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Enkers ,

I didn't even realize where we were until I read your comment.

Enkers ,

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you're not going to address your labour shortage by making things worse for labourers.

[SOLVED] Accidently damaged an MicroSD by pulling it before it had fully ejected

I accidentally removed a MicroSD card from an Android device running Android 12 while it was being ejected. This happened because it took longer than usual (less than a few seconds), and I pulled it out without looking at the notification. Now, when I insert the MicroSD card into any Android device, it tells me to format it to...

Enkers , (edited )

Might also want to make an image of the device with dd if=/dev/DEVICE-NAME conv=sync,noerror bs=128K > sd_card.img first. It's often a good practice to make a raw backup before doing anything that changes the device.

Enkers ,

Here's my mildly diplomatic answer that'd probably get tossed:

Piracy has become a plague on our society, but there's a more sinister cause to it. The average labourer can hardly afford to pay the same fee to access culture that the wealthy person can, and this has caused a significant and justified uptick in piracy.

This situation can be averted by increasing minimum wages and supporting universal basic income. If everyone knew they could at least make ends meet, they'd have some left over to pay for the culture that mattered to them.

Enkers ,

Haha, yeah, that's why I said it's my diplomatic answer, as it doesn't utterly reject a capitalist framework.

Is Canada Finally Taking Far-Right Extremism Seriously? ( )

In late summer 2023, the RCMP made headlines with the arrests of two men in Ottawa and Kingsey Falls, Quebec, on terrorism and hate propaganda charges. The arrests marked a significant victory in a three-year investigation by the Integrated National Security Enforcement Team targeting the neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen Division....

Enkers , (edited )

One of the issues is that we have an actual leftist party that has legitimate chances, so the vote gets split. The liberals' position as the defacto ABC (anything but conservative) party is failing due to a series of blunders and scandals.

The liberals could have fixed this by properly following through with their electoral reform promise instead of harpooning their own initiative, but because of their bad faith attempt to keep power, we might now get Polievre.

Enkers ,

We should be eating cricket flour. [...] And if we got over the “ick” factor, our carb-filled food would be a lot healthier.

The length people will go to, to not eat a goddamned legume.

Enkers ,

Good thing there weren't any red lines in it's way, or else they might have been crossed.

Enkers ,

Yeah. I used to think people who were against GMOs were just anti-science contrarian types, but the more I saw of how Monsanto operates, the more I became cognizant of how it's mostly just capitalism trying to stick its grubby hands in to literally everything to extract maximum profits.

Philanthropist who gave $30M to U Manitoba condemns 'hateful' valedictory speech, university for allowing it ( )

The philanthropist behind the University of Manitoba's largest-ever personal donation — $30 million — has denounced a speech made by a valedictorian for medicine grads and admonished the university for letting it happen....

Enkers ,

I think you might have misunderstood their comment.

Enkers ,

Call an arbiter. There's a black pawn and a white pawn on their respective back ranks. That's an illegal position.

Enkers ,

Right, obviously! How could I have made such a careless mistake! T_T

Just move the farthest pawn forward, past infinity.

Enkers ,

"it's a bit divisive"

"I'll piss off some of my voters either way, so best not to take a principled stance." It's disappointing she won't denounce genocide, but not particularly surprising.

Enkers ,

That's fair. Maybe I'm putting too much of the systemic problems at her feet, when in fact I'm more disappointed in almost all of our leadership. And you're right, it's better than nothing.

Enkers ,

I was thinking about this in terms of limbs, and wondering, since pregnant women have more than 4 limbs, wouldn't the average number of limbs be greater than 4?

There are probably considerably more pregnant women than people missing limbs, but then again, the women only have additional limbs for 9 months.

Enkers ,

And then trillian fixed everything, and then Facebook and google broke it again, and then signal kinda fixed stuff, and then they broke it themselves. Or at least that's been my experience.

Enkers ,

It's postmedia, so that tracks. A good portion of their titles make for tough rounds of Beaverton-or-not.

It's shameful we allow the republican propaganda arm to operate with impunity here.

Enkers , (edited )

Thunder does look quite nice, but sadly my long defunct keyboard app doesn't work with it, and they weren't able to get the apk to test a fix for it. (But they did try.) You'd think, of all things, a keyboard and input field wouldn't have compatibility issues, but I guess that's Android for ya.

Enkers ,

This is me typing "hello", so it seems like it duplicates all the characters typed so far every time I add a character.

Enkers ,

Yeah, rif was my absolute favourite, and I miss a lot of the features it had. I've been toying with the idea of cloning it for Lemmy, but maybe I'll give boost a try first.

Enkers ,

It's called Kii. You can still get a version from a 3rd party site since it hasn't been on the play store for years.

I'm not sure how much I trust those apk sites, (so downloader beware!) but you can at least see the screenshots:

I don't think it's anything earth shattering, but it's kinda nice, and fairly minimal, and it's what I'm used to, so I'm happy with it.

Enkers ,

Me old man, me yell at cloud. Change bad.

Thanks, though, I'll take a look at them. (:

I did submit a bug report, but the dev didn't seem interested in getting the apk for testing. I can't say I blame them. Apk sites are a little sketchy, and it's also probably not a bug that'll affect many other people.

Enkers ,

But how will the oil execs afford their next yacht? :( And think about all the yacht makers that are going to go out of business.

Enkers ,

In other news, Boeing's 10 latest whistleblowers have joined a death cult and committed mass suicide. Strangely, all managed to shoot themselves twice in the back of the head. Several US judges have been overheard quipping about how strange these coincidences were, but seemed to be nonplussed.

Enkers , (edited )

So the number of doctors relative to population grew by 1.7% but average patient encounters dropped 3.7%? That doesn't exactly add up.

Maybe there's been a drop in the amount of care needed, but I kinda doubt it. One possible explanation is that people are so disillusioned with our healthcare system that they're seeking other forms of treatment, either out of province or through alternative (pseudoscience) medicine or just not going at all.

Enkers ,

Crazy idea, but what about fishing-driven evolutionary pressure. If all the biggest fish are getting caught and killed, won't that give smaller fish an evolutionary advantage?

Enkers ,

For sure. That's probably just a +1 on to the factors you already listed.

Enkers ,

Maybe if we're talking line fishing, but I'm pretty sure most commercial fishing is done with trawling nets, where everything above a certain size is caught.

Enkers ,

Anyone under 36 wasn’t even eligible to vote the last time Palestine had parliamentary elections.

I'd be willing to wager that an unusually large portion of the population falls into that category as well. Anyone have any statistics about the demographics of Palestine? Oh, their annual census is out of date? You don't say.

Enkers ,

What a strange mentality. When I pay for things I want, I'm generally happy to support the creator. If others can't, why would I be upset if they get the product for free? It means more people can also enjoy the thing I like.

It's such a crab bucket mentality, I couldn't imagine living life being constantly bitter.

Enkers ,

I started finding DDG's results just as bad as Google's, so I switched to SearXNG and have been pretty happy with it so far.

Its open source so anyone can run an instance if they wish. I feel like this sort of model is much more resistant to enshitification.

Enkers ,

Yes you're absolutely right. The problem of aggregators is that if all the aggregated searches go to shit, then so does it. Garbage in, garbage out.

Enkers ,

Because the aggregated weighted result ranking provides a more useful page rank than any individual search engine, and if any search engine tries to (accidentally or otherwise) stuff specific results into the top ranks, it doesn't matter. It'll be deranked because no other engine displays those results highly. In a similar manner, it deranks targeted SEO attempts unless multiple platforms are targeted.

Don't get me wrong, it still has its problems. For example, if the individual search engines all get a bit too samey, then it will as well.

Enkers ,

Shit, that's not great. As a consumer, is their any way to protect yourself if you're in the market for a modern i9? Does the entire 12th gen lineup have issues?

I'm still using a 1st gen i7, and the lack of AVX is starting to become problematic, so I think it's time...

Enkers ,

I think my main reason when I looked into things a while back was that Intel had the better single core speeds, but I'm not married to the idea. I'll mostly be gaming and dabbling with local LLMs.

But yeah, I also haven't been a huge fan of Intel's anti-consumer business practices. Maybe it's time for an AMD system! Thanks!

Enkers ,

Thanks for the advice! I've been out of the game a long time, so the quick refresher was super helpful.

Enkers ,

The crazy part is the implication that the evidence destroyed was probably more damning than having a judge and jury assume anything reasonably suggested to have been implicated by those chats as true.

Enkers ,

However, in U.S. federal courts, updates to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure in 2015 have resulted in significant decline in spoliation sanctions.

Oof. Five bucks says this change was driven by concerted megacorp lobbying efforts.

Enkers ,

*sigh* After reading some of the other comments, I have to agree. I'm not sure whether to be relieved or even more discouraged. It's a dreadfully boring dystopia.

Enkers , (edited )

I think it's rather self evident, but I'll share a logical outline which resonates with me. To be sussinct: Most sentient beings kinda like being alive. Where possible, it's morally preferable to let them continue in that state.

It's basically an application of the golden rule. You can get in to game theory or utilitarianism for more thorough arguments to show that killing is generally wrong, but it then still has to come back to life having value which is quite hard, if not impossible, to logically prove.

So then you need to refer back to philosophy to find arguments that life has intrinsic value. I personally prefer using Camus' acceptance of the absurd as a basis for intrinsic value, but there are lots of other potential arguments that lead to the same conclusion.

Ultimately, though, it's impossible to even prove that other beings simply exist (e.g. solipsism) or have experiences, but at some point we mostly all look at the evidence and accept that they do.

Enkers ,

I think the inverse problem is more troubling. If you accept that nothing has inherent value, then isn't everything morally permissible? Maybe it is an emotional decision, or perhaps a leap of faith, but I find that idea so repugnant, I couldn't believe it and continue functioning as a person.

I think in terms of consciousnes, Occam's razor leads me to suspect that it's tied to brain function, and when that ceases, so does it. Of course, once again, things like this are very hard to prove. I do think, though, that science and philosophy will eventually unravel it. (Incidentally, there's actually a book by Dan Dennett I've been meaning to read about this topic which was suggesting we're quite a bit closer to figuring it out than most people think.)

One of the problems with philosophy is that there's never any smallest part, beyond perhaps Descartes's "cogito, ergo sum". You can reduce any argument more and more and they all start to not make sense and eventually crumble. You can pick at their semantic foundation or the thousands of years of preceding thought until they unravel, then that nice sweater is now just a bunch of fibres. If you refuse to view philosophical arguments as a whole, then there's nothing there to view.

It's like an actual sweater. Does it even exist in the first place? After all, it's just a bunch of stuff arranged in a particular way, and it's called a sweater because it has some sort of human utility and we decided to give it a name. You could go about your life and believe that sweaters don't exist, and it'd be quite hard to prove you wrong.

Or you can accept that it's a useful human construct, so they do. Maybe you could even go further, and believe there's some idealised concept of sweaterness that exists in some meta-reality, which all sweaters share a property of.

I think this is essentially the realist viewpoint.

And you could be right, maybe all our current moral theories do run into contradictions, so perhaps they're all wrong.

Heck, we're running into similar problems in astrophysics. When we learn more about our universe, and things stop adding up. But that just means we go back to the drawing board and find a better model until they make sense.

Same for philosophy. When you reach a contradiction, you go back and come up with better ideas. It's a process of slowly uncovering the truth.

Enkers ,

As a vegan, you're absolutely right. A lot of people think the hard part is giving up meat or dairy or eggs, but it's not. The hard part is dealing with the social implications. Explaining to your friends you aren't willing to eat with them when they're doing something you find thoroughly wrong. Having your mom disappointed you won't eat her cooking.

You have to be willing, at least somewhat, to pay the cost of maintaining your convictions, and nobody ever tells you that when you start.

Social change is hard, and it takes time. But so many have already blazed a much harder path than I've had to endure, and every time someone else gets on board it makes it easier.

Doing the right thing is rarely the easiest thing.

The Canadian State Is Euthanizing Its Poor and Disabled ( )

In 2022, Global News said the quiet part out loud: poverty is driving disabled Canadians to consider MAiD. Those “some” who are driven to assisted death because of poverty or an inability to access adequate care deserve to live with dignity and with the resources they need to live as they wish. They should never, ever feel...

Enkers ,

It also includes a man whose application “hearing loss,” and whose brother says he was “basically put to death.”

My grandmother was a painter and lost her vision. She was no longer able to do what she loved. In her last several years, every time we'd celebrate her birthday, she'd wonder why she was still alive. You can't look at MAiD requests simply, because every person has unique reasons that keep them going. Some people can bounce back from severe loss, and some cannot, or choose not to.

While I agree with a lot of points the article is making, I think we need to be calling for more critical review of MAiD applications, and increased oversight, not an outright reversal of the program. Those whom are applying due to lack of social safety nets need to be denied, and, most importantly, helped to find the resources required for them to be able to live a dignified and meaningful life if they so wish.

Enkers ,

It was quite a long time ago, so the pain has long since faded, but thank you for the kind words. (:

And to the rest of your comment, I 100% agree.

I also think this is an important discussion that Canadians need to be having.

Enkers ,

If there's no legal basis for it, they should move to add some sort of reparations system to international law that would allow it as consequence of offensive wars. Ofc, the US probably wouldn't be terribly interested in that.

Enkers , (edited )

Likewise. They won't, though. They'll back down because, well, they're not that dumb. (But also not that smart.)

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