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TimewornTraveler , (edited )

Self-diagnosis is not valid. By definition. Not even a psychiatrist can diagnose themselves. What you're talking about is either 1) advocating for your own diagnosis or 2) self-treatment.

Both of these things are valid.

Advocate for yourself for a diagnosis from a health professional if it will unlock new treatment options. But also just look into how others with similar problems have successfully managed their problems. Consider how you could implement similar things. That's what's at the heart of therapy for ADHD anyway.

But diagnosis itself is only useful as a tool for describing symptoms and informing treatment. If a collection of symptoms speaks to your experience, then the only point in putting a diagnostic label on it is to say "Maybe these things that helped others with similar symptoms will also help you." But in order to do that effectively, there also needs to be a differential diagnosis to ascertain what it is not. This is why healthcare providers need to be involved in the process. Two different things can look very similar but have very different etiologies and different treatments.

Social media needs to quit putting so much emphasis on diagnosis and more emphasis on treatment. This post should be removed for medical misinfo, but I hope people at least read the comments to see why this person seems to be such a snakeoil influencer.

TimewornTraveler ,

here we go, socially awkward redditors moralizing their awkwardness around phones again

It's called a human conversation, try it some time assholes. I'm sooooo sorry someone speaking to you is inconvenient.

have you considered returning to monke? nah then you'd just whine about fecal baseball being awkward

TimewornTraveler , (edited )

oh no you might be uncomfortable!!! that's so sad. whoever calls you is totally responsible.

anxiety sucks but stop blaming others for it. it's not their fault you choose to avoid the phone. maybe seek help for learning how to do a very basic human function instead of blaming others for it? or encouraging others to become defunct in a basic human function?

TimewornTraveler ,

because it seems like nowdays everyone isolates and pretends their discord relationships are real, and then complains when an actual human being calls them. there's already no connection between people, no communal spaces, no in-person relationships. it's so hard to see anyone anymore. and now you all want to shit all over one way to connect more directly?

and how almost every commenter in this space has the same mentality. it's horrifying. are you all shut-ins? it reveals something dark about the kind of people that post on this site and really undermines other communities.

and seeing people moralizing mental disorders instead of taking responsibility for them. that does real harm to others. anxiety is manageable and treatable. retreating into these closed systems only exacerbates it, and encouraging others to do the same only exacerbates theirs.

TimewornTraveler ,

depends on where you go upstate, but yeah, rural America in general is where you find confederate flags

TimewornTraveler ,

i dont get it either. i hate the horror genre. i wish i could understand but i guess thats what makes humans interesting, how differently we can see things

TimewornTraveler ,

Clinical Mental Health Counseling, in-patient setting

TimewornTraveler ,

Do you enjoy it? r/teachers is miserable

TimewornTraveler , (edited )

that's pretty rad. i have a friend who teaches in chicago, the stuff he tells me he has to go through just to secure his place in the field is just ridiculous.

all the emphasis on new publications, new ideas, new this and that -- what if we already got the important ideas down years ago and now the work of philosophy is in putting it to practice? why demand that scholars demonstrate their capacity for new ideas instead of demonstrating a capacity for outstanding pedagogy of existing ones? it drives me nuts... we say all of modern philosophy is a series of footnotes to plato and yet expect our professors to focus on advancing the field rather than focusing on principles of quality education and mentoring

gah this is why i left academia to do therapy

TimewornTraveler , (edited )

Wow you're pretty high up there. So that sounds like you are yourself a supervisor and supervisor educator and supervisor educators' supervisor? Like some kind of a consulting group where my supervisors probably got trained? I don't actually know who does the licensing for supervisor status - I'm guessing it's just like the entry level where you have to get hours from anywhere that the state board vetted and stamped off on? It's so interesting to me how state licensure has such a long relationship with private entities.

TimewornTraveler ,

Very cool! Wish there were more of us on here. r/therapists is still one of the main reasons I use Reddit. Well, uh, I guess you and I could talk? But at that point, with you as a super-super and me as a first-year post-grad, it would just sound like shoddy anonymous online supervision!

TimewornTraveler ,

I love that idea too! We just gotta create a space for it, I guess. Boy do I have things to say... my facility's CEO took his life this weekend and it's been a mad scramble. Only in In-patient!

Is "food" a social construct?

Hear me out. There's nothing innate to an object that makes it "food". It's an attribute we give to certain things that meet certain qualities, i.e. being digestible, nutritious, perhaps tasty or satisfying in some way, etc. We could really ingest just about anything, but we call the stuff that's edible "food". Does that make it...

TimewornTraveler ,

is that what you think you're doing? being empathetic? you are all making yourselves miserable and refusing to look at anything in a positive light. blame the system, blame the man, blame capitalism, fine - - what are you going to DO about it? fuck your empathy, do something or start living well

cuz news flash, posting memes like this does NOTHING for the people starving.

TimewornTraveler ,

You try to help people locally - that's great! I didn't initially get that you were saying "Perspective isn't enough." Action is definitely important. When is it enough, though? (There's always more people to help.) Can it *ever *be enough, without the shift in perspective alongside it?

TimewornTraveler , (edited )

Thank you... most of the responses in this thread are really immature, arrogant, entitled, and pretty fucking cynical.

I work with people with severe depression and also the occasional sex/porn addict. Sexuality can lead us to some healthy lifestyles and can function as a healthy coping skill but it's also one that's easy to overdo. There are folks out there who try to treat their depression by masturbating all day long. They're desperate for any hit of pleasure, and they have quite literally milked that cow dry.

This post reminds me of the Reddit marijuana communities, that rubber-banded so far beyond reasonable moderated consumption of a helpful medicine, but refused to see how maladaptive their ritual had become. No one in this thread is questioning the original premise. "But it's so good!" That's the immature, arrogant part. And the entitled part is the attitude that any criticism of my precious coping tool is a threat to my hollow happiness, and the cynicism is that the only reason to criticize it is because of a corrupt society! Jesus fucking christ this thread broke my brain, you all broke my brain, we all suck.

TimewornTraveler , (edited )

Mindfulness sounds like a lot of work when I’m already planning to get genital nullification surgery

Being present with yourself and learning to sit with your thoughts (mere transient, ephemeral nothingness) is probably not going to be more work than undergoing literal surgery.

And it's pretty insulting to gender diversity for you to attribute to transphobia our revulsion at seeing your level of emotional intolerance.

TimewornTraveler , (edited )

i just realized that discussing mindfulness with people suffering from persecutory delusions is literally my day job and i dunno why im reading work stuff on my day off wtf

but uhh yeah you made the right call here, delusions dont tend to respond well to logical confrontation

TimewornTraveler , (edited )

I just gently informed the other person that they were giving bad advice,

Do you really think they were giving bad advice? They presented something really well thought-out and with flippin citations! And I can say that Hayes is absolutely a credible expert in the field who has done amazing work in mental health and addiction.

You just don't like the answer. Because you believe the answer is too hard for you.

And it's an easy excuse to say you're being persecuted for your identity, but really it is your attitude being criticized. Honestly it's frustratingly transphobic of you to try and lump in maladaptive sexual responses with transness too. Do you see what kind of damage it can potentially do to portray a hypersexual trait as something essentially trans???

TimewornTraveler , (edited )

Bro you can't just list basically every human ADL and say it's a "rigid behavior". That's basically like saying "Oh, you claim to like variety? Then how come you spend every day ALIVE?" thats idiotic, arrogant, cynical

TimewornTraveler , (edited )

I mean that’s definitely just a checkout aisle self-help book, though.

Hayes is not a checkout aisle self-help book lol he pioneered multiple major branches of CBT. that's like calling the Rolling Stones elevator music

I’d generally be pretty skeptical of anything a book like that says about how you have to live your life or what you should be doing or how you should be doing it

I admire the skepticism but you haven't read it and clearly haven't taken time to fully understand it. he isn't making prescriptive claims. he's speaking on behavioral science. "A happens, then B tends to happen. C happens, then D tends to happen. do what you will with this info."

I don’t like the scientific paint that is painted onto psychology and psychotherapy, is I guess what I’m saying.

i understand the apprehension about psychological research but it is fundamentally a subjective science - psychology is what makes subjectivity possible, after all! and we humans clearly need treatment. if everyone listened to the ideas you planted in here, then what would we do? not try any treatments at all? not test our treatments? not seek evidence that our treatments are working and improve them? not share our findings?

the issue fundamentally is that you need to learn more about reading and interpreting scientific literature. you're presenting a pseudo-intellectual skepticism which is admittedly a healthy protective mechanism from many things online, but is not going to be a useful attitude for all kinds of growth

im sorry im being a dick but this thread has funked up my barometer for crazy and i probably misinterpreted your level of it, be well

TimewornTraveler ,

you cant compartmentalize things like that. there aren't "chores" vs "fun" and everything you have to do is pain and the fun is just the chemical rushes. you gotta learn to enjoy the little things, enjoy yourself while you're doing your job or your chores, have some gratitude that you still live and breathe. you probably are gonna wanna get screened for depression

TimewornTraveler , (edited )

yep im hitler. although i never accused you of mental illness, i dont believe in mental "illness". i accused you of being delusional. that's a very human condition, just a symptom not a diagnosis. as far as courtesy goes, you arent my pt and i dont owe you shit - and sometimes people need it gently, sometimes they need it bluntly. you are free to bring this up with the ethics board /j

TimewornTraveler ,

you never mentioned that you are ace and being ace has nothing to do with being trans!!!!

TimewornTraveler ,

and you are eager to bemoan and cry persecution and not very eager to be understood. i cant believe you never mentioned being ace but only being trans. and yet it is our fault for not knowing this about you?

TimewornTraveler ,

woe I believe that, it was posted on Reddit after all, no oje lies thwrw and everyone js an ezpert

TimewornTraveler , (edited )

shujup! u cant twll me wjat t odo

TimewornTraveler ,

Ha, reddit is just where people pretend to know things and make confident answers, but it's barely a step above ChatGPT in accuracy

TimewornTraveler ,

um, it's a bummer the screenshot didn't mention lemmy then?

did you just make this obnoxious comment to demonstrate your own point or???

TimewornTraveler , (edited )

just dropping in to say that as a clinician, most of what is posted in here is bullshit. it's actually pretty frustrating and ill probably have to unsub soon. for my own sanity.

I mean get assessed but dont take anything you see here seriously. ANYTHING.

TimewornTraveler ,

the lived exp of someone with ADHD? my doxin in christ, why do you think I'm on this sub?

TimewornTraveler ,

slower than by not using punctuation at all!

TimewornTraveler ,

someone shout out the dormizone sublem

i forgot how lol

TimewornTraveler ,

Good lookin' all around except I'd dispute this claim:

(beyond the fact that they subjected the mice to their experiments for a full year, which is much longer than most people tend to vape when using it for smoking cessation)

Qualified experts of Lemmy, do people believe you when you answer questions in your field?

The internet has made a lot of people armchair experts happy to offer their perspective with a degree of certainty, without doing the work to identify gaps in their knowledge. Often the mark of genuine expertise is knowing the limitations of your knowledge....

TimewornTraveler ,

I'm not sure earning tips makes you an expert in socioeconomic dynamics of wage labor

TimewornTraveler ,

Definitely doesn't. Part of developing expertise is having your ideas challenged by another expert, working with them to flesh out your own thinking, and facing sone gatekeeping on the label "expert".

None of these things happen solely from waiting tables or reading a book!

TimewornTraveler ,

in mental health, yes actually, a surprisingly large amt of people look to me to be the expert. it's often just as challenging to help someone see that they're the expert on themselves.

you'd expect a lot of tiktok diagnoses and bizarro pseudo science attitudes, and while those do come up, they aren't that prevalent. and it's usually a symptom of something, i.e. someone with paranoid/grandiose delusions preaching med noncompliance.

I dont encounter anyone who thinks my work is just a joke, but plenty who believe I cant help them and they're better off on their own

TimewornTraveler ,

in my butt

TimewornTraveler ,

shame served an evolutionary function that has become less useful when you can so easily find a new tribe and security in modern life

TimewornTraveler ,

smoking rooms are still common in Korea. they're quite nice. they are walled off so you don't have to smell it

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • TimewornTraveler ,

    Desire for routine or at least control over the routine can show up in ADHD, esp as a means of controlling one's own condition. the routine may not look like a routine to others lol

    TimewornTraveler ,

    hey good on you being skeptical of MH info on social media. In this case, the hyper interests are the kind of thing that once you've been on the receiving end of it, you know what it is.

    It's definitely a thing.

    TimewornTraveler ,

    yeah routine helps treat some symptoms/effects of ADHD, it's just gotta be a flexible routine that has room for novelty.

    perhaps a better way to understand it is not in what is craved but where one thrives?

    TimewornTraveler ,

    the griffins in LOTR. "Oh it's mating season right now" or whatever, some excuse why they're too busy to just take them up from the get go

    TimewornTraveler ,

    wtf did you link to

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