Matrix room, right?

...or at least XMPP or even IRC... right?!

qui ,
@qui@lemmy.world avatar


ngn ,
@ngn@lemy.lol avatar

thats what I call "perfectly cut"

ssm , (edited )
@ssm@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

It's ironic so many people are cucking to discord, having left reddit for lemmy

ssm ,
@ssm@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I was devastated when I learned X-Moto dumped their forums in favor of dicksword. You have the infrastructure already set up, why replace it with garbage, especially as an open source project?

efstajas ,

I see this point a lot and I don't get it at all. You can do something awesome, free and open-source but use tools that aren't, especially when we're talking about community building. Sure, you can do your outreach exclusively on Mastodon or Farcaster, but the most eyes just happen to be on closed platforms, so it'd just be self-sabotage. Doing the only thing that makes sense doesn't make you a hypocrite.

LaserTurboShark69 ,

I'm genuinely curious what would be a good alternative to Discord for something like this

GiovaMC1 ,

Revolt chat. Pretty much an open source discord.

fruitycoder ,

Matrix and matter most are my top two. Matrix is preferred because of the federation support and a pretty good bridge (to services such as discord) ecosystem.

ssm ,
@ssm@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

IRC, XMPP, Matrix (in order of personal preference)

BatmanAoD ,

The logo and "join our Discord" text are more than half cut off for me. Is that the original cropping, or is it a client (Jerboa) issue?

reimufumo OP ,
@reimufumo@lemmy.ca avatar

it's intentional

Kayday ,

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand cropped memes. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of memetics and linguistics most of the jokes will go over a typical reader's head. There's also the high contrast color pallette, which is deftly woven into the message. Lemmy users understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike cropped memes truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in longing for the bottom half of the text, "Join our Discord". I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the meme's genius wit unfolds itself on their smartphone screens. What fools..

pkill ,

tips fedora

TheBananaKing ,
TheBat ,
@TheBat@lemmy.world avatar

Project wiki >>>>>>>>...>>>>> discord >> communication via carrier pigeons

Sonotsugipaa ,
@Sonotsugipaa@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I think you're being a little unfair, communication via carrier pigeons is a valid solution as it outpaces IPv4/IPv6 carriers to this day

PsychedSy ,

Uh, what about tcp/ip over pigeon?

Sonotsugipaa ,
@Sonotsugipaa@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I did find a wikipedia article to that, and it still seems legitimately more sensible than using Discord for any reason other than gaming-related peer pressure

PsychedSy ,


PsychedSy ,


marcos ,

On one hand pigeons are cute...

And I don't think there's anything on the other hand.

VindictiveJudge ,
@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

What about the pigeon poop?

marcos ,

That would also be on the hand with the pigeons.

AdrianTheFrog ,
@AdrianTheFrog@lemmy.world avatar

Are a wiki and a discord mutually exclusive? They seem to fill very different roles.

TheBat ,
@TheBat@lemmy.world avatar

They also seem to be mutually exclusive considering how much more prevalent Discord seems to be.

jack ,

If you don't do what you preach I don't respect you

highalectical , (edited )
@highalectical@lemmygrad.ml avatar

This is the worst use of this meme I have ever seen.

polskilumalo ,
@polskilumalo@lemmygrad.ml avatar

How can someone be this stupid to think this comic fits here?

ProgrammingSocks ,

Matrix really isn't that hard.

gamermanh ,
@gamermanh@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

No, but you're gonna scare away a lot of people who don't wanna bother with it

polskilumalo ,
@polskilumalo@lemmygrad.ml avatar
dessalines ,
@dessalines@lemmy.ml avatar

People did improve society, they made Matrix and XMPP.

The seatbelts already exist, you just need to use them.

NateNate60 ,

Opinion: When you are trying to build a community it is more important to use whatever platform your users can be found on than to be a purist.

drmoose ,

but discord is simply less accessible than any other option. I can't even login without identifying 25 bicycles lmao

Fades ,

That’s just not true. I’m no discord fan but less accessible? They have an app for the mobile platforms as well as pc/mac, and browser-based support as well.

But oh no, they have a captcha!!! So much less accessible!!! The fuck you talking about

ricdeh ,
@ricdeh@lemmy.world avatar

Logging into a non-indexible proprietary service just to be able to read the documentation definitely does not contribute to accessibility.

maxprime ,

And often the documentation is nowhere to be seen.

dditty ,
@dditty@lemm.ee avatar

Nonsense! All you have to do is individually search each channel on the discord server and you just might find a brief thread discussing your issue 6 months ago, and then you just have to scroll for three minutes to find the comment with the resolution


Kacarott ,

I'm sorry but where is this random assumption that the documentation is on discord coming from?? It is extremely common for projects/organisations to have some kind of community discord, but I have never seen one that used it as their main documentation host. The discord are almost always just community hubs to chat with other community members.

nilloc ,

I think the term documentation can and should include bug reports, community questions and answers, and project examples and guides that are often only shared in Discord servers in recent years.

Most of these servers would be better off as discussion forums, but spam and ancient software have really hurt them. Young web devs need to start giving a shit about open web again. Time to make something better than phpbb, wordpress, and discord.

Kacarott ,

Then I must be missing a lot of projects, because I don't know of any which use discord for any of these things, besides questions and answers. And even then, only for informal stuff. Anything more serious goes on GitHub (or alternatives) or forums.

dditty ,
@dditty@lemm.ee avatar

I run into this most often for video game mods' and fan ROM hacks' support communities; they might host their projects on GitHub, but any and all technical support happens exclusively on their Discord server.

NateNate60 ,

For that stuff, yeah, Discord is trash. But for communicating and support it's definitely not a bad choice.

Obviously something like a Lemmy or Reddit community does both and would be better, or even a forum board

smeg ,

If I can't read or even search it without creating an account then it's pretty useless as an information source. Same issue with Twitter and Instagram.

Fades , (edited )

A free account does not make something inaccessible.

useless as an information source

That is absolutely bullshit, furthermore Discord is there for DISCOURSE, it’s not a goddamn wiki to be read and done with. Jesus Christ.

haui_lemmy ,
@haui_lemmy@lemmy.giftedmc.com avatar

Opinion: Not if that community advertises itself to know/care about open source. Using a proprietary, privacy unfriendly service which uses predatory marketing to get people to spend money on bs stuff and arbitrarily paywall functionalities is both anti open source and anti people. Its enabling those companies. One could maybe argue for a strict bridge which only server to connect those who resist foss platforms.

fmstrat ,

"I've built an off-grid support group. Join us on Facebook."

haui_lemmy ,
@haui_lemmy@lemmy.giftedmc.com avatar

Exactly :)

jnk ,

Counterpoint: If said community is about a certain type of software, decisions over the type of platform matter more than popularity within teenagers. Coherence is important.

helios , (edited )
@helios@social.ggbox.fr avatar

Putting everything on discord makes information unsearchable via search engines, which is objectivily not great. This recent habit is contributing to killing the web.

On a more subjective note, I just don't like it. On the top of my head : Confusing interface, wont' shut up about nitro, requires a phone number.

version_unsorted ,
yetAnotherUser ,

It's kind of stupid this even has to exist tbh

s_s ,

On the other hand, discord is a great way to help organize a community wiki.

gwen ,

also data collection

missphant , (edited )
@missphant@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Set up a Matrix space, bridge the channels to Discord. Everyone wins.

(But don't use IM outside of its useful scope regardless)

MonkderDritte ,

Well, i can't be there because the only provider doesn't accept my (mandatory) phone number.

corsicanguppy ,

My phone is set up as a tablet. It has no usable number.

I think it would be neat for Discord to enter the millennium.

Krauerking ,

trying to build a community

I honestly think that's the big part there. You can build a great app but it doesn't matter if no one is using it and you don't get feed back or it's not shared around.

So, here we are trying to use the newest virtual 3rd space to create a community so that there is people will feel engaged in the product and share it around to add more.

But that's also an issue with discord. It wants to be a social space more than a useful space and it usually gets entirely dominated by a few users with others less inclined to add in. It's also accessible but not easy necessarily to stumble into if you are outside of the community trying to look into it more.

It just does the wrong job, slower and less efficient than old school forums or wikis, but it's the tools we have to use in this less efficient connected Internet of the now.

Pacmanlives ,

Lot of bridge bots for linking Matrix and Discord along with IRC

s_s ,

When you are trying to build a community

...Don't use community software, got it.

iltg ,

if you're trying to build a chatroom then any chat software goes but if you're trying to build a community you should probably use something searchable and indexed, like real community software

also i find it laughable that users must already be on such platform, by your logic all communities should be mailing lists

pathief ,
@pathief@lemmy.world avatar

You may find it laughable but it is what it is. Most people does not enjoy signing up for specific product forums. It's much easier to just add yet another discord server to the list.

bruhduh ,
@bruhduh@lemmy.world avatar

Where matrix or/and xmpp

kionite231 ,

I went to discord.com for looking where does it say it. I found nothing. are they really claim this?

Sonotsugipaa ,
@Sonotsugipaa@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It's not Discord, it's some project that has a Discord community

Fades ,

The joke is that they say they like free and open source software but then point to communicating via software that is not.

It’s a shit joke to be fair, like what, you can’t believe in open source unless you use nothing but open source? Fucking stupid

MalachaiConstant , (edited )

I can't believe I had to scroll this far to find it this explanation.

My first thought was "wait did discord saying something bad about FOSS lately?" No, nothing unusual. Must be missing something.

Turns out some people see Discord as a sort of mascot for closed source, and that is what the joke hinged on.


Actually it's worse than that, isn't it? They're seeing the coexistence of closed source as being antithetical to open source.

Good luck with that I guess.

Fades ,

Your edit hit the nail right on the head

wallmenis , (edited )

Which project is this?

emptiestplace ,

Enough to necessitate this meme.

wallmenis ,

No, I mean, where did you find this?

llii ,

He probably made the screenshot himself.

redcalcium ,

Virtually all of new projects created after certain years. Younger devs prefer setting up a discord server first than setting up a documentation site/wiki. I feel old.

wallmenis ,

No, I get the joke, I just want to know which project is this from.

ikidd ,
@ikidd@lemmy.world avatar

I have to figure telling people repeatedly in discord how to do a particular thing because there's no documentation gets old fast.

redcalcium ,

They usually have a read only channel where the devs post how-to's and tutorials. You know, something that could've been put into a wiki or documentation site instead.

RickAstleyfounddead ,

I said "future" hehe

makingStuffForFun ,
@makingStuffForFun@lemmy.ml avatar


Join discord

NateNate60 ,

Congratulations. You have successfully repeated the joke.

Prunebutt , (edited )

To be fair: the cropping makes it hard to spot.

dabu ,
@dabu@lemmy.world avatar

I believe that was intended. It's a way to "hide" the punchline on an image so it's not obvious at the first glimpse

MostlyBlindGamer ,
@MostlyBlindGamer@rblind.com avatar

[sits quietly in the corner]

makingStuffForFun ,
@makingStuffForFun@lemmy.ml avatar

Congratulations. You have sharp observational skills.

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