Nobody ,

Add a gun and some bullets and call it the Hunter S. Thompson Special.

CptEnder ,

Wake up. First Chival Royale of the day.

gmtom , avatar
SOB_Van_Owen ,

Needs more grapefruit.

hOrni ,

Oh sweet, mcnuggets!

frezik ,

Which should pair well with the whiskey and coke. According to a friend.

Boxscape , (edited ) avatar
Jake_Farm , avatar

Where are the dates?

HeartyOfGlass ,

Probably wondering why their date is taking a picture of the charcuterie board.

CaptainBlagbird , avatar


don ,

Bro’s got a baseball bat and an image analyzer from a NOAA satellite, and all he had to do was buy a package of dates from the grocery and take a pic of one.

niktemadur ,

I can almost hear Major Kong (Slim Pickens) from Doctor Strangelove:
"Shoot... a fella could have a pretty good time in Vegas with all this stuff."

muntedcrocodile ,

What order is this meant to be in?

Deceptichum , avatar


sp3tr4l , (edited )

To start off, put the gummi worms in a shaker, shake, collect the sour dust, snort.

Next, add the whiskey to the shaker, set aside

Dunk the bread in the McNuggies sauce, sprinkle on cocaine to taste.

Add weed, thin crackers and coffee beans to grinder, grind thoroughly. Take the brie and your ground up spices, work them into each other as if you were making meatballs.

Eat this raw.

Ok, now vomit into the condoms.

Now that the appetizer is done with, grab handfulls of the other cheeses, salami, prosciutto and McNuggies, and just stuff it into your face as if you were eating popcorn.

Now that you've been thoroughly fucked by this culinary experience, finish it off with the drink you set aside earlier, which should hopefully be a lovely semi congealed glass of gummi whiskey.

MalReynolds , avatar

Awful, would laugh at you on a date. Better than most.

sp3tr4l ,

Hey, I'll take it haha!

Unfortunately my default joke state is basically dad jokes and puns, but my life has been so utterly absurd that I can basically just reference some insane nonsense that's happened to me in the past somewhat indirectly, and most people just think I'm creatively making a joke.

In seriousness, I have found that more conventional charcuterie boards are a pretty cost effective, while also decently fancy first kind of at someone's place date, if presented well.

I've done this multiple times and it has worked every time, and almost every time I'll be told this is extremely adorable and no one has ever done this for them...

...Then I find out, a year or two or three into the relationship, oh god, this person I love is extremely abusive, takes me for granted, and is astoundingly irresponsible.

So I guess just hand me both of those whiskeys, neat, please.

Rai ,

I’m a different person than who you replied to, and it’s the internet so I have no way of really telling, but yo you sound charming and fun. Also I’m sorry you had to go through that… I hope you find someone who isn’t an abuser and doesn’t suck, if you haven’t already. I’ll have a couple whiskies with ya.

sp3tr4l ,

I appreciate the sentiment, very truly.

Hah, my entire patriarchal lineage is massive alcoholics, so I actually drink alcohol very rarely, maybe a few times a year.

I have managed to never get addicted to the stuff or become abusive from it, I'm basically just an absurdly lightweight drinker.

Two whiskeys like in this pic in a row and I'd be stumbling. Two more soon after and I'd be slurring and stumbling.

Or, the optimistic take on that is I can get a double shot of bourbon and nurse it for 4 to 6 hours and be enjoyable buzzed the whole time haha.

Maybe someday I'll find somebody, but right now I'm quite happy single.

Maybe a few years go by and I'll try again haha.

Either way, cheers mate, probst, etc.

Rai ,

Ah, then I’ll have a La Croix with ya, or a NA bitters and tonic or whatnot. I do not come from a lineage of alcoholics, but since COVID my partner and I have been drinking too much, all of the time. It’s definitely something we need to fix! Two shots of whiskey like in the pic would give me a slight buzz. It’s the exactly opposite of weed for me—one small hit and I’m overthinking all of my flaws for the next couple hours.

Much love tho.

sp3tr4l ,


CluckN ,

I’d say clockwise but I’m not sure how well weed/coke mix.

Rai ,

I’m not into weed anymore (I wish I still was, but it gives me anxiety) but they mix perfectly fine!

…it’s funny that it’s the WEED that gives me anxiety.

johannesvanderwhales ,

When I was a youth they called that "coco puffs"

quicksand ,

My youthful crew was aware of the term "snow caps"

nifty , avatar

Well after you do the drugs, it doesn’t really matter

muntedcrocodile ,

Why do u need 3?

fed0sine ,

Heh, he doesn't know about the 3 seashells condoms.

muntedcrocodile ,

What about the famed 4th hole

Droggelbecher ,

Good to have backup in case you get precum on the outside or for when you want to switch between penetration and other stuff (if youre unsure about STDs it's better to use one for oral too though)

areyouevenreal ,

Hey leave stdio and stdlib out of this!

5714 ,

It's a long night...

dharmacurious , avatar

I always bring at least 4. Two for them to top, two for me to top, should we hit it off and have the time.

southsamurai , avatar

That's a fucking party right there

DavidGarcia ,

you dip the chicken nuggets in whiskey and then roll them in cocaine for a nice speedy schnitzel

tfw_no_toiletpaper ,

That is going to taste so bitter, my tongue just dried up from thinking of it

nickwitha_k , (edited )

That's why there's bbq sauce.

WhatIsThePointAnyway ,

The straight whole coffee beans. 🤣

Droggelbecher ,

Ngl I've munched coffee beans before. There's chocolate covered whole coffee beans, so why not eat them without the chocolate too?

Colour_me_triggered ,

Because without the chocolate, it's like eating slightly burnt coffee flavoured sand. I eat them all the time because I have a fucking problem, but I don't enjoy it.

Imgonnatrythis ,

Is there a name for this problem? I'm imagining you sitting with a bowl of beans looking miserable, shaking your head and muttering, "damn beans"

BarrelAgedBoredom ,

End stage caffeine addiction. A terrible illness

ThirdWorldOrder , avatar

4th stage is where it’s at

Colour_me_triggered ,

Genetic fast metaboliser of caffeine. Need more caffeine to have an effect and more prone to addiction. I decided once to drink espresso until I got the shakes. I needed 12 shots.

Imgonnatrythis ,

Eating beans seems terribly inefficient though. Eating the 30g of beans in a cup of coffee or a shot of espresso for example would be quite the snack. Water extraction of caffeine is highly efficient so you aren't leaving a lot behind from coffee / espresso either.

Have you tried Guarana pills or slow release caffeine pills? No data, but I've found Guarana to be a less jolty longer lasting than most forms of caffeine

Colour_me_triggered ,

To be clear, I'm eating them along side a quad espresso, not instead of it. Pretty sure guarana pils aren't available where I live, and the only caffeine pills available are weak and expensive.

Imgonnatrythis ,

I think you can eat the seeds and it is apparently possible to home grow guauranna (I doubt that it's particularly easy to grow though). Keep it away from pets.

Colour_me_triggered ,

I doubt it's particularly easy to grow here at any rate. It's just after midnight and the sun is shining.

LustyArgonianMana , (edited ) avatar

Anemia, pica

Eufalconimorph ,

I eat them all the time because I have a fucking problem, but I don't enjoy it.

Aah, like salmiakki (salty licorice). Tastes terrible, but I just can't stop eating them.

Colour_me_triggered ,

Salmiakki has nothing to do with liquorice. It's ammonium chloride, just another example of Scandinavians using floor cleaner as a flavour enhancer.

Eufalconimorph ,

It's often used as the name for ammonium chloride on black licorice. The ammonium chloride also makes a great soldering iron tip cleaner!

Colour_me_triggered ,

Ok you're correct, I just checked the ingredients list for ifa and it does in fact contain 2,5 %. Liquorice extract.

Kusimulkku ,

Wtf salmiakki tastes great you heathen

Eufalconimorph ,

It tastes like death and I love it.

Kusimulkku ,

They're alright actually

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