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phx , in Ubuntu 23.10 break graphical installer for local deb packages

Try command line?

dpkg -i /path/to/package.deb

That's likely an app just not installed by default for GUI

LinuxSBC ,

Correct, but new users don't want to need the command line for something as simple as installing packages.

Kusimulkku ,

New users probably shouldn't be installing .debs, especially if they don't know about terminal commands. I've seen so many fucked up systems from people treating Linux as Windows, as in installing everything by searching for stuff on their browser, downloading an installer and installing that.

hiddengoat ,

In other words, you've seen fucked up systems because people treat their Linux system like literally every non-Linux system they've used.

Which is a Linux problem, not a user problem.

Kusimulkku ,

Well it was the users who had a problem with their systems being messed up

hiddengoat ,

Yes, by the shit-tier decisions of the distro developers.

phx ,

No, it's a user problem on both OS's.
Installing random shit from untrustworthy sources is a much more likely source of infection that a zero-day, network-based exploit, etc

Not every OS allows you to simply click on a random installer/eventually (maybe enter a password) and get owned.
IOS on phones doesn't.
Android requires you enable untrusted sources.

It sounds like not including a GUI app by default to click-install random packages (outside the package manager) is the extra step for various Linux distros. That's not a problem, that's a good idea.

hiddengoat ,
  • Random shit
  • Untrustworthy

So github is untrustworthy now.

And again you're arguing in favor of walled gardens. Fucking hypocritical imbeciles. Anything to keep your precious fucking OS free from criticism, right?

nik282000 , avatar

Github is untrustworthy, anyone can put anything on there. It is up to the end user to determine if a project is safe to use or not.

The default repos for Debain on the other hand are filled only with software that has been checked by at least one competent person, making them inherently safe.

hiddengoat ,

But I thought the open nature of open source meant it was safe because someone has checked all code everywhere!

This shit has become tedious.

nik282000 , avatar

This shit has become tedious

No kidding. Open source software is safe because it can come from a trusted source that can be checked by others. Not every open source project is checked but the default repos of Debian, for example, are checked and can be trusted.

All closed source software, on the other hand, is untrustworthy because it can never be checked. This goes for the iOS and Android ecosystems as well. Despite their walled gardens the software is not open and can not be checked, which is why malicious software keeps making it's way onto phones.

Have you ever heard of malicious code in the Debian repos?

Helix ,

Have you ever heard of malicious code in the Debian repos?

I think I heard so a few times, yes. Depends on what you define as "malicious" and which of the repos you'd call Debian repos. Is Debian only stable or is it unstable and testing or contrib or non-free aswell?

Tundra , in Which distro do you believe deserves more recognition?

Plain ol Debian

ultra , in Which distro do you believe deserves more recognition?
theshatterstone54 ,

I tried it once, and it was hella impressive, but I didn't stick with it, I don't know why. It just seems a little too much for me.

ultra ,

It kinda fucks up your FS (not in a data-loss way, but it gets really messy): it was showing 3.2TB... on a 509gb partition of a 1tb ssd. Heck, I only have 3TB in my whole PC

backhdlp , avatar

reminds me of /proc always being 128TB for no reason

Digit ,

Different tools handle that differently. Takes a little extra eye adjustment to tease out the information from df -h, for example.

ultra ,

that was from baobab... which is supposed to "just work"

Digit ,

:-) BedrockLinux, my daily driver for a dozen years. :-)

ultra ,

woah, nice!

aramus , in Which distro do you believe deserves more recognition?

Whenever somebody recommends NixOS, I just want to spam the comments with Guix. I prefer configs I can understand, and I think lisp makes that easier. Other than syntax, the only thing I see is people complaining about the free-oftware-only. But the recently hyped distrobox solves that (together with the nonguix repo). Yet nobody recommends guix in all these "immutable" distro threads.

In my opinion Guix is the best mix of:

  • Arch (rolling release),

  • NixOS ("immutable", atomic updates , rollback, reproducible, declarative configs)

  • Gentoo (source code based, write your own package definitions for any source code you find),

with some lispy syntax.

ParetoOptimalDev ,

NixOS, and hopefully soon SnowflakeOS which makes it more approachable for more casual users.

Another user mentioned Guix, which I'd like to try soon to compare to NixOS.

It's hard to compete with how much there is in nixpkgs though... as much as I... a professional Haskell programmer... hate to acknowledge the realities of network effects.

Pat_Riot , avatar

So, I have only ever known Windows, but am becoming more and more Linux curious. I see all these different distros you guys talk about and I have to ask, do all the distros run any of the available software or would I have to try to try to find one that will run what I'm interested in running? If so which distro will run the available music production software? I'm sick of microshaft. Help a brother out?

captain_aggravated , avatar

Welcome to the Linux community!

There's a certain set of us Linux users who cling to the adage "for beginners, distro doesn't matter much." A lot of the differences between distros are things under the hood that you won't notice or care about. The main two things that will change your experience are the DE and the package manager.

DE = Desktop Environment. The GUI, what it looks and feels like. This is a matter of personal taste, you can find DEs that look and work more like Windows, more like MacOS, or neither. Try out a few, pick which one you want. I like Cinnamon because they tend to put things where someone who's used to Windows, but doesn't really like Windows, would look for things. Again your choice of DE is personal taste.

Package manager = app store. Think about smart phones, a major deciding factor is which app store(s) it has access to. My Samsung Galaxy has both the Google Play and Samsung Galaxy stores. If you buy a Pixel, you don't get the Samsung store. If you buy an iPhone, you're stuck with Apple's App Store. Go back to what? 2014 or so and buy a Fire Phone, you're stuck with Amazon's app store. Same thing with Linux distros.

In practice, most mainstream distros will support practically all Linux software in some way. I run Linux Mint, Mint comes with APT and Flatpak, and between the two I can find all the software I want. (Asterisk: video games, for which I have Steam). Other distros will have technically different but functionally similar package managers; on Arch you'd use Pacman, on Fedora you'd use RPM. The Steam Deck uses only Flatpak for user apps.

So go with a fairly mainstream distro that has Flatpak support either out of the box or easily installed and you'll be okay.

GustavoM , in Based KDE 🗿 avatar

"But can Linux install things via a single .exe file? HAHAH EAT IT NERD!"

- 10'ish years ago past me, before discovering the magical wonders of the package manager

RQG , avatar

I found since people are used to app stores, I've had a much easier time convincing people to try out Linux. My mom even said that she always wished her windows PC had a proper app store.

Tavarin , avatar

But Windows does have an app store, and has for ages now.

savedbythezsh ,

Yeah but it's awful, and can only install UWP apps which are just plain bad

Jayayess1190 , avatar

When is the last time you've used it? Microsoft opened it up and now you can find all types of non UWP apps in it.

fl42v , in Debian 12.3 Delayed Due To An EXT4 Data Corruption Bug Being Addressed

Regarding the picture: I lelieve that's not how you turn 2280 ssd into 2242...

rah , in Bored With Bash? Change the Default Shell in Linux

Boring is good. I don't want to be surprised by the software I use.

demonsword , in Switched my Parents to Linux avatar

set up some remote desktop in case you need to support them when your vacation ends

shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit , in Recommendations

I used to Google for help, but the thing about Google is you have to know the correct technical terms, but when learning Linux, there are many unknown unknowns. And then you have to trawl through am the answers.

Now, any time I enter a command and get errors, or if I don't understand something in the logs, I'll copy paste it into - if necessary, it'll ask for clarification. But mostly, it'll suggest various causes and solutions, with explanation.

Dirk , in Beachpatrol: A CLI tool to replace and automate your everyday web browser (Wayland support) avatar

What can you automate with Beachpatrol? The sky is the limit:

  • Check your email.
  • Login to your bank account.


Oh hell no!

lemmyvore , in Is it actually dangerous to run Firefox as root?

You seriously need to stop what you're doing. Log in with ssh only. If you need multiple terminals use multiple ssh sessions, or screen/tmux. If you need to search something do it on your desktop system.

The server should not have Firefox installed, or KDE, or anything related to desktop apps. There's no point and nothing good can come of it.

Kit , in When Windows 10 dies, I am going to jump ship over to Linux. Which version would you recommend for someone with zero prior experience with Linux? **Edit: Linux Mint it shall be.**

Linux Mint

helenslunch , avatar

Debian Edition*

kixik , in Which terminal emulator do you use?

For those kitty users, have anyone been able to use fonts not in the list kitty support? I only use Terminus (OTB) fonts on terminal, and when trying kitty out, I found no way to get it to use Terminus (I could only select between those supported by kitty).

toastal ,

Kitty can’t use bitmap fonts because of how it draws to screen & bitmap fonts don’t scale. You would need a different terminal for bitmap fonts or choose a different font.

kixik ,

It looks like, though OTB (opentype bitmap fonts) are different than plain bitmap fonts, and are actually supported by pango. Alacritty allows me to use Terminus OTB fonts for example. There are other true type fonts which are also sort of my plan B, which are not supported by kitty either, as mentioned, I wanted to see if there's a way not just to select between the list kitty offers, which is sort of limited. At any rate if not Terminus, I don't really like much my plan B true type fonts much...

toastal ,

I moved to Iosevka (custom) a few years back after a) switching to Kitty & b) realizing my eyesight was getting worse so I needed a bigger font than what Terminus provides

kixik ,

I'll take a look at iosevka fonts, thanks !

kixik ,

BTW, moved to iosevka myself, now my current preferred font for both, the console, and fixed fonts...

Many thanks for the suggestion @toastal

ButWhatDoesItAllMean , in 2024 Is the year I will commit to ditching windows

Check out OpenRGB to see if it meets your lighting needs. I use it with Corsair Commander Pro, keyboard, mousepad, RAM, QL fans and the ASUS RGB header and attached lighting. It's been working great on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed for me.

Hellmo_Luciferrari OP ,

OpenRGB seems to be consensus on how to handle this.

ScottE , avatar

Totally agree. OpenRGB works for me.

Granted, I just turn the "GeForce" light on the GPU off, along with all the other RGB stuff inside the case, but it works. 😁

Hellmo_Luciferrari OP ,

That's what I might end up doing. I don't care as much about the RGB on it as I do functionality. As long as they can go off, I have zero issue with that.

BaldProphet , in who can continue? avatar

The first time, it was an interesting discussion. Now, it's just spam.

GravitySpoiled OP ,

The first time it was a comment.

I had fun writing it, sorry you were annoyed by me

lemmyreader ,

Was fun reading it, and brilliant. Thanks! :)

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