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mightyfoolish OP ,

Probably has to suck-up inorder to get products early so his reviews can be viewed first. I wish all of these reviewers would be honest as Steve Burke (GamersNexus).

mightyfoolish OP ,

He does great videos

Mbkhd's studio, talking/narrating skills, editing skills, and skills in explaining tech in simple terms are extremely high quality. He just needs to be more honest about famous companies.

mightyfoolish OP ,

As @reddit_sux stated there are more perks than just earlier reviews.

Sometimes a large company will stop assisting you if you go against their talking points. For example Hardware Unboxed got in trouble for saying, raytracing isn't as big of a deal as Nvidia is making it and it will remain that way for at least the next few years. Thanks to influence of several big Youtubers (like Steve Burke and Linus Sebastien), Nvidia changed their minds.

mightyfoolish OP ,

Reminds me of Pokemon. I skipped out on Scarlet and Violet (9th gen) because I knew it was going to carry the issues 8th gen had. Both generations still sold extremely well. 9th gen didn't review as well 8th gen but the reviews were still carried by nostalgia and not critical enough.

mightyfoolish OP ,

He is every harsh on manufacturers and OEMs when they do bad things. He gave up on being nice and I fully understand why. We need more regulations in the tech industry, especially around warranty claims.

mightyfoolish OP ,

His review on those AI gadgets were pretty scathing. Though, the claim here is that he is biased for Apple, not for whoever sends him devices.

mightyfoolish OP ,

I legit upvoted every Thanks Steve comment right before I posted this thread! 🤣 I love that meme.

mightyfoolish ,

Being linked is how the malware works

🥁 ba dum tish 🥁

mightyfoolish , (edited )

This could be illegal for git repos that do not have a open source license that allows mirroring or copying (BSD, Apache, Mit, GPL, etc.) Sometimes these repos are more "source available" and the source is only allowed to be read, not redistributed or modified. I would say that this is more of a matter for each individual copyright holder, not Microsoft.

But ultimately I agree, this really isn't as big of a deal as people are making.

edit: changed some wording to be clearer

mightyfoolish ,

China is a soverign state and they should make their own laws. However, China has promised repeatably that they will take IP concerns more strictly (trade deal with Trump in 2020 is one example of this promise). It seems of this moment they still use the World Intellectual Property Organization for inspiration for their IP laws. At one point, China did not acknowledge IP rights at all but chose to acknowledge them in order to secure foreign business trade. Being consistent is good for business; especially when it comes to international business.

In 1980, China became a member of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). As of at least 2023, China's view is that WIPO should be the primary international forum for IP rule-making. - Wikipedia

mightyfoolish ,

Just because Hezbollah are not atheists does not make them religious fanatics. Sure, they talk about God every sentence but that's just traits from being Muslims. There are Muslims who pray for safety before going into a bathroom. Muslims generally call on God for everything; even where it wouldn't make sense to a Jew, Christian, atheist, etc.

If they were less religious, would you be OK for them defending their land more? You are failing into a trap that the Muslims defending themselves are doing it through religious fanaticism. You are falling into pro-Zionism propaganda. They just happen to be Muslims who are defending themselves while trying to process their actions internally in a way that fits their identity. It's not a religious war; it's Levantine people vs non-Levantine people.

mightyfoolish ,

Looks like you're right. Taking another look at your conversation, it seems you were arguing with a Hasbera (is that how its spelled).

Even Apple finally admits that 8GB RAM isn't enough ( www.xda-developers.com )

There were a number of exciting announcements from Apple at WWDC 2024, from macOS Sequoia to Apple Intelligence. However, a subtle addition to Xcode 16 — the development environment for Apple platforms, like iOS and macOS — is a feature called Predictive Code Completion. Unfortunately, if you bought into Apple's claim that...

mightyfoolish ,

Software and AI development would be hard with 8gb of RAM on Linux. Having you seen the memes on AI adding to global climate change? Not even Linux can fix the issues with ChatGPT...

mightyfoolish ,

Macbook Pros aren't really consumer grade hardware. Nor are they priced like consumer grade hardware.

mightyfoolish ,

That's not true at all. Macbook Air starts at $900. You can even find a used M1 Air for cheaper. Absolutely was a steal compared to the budget thin laptops from Asus, Acer, etc. which start around $700. Once you go below $700 in laptop market, corners are cut. Perhaps Mediatek WiFi chips are used, laptop isn't thin, touchpad is awful, screen colors are worse. Apple usually puts iPad + keyboard in that market segment instead.

Tl; dr: Apple products are more expensive than budget electronics but priced comparatively to items that compete with it. However, electronic prices in the high end tier are getting hirer.

mightyfoolish , (edited )

You are right about the accessories, horribly overpriced.

They have consistently been averaging at 150-200% the price of comparable hardware at least since the 90s

I used to fix laptops for a living. I worked at a place where we had used Apple products and stuff from other brands. Sure, you could buy a core i5 Toshiba laptop that had a similar Intel CPU (though Apple tended to use Intel chips with slightly more GPU performance) at a fraction of the price. The screen was garbage, the WiFi stalled, the touchpad was unusable, using the keyboard made the chassis flex, etc. The comparable products from Lenovo, Samsung, HP were similarly priced.

You can find some laptops with decent Intel or AMD chips for $600 these days. Usually they will be plastic or bricks. Which is fine of you don't mind that. People want thinner products and that calls for a better design to (1) handle the heat or (2) buy the better binned CPU that operates better at lower frequencies.

Not only that but people were willing to buy the used Macbooks. Much better than the other brands where the plastic and PCBs were sent for recycling MUCH more often. Better for the environment.

mightyfoolish ,

You need to stop reading and spreading right wing propaganda.

How is this right wing propaganda? The right agree with Biden on this matter. When did the pro-Biden vote get ridiculously fascist?

mightyfoolish ,

The right would do the same as Biden. You lying about this matter is just pro-Biden propaganda.

mightyfoolish ,

Allah: “As faithful Muslims, I command you to make a pilgrimage to the desert in the middle of June.”

Muslims: “Yes, O Lord!” [Proceed to die of heat exhaustion.]

Allah: “Ha ha! Fuck you!” [Goes off to hang out with the virgins those guys didn’t get for not dying as martyrs.]

Why aren't they martyrs? They literally died for their religious belief.

noun One who chooses to suffer death rather than renounce religious principles. - The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

mightyfoolish ,

It just feels off to me that only war could bring someone to martyrdom. There's no way a religion wouldn't honor those who died putting in effort. I would argue that the idea runs contradictory to pretty much any religion with a central Deity. People wouldn't put in the effort otherwise.

According to Wikipedia (not definitive but at least this source is universal) the first martyr was a woman who did not die in a war. She was murdered for converting. This page also lists sources for ways to be martyred in nonmilitary efforts.

Here is a thread I found on reddit called Explain To Me Martyrdom that also states not all martyrs die in war.

mightyfoolish , (edited )


It's just the "Nine" in nineteenth (a word that only has long vowels) replaced with June. June 19th turned into a single word. It specifically celebrates the day slavery was abolished in Texas.

mightyfoolish , (edited )

Is this the origin story for Flamin' Hot Mac and Cheese?

mightyfoolish ,

That is a good point. I guess they should deal with the holiday like Halloween or Christmas, celebrate it when everyone else does.

mightyfoolish , (edited )

use the term invasion is if the place is outside the borders of your country.

The land of the Uyghurs which is called Xinjiang literally means "New Frontier." Even through language, it's obvious this land does not "fit" with the rest of China but it does not stop the Chinese government considering it their own land. (FYI the Uyghurs are a Turkic people while most of China speaks Sino-Tibetan Languages).

mightyfoolish ,

Why not just have a touchscreen menu then? You already need large screens so people can confirm the AI recorded their order correctly and this will skip the need of a person manning the drive through menu. You could even include options to "hold the pickle", etc.

mightyfoolish ,

There is a pro side to everything. The 695 will have longer support in the aftermarket/ROM community since it essentially got a rebranding into a "new" product. That $300 Oneplus N30 is looking good right now.

mightyfoolish ,

Some daughters have the same face as their fathers, some sons have the same face as their mothers. How could this possibly work?

mightyfoolish , (edited )


They said the same thing about gaydar but I already subscribe $9.95/month for the AI addon package for that. I already preorded the trantenna (trans antenna 🤣 ) for a cool $500 down. No price is too much to keep children safe... on dating service networks? Wait, I thought we hated trans people to save the children? There shouldn't be children on these sites anyways.

mightyfoolish ,

This may sound cheesy but this list is the healthy way to solve the issue people had with Lemmy.ml moderation. Thank you for compiling it, I didn't reliaze there were instances for programming and anime. Glad to see a solution where we didn't have to go through the adults (admins and mods in this case).

Also, it's healthy for the fediverse to see communities spread on to many instances but it does make Lemmy harder for your average redditor to understand (but long term goal of a healthy fediverse is more important).

Also !greentext is a bit more active than !4chan

mightyfoolish ,

Because preaching to the choir is a waste of time.

Ireland, Spain and Norway to recognise Palestinian state ( www.theguardian.com )

Ireland, Spain and Norway have announced they will formally recognise a Palestinian state on 28 May, triggering an immediate response from Israel, which said it would retaliate by recalling its ambassadors from Dublin, Madrid and Oslo, and withholding vital funds from the Palestinian Authority....

mightyfoolish , (edited )

I ❤️ Basedland! This is being human, recognizing in others the same struggle you went through and want to lend a helping hand.

DUBLIN — When Fatin Al Tamimi immigrated to Ireland in 1988, she felt like hers was the only hijab on the streets of Dublin. There weren't many other Arabs or Muslims in Ireland at that time.
"People thought I was a nun! They were always like, 'Bless you, sister,'" the educator and activist recalls, laughing.
But when her mostly white, Irish Catholic neighbors learned she was Palestinian, she says they were immediately supportive.
"They'd say, 'We know it all, we've been through that,' " Al Tamimi says. "I guess because of history, the way they were oppressed and colonized by the British. It's the same thing happening to the Palestinians." - NPR

mightyfoolish ,

Borders - West Bank and Gaza Strip

Government - Fatah

mightyfoolish ,

Does this mean the AI was trained on CP material? How else would it know how to do this?

mightyfoolish ,

I think @deathbird meant was the AI could be trained on what sex is and what children are at different points. Then a user request could put those two concepts together.

But as the replies I got show, there were multiple ways this could have got accomplished. All I know is AI needs to go to jail.

mightyfoolish ,

For now there are Fairphone and SHIFTphone but both only guarantee to work in the EU. They offer very mid hardware but I hear they do actually work.

mightyfoolish ,

I'm not 100% sure on this but there is always the possibility your carrier could always block devices it does not recognize. I need to look more into this.

Also, it seems that someone has already started to work on bringing mobile Linux "PostMarketOS" to the new Shiftphone. It's not even released yet. If it's officially supported, I'll have a favorite brand for sure. That kind of software support would be unprecedented (except maybe the Librem as mentioned earlier but their hardware repeatability is much lower).

mightyfoolish ,

How do libertarians generally handle minority rights? Is it as bad as conservatives? A good example are all of these anti-trans and anti choice in abortion bills. What would a libertarian think of these?

Looking on the internet it kind of feels like libertarians are usually suburban people or people so out of the way that the messes in Washington don't affect them as hard as those in the cities. So I have only met one and he didn't seem to fond of our black coworkers, if you get what I mean.

mightyfoolish ,

I'll look up some of those debates. Thank you for the explanation.

mightyfoolish ,

We do judge those people who voted for Hitler. The Germans do so as well. We use that political party as a slur for a reason. I would not be surprised if other countries use "Nazi" as a slur as well.

Russia's election is a joke. That's what makes this different from blaming the Germans who voted for Hitler for giving the world Hitler.

mightyfoolish ,


mightyfoolish ,

My guess is this is a win32 program or a codebase that is very Windows specific. It was probably discarded because it did not port very well to other platforms. Again, just a guess.

Still, it's nice to see such a historicaly popular program get its source officially released.

mightyfoolish ,

This car is a waste of money. I doubt this is a vehicle that can last 15 to 25 years or whatever the average vehicle expected life span is.

I have never seen one in real life but I'll be honest, this looks pretty cool. I also have seen mbkhd talk about how well this car drives; especially for a truck. I see people rave over cars that to me look like giant toys (I admit I'm not into cars) but this is something straight out of a video game world.

mightyfoolish ,

That makes more sense. Thank you.

mightyfoolish ,

That's disappointing to hear. All of its "wow factor" come from its cyberpunk aesthetics.

mightyfoolish ,

Why would the US be involved? It's not like Meta is Chinese or pro-Palestinian.

mightyfoolish ,

I'm not defending Hamas. I'm noting that Arab Jews existed until Israel had operations to absorb them.

“We didn’t ethnically cleanse them, we just slaughtered them by the thousands, banned their religion and them owning property. They left on their own!”

Is this an IDF quote from Gaza? Is this about the auctioned land?

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