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Rai ,

Wrapped up like a douche, another runner in the night

Rai ,

I’ve never heard of TeamViewer being used for anything but refund scams and the like.

Rai ,

You can use it for PHONES?! That’s a pretty dope use case actually.

Rai ,

Noted! I think I’ve watched too much Kitboga. But I’m not stopping.

Am I the only one preferring low quality media over high quality one?

I have a very slow Internet connection (5 Mbps down, and even less for upload). Given that, I always download movies at 720p, since they have low file size, which means I can download them more quickly. Also, I don't notice much of a difference between 1080p and 720p. As for 4K, because I don't have a screen that can display 4K,...

Rai ,

720p is TOTALLY fine but if it’s something beautiful or something I really enjoy (say, Climax or Baraka or even animu like Your Name) there’s zero chance I’m getting a 720p version of it. Even older stuff like THE BEST SHOW EVER MADE, Six Feet Under, I’m getting the best quality possible… even if it’s 4:3.

For regular shows and movies and things that I don’t hold dear to my heart, 720p is no problem.

Stats: gigabit, tons of storage, and 1440p

Rai ,

I’m an audiophile and I can only hear the difference between 192 and FLAC if I have certain headphones on. I have a full-aaa system and sub in my car with a million speakers and a 192 sounds the same as a FLAC.

Rai ,

I’m not downvoting you but I hella disagree for certain things. But only certain things. Will I notice The Office is 720p? Heck no. The Holy Mountain? Absolutely.

Rai ,

Oooo nice. Projectors also hide imperfections better than LCD/OLED screens.

Rai ,

Nary an original thought in my head

Rai ,

Reminds me of a scam call center person telling Kitboga “your IP address is tied to your house address. You don’t get a new one unless you move houses”

Rai ,

Semi-related factoid: every time you shuffle a deck of cards, it is EXTREMELY LIKELY the deck has never in existence been arranged the same way.

Rai ,

Ahhhh I’ve been ignorant about the definition of factoid!

Also I read your post as if you had exclaimed at the end: FIFTY TWO

Rai ,

Aha! Then, while I’m a huge fan of original meanings of words (AN IMAGE MACRO IS NOT A MEME UNLESS IT DEPICTS A MEME AAAAA), I will continue to use the nü-version of the word FACTOID!

Favourite patient modern game?

A bit of a weird title, but basically what’s a game that’s more than a year old but still considered “modern” that you love? There’s no real strict definition for modern, I’d just like to see some discussion around great games that aren’t quite classics yet (but probably will be one day)....

Rai ,

LOOOOOVED that game. Had such a fun time playing it. 100% with you on that.

Rai ,

The Hex! By Daniel Mullins, of “Inscryption” game. The Hex is HORRIBLY overlooked because of its graphics, but they’re not… really… its graphics? It’s a marvel of creative game design and I love it so much. The graphics make sense almost immediately when playing. MORE PEOPLE PEAS PLAY THE HEX it is so good

Rai ,

Fair point

Counterpoint: y’aint gotta play forever, you can just play a game and dig it

Multicounterpoint: the hex, but if you want forever games and battle passes and dailies and loot boxes and quests and achievements and new things added all the time for dopamine it might not be your thing

Quick edit: I didn’t arg anything

Rai ,

Kids these days want endless


It baffles me

Rai ,

My partner and I had VERY different experiences.


I played and got a friend right away, my friend was VERY chirpy and led me around and when I had to poop I tried to communicate it and they KNEW… They were the perfect partner. I really felt like a made a deep connection with this person I couldn’t communicate with. I teared up and when their Steam name showed at the end credits I added them immediately and we have a long chat about our experience.

My partner? First friend joined, was a speedrunner. Just ran ahead without so much as a chirp. Nobody else was joining so we started over. Got another friend who randomly dropped out after a bit. Finally found another friend who also just left about 3/4 of the way through. Frustration; quit.

Rai ,

That’s totally what my person was doing, and they definitely had white robe. Bless you for making people’s experiences amazing. You’re the best kind of player!

Rai ,

I’m a different person than who you replied to, and it’s the internet so I have no way of really telling, but yo you sound charming and fun. Also I’m sorry you had to go through that… I hope you find someone who isn’t an abuser and doesn’t suck, if you haven’t already. I’ll have a couple whiskies with ya.

Rai ,

I’m not into weed anymore (I wish I still was, but it gives me anxiety) but they mix perfectly fine!

…it’s funny that it’s the WEED that gives me anxiety.

Rai ,

Ah, then I’ll have a La Croix with ya, or a NA bitters and tonic or whatnot. I do not come from a lineage of alcoholics, but since COVID my partner and I have been drinking too much, all of the time. It’s definitely something we need to fix! Two shots of whiskey like in the pic would give me a slight buzz. It’s the exactly opposite of weed for me—one small hit and I’m overthinking all of my flaws for the next couple hours.

Much love tho.

Rai ,

Here’s to another ten years of this adorable ol fluff! My partner had a kitty that hit 27, so let’s hope he breaks our record!

Rai ,

I’m sending my luv in hopes that it happens! Their car was an indoor/outdoor cat and their parents just fed it crunchy food, it’s crazy! I think the oldest cat to live was late 30s?

Anyway, let ya boi for me, the absolutely fluff of im…

Rai ,

I’ve never had an outdoor cat and ZERO CHANCE I WOULD IF I SAW A BEAR! Cool picture, though!

My partner and I bought a cat stroller but we haven’t taken our bois out yet. Thank you for reminding me—I think we’ll do it this weekend!

Rai ,

If our lazy butts actually get out there, I’ll for sure pop back with pics!

Rai ,

I don’t watch porn, but you’d better believe I downloaded some 35GB 3D pron when I got my Index. If I DID watch porn, it would be the only kind I would ever watch. Incredible.

Rai ,

Hella agree, I understand it’s complicated… but if I was into pron and it worked, what better a device?! I trust it’s more secure than Facebook shit, and it doesn’t need to be tethered to a computer strong enough to render a more-than-4k video that’s like 20-40GB?! While it’s still too expensive, the customer base would be WAY HIGHER.

I say this as a windows/linux user that uses an iPhone and iPad because their mobile devices are stellar. I’d never get a Vision Pro but they’re really missing out on a huge market of horny peeps

Rai ,

What, don’t we all have a $1k USD bad dragon collection?

Rai ,

god I wish that was me

Rai ,

They’re only like 100USD each!

Rai ,

I’m married buuuuuutt

Rai ,

Okay maybe an average of 100USD per toy… yeah probably more than 1k actually you’re right oh god

Rai ,

Rereading my other comment, it makes absolutely zero sense now they I’m sober hahaha.

Yeah, they range from maybe 80USD to 200USD. My least expensive was about 60, my favorite was 85, and my most expensive was 140 or so! None of mine are gigantic though, mostly medium.

Neat stuff, though! When I was young and learned they existed, I was like “eww that’s crazy hahaha who would even” then one day I was like “uhhhh okay maybe though?”

All downhill from there.

Rai ,

Gonna finish Escape Academy with my partner! I only bought it because doseone did all of the music (Enter the Gungeon, 13&God, and one of my favorite albums: “Less is Orchestra” (Look it up please, listen to Fact Colossal or The Deadener) (RIP Alias)

Charming game with cheesy dialogue and great puzzles. Never have done an escape room before and we’re crushing it so far. Do NOT play alone. Must be played with a partner.

Rai ,

I want to defend that poster but I can’t disagree with you… There is one person responsible and it’s definitely not the child….

Apple is bringing RCS to the iPhone in iOS 18 | The new standard will replace SMS as the default communication protocol between Android and iOS devices ( )

The long-awaited day is here: Apple has announced that its Messages app will support RCS in iOS 18. The move comes after years of taunting, cajoling, and finally, some regulatory scrutiny from the EU....

Rai ,

ABSOLUTELY. I have way more trust in iMessage’s privacy than RCS. I am ELATED for this change, but I want the colors different. I wouldn’t be upset if it changed from green to something else like peach or something, though, to reflect at least there might be SOME encryption or something going on.

Rai , (edited )

Absolutely, and excellent advice. Most of my folks I talk about




we’ll just say THC cuz it’s legal here

with, whether it enabled or not, we go through Signal iPhone or Android

edit: I read this again and it’s a terribly worded post but I think ya get it

Rai ,

this is a message board not a dissertation, nobody has to do shit

Rai ,

I don’t even walk barefoot in my house. I used to, but then I got a bunch of cats.

Outside though?! Absolutely not! I have different PANTS I wear when I go outside.

Rai ,

ewwwwwww tho

Rai ,

Based and level-headed-pilled

(I’m sorry for my shitpost comment but I mean it)

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