World News

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Fuckfuckmyfuckingass , in Discord servers and their problem avatar

That's interesting and all, but I don't think it qualifies as world news.

archchan , in 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling avatar

I'm angry, sad, frustrated, tired.

Trump, his people and party are still causing damage while he's out of office, Project 2025, increased corporate and government surveillance and abuse, global rise in unrest, war, and fascism, accelerating climate change, Biden and his administration asleep and decaying at the wheel at this point, a corrupt congress and Supreme Court, people too busy with inflation and a whole lot of manufactured shit to unite and do anything about anything with peaceful protests that usually end in cops waving their fat budget around to arrest, beat up, or tear gas them with military spec gear. I don't like where this is going.

At what point do Americans use that 2nd Amendment against tyranny as it was intended? Or is that difficult because the wrong party and classes have most of the guns? Is a peaceful resolution even possible with the way things are? I'd like that to be the case. The founders must be rolling in their graves. Maybe we should do it like the French, roll out the guillotines, and shut this shit show down globally before it gets any worse.

We're supposed to be evolving into a more free society... this is just going backwards. Do people really want to spend their lives without having known true liberty and peace? I see many dejected people saying "rip democracy just put us out of our misery" or "it's over". Can you really value life that little, even or especially your own that you just wait for a perceived inevitable outcome that's being dictated by those with power and wealth? I do get it believe me but we should really be doing something substantial at this point to secure a healthy future for all humanity with all of our advancements. The world can't continue the way it has been anymore.

aesthelete ,

At what point do Americans use that 2nd Amendment against tyranny as it was intended? Or is that difficult because the wrong party and classes have most of the guns?

People advocating for leftists to go out into the streets with firearms forget recent history:

The supreme court just made this type of thing entirely legal as well. Not that it mattered. I have to Google the incident everytime because it didn't even register as a blip on the national radar, but the feds likely executed this guy.

I unfortunately don't know what the answer is or if there even is one, but this country historically and certainly recently doesn't take kindly to armed leftists.

TopRamenBinLaden , (edited )

I don't think that case is a good comparison to a bunch of leftists taking up arms against the state. That was protestor on protestor violence and involved two people. Had nothing to do with a bunch of Americans standing up to a tyrranical government at once. The Marshall's response was disgusting, but that's to be expected with someone like Trump holding the reins.

Some better examples would be MOVE in Philadelphia who got bombed, and the black panthers in California who got the Republican led government to make laws against the second amendment. Still, I think these groups were too small, we just need more people.

You do bring up a good point, but we haven't really tried, yet. It might be different when the feds are actually against a large group, but they will never be deterred by smaller groups. The problem is actually getting enough people to care enough. People are very attached to their bread and circuses, and I understand. The revolution would not be an enjoyable struggle.

retrospectology , (edited ) avatar

To be honest I'm pretty energized. Not for Biden obviously, but just glad to see Democrats actually shifting their asses and just for people to finally be piecing together the predicament that the Democratic establishment has put us all in. There's potential for actual change here, even if it requires going through some chaos and pain.

The pressure of the non-vote threat is actually being felt by party leadership and they appear to be delicately trying to create an environment that will allow Biden to accept that he needs to step down. It would actually be huge for the party's health if they pulled it off.

h3mlocke , in 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling avatar

Maybe he should wield his newfound power instead

xmunk , in Judge dismisses all charges in Panama Papers, Operation Car Wash cases

If justice isn't legally accessible it will be acquired by other means.

WhatAmLemmy ,

The working class has been crushed by neoliberalism for 50+ years and there's still no justice in site. The oligarchs that control "democracy" know there's a high chance they'll remain insulated from all the suffering they cause. They are so confident in this their goal now is to remove the illusion of democracy.

LadyAutumn , avatar

All they had to do was construct a society where the working class is exposed exclusively to neoliberal propaganda from birth until death. Several generations onwards, and here we are. Class consciousness is essentially none amongst large swaths of the working class population.

dactylotheca , avatar

Nice phrase but that doesn't seem to be how things have worked for a while now

AshMan85 ,

we need batman or the punisher lol

grue ,

Super heroes will not save us from this shit. Not ever. (Even if they weren't fictional.)

Super heroes exist to defend the (neoliberal) status quo.

Iheartcheese , avatar

Lol no it won't.

refurbishedrefurbisher ,

We're not French, unfortunately.

xmunk ,

Liberté, égalité, fraternité

We can have them too!

refurbishedrefurbisher ,

For that, we need mass organization, which is extremely difficult both logisticly (due to the size of the US and how spread out the polulation is) and politicly (decades of neoliberal and red scare propoganda).

Fades , in 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling

That's just not true. If you are a fascist and rich, you are a king. You can commit crimes in broad daylight and nothing can be done about it.

skulblaka , avatar

There's a very important difference here. If you're fascist and rich, things can be done about your crimes. They are still crimes. Just nothing will be done.

A president can now do what he wants and nothing CAN be done about it, period, barring an actual act of Congress.

That's an important distinction.

franklin , avatar

Both are incredibly unsettling however.

JasonDJ ,

Yes but could you stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody?

Could you publicly ask a foreign adversary to hack and release a political opponents emails? Or ask a group of white supremacists to stand by?

Could you grab a lady by her vajayjay?

Fades , in Macron is already over. Can anyone stop Le Pen?

The entire non-authoritarian fascist population of earth is fucked. Can we just get it over with already

SeattleRain , in 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling

If only he were in some position of power to do something about it hmmmmmm.

Cornelius_Wangenheim ,

Yeah, if only his party had control of the House.

eldavi , (edited )

-- again

they'll still find some other excuse not to do anything the next time around.

Cornelius_Wangenheim ,

They impeached Trump twice. It's not their fault the Constitution requires a 2/3 majority to convict and only 7 Republicans were willing to put country above party.

anticolonialist ,

And they will get enabled by democrats shielding their shitty politics

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Old enough to remember when Dems did control the House, but it didn't do anything useful.

Burn_The_Right ,

If he jails some Republican reps, we'll have the majority.

JasonDJ ,

He doesn't. Impeaching judges is the House's job.

You know your house rep is up for election this year?

realitista ,

Yeah but now he's above the law, so I say do it anyway and overturn the ruling his damn self.

madjo ,

It sets precedents that you might not want, because if Trump or one of his cronies get into the oval office, they can do the same thing.

imPastaSyndrome ,

T h e y a l r e a d y w i l l

Madison420 ,

Legally .. but the law doesn't apply to the president so long as they're doing it for a reason they believe to be official.

madcaesar , in 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling

Time to use these powers to clear out the Supreme Court and put in non corrupt assholes.

xc2215x , in 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling

Good for Biden. He is completely right here.

FlyingSquid Mod , in What does a world without Airbnb look like? avatar

AirBnB was founded in 2007.

So almost everyone who is an adult knows what things were like before AirBnB.

Personally, despite having taken advantage of them (others have paid), I would like to go back to how things used to be.

For one thing, making sure I clean up is not what I should be worrying about when traveling.

Alexstarfire ,

You're not forced to use their service. Same way you aren't forced to use hostels.

That said, I'd like them gone for other reasons. I liked the original idea for the service, not what it's become. It's really fucked up some areas.

FlyingSquid Mod , avatar

Not being forced to use a bad thing doesn’t make it not a bad thing.

daltotron , in 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling

So, obviously he could just [redacted] the supreme court justices he doesn't like, appoint new ones, and then the only thing congress could do would be to expand the court or whatever, right? but then why couldn't he also just keep killing people in official acts until he gets a bunch of people that are like "yup, that was official and you don't need to do anything about it"? I know that's probably a slippery slope, right and would probably get him a shit ton of public pushback, especially after a certain point, from both conservatives, who predominantly make up the military, and economic power structures, to liberals who would prize decorum and "fair play" above all else (but I repeat myself), and so maybe that leads to a dissolution of society, which maybe leads to an even worse society as the people who control the levers of power are already the most horrible people, but, yadda yadda.

But, I dunno, how many congress people does he have to make go away, before the rest of them start to get the picture and then start to behave in their own self-interest, as they've always behaved? How many people do you really have to threaten in a system where the people who climb to the top are only going to be there out of their own extreme self-interest?

xenspidey ,

Isn't that the definition of a fascistic dictator?

daltotron ,

Not so much, it would more be along the lines of a standard military coup, which doesn't necessarily have to originate from a fascist. Those can and do come from all sides of the political spectrum.

I don't think biden would ever do that, and probably if he did, he'd be the worst president dictator of all time with only the mild upside that he could maybe only do so for the rest of his probably not long lifespan, or for the next couple months as they run another election, which he would probably do since he seems like kind of a sap.

But, if he were replaced by a person I actually liked, or there was someone who's policy I agreed with in that position, I'd pretty much be fine with it, and I get the feeling that most people would be fine with it too, as in, a majority of the population. The levers of power might freak out though, and that might put a damper on things.

xenspidey ,

So you're ignoring this part of fascism? "forcible suppression of opposition"

VictoriaAScharleau ,

that isn't part of how mussolini defined it.

daltotron ,

Well yeah, but that's only one part of fascism. You could say pretty much the same of any war, lots of non-fascist goverments, and hell, you could say we already do that, just look at how the campus protests were treated, the BLM protests, the civil rights protests, the sufferagettes, a personal favorite of mine would be the horrid history of our oppression of labor by siding with companies and enabling the use of pinkertons to gun down crowds, yadda yadda.

No, if america was to be fascist, it would be fascist for historical reasons which already existed, which have been around for a while already. I don't know whether or not america suddenly having a dictator, would really have too much of an effect on it suddenly becoming fascist, despite the popular consensus that fascism just requires a really racist guy to suddenly be a dictator. I actually don't think that would factor too much into the definition at all, I think you could pretty easily have a fascist democracy, and you could definitely have a fascist oligarchy.

I'm pretty sure imperial japan was mostly run by a military cabinet which internally needed a certain number of votes, and the emperor was more like a figurehead and religious figure that had a certain amount of sway over the cabinet's decisions as he was like, a big deal, more than him being a figure of political power. From what I remember, anyways. Me personally, I'd be pretty comfortable calling imperial japan a fascist state, even if it maybe conforms to that definition less well than, say, italy or germany.

crusa187 , in 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling

Ok Biden, time to do something about these fascists. They just gave you everything you need to squash the threat, on a silver platter fit for a king. It’s time to process the new information, understand the powers granted to you, and act - are you up to this task? Please don’t let America down, because you have asserted yourself as the only one who can now do anything about it.

tiefling ,

Never underestimate establishment Democrats' ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory

this_1_is_mine ,

Fire a Justice..... Or you know a couple.....

Out of a cannon.

psycho_driver ,

At a brick wall. 3 feet away.

skulblaka , avatar

The bricks don't deserve that abuse.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

These threads are awash with comments like this but you can't avoid fascism by becoming a fascist.

Shit is fucked but arbitrary killing is not the solution.

CoCo_Goldstein , in 'A Full-Fledged War Crime': Israel Condemned Over New Human Shield Footage

I found the first part where the guy was digging in the rubble, then later searching the tunnel to be inconclusive. I couldn't tell who or what was going on.

However, the second part, where the guy is handcuffed in his underwear, surrounded by soldiers, then later on it looks like the same guy being herded through a building... that doesn't look good. Someone below mentioned a possible prisoner swap. I don't think prisoner swaps are handled like that.

HorseRabbit , in 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling

If he has now got supreme power couldn't he just declare that the president doesn't have supreme power, and hey presto it's gone?

skulblaka , avatar

Not really.... It's not that anything he says instantly becomes law, it's only that he can't be charged with committing a crime. It's not a cheat code that lets him create or modify any law because the change or new law just won't be recognized by the government. It isn't a crime, per se, it just gets ignored. Or it gets voted on and the GOP squashes it.

HorseRabbit ,

Gotcha. Thanks for the explanation!

Treczoks , in Chinese Brands Will Sell A Third Of The World's Cars By 2030: Study

Well, this is the fault of the western car brands. They fough transition to EVs with tooth and nail. They wanted to keep fossil fuel cars at all costs. And now they either have nothing at all, or they have to scramble to keep up.

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