How many communities do you have blocked?

My preferred way to browse here is using All and blocking communities I don't want to see. That way I get exposed to new things I wouldn't seek out on my own (for example: British archaeology)

I accidentally blocked a community while trying to block a user and when I went to unblock it, I saw I had 1250 communities filtered. If I had to guess, 90% are either porn, sports, or anime.

What about you?

avguser ,

My blocked community list got significantly shorter when they introduced instance blocking. Got pretty tired of playing furry porn community whackamole.

glimse OP ,

I have 7 instances blocked. I'm really glad that you can block instances while not blocking the users of those instances. Like I don't want to see any posts from yiffit but being a furry doesn't mean your comments aren't worth reading, ya know?

The other blocked instances are porn and language-specific instances just to clean up my feed

snooggums , avatar

I would love it if blocking all users from an inatance was available as a separate option from the users. I think the majority of my blocked users are from two instances.

viking , avatar

Hexbear and

snooggums , avatar

Yes, those two.

barsquid ,

The fact that you can so easily guess which two instances proves it would be a useful tool to be able to block all their users.

korny , (edited )

Good to know! I didn't want to miss out on @kolanaki comments, but now I won't have to worry about it.

Donut ,

I did. Those usernames are too distracting and shout "look at me!", so I'm filtering all of them.

glimse OP ,

I totally agree. Before I found the option to disable custom display names, I found that guy insufferable...2024 equivalent of xXxUSERNAMExXx. I don't think I've noticed him since, though I'm sure I've read his comments

simple , avatar

I'm this close to blocking as well because it's mostly softcore porn. I like Anime, but not like this.

glimse OP ,

I added that one fast for the same reason. I am not an anime-hater but there's way too much horny anime getting posted for my liking. Too many -chan characters that look basically identical middle schoolers.

Emperor , avatar

Got pretty tired of playing furry porn community whackamole.

Coincidentally, the furry porn whack-off-a-mole community is not very popular.

Enkers ,

Be the change you want to see. (:

Vex_Detrause ,

I'm gonna need a list of these ridiculous communities. You know, to block them. /S

RagingHungryPanda ,

I have two bot accounts and five servers

glimse OP ,

No communities though?

I have 42 users blocked. Mostly bots but some spammy accounts, too.

RagingHungryPanda ,

Actually I think I do, but I'm not seeing them in the sync app. I've definitely blocked porn communities. Bots too.

Kolanaki , avatar

I mostly just block users who post awful shit. But I have blocked a lot of niche Linux communities just because they were taking up most of the page and while I appreciate Linux, I'm not a super hardcore fanboy.

glimse OP ,

Oh yeah, I didn't think about the Linux communities...I do have a lot of those distro-specific ones blocked. And a bunch of communities for software I don't use

LostWanderer ,

I've got hundreds of straight porn related communities blocked which were a lot of repeating themes which could be combined in one! Sprinkled in are some about sports, furries, and anime porn. I like exploring All and blocking the communities that don't speak to me. My block list is going to be huge before long, at the rate duplicates are made.

glimse OP ,

Oh man I totally agree about the repeating themes. That's true even on the non-porn communities...especially during the gold rush to copy every single subreddit but none of the rules that made them unique

I don't really use Lemmy for porn but I don't mind seeing it since I have NSFW posts blurred. Aside from sexuality/kinks I'm not into, I block a lot of communities with users that post like 20 things at once.

LostWanderer ,

Yeah, it's truly wild that the rules didn't transfer over (those were clearly written on each subreddit). The gold rush was poorly done, if it were better managed we'd have had a better default experience! Lemmy is one of several sources for unique erotic content (as gay NSFW is more scattered online). Often the only ones posting are the mods of said community so often I don't need to block them as it's all unique. I've almost fully curated my Lemmy experience now; since I've invested more time in this fediverse social platform.

friend_of_satan ,

I've blocked over 1000 communities.

glimse OP ,

How would you describe your blocklist? Like what categories and what ratio between them?

friend_of_satan , (edited )

All things I'm not interested in that tend to fall into these categories:

  • hyperlocal geographies
  • sports
  • specific games
  • specific hobbies
  • programming languages and other technologies
  • porn
  • meme groups about subcultures I'm not a part of
  • shitposting
  • subs where it seems everything is cross posted to another sub
  • pretty much all music subs (i'm not here for music)
  • pretty much all video subs (i'm not here for videos)

Edit: I've probably also blocked a handful of obscurely named subs that have no description or shit descriptions. Like a sub called grobslafup and the description is "everything related to grobslafup!" As if people know what the obscure thing is but don't know that a sub titled after it is going to be related to it. 🙄

glimse OP ,

Now I want to know more about grobslafup

AFKBRBChocolate ,

A crap ton of them - too many to count quickly. My intent was to sort by subscribed, but we're still getting a lot of new communities, so I mostly sort by new, and block communities I have no interest in or that spam a lot. The most common categories are gay porn, bot-generated content, and overly prolific meme communities.

glimse OP ,

bot-generated content, and overly prolific meme communities.

What, do you want to relive Reddit's Greatest Hits 20 different communities??

AFKBRBChocolate ,

Yeah, kind of dumb. I didn't mind it as much if it's a community for posting pics or videos, as long as the bot isn't dumping huge numbers of posts. What really annoys me is when they do it for communities that are more discussion based. They were doing it in AITA and other question-oriented ones. It makes no sense: someone asks a question on Reddit and people here are going to answer it?

glimse OP ,

Hooollyy shit I totally forgot about those and had the exact same complaint! If I'm remembering correctly, at least some of those communities were from bots not flagged as bots. So you had people replying because they didn't know...

They were some of my early blocklist entries for sure

AFKBRBChocolate ,

Yep, mine too. If I could take care of the problem by blocking the account, I did that, but a lot of times I ended up blocking the community.

Mellow12 ,

I do the same thing. I use all as my home page so I can see new and interesting stuff.

I tend to block most 'ism and 'ism-adjacent communities, Foreign language communities, political communities, NSFW/Fetish, and a few highly specific tech/app/language communities that mostly only post version updates.

Bots. lots of bots. If your community is 90% bot posts/repost aggregation and I see 5-10 posts consecutively in 'all' because your bot just vomited up it's entire load in a 120 second span then I'll probably block it.

  • 8 Keywords (Voyager app feature)
  • 186 Users.
  • 964 Communities.
  • 38 Instances.
glimse OP ,

There's way too many communities consisting solely of bots reposting from the subreddit of the same name. I do not understand why anyone would want that. There's rarely comments

Ephera ,

Leaving a comment feels weird, too. There's not even an OP to talk to, so it's like shouting into the void.

In principle, I do get the need for these communities. Like, if you just want capybara pictures to show up in your feed, then you don't need many comments on those.
But these bots usually spit out far too many posts for my liking, so more often than not, I do block them anyways.

glimse OP ,

Bot-driven communities feel like ads as opposed to communities with bots that post, say, game patch notes automatically. I want there to be a reason something is posted other than to fill a void

owenfromcanada , avatar

I actually have no idea--I primarily use Eternity, and I'm not sure whether the "block community" button is a Lemmy thing or an Eternity thing.

But mainly I've blocked bot-post communities, furry stuff, and anything else that vomits dozens of posts in a row (I've got NSFW blocked, so c/all is pretty manageable).

wesker , avatar

I'm heavy handed with blocking.

I block all the major NSFW instances. Non-english speaking instances. A few of the terminally argumentative instances.

Quite a few communities that cover topics or issues I don't care to read about. And some that are low effort article spam pits.

I block people that want to argue about substanceless nonsense, or try to low-effort goad me.

Bots are also blocked in settings.

7heo ,

That, plus all the obvious propaganda, dogmatic echo chambers, and people who misspell stuff voluntarily, or make extremely basic mistakes ("your wrong", "its that", "there logic", etc) more than once.

Thorny_Insight ,

Glad I'm not the only one ruthlessly blocking people for petty reasons. I deliberately go into controversial threads just to find the "fuck X", ACAB, eat the rich etc. comments only to block the users. If that's your style of commenting then I'm not interested in what else you've got to say. I don't mind disagreement. I'm simply just not interested in seeing that kind of low effort shitposting on my feed.

glimse OP ,

"I NEED to be the first to post this popular sentiment but I have literally nothing else to add"

MxM111 , avatar

Only those with other languages that I do not understand and that somehow still show on my feed.

sin_free_for_00_days ,

I thought I blocked a lot, but seeing the posts here, I don't block nearly enough. I have about 100 communities and about 60 users blocked.

scrion ,

How do you guys block thousands of communities? I have blocked around 10. I can exhaust my /all feed around twice a day, there isn't even enough content showing up for me to block 1000+ communities.

Chozo , avatar

LemmyWorld is already defederated from a lot of instances that the average user is likely to be blocking, anyway, so chances are those communities won't show up in your All feed to begin with.

Wanderer ,

How many is .ee blocking?

I signed up for what I thought was the most open connected free speech instance. But maybe I need to switch

Chozo , avatar

On most Lemmy instances, you can go to the bottom of the front page and click the "Instances" link, and it'll show you all the other instances that one is connected to and which ones they block.


Wanderer ,

I feel like there is a crapload I'm not seeing

lord_ryvan ,

Seems like mine doesn't block anything?

Thorny_Insight , (edited )

Running out of content to browse is not a bad thing in my view. Then I just go do something else.

Even on my subscribed feed about 5th of the threads are caught by my daily growing list of content filters. I lose nothing of a value by filtering out the noise from the signal. Still waiting for someone to come up with uBlock filter to block threads linking to specific websites.

glimse OP ,

If a community only has posts I scroll past anyway, why have them show up at all? I want to see an interesting post followed by an interesting post even if it means running out of posts. It's why I can't enjoy Instagram...every other post is an ad I have to scroll past to see what my friends post

yukichigai , avatar

Zero. Every time I've been on the verge of blocking a community (or instance, since kbin can do that) it winds up vanishing anyway.

kindenough , avatar

336 apparently, I did not realize I blocked that many.

glimse OP ,

It adds up!

dhtseany ,

I've blocked 15 instances for overall spam/trash comments and 210 individuals subs so far.

Furrys, anime, spam, porn, alt-right, etc.

glimse OP ,

I don't think I've seen any far right stuff but I'm on .world which probably defederated already

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