Falmarri ,
@Falmarri@lemmy.world avatar

Getting news from YouTube explains a lot dude. You think all doctors are the same? Equally credible? There are no crazy, stupid, or malicious doctors? What kind of doctor would be most likely to be making youtube videos?

mortalic ,

Just a reminder that it isn't a left vs right conversation. It's working class vs ruling class.

You aren't bitter at leftists, you're bitter at the ideas that media companies use to keep you angry at leftists instead of oligarchs.

If you have to work, you're working class.

If you actually do hate certain types of people, then you need to work on yourself.

If you don't believe certain people need health care, then you need to work on yourself.

If you believe ultra wealthy (people making over $10mil in income annually) deserve more tax cuts, then you need to work on yourself.

If you don't believe that minimum wage should have parity with inflation, then you need to work on yourself.

Have some class solidarity.

EDIT: To all those downvotes... Ask yourself why you are downvoting me. (Now with 100% more sources)

Do you actually hate certain people? Really? But you're downvoting me? Work on yourself.

Do you actually believe you don't deserve health care? That others don't deserve health care? Seriously? Work on yourself.

Are you super wealthy (low percentage chance)? I'm saying uncomfortable things to you. But you can easily afford those taxes so maybe work on yourself.

Do you believe people working for minimum wage shouldn't be able to afford an apartment by themselves anywhere in the USA? Work on yourself.

S_204 ,

Reality has a well known liberal bias. Stop trying to hide from reality.

zepheriths ,

No, the Internet as a whole has more liberals than conservatives, due to a variety of reason. In real life you are much more likely to met someone that is neutral or only slightly to either side. What exists here is literal echo chambers of liberal policy to the point the policy becomes unpalatable for most, that doesn't exist outside the internet.

GiddyGap ,

that doesn't exist outside the internet.

Never been to any type of city, I see.

jivemasta ,

No. The Internet just seems more liberally slanted because people are more liberally slanted overall. Conservatives rely on outdated voting principles to make it seem like they are more widely supported than they actually are. Things like first past the post, electoral college and gerrymandering. This is why you see republicans fighting to either keep the voting process the way it is, or to restrict voting in various ways.

Also, conservatives feel like the Internet is more slanted to the left because they are usually stuck in their little rural community echo chamber. Then come to the internet where they actually have to interact with people outside their local area, like cities and other countries.

Maxcoffee ,
@Maxcoffee@kbin.social avatar

The challenge will be finding an actual traditional conservative instance that isn't also a pro-Nazi fascist shithole.

foggy ,

Yeah there's only as much sane conservative content as there are sane conservatives.

jballs ,
@jballs@sh.itjust.works avatar

/r/conservative used to be moderately sane back before 2015. It's almost like the entire Republican lost their minds the year after that. I wonder why...

duckington ,

Unfortunately most of the more “conservative” instances became highly toxic and so most other instances have defederated with them.

rist097 ,

I think they would be more moderate if more moderate people would have opportunity to participate.
Right now all of the non left instances or communities get too quickly defederated and deleted, so moderate people who would normally participate dont want to create na account on a completely defederated instance. The only thing you are left of there are some crazies.

The only way I heard of conservative communities here is from a post that is asking for defederation or deletion

Jimbo ,
@Jimbo@yiffit.net avatar

Well, the conservatives in those communities could try being less horrible pieces of shit and not bring hate to minority spaces, but that's probably too much to ask

Puppy ,
@Puppy@kbin.social avatar

Remember when being conservative meant you wanted lower tax?

Now it's a competition to see who's going to say the most toxic stuff and who can become the biggest piece of trash a human being can be


like holy shit, calm down a bit...

mayo ,
@mayo@lemmy.world avatar

That was like 15 years ago as I remember it. Being a conservative was about being a fiscal responsibility, and there was an expectation that we were all moving in the same direction socially. Now it's all messed up.

retrieval4558 ,

It's been the same since the Nixon era, they're just more mask off about it now.

irmoz ,

Conservatism has always been that

euphoria ,
@euphoria@kbin.social avatar

conservative spaces shouldn't need moderates to balance out their toxicity and crazy when left on their own, they simply shouldn't be toxic and crazy. why do they need their hand held? it gets defederated quickly because THEY always quickly turn their spaces into pure hate, and they choose to spread that. that's on them, not us.

filthyhookerspit ,

The ideology is built in hate so it's no surprise this happens to them

FelipeFelop ,
@FelipeFelop@discuss.online avatar

I get what you’re saying. There’s a mindset in the fediverse that everyone on an instance is responsible for it. Even if the bad actors join later. The instance gets defederated but as a user it can be really hard to know if your instance is defederated.

It’s a deeply unpopular opinion and anyone who suggests that federation is simultaneously a huge advance and a big problem seems to get downvoted.

You’re right, ultimately instead of being exposed to a range of views some of which are challenging we’ll end up in little echo chambers.

We need more moderation and less defederation.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

I’m fine being in an echo chamber that Trans people deserve human rights. That’s a hill I’m willing to die on. If you disagree, you can stay out of my bubble, I’m not negotiating this point.

FelipeFelop ,
@FelipeFelop@discuss.online avatar

I haven’t mentioned anything about Trans people at all ? There’s nothing to negotiate and I don’t disagree that trans people have a right to be treated with respect and have their rights respected.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

It's the hot topic of the moment for conservatives, particularly the ones that are getting banned from public sites. Other than that, it's all culture war shit like abortion, immigration, border walls, etc that all go into xenophobia, misogamy, racism, antisemitism etc. I haven't seen any real conservative ideas in a decade. Now it's all a grift. You either have a old idea of what conservative is or just aren't saying it out loud. Even when Republicans cut taxes, they cut them massively for the rich and give the middle class and poor pennies. Any time someone wants to put more money in lower classes pockets they fabricate some bullshit to block it (Student Loan Forgiveness, Stimulus Checks) all a while giving Businesses Billions and removing oversight (PPP Loans).

Hobbes ,

There's a difference between being exposed to a range of views and being exposed to hatred.

randomname01 ,

Instantly became toxic? I’m shocked, shocked I say!

euphoria ,
@euphoria@kbin.social avatar

funny how every time conservatives group up, their communities become so toxic, full of hate and conspiracies, that people have no choice but to cut ties lol

Astroturfed ,

Woah, woah, there.... Telling all the trannies and colored folks to die is their protected free speech rights. How dare you cancel them.

mayo ,
@mayo@lemmy.world avatar

It's because their political leader at the moment is a populist. They can't help but be a bunch of cunts. Monkey see money do kind of thing.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

Here’s an unpopular opinion. I saw a lot of the same elements in the Bernie crowd. Not for taking peoples rights or anything illegal like that mind you, but they were very quick to want to ignore the rules during the primary to throw out the choice of the Democratic majority in order to have Bernie win over Hillary. To this day I still hear conspiracy theory talking points about how Bernie really won, or how he was winning the real polls, etc. it’s the same populist rhetoric and it’s dangerous.

CountZero ,

Yeah, but how often did Bernie himself repeat those conspiracy theories? Did he ever try to violently overturn the Democratic primary results? Every popular person has some shitty supporters, so you can't just judge people based on their supporters.

phillaholic ,
@phillaholic@lemm.ee avatar

Bernie never said anything to my knowledge, which is why I said the Bernie Crowd. It was limited to a chunk of his fan base that discussed ignoring primary results and awarding delegates to Bernie. Violent or Non-Violent wasn't the point. The rules were set before the primary, and Bernie lost. Any attempt at discussion of anything regarding overturning that result is overturning democracy. That was scary to read. You don't think that would ever turn into a coup attempt, but It's enough to have made me uncomfortable.

I only blame Bernie as much as his populist rhetoric misleads people. Nothing actually happened, and I don't believe he would have stood for it if it did.

src ,

Have you seen all the comments on this thread?

Instead of answering the OPs question, 100+ people are just bashing him for thinking differently, saying stuff like "Well, why are you conservative in the first place? Conservatism is so stupid! People on the right are evil, monsters, etc."

This left wing echo chamber is already very hateful and against any differing opinions.

retrieval4558 ,

It's not "thinking differently" it's "the beliefs necessary to maintain that political stance are stupid and cruel".

Snowman44 OP ,

Not every conservative is a racist nazi. Some of us just want the government to stick to doing what's in the constitution.

Vendetta9076 ,
@Vendetta9076@sh.itjust.works avatar

Westerners, especially Americans, have a really really hard time believing that you can be socially one thing and governmentally/economically another. For instance Im radically socially leftist but economically libertarian.

Because Americans have been force fed the lie that you have to pick one size fits all, they assume that every conservative is also socially conservative. Which, in the case of America, means you support the wild anti lgbt/anti abortion legislation.

qevlarr ,
@qevlarr@lemmy.world avatar


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