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viperex , in Trump, Under Oath, Says He Averted ‘Nuclear Holocaust’

It's like watching Cartman come up with crazier and crazier stories as he takes credit for the fish sticks joke

penitentOne , in Young climate activist tells Greenpeace to drop ‘old-fashioned’ anti-nuclear stance avatar

To those of you who propose 100% renewables + storage. In cases with no access to hydro power. How much energy storage do you need? How does it scale with production/consumption? What about a system with 100TWh yearly production/consumption?

rusticus ,

EVs with VTG. Problem solved. More importantly, energy production (solar plus wind) and storage (batteries) are completely decentralized, which is a huge security improvement for the grid. It amazes me that a platform that is decentralized doesn't beat the drum for the same for energy production and storage.

currycourier ,

Is there any more in-depth analysis to show how many EVs would be needed to make this feasible, how this would work with time of day use of power from commutes vs generation from solar power, how long the grid could stay powered this way, impact on consumers range, etc? I think the concept seems simple at first but would it actually be resiliant relying on just EV batteries? A cloudy week could see everyone run out of power, for example.

hairinmybellybutt , in New research shows renewables are more profitable than nuclear power

If you want profit, why not pick coal or natural gaz?

I mean really?

veganpizza69 OP , avatar

If you want to waste all your money, why not pick nuclear?

hairinmybellybutt ,

Electricity should be expensive for all the benefits it brings

vlad76 , in Russian Anti-War Activist Sentenced To Six Years In Prison For Internet Posts avatar

Here's hoping they assassinate Putin soon.

IchNichtenLichten , avatar

Sadly there’s no guarantee that whoever would replace him would be better.

NoneOfUrBusiness , in ‘Russian-only’ businesses in Thailand’s Phuket spark backlash

I get that we all hate what Russia is doing in Ukraine but yikes y'all are racist.

IchNichtenLichten , avatar

Russia is a big country, do you have a particular race in mind?

exohuman , in Russia's Putin praises Elon Musk as an 'outstanding person' and 'talented businessman'

Can we define Musk as a traitor now? He is actively interfering in a conflict in an active combat zone the USA has already picked sides in and sided with the enemy.

gravitas_deficiency ,

If he actually did tell his company to take an action that effectively contravened official US policy (and it looks like he did), he broke the law. Specifically, 18 U.S. Code § 953 - Private correspondence with foreign governments:

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

I am willing to bet that someone in the Ukrainian foreign ministry was aware of this law, and then had some pointed questions for the US State Department on whether or not Elon’s refusal to share intelligence should be taken as an official US position on the matter, and if not, why Elon/SpaceX’s behavior is effectively contradicting official US policy.

This should get interesting, and it could put Elon in some real legal jeopardy on a matter that the US tends to not fuck around with.

Hackerman_uwu , in Taiwan hits back at Elon Musk claim that it is ‘an integral part of China’ and teases him over Beijing’s Twitter ban

Why does this tool have an opinion about absolutely everything?

IchNichtenLichten , avatar

Truly smart people are happy to give opinions about topics they have some knowledge of and tend to not weigh in on things they know they're ignorant about. Then there are people like Musk who seem to think they're an authority on absolutely fucking everything.

gravitas_deficiency , in China sanctions two US defence companies over Taiwan arms sales

Oh no! They’ve sanctioned some of our military industrial companies, which are generally not allowed to sell things to the PRC anyways! What shall we do?!?

9488fcea02a9 , in American XL bully dogs to be banned after attacks, Rishi Sunak says

I'm not a dog breed expert, but...

The other day an agressive dog that looked like a pitbull, suddenly lunged at me barking loudly... It was about 10ft away from me but still scared the shit out of me

The owner yanked the dog back on its leash and i thought, "FML, the only thing that saved me from a deadly mauling was a 3/4 inch wide piece of nylon with a metal clip the guy bought off amazon for $5"

Seraph , avatar

"But my little velvet hippo couldn't hurt anyone!"

snipgan , avatar

To be fair most won’t, but they definitely can and do.

Especially when they are jaws on legs that are more inclined compared to other dogs.

Seraph , avatar

The actual issue is that's it's a degenerative disease in dogs of similar breeds. At some point they get old and less able to recognize friend from foe. That might be ok if it weren't for the jaws you mentioned.

snipgan , avatar


I'd go one step farther and even say if they even had the same amount of attacks as other dogs, had no possible mental diseases, and all want to caring homes I would still put restrictions/ban on them.

They are just too large to handle, too big of a bite to brush off, and end up in dog attacks a lot. That's enough for me.

jopepa ,

Hippos are super aggressive, territorial, and will bite a crocodiles in half. It’s amazing that’s supposed to be a cute, disarming nickname for a breed notorious for the same traits.

slaacaa ,

A shitbull owner using a leash, rare combination.

sturmblast ,

blame the owner not the dog

Luvs2Spuj ,

Blame both if the dog is a known dangerous breed.

joel_feila , avatar

not if that is sarcasm or not, but most likely there was no pitull in that that dog.

DauntingFlamingo ,

Based on what?

joel_feila , avatar

many many studies have shown that people can breeds apart.

9488fcea02a9 ,

not sarcasm at all...

regardless of breed, this dog looked like he was about to fuck up my whole day, so my point stands

joel_feila , avatar

as does my point.

snipgan , in American XL bully dogs to be banned after attacks, Rishi Sunak says avatar

Unsurprising. Large “power breeds” like pit bulls I have always found questionable to have.

No restrictions or licenses? No muzzles at least?

A good thing they banned them.

Though I still dislike the outright malice and hate I see when a pit bull in a photo might be doing nothing but staring at a sunset. A bit hate crazy.

starman2112 , avatar

Literally all I'm saying is that the vast majority of pit bulls aren't violent. I fucking said I'm in favor of spaying and neutering the breed out of existence because the few that do become violent are excessively dangerous.

crapwittyname ,

If you're a dog owner and you're paying attention, then your personal experience should include the following truth: any dog can go postal. If you then combine this with the knowledge that pitbulls are much more deadly than other dogs when being agressive, then you must reach the conclusion that this breed should be banned, even though that is admittedly a sad conclusion.

Jonny , in American XL bully dogs to be banned after attacks, Rishi Sunak says avatar

I do wonder how much is the breed and how much is shitty owners being attracted to perceived scary breeds. My guess would be a bit of both.

IchNichtenLichten , avatar

It's bit of both. These morons aren't lining up to buy daschunds.

GiantChickDicks , in American XL bully dogs to be banned after attacks, Rishi Sunak says

It's really disheartening to see Reddit's irrational pit bull venom is just as present here. Notice how rarely you see comments from animal industry professionals chiming in with these opinions. It's not because professionals don't have their own breed biases, and they don't typically keep quiet about them, either. It's that most people with a lot of day-to-day experience with dogs don't share this opinion. Their experiences don't match public perception.

Bite statistics and behavioral euthanasias both in private and public spheres are anything but transparent. They also often rely upon witness statement accuracy, which is not reliable nor scientific. There simply isn't enough accurate information available to support such a vitriolic, knee-jerk reaction to a dog's breed in and of itself. There are too many variables to consider to accept that mindset as rational.

I encourage anyone who cares about these issues and who loves animals and people to consider volunteering. There are a lot of opportunities out there that you might be surprised are available. It's not just shelters who need volunteers, either, and you can find opportunities in an array of different settings and ways of helping. You might find that experience will give you a broader understanding of how complex these problems are, and how we can work to solve them.

IchNichtenLichten , avatar

There simply isn’t enough accurate information available to support such a vitriolic, knee-jerk reaction to a dog’s breed in and of itself.

Of course there is. Not a week goes by in the UK without an attack by this breed. Some survive, many do not.

dublet ,

Not a week goes by in the UK without an attack by this breed. Some survive, many do not.

Can you please link some statistics on this?

The only source I could find says:

Six of the 10 fatal dog attacks in the UK last year were linked to XL bullies, and at least three of the seven this year.

That's too many deaths, of course, but hardly one a week.

IchNichtenLichten , avatar
dublet ,


That one is a Staffordshire bull terrier, not the breed being banned for these attacks.

That’s 3 in 6 days.

You didn't actually respond to my comment about a request for statistics, rather posting some individual stories. So since I posted I found this article from the BBC. It states that:

In 2022, there were 8,819 admissions to hospital in England with dog bites.

So that's actually 24 dog attacks per day, so the problem is even more severe than you suggest, though the claim of only "some survive" then is misleading at best.

In 2022, there were 482 sentences given to owners of dangerously out of control dogs which resulted in an injury to a person in public

Out of all those hospital admissions, there's 24 attacks a day being deemed criminal by our justice system. That data suggests that this problem is by no means limited to the XL bully breed.

IchNichtenLichten , avatar

That one is a Staffordshire bull terrier, not the breed being banned for these attacks.

Two attacks in six days rather than three then. Does this somehow make it acceptable?

They're a dangerous breed and should be banned. No amount of pedantry or weasel words can change that.

halfempty , in Young climate activist tells Greenpeace to drop ‘old-fashioned’ anti-nuclear stance avatar

Nuclear power is neither safe nor ecologically sustainable. The waste is immensely toxic for hundreds of thousands of years. The model is centralized so wealthy oligarchs own the power source and sell it to everyone else. Better to move toward distributed power generation that isn't massively toxic. Greenpeace must stay anti-nuke.

AllNewTypeFace , in Kadyrov, head of Chechnya, in critical condition avatar

Given that his grip on Chechnya is a personal one, and unlikely to smoothly transfer to a successor, and maintained by fear, it may do well for Putin to keep him on life support indefinitely, with functionaries relaying “his” orders to followers. Sort of like Warhammer 40K, or perhaps Weekend At Bernie’s.

gravitas_deficiency ,

And you think someone’s not gonna try to opportunistically off Kadyrov if he’s kept in that state indefinitely?

I see Chechnya collapsing into a quagmire again. There’s still a lot of people living there who aren’t fans of the Russian occupation, to put it mildly.

Chickenstalker , in A good sources on China

China has stopped being communist since the early 90s. The Great Leap forward so utterly destroyed China's economy that it then defected to oligarch-controlled capitalism.

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