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abclop99 , in Disk imaging avatar
blandfordforever , in superfile - A pretty fancy and modern terminal file manager

Yes. I do like that.

Majestic , in Handbrake/ffmpeg: What free video codec to use for 720p videos?

DVD's max out at about 580p (for PAL, NTSC is 480p), resolutions are measured by the number of horizontal lines of pixels (counted from top to bottom of video/screen), not vertical which at 4:3 square aspect ratio on dvds does tend to be 720 pixels (by contrast full resolution HD video's number of vertical lines is 1920 while it's horizontal lines are of course 1080, hence 1080p). You're not the first person to be confused by this.

Professional encoders who fully understand the encoders and the schemes in use and care about not seeing artifacting or low quality would never intentionally go as low as 300mb for a feature length movie of even an hour. Yes there are people who do such things but they're not well regarded and it won't look even passable on anything larger than a phone screen.

Recognized quality groups that seek low sizes might get an animated feature (less bitrate needed due to lack of fine detail in animation vs real film) in SD quality down to around that. But for most live action content the sizes I see from the best of the best concerned with smaller release sizes are in the 900mb to 1.5GB range for 60-90 minute features.

300mb for a 90 minute live action feature even in SD is just not going to look good, some of the groups who get those sizes make them look even half-passable by running pre-filters in virtualdub that smooth, reduce grain and detail, etc before passing to the encoder. That kind of thing is way beyond anything you're going to learn in a few youtube videos though, that's advanced stuff with scripting.

Think about it this way, if you shoot for 1GB encodes with 265 or AV1 you can store over 900 movies on a 1tb drive which can be had for well under a hundred dollars.

I would like the best and fanciest algorithms to have least dataloss.

There is no magic that will get you where you want. If you want detail preserved you need more bitrate which translates to larger sizes. Modern codecs like HEVC and AV1 mean you need as much as 1/5th the bitrate you needed with old MPEG2/4 encoding schemes used on DVDs, that's darn good savings but it has its limits.

Do as you will but anything live action (non-animated) significantly under 1000kbps average bitrate is going to look awful on a 1080p screen and much worse than what it would look like if you popped your dvd in the disc drive and played it from there.

Opus is fine if you're not worried about compatibility and just playing on a computer.

todd_bonzalez , in [ META ] What is the community's opinion of Pop!_OS?

Pop! Is a solid Ubuntu-based distro. I use it on my MSI gaming PC and my System76 laptop.

The S76 (Lemur Pro) laptop is nice, but it isn't excellent, especially not for the price. I'm happy with it, but I probably won't buy another one unless they make significant improvements to the screen and chassis.

MrSoup , in Fedora avatar

Are you using Fedora Workstation? Have you installed "additional" multimedia codecs?

The issue with Fedora is that because of being backed by RedHat, they fear using some software for their licensing. So, to use features of your GPU you paid for, you need to install codecs from RPM Fusion.
This can be an hussle when big version updates of Fedora comes and you need to wait for RPM Fusion repo to catch up.

governorkeagan , in Fedora

I’m looking at putting Fedora Silverblue on my laptop (it’s shared between myself and my wife) after an update went bad on EndeavourOS — context

From what I’ve seen it looks rock solid.

penquin , in Thunderbird for Android / K-9 Mail: April 2024 Progress Report - The Thunderbird Blog avatar

Been using k9 for over 4 months now. Pretty nice. A couple of not so big deal issues, but overall pretty nice.
I wish it had material you design where it followed the system tint color. I wish it would stop complaining about authentication here and there. And last wish is to have the delete icon on the bottom instead of all the way at the top. Lol

njordomir ,

Yes, I'm several years into my de-googling process and a solid email client is not something I'm worried about. K9 is great and, as Thunderbird, we can only hope that it gets better.

lemmyvore ,

How did you go about de-googling your phone? I've de-googled my services but I'm just getting started on the phone.

warmaster , (edited )

Material you is coming from what I understood reading the linked blog post. There's also a screenshot. Or is Material 3 different from You?

penquin , avatar

They're different in some way I guess. The material design is basically Google's HIG, the you is the tinting from the wallpaper colors. Just like how KDE does their tint the whole UI from the wallpaper.

Lettuceeatlettuce , in [ META ] What is the community's opinion of Pop!_OS? avatar

I'm interested to try their Cosmic desktop later this year.

Overall, seems like a solid company, I've heard good things about their laptops, although I've never had one myself.

Pop_OS as a distro, heard generally good things about. The few times I've messed around with it have been fine. The folks that stick with it seem to like it.

tla , in Fedora

Assuming you're on Fedora 40: sudo dnf install dnf5

bloodfart , in Kinda broken linux iso

Ventoy is great! Except that it doesn’t fucking work!

Just write your iso to a normal little usb with sd or whatever the distro recommends.

My ventoy keyring has a few extra usbs on it for this exact problem. I just boot something that will work with ventoy and use dd to make one of the extras into whatever it needs to be.

ristoril_zip , in superfile - A pretty fancy and modern terminal file manager

It looks like midnight commander with some upgrades

nik282000 , avatar

I love mc for its sftp/ssh capabilities. It makes it so much easier to do remote admin/support.

bloodfart , in Debian maintainer unilaterally strips KeepassXC package of a lot of features

Rip keep ass xc emacs style defaults.

Keepassxc systemd integration when?

UnfortunateShort , (edited ) in Handbrake/ffmpeg: What free video codec to use for 720p videos?

I encode everything with AV1 and Opus, although, as others have pointed out, there is the disadvantage that older (as in "not new") devices won't have hardware acceleration for those. I don't care about that tho, because 1080p runs just fine on decent CPUs and I want to encode for the future, not yesteryear.

For AV1 I use 10bit, VFR, RF25. If you want, you can play around with the performance profile to trade file size for encoding speed.

For Opus I use 320 kbit/s fixed Bitrate and 7.1 downmix. Note that when dealing with audio and subtitles, you absolutely should include tracks of 'unknown' language! Otherwise they are just thrown away. And of course you should include every other language you care about. You can also choose to pass through Opus encoded tracks automatically.

I prefer MKV as container format, because from all I hear it's flexible and robust. Pretty much everything else is set to default. I'd advise to safe your settings to a preset and to briefly verify encoded videos actually work and contain the desired tracks.

MoonMelon , in [ META ] What is the community's opinion of Pop!_OS?

Bought a lemur pro 9 a few years ago and have it as a daily driver since. Pop OS works great for the most part but, as other people have mentioned, PopShop is slow/buggy and I often just resort to apt instead. My spouse plays a lot of PC games so when she got sick of Windows I migrated her over, and she's had very few problems. Every once in awhile a game won't run but usually that gets figured out in a few weeks by the Proton community.

A few content creation linux apps only officially support Redhat, so getting them to run is a bit of a pain but that would be the case with any Debian based distro. So overall I haven't seen the need to distro hop to Mint or something similar.

jonne , in Thunderbird for Android / K-9 Mail: April 2024 Progress Report - The Thunderbird Blog

Does anyone know where you can get the Thunderbird branded package?

loo , avatar

If I understood the article correctly, the Thunderbird app is not released, yet. They said they are working on getting it released.

Zier , avatar

The TB branded version is in beta and they are not releasing it until the branding is further along.
Allegedly if you are using K9, there will be a migration tool to move to the TB branded app when released.

boredsquirrel OP ,

No I think you will need to reinstall. But as you can export your settings this is not a very big deal.

Interesting, they renamed their org from thundernest to thunderbird. Makes more sense tbh.

I changes the URL to this in Obtainium and removed the old one. It seems they are still not changing the App ID as updates worked normally, but that version should get the redesign soon.

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