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DmMacniel , in Google disrupted YouTube video playback on Firefox, again - gHacks Tech News

Clearly this isn't an anti-competition effort.

nul9o9 ,

We need to being back trust busting.

entropicdrift , avatar

FTC is already on Google's case

M0oP0o , avatar

Yeah that $1000 fine should fix things (or whatever amount they pick)

jawa21 , avatar

75% of annual revenue until the issue is addressed would actually work.

eric5949 ,

Yes well that's pie in the sky.

MelodiousFunk , avatar

A pie in the face is worth two in the sky.

M0oP0o , avatar

The question is why? Having big corporations beyond the control of regulation should not be as normalized as it is.

stormesp , in Google disrupted YouTube video playback on Firefox, again - gHacks Tech News avatar

Oh lol so that was it, yesterday all of a sudden 1440p and 4k videos were unwatchable, it was a stutter fest and thought something was wrong with my gpu.

hushable ,

I've noticed that 60fps videos struggle a lot, even at 720p, suspiciously, no issues on chrome

Zetta ,

Ya I've had this issue for months now, the video will freeze when the original 10 seconds of buffer is used, and it'll play fine if I skip another 10 seconds but just buffer indefinitely otherwise.

casmael ,

You can get an extension to easily change your browser ‘user agent’ to make YouTube think you’re on chrome lol

SendMePhotos ,

Which one

mrvictory1 ,
brb ,

I've been having this exact issue too

NegativeLookBehind , in Firefox Power User Keeps 7,400+ Browser Tabs Open for 2 Years avatar

TIL doing pointless shit makes you a power user

Carighan , avatar

Power User is if you don't actually know how to close tabs, aye.

sabreW4K3 , in Mozilla Did a Reddit AMA About Their 2024 Firefox Priorities… See What You Missed avatar

I feel like they would've got more challenging questions had they asked here. They could've even done it on mastodon, with the hashtag . Instead they chose to prop up the closed web 🥺

RayJW ,

Honestly, as much as I would like that as the next guy.. I doubt they would've gotten anywhere close to engagement in the range of 400 comments sadly.

When it comes to reach this is still not the place to be. Now, how meaningful the comments are? That's a different question.

ID411 ,

They went for the biggest audience. By a country fucking mile.

kbal , avatar

That may be a consideration, but what's important in the words of one mozilla employee in that thread is:

the future of the web. We work to push the industry forward and to push for decisions that enable people to shape their own online experience and that help consumers feel empowered and safe online.

ahal ,

If your goal is to help people transition to that future, would you engage with the people who are already there?

noodlejetski ,

I'd probably announce to people in other places that I'm going to host an AMA in a place that aligns more with my goals and that they're free to join and participate there.

Carighan , avatar

No they choose to ask they audience. You go where the people are if you want to ask them, you don't make them come to you.

0x1C3B00DA , avatar

Doing an AMA on mastodon would be a horrible experience for everyone. Others have pointed out the obvious difference in reach, blocks/defederation means some ppl may not even be able to participate, participants might never receive questions, users from different instances wouldn't be able to see sibling comments, etc.

Matriks404 , in Google disrupted YouTube video playback on Firefox, again - gHacks Tech News

I have had the same issue for at least a month now. I use YouTube Premium, the fuck am I paying for?


For your experience to only be degraded a little.

For an slightly better but still degraded experience they want you on Google Chrome. But remember please use 360p or lower so their poor servers don't have to work so hard, they even help you do this by default on mobile!

Etterra ,

You're posting for your inability to download ublock.

Matriks404 ,

I already have an uBlock dude, it's just I like to support content creators on YouTube by having Premium.

winkerjadams ,

Support them directly instead of whatever peanuts google decides to graciously give them.

Matriks404 ,

That's a lot of effort, given how many people I am subscribed to. And I wouldn't say that it' "peanuts", after all they redistribute 55% of YouTube Premium earnings, that's a lot more than what other similar subscriptions give.

Brickardo ,

Would you support that kind of business model if you were at the other end, knowing full well you could be earning more? Then again, this is an age-old question...

psud ,

I also pay for YouTube, and I keep chrome around for watching it, and for the Google apps

InternetUser2012 ,

You're paying them to sell your data and to better advertise to you.

JPAKx4 , in Google disrupted YouTube video playback on Firefox, again - gHacks Tech News

Reminder for everyone to use a user-agent spoofing extension to make their Firefox appear to be chrome/another browser to Google

michael_palmer ,

Just add flag in about:config page

Sterile_Technique , avatar

Any you recommend? I tried this during during the first round of YouTube fuckiness on Firefox, and it didn't seem to make a difference.

I'm also probably the least techy person on Lemmy, so chances are high that I fucked something up.

JPAKx4 ,

I personally use Chameleon on Firefox. Alternativly, you may find luck using a web client such as piped.

InternetUser2012 ,

When it all goes down, there's always the option of just downloading what you want to watch and watch it in your favorite media player. That's what I do on my phone since I refuse to watch ads and they make everything buffer. Hit the dl button and in under a minute i have the video downloaded in hd.

oce , avatar

It seems Netflix is able to detect that spoofing, and sends this error when trying to play videos, "Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again later.". I had to disable my add-ons one by one to identify that it was User Agent Switcher causing it.

Sestren ,

Simple solution is to not pay Netflix and just pirate their content. They go out of their way to make the experience worse for paying customers on a regular basis. Sonarr+Jellyfin on an old computer with no video card and you've got a better Netflix where your content doesn't just magically disappear or fail to play on some devices.

brbposting ,

This ends with $500/mo Netflix subscriptions. An employee comes to your house and holds a laptop up in front of your couch while looking for hidden cameras camming the show.

Bathroom breaks are allowed, but they’ll pause the show if it’s during commercials.

outerspace ,

*pause the ads

SeekPie ,

I've been really happy with Stremio + Real-Debrid. Yes, it costs money, yes it's worth it (less than 3€/month).

Azzu , avatar

Any piracy costing money is also really really likely to be shut down relatively soon, making you need to change your setup.

SeekPie ,

Been using it for 2 years, no issues so far.

mrvictory1 ,

The DRM module tells Netflix you are on Firefox. For Netflix I would use Chrome on Wine tbh, it now supports 1080p w/o extensions. Or maybe Chromium w/ ChromeOS' Widevine module.

oce , avatar

Good point

InternetUser2012 ,

Yuck. Piss on anything chrome related. Just hit the high seas for what you want to watch, it doesn't care what browser or os you're using.

noodlejetski ,

sadly, skewing stats like that gives Google more reason not to support Firefox in the long run.

petrol_sniff_king ,

Well.. yes, but I assume that this specifically was sabotage. Like how Intel products have been throttling amd cpu performance for years.

pineapplelover ,

Absolutely not, I want them to know I'm using Firefox on my Linux computer. I'm doing my best to boost up marketshare.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

what would be the benefit of that?

ms_lane , in Google disrupted YouTube video playback on Firefox, again - gHacks Tech News

I stopped watching on their website due to this. It's faster and I get better scalers on ytdl(p)+mpv

eskimofry ,

Are Piped or vanced affected as well?

30p87 ,

I exclusively use Piped, and never have any problems. No ads, no bullshit, sponsorblock and DeArrow.

t0fr , avatar

You browse YouTube in the browser then use a handler to send it to MPV?

Potatisen ,

What is this?

GodsKillerKirb , avatar

mpv? yt-dlp?

  • mpv is a media player, kind of like VLC but more powerful and lightweight.
  • yt-dlp is a CLI (command line interface) tool that allows you to download youtube videos as videos, videos without audio, or just as audio files.
ChicoSuave ,

More powerful and lightweight than VLC? I didn't know such things existed.

Kuro ,

Could you elaborate on your workflow for that? I am really interested in doing the same.

dukethorion , in Firefox Power User Keeps 7,400+ Browser Tabs Open for 2 Years avatar

Firefox user with 2TB of RAM forgets what the X button does.

simple , in Has this sub (or whatever it's called on Lemmy) been hacked? avatar

Not hacked, it's just getting spammed and I'm not sure if the mods are still active.

Zagorath , avatar

mod, singular.

They were "active" at least as of 4 days ago, though before that one post their previous post is almost a month old, and they haven't left a comment in 6 months, so it's doubtful that they're active as a mod.

You're probably best off going to !firefox which seems more active.

penquin OP ,

Makes sense. Thank you for the link

YurkshireLad , in Google disrupted YouTube video playback on Firefox, again - gHacks Tech News

For months I’ve had problems with YouTube videos in Firefox, at any resolution. They would play at really low FPS. Sometimes the player would pause and continue at the correct FPS, but usually not. Skipping backwards or forwards usually fixes it but not always. Another step in their monopoly to destroy competition.

mrvictory1 ,

Firefox for Android? Happens with any video, this is not YT bug.

Zachariah , in Firefox 127's private window handling angers users avatar

Yeah, about:config is one of the best things about Firefox. It allows a standard user not to stumble into settings that would lead to frustration or needing help. But it also lets power users use Firefox the way they want to. I’m always annoyed when a setting is removed from there.

orhtej2 , in Google disrupted YouTube video playback on Firefox, again - gHacks Tech News

I solved a lot of performance issues I had with yt playback by disabling Ambient Mode (it's hidden under cog menu in the player). No clue why, but it was causing massve CPU usage.

TBi ,

Yeah. I hate ambient mode. Kills battery life on all systems.

Sabata11792 , avatar

It's also really ugly and distracting.

TheOakTree ,

I'm not sure why, but ambient mode also introduces a lot of color banding for me. I find it odd because it doesn't occur in similar dark-gradient scenes while gaming, just YouTube.

tibi ,

My guess is that it's supposed to look good if you have HDR enabled (which gives you 10 bits per color channel, although even with HDR, the desktop UI still renders in 8 bits per channel).

But still, it looks terrible for most people, and is a complete waste of resources. Because of the horrible banding, I initially thought something was wrong with my monitor. I don't understand why they added this feature.

averyminya , in Mozilla reverses course, re-lists extensions it removed in Russia

The damage is done since people will critique Mozilla for anything that isn't snuffing Google.

I'm glad they reversed the decision.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Such an abrupt reversal is puzzling. Did they think Firefox users don't care?

30p87 ,

They were forced to delist it temporarily in Russia. The fact that they listed it again tells me that they listen to the community, like they claimed, and that they value said community above the russian government.

kbal , avatar

Well, they listen to the community when what the community is pointing out is a very obvious mistake which has a very high probability of causing a whole lot of bad press, at least.

Perhyte , in Vertical Tabs can now be enabled in Firefox Nightly and are movable to the right side

Is this just placing them vertically, nothing else?

I currently use the Tree Style Tab extension and really like how it handles sub-tabs and allows collapsing the tree nodes. If I can't have that this is probably not directly useful to me unless extensions can add that functionality.

I guess I'll be watching how this evolves though.

gramathy ,

Yeah, I use TST with some CSS modifications to nearly eliminate the top bar and I like it a lot

something_random_tho ,

I'm in a similar boat. I use Sidebery which has groups of tabs (in addition to nesting them). Would really want something similar built in natively to organize all of them.

msdropbear42 , avatar

@Perhyte @cloudless Agree, but fwiw, IMO, is even more powerful & flexible than AO. After being spoiled by both these for years, has heaps of catching up to do before the native solution will become my choice... but i emphatically DO want sophisticated to be native, so hope the Devs learn from & adopt from these two AOs.

Carighan , avatar

I honestly hope they do not. The base implementation should be something utterly basic - I mean, quite literally the horizontal tab strip, but vertical. And then present an API for extending them, allowing consumers to bolt their own functionality on top as needed for their specific use case.

Don't stuff the browser full of stuff only a tiny minority uses, tbh.

waldyrious , avatar

@msdropbear42 @Perhyte @cloudless as a long-time user, I've seen many people mention that is better, more powerful, etc., but I keep missing out on what exactly are the killer features that make the difference for so many people to have this preference. I'm pretty happy with TST, and suspect that the main things I'm missing are small papercuts and UX tune ups, but maybe there are features I don't know I need? Please enlighten me 😁

msdropbear42 , avatar

@waldyrious @Perhyte @cloudless I was a user for many years, before discovering , so i do know how excellent TST is. IMO though, TST lost its way once the Dev chose to remove much core functionality from it, devolving it all instead to myriad companion AOs the user then also must install. As well, various functions some users wanted were explicitly ruled out by the Dev.

Otoh the Sidebery Dev has been immensely receptive to new ideas, as well as feedback for improving existing features, + ALL the functionality of TST exists within Sidebery's Settings without needing to have any companion AOs. There's so much i like about Sidebery, but just to mention a mere handful of benefits over TST:

  • tab hover preview thumbnails
  • infinite separate Workspaces [called Tab Panels in Sidebery]
  • optional integration in the Sidebery Panel of Closed Tabs, Bookmarks, History [done better than in TST]
  • infinite Session backups & restores
  • really clever context menu options such that many commonplace tab operations can be done "one handed"... you really need to play with this to understand

My reply is inadequate. Much better would be to install the AO, explore its rich Settings, & play with it all.

waldyrious , avatar

@msdropbear42 @Perhyte @cloudless thank you! The integrated history and bookmarks alone is already enticing enough. I'll give it a try! 😃

Carighan , avatar

This is exactly what was expected.

After all, it's called Vertical Tabs, not Nested Tree Tabs.

unless extensions can add that functionality

I guess that's the idea. Most sidebar extensions need reworking with the new sidebar, but now addons wanting to add functionality to the tab strip no longer have to first also "invent" the whole vertical tab strip. They can just start from the existing one.

lvxferre , in Mozilla reverses course, re-lists extensions it removed in Russia avatar

[Off-topic] As I was reading the comments from a related thread, I noticed that the comments there can be tagged by the community. (See Alfman's comment, being tagged as "verbose"). That would be an amazing feature here in the Fediverse forums/link-sharers.

[On-topic] I wonder if Mozilla was buying time to retract its staff from Russia? Even if not, I respect their ability to revert a decision in a transparent way, and apologise to the community without sounding like a corporate "apology". It shows that they actually care about the principles that they're babbling about, even if they violated them with the temporary removal.

Vincent ,

I wonder if Mozilla was buying time to retract its staff from Russia?

Do you mean firing Russian employees? And preventing other employees from ever travelling to Russia, even for private reasons?

I don't think that's very practical 😅

lvxferre , avatar

More like asking them what to do, that wouldn't put either their heads or Mozilla's values in the guillotine. Looking for options.

That's just conjecture from my part, mind you.

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