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nickwitha_k ,

Absolutely the best kind of space crashloopbackoff.

nickwitha_k ,

Is the book and its methods intended for neurodivergent people? If not, it is important to be aware that it may have limited use to people with ADHD as our dopamine signaling in the executive function parts of our prefrontal cortex is all kinds of fucked.

That said, I'm ecstatic to read that you found it helpful and really appreciate your correct characterization of one of the maladaptive coping mechanisms that we often try to use.

nickwitha_k ,

So, I went down a weird rabbit hole a few months back and discovered that there are gamers pursuing a level of depravity that I want expecting. There are open-source mods for some competitive multiplayer games that control sex toys.

nickwitha_k ,

Yeah. I've seen some listed in the supported games. It's not my thing and I think it's kinda weird. However, I think the freakiness and weirdness of humanity, like this, is just beautiful.

nickwitha_k ,

If go further and say that one should appreciate someone else's "yum" (as long as it is ethical), especially if it seems strange, outlandish, and/or confusing. The human experience is greatly enriched because of the bizarre things that some of us enjoy.

nickwitha_k ,

So what it’s really like is only having to do half the work?

If it's automating the interesting problem solving side of things and leaving just debugging code that one isn't familiar with, I really don't see value to humanity in such use cases. That's really just making debugging more time consuming and removing the majority of fulfilling work in development (in ways that are likely harder to maintain and may be subject to future legal action for license violations). Better to let it do things that it actually does well and keep engaged programmers.

nickwitha_k ,

There are certainly places where BusyBox makes a lot of sense. Could you give some examples of where you're seeing it out of place?

nickwitha_k , (edited )

That's why there's bbq sauce.

nickwitha_k ,

And if you have a 3D printer, you can make your own pieces and share them with others.

I really wish that an affordable desktop chip fab was a thing. Maybe with graphene semiconductors it could be feasible.

nickwitha_k ,

That's what they were SO close to getting. Solutions like Xreal Air and Viture are just much more comfortable and less isolating.

nickwitha_k ,

Curious from your perspective what you'd like to see. From mine, Viture and Xreal are nearly perfect, with the exception of Xreal failing to be supportive of open APIs.

nickwitha_k ,

I'd hire Steve. Having another musician in the team would be good for everyone.

nickwitha_k ,

The state of Michigan has no historical connection to the AR-15, to my knowledge. Why don't they pick something that is actually native to Michigan like the Johnston Muzzleloader?

nickwitha_k ,

They are absolutely eating the real costs in order to gain market share. I suspect that there's going to be a mad dash to rehire humans when the bill comes due and the VCs want profits.

HP bricks ProBook laptops with bad BIOS delivered via automatic updates — many users face black screen after Windows pushes new firmware ( )

On May 26, a user on HP's support forums reported that a forced, automatic BIOS update had bricked their HP ProBook 455 G7 into an unusable state. Subsequently, other users have joined the thread to sound off about experiencing the same issue....

nickwitha_k ,

Here's some extra fun: there's a decent chance that you only need a cable with JST or DuPont connectors. I've seen a fair number of laptop motherboards with unused SPI headers/connectors just hanging out. My understanding being that they're for possible accessories or, literally for flashing/debugging the bios.

nickwitha_k ,

Far Right is now the first party in France and nobody has a clue on how to get them down bar them completely failing at ruling.

Is this another case of doing like the neoliberals do over in the States, trying everything but measures that would actually help the populace instead of funneling their money into wealthy people's pockets?

nickwitha_k ,

Apparently, Viture has been much more FOSS friendly. Xreal really wants people in their ecosystem and have as of yet refused to provide documentation or open API, though there's been a good deal of success with reverse engineering.

nickwitha_k ,

I have a first gen pair of Airs that I absolutely love, except for the lack of open-ness. I think that I'll have to try dumping the firmware and writing my own at some point - likely when I have to replace the frames (have had to CA glue and tape the right arm three times now; I'm rough on my electronics). The teardowns that I've seen show that they contain almost entirely common off-the-shelf components (MCU, IMU, I/O expander, etc), so, shouldn't be too bad to implement via Arduino or Rust.

The thing that drives me most crazy though is the lack of forethought on the Beam. It does it's job great but they didn't bother to have a dedicated power-in or support high enough wattage to run it off of external power. It's absolutely maddening to have to recharge it 3/4 of the way through work. Think I'll be modifying it to add a USB-PD input for power.

nickwitha_k ,

I feel that I have no option but to say "Fuck you", being so called out by this.

nickwitha_k ,

Dessalines & Nutomic put a lot of effort into building and maintaining the lemmy codebase. I respect that.

I'll add that they're also generally quite pleasant when I see them on Lemmy. And I haven't seen either of them involved in being ban-happy. Some will argue otherwise based upon misconstruing the relationship between FLOSS devs and FLOSS consumers as a business/customer relationship (expecting customer service and product manager input on software that's donated free of charge). But, I think that those folks are just not yet familiar with how FLOSS development works.

nickwitha_k ,

(you can prob keep the same username if you want too).

Unless it is already taken on the new instance, you absolutely can. Usernames are namespaced similar to email addresses. So, [email protected] and [email protected] are considered two different users. This means that there is no technical reason preventing it.

nickwitha_k ,

Not defending his behavior but I would note that he has been actively seeking to remedy his cunty-ness after becoming aware of how problematic it was and the problematic people that it attracted.

nickwitha_k ,

I'd certainly say so. I've yet to see him even coming off as dismissive without trying to clarify why in a polite manner.

nickwitha_k ,

I know this exact experience. During university, I think I tested down asking 9ng/dL. My digestive tract nearly stopped. It was awful. Having ADHD, I sometimes forget to take my vitamin D for extended periods, which, while not as severe now that I'm close to the equator, does exacerbate everything.

nickwitha_k ,

"Uplifting" intelligent species through selective breeding and/or other techniques. Impractical? Yes. Probably not a good idea? You bet. However, I would really like for humanity to have sentient company.

nickwitha_k ,

Seems like all hospitals and medical providers would need to avoid the OS in order to remain in compliance with HIPAA.

nickwitha_k ,

If genuinely disturbing, therapy can help.

CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information ( )

You know how Google's new feature called AI Overviews is prone to spitting out wildly incorrect answers to search queries? In one instance, AI Overviews told a user to use glue on pizza to make sure the cheese won't slide off (pssst...please don't do this.)...

nickwitha_k ,

Summarizing is something that it does very well. Still not 100% but, when using RAG and telling it "don't make shit up" can result in pretty good compute efficiency and results.

Has anyone here been prescribed TRT? Or had a partner on it?

Got my bloods done and my Testosterone levels are LOW. I'm working out a lot and kind of pissed Ive been doing it on "hardmode" for god knows how long, but before I take the doc up on the script I'm doing my due diligence on the realities. It seems like every article I find is either written by a trt clinic or is a one sided hit...

nickwitha_k ,

The biggest thing that you want to be sure if, in my experience, is ensuring that the dosage results in steady levels throughout the month. I had an awful time with the dose being every other week. And when I say awful, I mean "having a full fledged anxiety attack causing me to be pretty much locked inside my head every fortnight, resulting in needing to seek professional help". Hormonal imbalances can really fuck you up.

nickwitha_k ,

Seeing posts in languages other than my mother tongue is something that I like about Lemmy. Never be ashamed of your native language and the beautiful variety that it adds to the human experience.

nickwitha_k ,

I'd guess the latter, unless the licensing is in conflict with their values.

nickwitha_k ,

You get it. That's exactly what I advise to anyone wanting this feature. I'm not familiar enough to know if it's something that I care about.

nickwitha_k ,

Hey now. It's all about perspective. If you think about it in terms of geological history or the history of the universe, the discovery pretty much just happened.

nickwitha_k ,

I hope not. I want more types of sentient beings to exist. But, I also don't believe any company is actually working towards AGI.

nickwitha_k ,

0*(NaN)... So does that mean the price IS a number?

nickwitha_k ,

Good point.

nickwitha_k ,

for no clear reason

That's the reason. The language has an awful type system.

nickwitha_k ,

Also that whole "NaN ≠ NaN" business...

See that's one of the parts that is actually almost in line with other languages. In Go, for example, nil ≠ nil because nil is, by definition, undefined. You can't say whether one thing that you know nothing about is at all like something else that you know nothing about. It really should raise an exception at the attempt to compare NaN though.

nickwitha_k ,

You'd first check for nil values, then compare like normal. Extra step, yes, but it keeps you from hitting NPEs through that route.

nickwitha_k ,

IIRC, a nil value can be checked against a literal successfully but not against another nil value. Say you want to check for equality of two vars that could be nil. You just need an extra if statement to ensure that you are not trying to compare nil and nil or nil and a non-nil value (that'll give you a type error or NPE):

var a *string
var b *string

if a != nil && b != nil {
  if a == b {
  } else {
    fmt.Println("Also Party!")
nickwitha_k ,

Oh you should be good then. When I fully converted, I was using an Intel Atom Acer Aspire One netbook. The thing could barely handle XP. When I switched to Linux Mint (then, eventually a now extinct lightweight distro), the system was blazingly fast by compare. I could even run my Windows-specific work tools better than in Windows.

Linux is great for old and low spec systems.

nickwitha_k ,

No problem! I'd never heard of it before, so had to look it up.

nickwitha_k ,

That's really fascinating and similar to how I think, I think. Like, typing, reading, or thinking about things that are by nature verbal get internally verbalized but in an atonal "narrator voice", though it's still not "quiet" otherwise. I also have what I call my "internal walkman" for playing music in a recording/playback manner (sometimes with some "skips"), rather than any voice of my own.

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