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irmoz ,

I thought that was her shit, and the title was saying, basically, "looks like she needs some medicine". Like, yeah, i agree lmao

irmoz ,

The word "incel" might not have been coined yet, but at this point, "incel" basically just describes "man who blames women for his inability to attract them", and that's definitely nothing new

irmoz ,

That is literally placing the blame on the woman

"If she weren't such a gold digger, she'd want me"

The whole, "they want the wrong thing" is incredibly common in incels.

irmoz ,

When the joke is "women be gold diggin'", the joke was ruined from the start

irmoz ,

And, as I've heard someone else point out - isn't it literally anti-Semitic to assume that Jews and Israelis are, like, the same thing? And/or that Israel is, like, the global mouthpiece for Jews everywhere? Seems a bit reductive, to me... Seems on the same level as thinking the leader of Kenya, or Nigeria, or any African nation speaks for Black people everywhere.

Netanyahu isn't the Emperor of Jews!

irmoz ,

If you want to fight a class war, you're a communist

irmoz ,

What ideology is it, again, that champions working class people to take their power back? It's certainly not right wing.

If you think the world is fucked because of the greed of the 1%, and you want those people to pay for their crimes through class war, you're communist.

irmoz ,

How can a stateless, classless, moneyless society have a 1%?

irmoz ,

If you support capitalism, then yes, you defend billionaires.

irmoz ,

So, you support a system that inherently creates an upper class of obscenely rich people, yet are opposed to those people?

A system set up to enrich the owner of a business, while its workers lose out, creates exactly the people you claim not to defend.

irmoz ,

You can't defend billionaires and justice at the same time

irmoz ,

everyone is free to do what they like WITHOUT invading anybody elses freedom

But how am I gonna get someone to work for me without invading their freedom to choose to do what they want?

Hell no, man. No one will work at my shop if they're allowed to do what they want.

Basic needs should be covered (except if you refuse to contributr anything at all).

Fuck yeah man! That's how we do it! That's what gets people working for me - the threat that not doing so will put 'em on the street! That's what I'm talkin' about!

irmoz ,

By offering them something in return…? Money for example, from which one can buy nice things.

Who says I should do that? It's my prerogative to do what I can to make money. Don't try and regulate my ambition, you totalitarian communist.

Not contributing anything at all wont work in any system or sosciety. Or in what system can I lay in bed all day and get everything I need for free?

Absolutely nowhere, I say! Only people with gumption deserve to live!

irmoz ,

I have plenty arguments. They were all written down for me by Adam Smith and improved by Milton Friedman.

irmoz ,

I also agree it's fair. It fairly allows me to extract value from people as I sit back and do nothing. That's the pursuit of happiness in action, baby!

irmoz ,

No, I’m not opposed to them… I just don’t support them.

It doesn't work like that. They are in power, and by not opposing them, you consent to their continued power.

I make more money from them than I would without them,

That isn't even close to true. Capitalist extraction of surplus value is exactly how they make their profits. If they paid you the value you made them, they wouldn't have a profit. If they weren't there to extract that value, you and your fellow workers would make more - it's basic mathematics.

and they make money from me they wouldn’t have otherwise had my skillset to access easily.

This part is true, yes.

I’ve never been forced to take any job…

So, you're saying you're able to retire right now and never work again?

I just play the game instead of bitching about the rules

That's a slave mindset.

That’s the whole point, for me: make my kids’ life better than mine, and I’ve done that so far.

That's cool you can think that small and that selfishly. Others, however, realise you could be living even better, and everyone else, including those with nothing, could have that standard of living, too, if we stop being complacent with mere crumbs.

That's what you have. Mere crumbs of luxury. It's great that you're not on the street, but that is an incredibly low standard to have.

irmoz ,

you basically just described retirement

Lmao no. I described ownership of private property. I described being able to own something, and get paid from people using it! The best scam in the world. Did you know you can just buy homes and get money from the people that wanted to buy it, yet not have to sell it to them? It's fucking marvellous - they live there, make it their home, and pay you for the privilege! And you get to be called a lord for doing this!

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