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rorschah , in Share your feedback on the AI services experiment in Nightly - Mozilla Connect avatar

Nightly can be configured by advanced testers to use custom prompts and any compatible chatbot, such as llamafile, which runs on-device open models, including open-source ones. We are excited for the community to share interesting prompts, chatbots, and models as we make this a better user experience. We are also looking at how we can provide an easy-to-set-up option for a private, fully local chatbot as an alternative to using third-party providers.

I think they could've waited until they properly tried implementing a local llm. Anyway glad to know that we have options and gonna try this.

expr , in Share your feedback on the AI services experiment in Nightly - Mozilla Connect

Oh you mean stuff nobody actually asked for?

cupcakezealot , in Vertical Tabs can now be enabled in Firefox Nightly and are movable to the right side avatar

yess, i've been waiting for this (love sidebury but would love to see something built in).

really hope there will be an option to change the width and add the tab title/favicon, since i prefer the edge vertical tabs. i'm sure that's coming through.

sxan , in Vertical Tabs can now be enabled in Firefox Nightly and are movable to the right side avatar

Bing... X... Facebook... Bing... Google...

Not an Ecosia, Searx, Mastodon, Lemmy, or even DuckDuckGo to be seen. Just dreck.


taanegl , in Vertical Tabs can now be enabled in Firefox Nightly and are movable to the right side avatar

Been using some extensions to get this done.

Currently using Sidebar Tabs. I have gotten used to grouped tabs, which is something I don't want to give up. I've mapped Ctrl+Space to open and close it, which is super satisfying.

I switched from Sideberry, which was cool since it is so configurable, and that it can store and recall entire lists of links. I think this is a nice alternative to bookmarks, because it gives you a sort of link manifest, that you can even export.

Mozilla's attempt seems... lackluster in comparison, but it's still under development. So eh. Thinking of going Librefox, Waterfox or even Floorp - though that would be like going ESR.

msdropbear42 , avatar

@taanegl @cloudless Yes...

or even Floorp - though that would be like going ESR.

...but in July, the Dev is jumping from to FF-Release version. Really looking fwd to it. Already Floorp + is wonderful, so soon will be even better.

taanegl , avatar

..I get a "Forbidden" error on all those tags ^^; Apparently they are not publicly available.

BUT COOL! I'll be giving Floorp a spin then :)

msdropbear42 , avatar

@taanegl Cool. Interested to hear later what you think of it.

DarkThoughts , in Vertical Tabs can now be enabled in Firefox Nightly and are movable to the right side

And just like the fucking floating tabs they have excessively fat padding / gaps. And if you have this replacing the tabs at the top, then you might as well move the window buttons down one row and remove the top bar entirely.

Carighan , avatar

And if you have this replacing the tabs at the top, then you might as well move the window buttons down one row and remove the top bar entirely

Yeah that part is weird. But it's early in development and this sounds like something you add late, tbh.

Still, it's kinda ... well ... the point. Use the readily available horizontal space with a vertical tab strip to free up the precious vertical space by removing that entire bar. 😅

rdri ,

I have the top bar removed (using some css hacks) for like a year and it's mostly fine. Using sidebery for vertical tabs.

csolisr , in Vertical Tabs can now be enabled in Firefox Nightly and are movable to the right side avatar

@cloudless One of the few reasons I had to stick to Waterfox, yeepee

Perhyte , in Vertical Tabs can now be enabled in Firefox Nightly and are movable to the right side

Is this just placing them vertically, nothing else?

I currently use the Tree Style Tab extension and really like how it handles sub-tabs and allows collapsing the tree nodes. If I can't have that this is probably not directly useful to me unless extensions can add that functionality.

I guess I'll be watching how this evolves though.

gramathy ,

Yeah, I use TST with some CSS modifications to nearly eliminate the top bar and I like it a lot

something_random_tho ,

I'm in a similar boat. I use Sidebery which has groups of tabs (in addition to nesting them). Would really want something similar built in natively to organize all of them.

msdropbear42 , avatar

@Perhyte @cloudless Agree, but fwiw, IMO, is even more powerful & flexible than AO. After being spoiled by both these for years, has heaps of catching up to do before the native solution will become my choice... but i emphatically DO want sophisticated to be native, so hope the Devs learn from & adopt from these two AOs.

Carighan , avatar

I honestly hope they do not. The base implementation should be something utterly basic - I mean, quite literally the horizontal tab strip, but vertical. And then present an API for extending them, allowing consumers to bolt their own functionality on top as needed for their specific use case.

Don't stuff the browser full of stuff only a tiny minority uses, tbh.

waldyrious , avatar

@msdropbear42 @Perhyte @cloudless as a long-time user, I've seen many people mention that is better, more powerful, etc., but I keep missing out on what exactly are the killer features that make the difference for so many people to have this preference. I'm pretty happy with TST, and suspect that the main things I'm missing are small papercuts and UX tune ups, but maybe there are features I don't know I need? Please enlighten me 😁

msdropbear42 , avatar

@waldyrious @Perhyte @cloudless I was a user for many years, before discovering , so i do know how excellent TST is. IMO though, TST lost its way once the Dev chose to remove much core functionality from it, devolving it all instead to myriad companion AOs the user then also must install. As well, various functions some users wanted were explicitly ruled out by the Dev.

Otoh the Sidebery Dev has been immensely receptive to new ideas, as well as feedback for improving existing features, + ALL the functionality of TST exists within Sidebery's Settings without needing to have any companion AOs. There's so much i like about Sidebery, but just to mention a mere handful of benefits over TST:

  • tab hover preview thumbnails
  • infinite separate Workspaces [called Tab Panels in Sidebery]
  • optional integration in the Sidebery Panel of Closed Tabs, Bookmarks, History [done better than in TST]
  • infinite Session backups & restores
  • really clever context menu options such that many commonplace tab operations can be done "one handed"... you really need to play with this to understand

My reply is inadequate. Much better would be to install the AO, explore its rich Settings, & play with it all.

waldyrious , avatar

@msdropbear42 @Perhyte @cloudless thank you! The integrated history and bookmarks alone is already enticing enough. I'll give it a try! 😃

Carighan , avatar

This is exactly what was expected.

After all, it's called Vertical Tabs, not Nested Tree Tabs.

unless extensions can add that functionality

I guess that's the idea. Most sidebar extensions need reworking with the new sidebar, but now addons wanting to add functionality to the tab strip no longer have to first also "invent" the whole vertical tab strip. They can just start from the existing one.

neme , in Vertical Tabs can now be enabled in Firefox Nightly and are movable to the right side avatar

I can see the revamped sidebar but it doesn't show the tabs in the sidebar for me.

cloudless OP ,

Please follow the instructions in the linked article.

neme , avatar

Had to wait few hours before it offered correct update, seems to work now.

mindbleach , in Vertical Tabs can now be enabled in Firefox Nightly and are movable to the right side

Okay, great. Can I have tab rows back? On top? Where the tabs go?

thefartographer ,

I desire tab matrices. Bottom 20% of the window is my browser display

mindbleach ,

A tight grid beats getting lost in barely two dozen tabs at a time, scrolling horizontally and having no idea where it begins or ends. You'd need a thousand tabs in one window to take up even 500px vertically.

thefartographer ,

Gimme big tabs that look like buttons on a child's ipad app. I also want the tab matrix enabled and always visible on mobile. Finally, they must make various squeaking/honking/chirping noises when I select them and animal noises when left inactive for too long.

mindbleach ,

Sorry, that version of Firefox only comes on CD-ROM for Windows 98.

thefartographer ,

basking in the nostalgia of my friends and I shattering AOL trial disks in the cul-de-sac

mindbleach ,

I was right there with you, a thousand miles away.

requiem , in Mozilla Did a Reddit AMA About Their 2024 Firefox Priorities… See What You Missed

Surprised that nobody asked about their recent purchase of an advertising company.

sanpo ,

Maybe they did, but got moderated.

Or maybe most of the critical community left reddit a while ago, I mean, the top rated question in the AMA asks about changelogs in video format...

Vincent ,

The AMA was June 13th, the acquisition news was posted June 16h.

Carighan , in Mozilla Did a Reddit AMA About Their 2024 Firefox Priorities… See What You Missed avatar

Bobby responded that the desktop PWA prototype that Mozilla built a few years ago got “some pretty negative feedback” in user testing and they didn’t have the bandwidth to take another crack at it.

I love how much people forget about this. PWAs were not liked when they came out. And that's putting it very very mildly.

And morover, at the time, people in general did not like PWAs as a concept. Independent of the browser. It's a bit funny when nowadays people always ask for PWA support, considering it was once yelled at until it was axed, and the whole concept ridiculed.

sanpo ,

I still don't like it.

But it doesn't change the fact that some big players insist on PWAs instead of standalone Electron/whatever wrappers if you want anything close to a native desktop experience instead of a browser tab.

0x1C3B00DA , avatar

PWAs were not liked when they came out.

By some ppl. There were also ppl who did like them. As soon as the desktop support was axed, fans of the feature started complaining immediately.

at the time, people in general did not like PWAs as a concept. Independent of the browser

Again, I think this is a sampling issue, because my experience was the complete opposite.

And one of the key parts of PWA features was the "Progressive" part. The site works without those features and you don't have to use them so removing the support never made much sense to me.

Vincent ,

And as for taking another crack at it, this time hopefully in a way that won't confuse non-users, here's some interesting followup looking for input:

scsi , in Mozilla Did a Reddit AMA About Their 2024 Firefox Priorities… See What You Missed
sabreW4K3 , in Mozilla Did a Reddit AMA About Their 2024 Firefox Priorities… See What You Missed avatar

I feel like they would've got more challenging questions had they asked here. They could've even done it on mastodon, with the hashtag . Instead they chose to prop up the closed web 🥺

RayJW ,

Honestly, as much as I would like that as the next guy.. I doubt they would've gotten anywhere close to engagement in the range of 400 comments sadly.

When it comes to reach this is still not the place to be. Now, how meaningful the comments are? That's a different question.

ID411 ,

They went for the biggest audience. By a country fucking mile.

kbal , avatar

That may be a consideration, but what's important in the words of one mozilla employee in that thread is:

the future of the web. We work to push the industry forward and to push for decisions that enable people to shape their own online experience and that help consumers feel empowered and safe online.

ahal ,

If your goal is to help people transition to that future, would you engage with the people who are already there?

noodlejetski ,

I'd probably announce to people in other places that I'm going to host an AMA in a place that aligns more with my goals and that they're free to join and participate there.

Carighan , avatar

No they choose to ask they audience. You go where the people are if you want to ask them, you don't make them come to you.

0x1C3B00DA , avatar

Doing an AMA on mastodon would be a horrible experience for everyone. Others have pointed out the obvious difference in reach, blocks/defederation means some ppl may not even be able to participate, participants might never receive questions, users from different instances wouldn't be able to see sibling comments, etc.

hitstun , in From Mozilla: Help us uncover Firefox 3rd party installer avatar

To take the survey, go to this campaign page and scroll down to the "take part" button to get the survey in your language. I basically just told them that I install Firefox ESR from Chocolatey. They were really interested in locale strings like "en-US".

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