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fine_sandy_bottom ,

I find it a bit annoying that different usb-c implementations have different capabilities.

As in, not all cables are compatible with all devices, and there's not even a standardised way or reporting capabilities.

What's the point of being able to put every plug in every socket if you don't know if it's going to work?

fine_sandy_bottom ,

You're right in that it will never be like it was, but there are still fringes and niche communities that have that human feel. The thing is they're much less engaging without algorithms and UX driving engagement, we're not drawn to them in the same way.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

I agree. There's also a pervasive feeling that lemmy is unaffected by manipulation and misinformation.

If Lemmy continues to grow sooner or later it will become a large enough target for manipulation, and I wonder how federation will fare at that time.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

Yeah, I feel the same, but I don't really know enough about it to make that assertion.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

This conclusion, while weakly supported by a statistical analysis of the names involved, is rejected by most archaeologists, theologians, linguistic and biblical scholars.

There's a bunch of references for archaeologists debunking it.

I know you said "it might not be him" but I feel like that understates the weight of evidence against that possibility.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

We might not be able to calculate the probability but we can conclude that the chances that this tomb is that of Jesus is infinitesimal.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

Of course you can.

I'm unable to calculate the probability that the moon will fall out of the sky tonight but I know that the probability is very low.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

If you're happy with this type of calculation then the probability that this tomb is that of biblical Jesus is (number of occupants) / (number of humans in that area at the time the tomb was built).

fine_sandy_bottom ,

Enough. Feel free to continue believing that, on the balance of probabilities, this tomb is that of the really real Jesus.

fine_sandy_bottom OP ,

ok. I hadn't thought about that.

Are there alternatives? Or is an IPv6 block list not practically possible?

fine_sandy_bottom ,

Google has really masterfully re-defined privacy to mean letting them look after all your private stuff.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

Well it's made a lot of people feel satisfied that they've done their bit and had their say.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

The majority of piracy is not free.

I've paid for usenet, seed boxes, private servers, and more recently torrent cache services.

You pay because it's much cheaper than commercial services and a better experience with more content.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

I think you're conflating a fundamental attribution error with a some other cognitive bias.

The fundamental attribution error refers to an individual's tendency to attribute another's actions to their character or personality, while attributing their behavior to external situational factors outside of their control. In other words, you tend to cut yourself a break while holding others 100 percent accountable for their actions.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

cellar door is apparently the most beautiful phrase in the english language but that's not what you described either.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

Yeah I'm on board now.

These stunts are a harmless way to keep climate activism in the media. It's fine.

Sadly, I don't see human kind changing course and I think it's inevitable that this kind of activism deteriorates into environmental terrorism.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

I'm not in the US. This wouldn't be taxable income where I am.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

I don't think it's really a big deal ?

We're all playing around with things in the same domain. Does it really matter if someone is paid and someone else isn't?

I don't necessarily agree that a paid / qualified person will necessarily be operating at a higher level just generally than a hobbyist. Professionals tend to know lots about very specific things, hobbyists tend to invest a lot more time and effort into building elegant solutions.

Yes some answers from IT professionals may be unhelpful for hobbyists but that's just part of interacting with other people.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

It's subjective... what does "gambling" mean?

Any thing you do has an element of risk, so you could say it's a gamble.

No right wing wave in Finland as Left Alliance take record result in EU elections ( )

Finland's results in the European election bucked a continent-wide trend of rising support for parties on the outer fringe of right-wing politics, with the Left Alliance and the National Coalition winning big at the expense of the nationalist Finns Party....

fine_sandy_bottom ,

God I'm sick of explaining this.

If everyone voted for the left-most party, and the right had no votes, the right would move towards the left, pushing the dems along with them.

Not surprisingly, when the country votes left your politics moves left.

Comments like this are the reason why the dems are not the bastion of leftism you so desire.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

Mind if I ask what you are basing this on?

The overton window.

If the political opinions are reduced to a spectum running from left to right, then in a two party system the major parties will sit immediately to either side of the mid-way point, because they want to seduce as many swing voters as possible from the other side.

As in, the conservative party may have conservative dreams but their policies need to be far enough to the left to actually win an election, so they will push up against the progressive party.

If suddenly more voters vote progressive (the conservative party loses badly), the conservative party needs to adjust their policy settings further to the left.

As the conservative party's policies move to the left, the progressive party will start losing voters to them unless they also move further to the left.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

Everyone saying how little energy a solar panel will produce in optimum conditions.

I don't think anyone has mentioned how difficult it would be to get optimum conditions for any significant portion of the day.

If you think about the places you park, how many of them have uninterrupted line of sight to the entire arc of the sun? Right now my car is parked on the street but it's in the shadow of a building.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

Another really good point.

... a different way of looking at it is that it's just way more practical to put solar panels in other places, like on the rooves of buildings.

Additionally, there seems to be an assumption amongst middle class suburbanites that everyone should just have roof top solar. Of course, the vast majority of humans to not have any roof space, because they live in an apartment.

I would also point out that my spell checker seems to think that the plural of roof is spelt "roofs" but I'm sure it ought to be "rooves" in the same way the plural of hoof as in part of a horse is hooves.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

Sorry this is just bullshit.

I don't think the upper classes spend any time thinking about us at all, certainly not thinking about how to prevent us being "free".

fine_sandy_bottom ,

This is just nonsensical.

Of course no one would complain about e-bikes if no one was using e-bikes.

You're unable to demonstrate a causal link between upper classes hating e-bikes and upper classes wanting to prevent the poors being free because there just isn't one.

Honestly, I dislike being poor and I dislike wealthy people but making up ridiculous accusations like "they don't want us to be free" is just plain silly.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

I don't have the budget nor inclination to prove that the sky is purple, I'm just going to keep saying it because it makes me feel better about myself.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

This just isn't how wealthy people think though, even if it's correct.

They think they became wealthy through hard work and good decisions. They think of themselves as benevolent and generous. They think they're using their wealth to improve the lives if the have-nots.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

You're just redefining your position to be a tiny bit less nutty. Your original assertion that "the upper classes do not want the lower classes free on any level" remains preposterous.

Wealthy people hate e-bikes and e-scooters because they can afford fancy cars and e-scooters cluttering up the sidewalk or zipping through the dog park are a minor inconvenience.

That really is all there is to it.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

Ah yes. The hallmark of enlightened discussion - "you're just wrong but you don't know it".

Continue feeling persecuted by wealthy e-bike haters suppressing your freedom for their personal benefit you nutter.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

Gaslighting is a very specific form of manipulation and this is not that. You should probably look into it to avoid looking like an idiot.

Of course wealthy people want to stay wealthy. Of course some wealthy people dislike poor people and would exploit them.

However, that does not mean that wealthy people hate e-bikes because they allow their users to be "free" and I maintain that any such assertion is absolutely bonkers.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

Woah there tiger, this is kind of a tirade. A moment ago you were accusing me of making assumptions about you when I know nothing about you, and now this?

I can see that you're very passionate about equity and equality. Nevermind me. I'm cynical and jaded and the light of idealism has long since faded from my eyes.

I could enumerate all the ways you're wrong about me but I would find it difficult not to antagonise you further, so instead I will just wish you well.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

I was really just trying to find a not-completely-unpleasant way to tie off our little tete-a-tete, and sought to do do by constructing a well meaning although vague compliment. I'm sorry if that offended you.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

Doing it wrong.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

Nome of the frontends you mentioned have apps.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

Same with all of these other frontends like invidious, teddit, rimgo, bibliogram,

This you?

Besides which... it's well understood that all of these apps are brittle as in they stop working every other day when youtube changes whatever thing so they stop working.

In the case of newpipe for example, if you install from the app store or even f-droid the version there will be a few weeks old and just won't work. The best approach is to install the apk and allow it to update itself when a new version is released. I've been using newpipe for several years in this manner and it's very reliable.

Er go, if it doesn't work for you, you're doing it wrong.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

I'm surprised that they haven't been doing this from the start tbh. Obviously they've been selling your data to whoever, which is really the same I guess.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

I think "all of youtubes bs will disappear" is a stretch. I don't know the whole state of play but I know invidious has had some instability lately.

fine_sandy_bottom ,


Seems like a lot of effort when torrent trackers already provide plenty of low hanging fruit.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

I'm a new parent. When the time comes I'm going to do my best to help them figure out how to enjoy school. I'm sure you will / would too when it comes came down to it.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

I'm not planning to teach my kid to believe in fairy tales.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

The fuck is a crypto entrepreneur?

It sounds a bit like when arbitrage entrepreneurs were hoarding toilet paper during covid.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

Do you think it's weird how your own farts smell more engaging than anyone else's?

fine_sandy_bottom ,

I don't know much about crypto but this doesn't seem right?

Didnt it hit an all time high recently? All while no one is using it to buy anything anymore?

A coin is worth what someone will pay for it, and people are paying lots because they think it will be worth more later.

It has no inherent value or utility.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

Is this really true?

The basic premise is that you're not infringing copyright if you're only downloading.

You're saying that's incorrect?

fine_sandy_bottom ,

I struggled with insomnia a lot.

Podcasts and audiobooks helped me immensely. I have wireless headphones but I don't "wear" them, I just rest them on top of whichever ear. I turn the volume down to a level where I need to concentrate to hear the words. It's exceedingly rare that it takes me more than 15 minutes to fall asleep these days. Staying asleep is another story though.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

I wouldn't describe it that way, no.

I'd like to preface this by saying that I'm not some kind of mindfulness / meditation guru and have no business trying to explain such things to anyone else given I have such a poor understanding myself.

I think really I'm just talking about feeling feelings. The monologue might be reporting on sensory inputs "that spoonful of peanut butter has a very sticky mouthfeel!" but there's an underlying feeling. You can kind of feel the feeling and disregard the chatter.

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