StaySquared ,

Not surprised.

Indians love Israeli creampies. And Indians generally hate Islam.

jeffw OP ,

Hindu nationalists often hate Islam. Haley is American-born to a Sikh family.

assassin_aragorn ,

Hindu nationalists, not Indians. Don't lump us all together with those fuckers. Indians born to immigrants in Western countries in particular have very little issue with Islam and detest what India is becoming.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

The Moderate Republican, folks.

FlashMobOfOne , (edited ) avatar

99% of American voters have no problem with this whatsoever, judging by the fact that they've spent their entire lives voting Republican or Democrat and the two parties literally have no difference of opinion on Israel. Their policy is that Israel gets charity from the American taxpayer no matter what they do.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

99% of American voters have no problem with this whatsoever

If you've ever actually rolled up your sleeves and dealt with the American political system, what you'll quickly discover is that

  1. Half your municipal candidates are just six real estate agents in a trench coat

  2. Half your state candidates are the failsons and legal counsel of whichever rich assholes currently own the bulk of the real estate

  3. Virtually all of your federal candidates are Ivy League schlubs who worked for someone in the party at the state or federal level in the last ten years

And these are the ones with the money, the time, and the social networks to productively run for office. Everyone else running is either a protest candidate with no name recognition or a delusional wacko with more money than sense.

These are the options on your ballot for the 99% of American voters who end up supporting on paper. The "true believers" tend to be the 20-30% of folks who try to research individual candidates and come back with heads full of hagiography. Whether they're people who got juiced up on Beto O'Rourke or Ted Cruz, they've got a mythological understanding of the candidate based on an endless deluge of propaganda produced by the party.

Then you've got the 1% of people who really truly do the ugly work of getting people elected. And they do get a look behind the curtain. But they either stomach the horror and truck on for ideological reasons or make a play for the cash option and just look for ways to monetize the rot.

In the case of Israel, there's enormous amounts of money to be had in the rot. Between weapons contractors, financial interests, real estate developers, and ideologically driven lobbyists, the Israel platform has oodles of cash to float itself. Nevermind the geopolitical interest of having a western allied power guarding the Mediterranean entrance to the Suez Canal.

This isn't a "voter" problem, because there's no real anti-Israeli option for voters available. 99% of American voters never get to choose another policy, because all the money is pointed in the direction of the Israelis.

FlashMobOfOne , avatar

That's a whole lot of words to just say: "Yes, I'm willing to accept excuses and just kind of ignore the fact that I, personally, put my stamp of approval on Israeli genocide in every election."

jeffw OP ,

Eh, I only really agree with 3. Maybe in major cities you might be right about 1 but I’ve met a lot of state and local folks and most of them are just legit people who care.

Phegan ,

She's always been a ghoul

eran_morad ,

Typical republican filth.

xc2215x ,

Nikki is no moderate.

jeffw OP ,

Moderate by GOP standards. Moderately less of a nazi or something like that

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

She's the spitting image of American centrism.

TheBat , avatar

Hey Nikki, why don't you use your birth name - Nimarata Nikki Randhawa?🤔

Semi_Hemi_Demigod , avatar

Probably because it sounds like Nimrod, which Bugs Bunny successfully turned into a pejorative

jeffw OP ,

Or, y’know, because it’s the GOP and she wants to sound whiter

Thcdenton ,
jeffw OP ,

War is literally a game to the GOP

carl_dungeon ,

What a cunt

Illuminostro ,

She's a typical modern Republican politician. She loves money, and will support literally anyone who cuts taxes, and works to remove regulations that hinder profit. That's it. That's all they care about. All the culture war stuff is to keep the poors blaming each other than coming after her masters.

StaySquared ,

Nah she's a neo-con warhawk.

Deceptichum , avatar

Someone should finish her.

ghostdoggtv ,

She was ambassador to the UN. The Republicans and Likud together constitute the new Nazi party. Nationalist Zionists.

Fizz , avatar

Why would you think it's a good political move to sign a bomb in such a controversial conflict. It boggles my mind who suggested that as a good idea.

HobbitFoot ,

The conflict is only controversial to one party.

takeda ,

Unlike Hollywood movies, things aren't always black and white. It is quite possible that both sides are. Neither the Hamas nor Nethanyahu government are the good guys. Both sides try to exterminate the other side. Both sides also don't mind killing innocent people in their way.

It is a fucked up situation, and with recent developments it looks like it is turning into Israel's Afghanistan. Biden was right warning Nethanyahu to not make the same mistake at US did after 9/11.

HobbitFoot ,

I responded to a comment asking why a national politician would choose a side in a conflict. My response was that her political party has picked a side to support by a wide majority.

Republicans support Israel in this conflict almost universally. Haley's support of Israel isn't controversial in her own party.

This wasn't a statement on the morality of the conflict, but of the political support of the belligerents. Republicans support Israel.

takeda ,

Apologies, I misinterpreted the word "party" I thought it was a party in the conflict like Israel vs Gazans. And that Israel supporters don't see it as controversial.

SulaymanF ,

But Israelis DONT see it as controversial. Surveys of Israelis show 68% oppose humanitarian aid to Gaza. Intentional collective punishment and starvation are war crimes but they enjoy wide support in Israel; Netanyahu’s use of them is not considered objectionable by the mainstream and that’s not why the Israeli public is angry at him.

HobbitFoot ,

That's why I clarified.

In the discussion of American politics, the Republican Party is very pro-Israel. The Republican Speaker of the House has gone as far to invite Netanyahu to address Congress as a show of friendship and support. The opposition to this invitation has mainly been from Democratic members.

American voters could punish Biden for being complicit in genocide, but that punishment isn't going to end the genocide.

jeffw OP ,

You’re not wrong but did you reply to the right comment?

takeda ,

Yeah, even if you support Israel, this is really in bad taste.

henfredemars ,

To some of these people there’s no such thing as bad media coverage.

JeeBaiChow ,

Lol. This is the party they want to replace 'genocide joe' with. Well done, kids!

ZombiFrancis ,

This is the faction a lot of our elected leaders think should be 'strong'.

DancingBear ,

Joe Biden is a lot more efficient at getting weapons Israel needs for their genocide than Trump ever will be.

Joe Biden has received more Israeli political donations than any other United States politician in history. Full stop.

Get your head out of your ass

treadful , avatar


Talking to reporters, Haley was unapologetic, criticising Joe Biden’s administration for temporarily withholding weapons as a means of discouraging an Israeli attack on the southern Gaza city of Rafah, and aiming barbs at the international criminal court (ICC) – which is seeking Netanyahu’s arrest – and the international court of justice (ICJ), which is considering charges of genocide against Israel.

“What America needs to understand is if Israel’s fighting our enemies, how can we not help them,” said Haley, whose missile message also carried the words “America loves Israel”.

“The sure way to not help Israel is to withhold weapons. The sure way to not help Israel is to praise the ICC, the ICJ or any of those that are condemning Israel instead of condemning what happens.

“America needs to do whatever Israel needs and stop telling them how to fight this war. You are either a friend or not a friend.”

Bananigans ,

“America needs to do whatever Israel needs and stop telling them how to fight this war. You are either a friend or not a friend.”

She reminds me of an alcoholic friend I had in college. Telling you to stop doesn't mean I hate you. It means you're making bad decisions.

brbposting ,

Joe Biden is a lot more efficient at getting weapons Israel needs for their genocide than Trump ever will be.

Anybody out there who can vet this? Cuz if I wanted a twice-impeached president victory I think I would post:

45 is a lot more efficient at getting weapons Israel needs for their genocide than Biden ever will be.

a_wild_mimic_appears ,

the point is not to make more people vote trump (everyone who is morally bankrupt enough will do that anyway)

the point is FUD, so that biden voters stay home (good for trump) or vote 3rd party (which would be valid if it weren't a first past the post system)

leave_it_blank ,

Where were you when the other hundred genocides around the world happened?

JimSamtanko , (edited )

Russia only cares about two of them. One of them is reliant on a Trump victory, and the other is to ensure it happens.

JimSamtanko ,

Propagandists are so funny. It’s like…. You make shit up that can’t be proven, verified, or is otherwise even remotely realistic, and then you pretend it’s real to the point that you’re willing to argue it online with total strangers.

It’s blows my mind how this is done.

FuglyDuck , (edited ) avatar

While quick math shows their claim untrue, what is true is that Biden has received over 5.7 million over the course of his career .

Which firmly places him at the top of pro-Israel donor pools.

There’s also no question that Trump is a vastly worse candidate… this doesn’t make Biden a good candidate.

JimSamtanko ,

I never said he was a great candidate. I simply said that propagandists seem to have it out for Biden.

Surprising they’re always silent with their criticism of anything from the right.

Ever wonder why?

mightyfoolish ,

Because preaching to the choir is a waste of time.

aleph , (edited ) avatar

I'm not defending Biden, but the view that Trump would be any less prepared to keep sending Israel weapons is utterly baseless. He wouldn't even pretend to care about the Palestinians, for one thing.

bolexforsoup , (edited )

“I want to glass Palestine.”

“Sign here Mr. President.”

Done. Then short sighted lemmy users will go “well Biden would’ve done it too” as countless more people die because folks let perfect be the enemy of stop our backslide into fascism and wanton death.

No_Change_Just_Money ,

Ok, but Trump literally said he deports anybody who protests Israel

How is this better than Joe, who says that Isreal will lose us support if they don't stop and prioritize civilian safety in their attacks?

eestileib ,

I'm gonna vote for Biden if I have to rise from the dead and crawl through broken glass to do so, and I hope everyone reading this thread does.

I'm not willing to pretend he's not facilitating an ongoing genocide though.

eran_morad ,

Truth. Unfortunately. Brandon 2024.

VaultBoyNewVegas , (edited )

I'm not.

I'm not American nor in the US.

Asafum ,

Lucky you lol

StaySquared ,

Nah.. while you're dead, they'll just use your last address of residency and full name to cast your vote for you. You can enjoy staying in the grave-slumber.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod , avatar

Yeah, those stupid kids should just realize that one constant in America is that we kill or enable the killing of children. They should just accept that children will be killed in their name and get over themselves like us grown ups.

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