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Wanderer ,

This website won't like this. But it's a failing of the market and it could be fixed by capitalism.

Removing restrictions on housing density, and where houses can be built and adding a Land value tax would help things. Also obviously less immigration would solve the demand side of the equation. I think countries should stop focusing on the ever increasing growth of countries and we should focus more on things like free time.

But really the solution to this is A build a new city or B destroy large parts of a city that were built when the city size was 10% it size and built more density, modern building standards, public transport etc.

But the boomer generation don't give a fuck about the next generations so probably have to wait for them to die.

Wanderer , (edited )

Ultimately it is a supply and demand issue.

Supply is artificial restricted because no one will build because either they simply can't or the value is going up too much that there is no point (which can be solved) and population is increasing.

If you built a shit load of homes there would be both more houses to rent/buy and more Airbnb options. Honestly the airbnb option in a lot of places is a problem because large hotel can't be built.

There are 827,557 residential homes in Barcelona. There are 10,101 airbnb properties. That's about 1.2%.

What you think happens if Barcelona builds another 100,000 houses/hotels?

Wanderer ,

I didn't say any of that.

Airbnb is 1% of the stock having been formed in 2007. How much do you think immigration has increased by since 2007? Less than 1% of the population?

You really think freeing up 1% of housing stock is going to magically mean everyone that wants to buy a house now suddenly can?

Wanderer ,

If there is a shortage of housing what do you actually propose to make more housing?

You can't possibly think 1% of housing will solve this problem never mind for a generation even for short term it won't solve anything.

Wanderer ,

What'd the solution to a fundamental lack of housing stock then?

Wanderer ,

The industry in Spain is worth $206.4 billion per year. Money would be found.

Wanderer ,

You're an idiot. You're not going to build that much in 1 year.

If you did have that much work being done in Barcelona money would flood in from elsewhere also. Especially the EU.

Wanderer ,

Government spending do to what exactly?

I have no issue with government spending. If fact I think the government should buy all the land. That's my proposal. But housing will be built more efficiently by the market. Governments are inefficient.

Wanderer ,

There isnt a ton sitting empty. Dome need to be empty obviously for people to move in and out and for renovation. But even that isn't enough to satisfy demand.

Your plan is more housing restriction and let me guess the awful idea that is tent control? Neither of these prevent the issue of lack of supply. Thats where the solution lies.

Of course governments need to enforce building standards. Things like public transport and density.

But at the moment the government is the one stopping more housing, especially higher density. If you allowed business to build more houses they would.

Wanderer ,

I think you will find some of the most high density housing in the world is very expensive. What are you even on about. Land is expensive. You think detached housing is the cheapest way to build houses? You're out if your mind. Supply and demand. Locals could live in the houses if other people weren't coming in and buying them. How many immigrants are living in these countries? Why dont you compare that to vacant housing? The vacant housing is only a big issue in undesirable locations and you need some anyway. Like I said LVT is the way forward. Solves this problem.

Wanderer ,

You're talking about keeping density low as a means to keep house prices low. It's stupid.

Wanderer ,

What are you proposing then. Shoulder to shoulder includes everything that isn't detached.

How would less dense housing be cheaper when you need to buy more land and land is the thing that is expensive? Never mind things like utilities, public transport, police etc.

Wanderer , (edited )

You really need to look into why those things are bad ideas because they seen like good ideas until you actually more than superficially look at them.

Especially rent control it is an awful, awful idea and leads to bad outcomes for everyone. But people refuse to learn about it and think it's a good idea. Go look up some YouTube videos on what's wrong with rent control. That will have comparisons to a lot of other things.

The problem is there isn't enough housing. Stop housing from being rented doesn't make more housing, it will actually make less.

The only actual good idea on that list is government building. But the issue governments have is the exact same issues as what companies have. Laws and NIMBY stop people from redeveloping areas that people live in or near. There just isn't any more land to build on that's available and with governments forcing population to increase and how everyone wants to live in big cities the issues gets worse and worst.

The solution lies in building more housing, nothing else. If there isn't enough housing literally nothing makes more housing than building more housing or converting no other solution works.

Wanderer ,

We are on about new ones.

If you won't accept the most basic, basic, basic ideas about economics. Then yes congratulations you can't be taught something. I wouldn't be proud of that.

Wanderer ,

Dignity is great and all but it doesn't make houses when there aren't enough. That's two different problems.

Wanderer ,

From what I have gathered. In German you can just make up words, it it makes sense everyone will just go along with it.

There are a lot of words in English that could exist but if you made them someone would look at like you are stupid for thinking something that isn't a word is a word. You can't just make words.

Wanderer , (edited )

Instead of training locals they hire foreigners. Instead of raising wages due to market forces they hire foreigners. Instead of letting house prices go down they get foreigners.

All the things that the average working class person cares about. Cheap housing, jobs, job training. Is pushed further and further away from them and instead what benefits the landowners and business owners is given to them.

The best bit is the left who used to push for work for locals has been taken on the ride and basically say if anyone is against immigration in anyway is racist and will not discuss it under any circumstance. The only people that listen to the working class is the far right. It's literally the only answer that's why people are going to them.

On top of that most people are not against immigration as such. No one minds people who have values of the country, who are educated and hard working.

But what do the stats say, literal government stats, that the people that come in are less educated than the locals, they take more from the country and they commit more crime. At least some of them, or from some countries. These are the people that the locals want to stop. But the left says its racist to even talk about this and will do nothing about it, for the right they benefit due to being land or business owners. So who is remaining? The far right.

Wanderer , (edited )

Thats in total. A lot can be hidden in averages. I agree that immigration can be good.

But break that down by country and by other metrics like education and skills. Things look a lot different.

Most people don't have an issue with immigration as such. They care about the type of immigration, and that never seems to come up in discussion.


Wanderer ,

That graph floating around on how batteries have changed the electrical grid is super impressive. Batteries have to really start eating into base load power this year.

Wanderer ,

What percentage of people live in apartments?

Surely those people should be taking public transport anyway not buying a car when they live downtown.

Wanderer ,

According to Quota its ~80% of people live in houses.

Classic 80:20 rule. Making excuses for why the most difficult 20% doesn't work is the wrong way of thinking about it. Most of the result for least effort cones from dealing with the 80%.

Wanderer ,

Depends what the point is. If we want to sell EVs for some goal of selling EVs that fine I guess. But it still goes back to the point of you start with the easiest 80% first.

But if we want to improve everyone's life on this planet and the planet itself. Trying to convince people who shouldn't own a car to buy an EV is very poor planning. It just so short sighted and consumerist for the sake of consumerism.

Wanderer ,

The title is about why "Americans" aren't buying EV's. The excuse of them living in an apartment only applies to ~20% of the population.

That's not enough to explain why Americans aren't buying, just why 20% if Americans aren't.

And like I said you don't start with the most difficult and you don't push a solution onto a problem when it isn't the right solution anyway.

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Wanderer ,

This is just a price to function issue.

If the price was 0 everyone would have one.

But the cost of it is way too high for what it is. Price and weight etc will come down. Uses will increase.

Wanderer ,

I wish I was born in a time when people could just enjoy shit.

It seems like mindless TV with action, some good old boys and some eye candy, set in the south.

People make out it is some sort of factually wrong documentary.

Wanderer ,

If its fun or get rich quick. Gambling.

If it's some boring thing some adviser told you that you are sick of, that you then told your family and they are sick of it. You just going to leave it and forget about it. Then it's investing.

Wanderer ,

I was pretty confident on self driving cars all the way back when it was just google.

But I think the robot/ AI stuff is coming a lot faster than expected. I worked in factories a few year ago and a lot of it is 90% there.

The real key issue is the drop in prices. Robot arms especially I seen dropping. It used to be that one robot would replace the work of 4 or 8 people. (24/7 running) so the machine needed to be a little less than that. But now its so cheap if it replaces 80% of 1 persons work it only need to be really 50% the cost for business to bother to get one. Also that cost is so low it can easily be taken as a trial that might fail but we want to see, if it works we will get 50.


AI is going to be the same, to replace someone it needs to do 100% of the work and be slightly less than a lot of people. To replace some of the work it needs to be priced less than maybe even 1 person, and we are there.

Wanderer ,

People want more defence spending and less immigration. But they don't see the left of centre looking to solve these issues. Not at all surprising really.

Turning against climate change is a little more surprising, but not unexpected with the protests and stuff.

When you stopped caring about staying in good shape?

I completely stopped caring about 2 years ago, I realized I was never going to do anything with my good look and that I will never get into a relationship in my life, so I just figured out "what's the point then, I'm already invisible to women?" And I don't care about my health tbh......

Wanderer ,

I was on again, off again exercise.

Moved, travelling, finding house, job etc. Didn't do anything fitness just walking.

Well now I'm the wrong side of 30 not doing exercise means my knees have been hurting for 2 weeks from a short 2 day hike. Stay in shape for your own wellbeing. My knees sound like bubblewrap.

Wanderer ,

Surprised they aren't pushing more aggressively into floating offshore.

Does anyone known why they aren't?

Wanderer ,

They sound pretty similar. How hard can it be?

Just make the plant go in reverse.

Wanderer , (edited )

The issue is China is producing things below cost to push out competition. That's not good for anyone but China. They want to be supplier at the expense of everyone else.

That legitimately a good reason to put tariffs in place.

BUT more money should be spent on renewables also.

Wanderer ,

I was hoping by this point China would also aggressively push into the floating offshore wind technology.

But like everything with China it looks like they want the west to build it first then they will steal it and undercut.

Wanderer , (edited )

Unfair competition with the aim to destroy industries in foreign countries which disrupts industries and the workers (obviously), governments and national security. That is what we are speaking about here.

Wanderer ,

Tariffs and carbon tax. (Could also use the carbon tax to directly subsidise green investment).

That would be the free market solution.

Wanderer ,

I didn't say anything if the sort. You're understanding of how things work is wrong.

Imagine this. 10 factories in China that produce renewable goods for the entire world low enough that no other factories in the world can produce anything.

Or 10 factories in China. 10 in US, 10 in Europe. All producing renewables.

What's better for the environment?

Wanderer ,

Its not that simple. Western money is going to the pockets of Chinese workers when it could be going to the pockets of western workers. The West might not even be taking advantage of it might be that they have been so naive that they have been losing money to China and investing back home could have been the cheaper option and also the option that spread up renewables globally.

It also gives then huge leverage on things like trade and war.

Wanderer ,

Currently there is not enough factories in china to supply the world. More needs to be built. Building them in the west doesn't destroy the ones in China.

Wanderer ,

I'm saying there needs to be demand for western products. Tariffs are a good way of doing that.

Africa, Asia and south America can still buy Chinese goods.

Wanderer , (edited )

German people have genuine concern about lots and lots of people coming in and changing the fabric of society in a way they don't want.

It is also putting an increased stress on housing, depression on wages, higher tax burden and if the data is like what's coming out of Denmark higher crime too.

The only people that benefit are the land owners and the business owners.

These are genuine issues that the left act like they aren't real. Then they wonder why people who are listening to peoples issues get votes.

Wanderer ,

What do this corporations do to cause 80% of emissions? Just burn it for fun?

No. They make products and services that people buy. Making out people play no part in this doesn't help anyone.

Wanderer ,

Don't worry we already ate most of the fish. The remaining fish don't need all the minerals they once did.

Wanderer ,

The longer all the other parties bury their head in the sand about immigration the more the far right gains votes.

It's one of the biggest issues for people in the West but the left like to pretend none of the real negatives exist.

Would be good to see a left leaning party care about immigration.

Wanderer ,

You know that immigration is a net positive for every western nation right?

That's an intentionally misleading statement and is said in bad faith because you can use some stats to make it look like it is good but the full picture can tell a completely different story. But some people like this narrative and stick with it no matter what.

It depends what you value. If you only care about increasing GDP, keeping business strong by reducing wages, increasing population and increasing rent and land values then yes. Though GDP has been shown to decrease even with record high immigration so that's great.

If you care about GDP per capita, or even better Discretionary income then no. If you care about crime the or tax contribution then governments that have released the data show some countries are much better than others.

You can say all these XXXjobs are filled because we don't have enough at home. But the issue is we don't hire enough, there aren't enough places to fill the jobs so we are forced to get foreigners in from our own policies. Wouldn't we we better educating and investing in our own people, rather than giving the job they want and can do to another person? If you value culture immigration can be bad.

It's such a varied topic but the left has a mantra:

"Immigration is good from any country in the world and if you have any reservations what so ever you're racist".

Nothing else matters. The conversation is so horrifically closed down by the left that anyone that thinks lowering immigration is good for the country has to look at the fair right.

Wanderer ,

It implies that a person's country of origin plays a factor in whether or not they can be considered a "good" immigrant.

No. This is the bit that you all make out is what is going on and it isn't. It's an outright lie of what people think the issue is.

Good and bad individual immigrants can come from anywhere that much is obvious, no one is ever saying otherwise.

Not as a view as hard data. Governments have collected information on groups of people. They can group people by country so they absolutely have said immigrants from country A as a whole contribute more in taxes than they take out and commit less crime than locals. They also say immigrants from country B take more in taxes than they contribute and commit more crimes than locals.

You can't deny that.

And this is where people think everyone on the left or fair left is mental for wanting such high levels of immigration from countries that have been shown in unbiased data that they make the country worse (as a whole obviously). It isn't racist to want more from country A than B.

This says nothing of immigration causing wage suppression and housing price inflation. Of course that's going to happen its basic supply and demand.

Wanderer ,

Everest does not look fun.

I struggle to see why people go.

Wanderer ,

I'm worried about pain. Also pain lasting a long/ permanent time.

Also I had epididymitis already. So maybe I shouldn't go for it.

But too many guys get lied to and end up with a kid they didn't want. That's my biggest worry.

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