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fireweed ,

I remember really enjoying How I Met Your Mother when it was airing. I tried for a rewatch recently and only made it a few episodes in because I was so disinterested. It felt empty, and the humor wasn't hitting. I think it's a combination of I've changed (I've aged out of the "20-something singles fool around in a fantasy version of NYC" demographic) and TV has evolved (good comedy shows are no longer just goofy hijink situations and setups for one-liners).

So instead I rewatched Archer season one (same era as HIMYM) and fortunately that one still slaps.

Shower thoughts are wasting water.

My city is in the middle of the worst drought in recorded history. My showers are typically under 2 minutes and I have to shower with a bucket to catch otherwise wasted water to use to flush the toilet. I also shut the water down when I am wet enough so I can scrub myself without having unneeded water flowing then start it...

fireweed ,

You might want to consider a priest for the damned lakes (which were presumably corrupted by the damned rain?)

fireweed ,

Perpetual growth in a finite system is impossible, and anything that relies on perpetual growth to function is doomed to eventually fail.

For instance: social services that rely on perpetual population growth (especially youth population; e.g. Japan/South Korea), companies that rely on perpetual increase in users (most publicly-owned companies; e g. basically every social media company ATM), industries that rely on perpetual advancements in technology (e.g. industrialized agriculture, which constantly needs new ways to fight self-induced problems like soil depletion and erosion), housing as wealth generation (to be a wealth generator it has to outpace inflation, but at a certain point no one will be able to afford to purchase houses at their inflated prices no matter how over-leveraged they get; e.g. Canada). [Note that these are merely examples where these issues are currently coming to a head; they are by no means special cases, they're just in a more advanced state of "finding out."]

In other words, a lot of the modern world, in both public and private sectors, is built around a series of ponzi schemes.

fireweed ,

All I want to know is: will this push companies to rethink infinite scroll? Like, even to make it a toggleable option.

I really appreciate that Lemmy still has distinct pages. "I'll stop at the end of this page" is the easiest way to quit a social media session, which is why most companies have eliminated it.

fireweed ,

In virtually every way that can be measured, Gen Z’s mental health is worse than that of previous generations [...] What’s gone wrong?

Answer: Shit's bad and getting worse (especially for younger generations) while the old & rich people in charge twiddle their thumbs because "I got mine, fuck you." Any other questions?

I definitely wouldn't conclude that anything the mental health industry did or didn't do has anything to do with the mental health of youth today; given current circumstances the kids who are alright are the abnormal ones.

Never Cry Wolf ( )

This movie was made in 1983 and I used to have it on video tape as a kid, but I hadn't seen it since the 80s and I re-watched it as an adult yesterday. It was such a moving film. It was stunningly beautiful both visually and thematically. The running with caribou scene was some really incredible animal footage which must have...

fireweed ,

I've never seen (or even heard of) it, but that movie poster is not doing it any favors. IMO it reads like a fake/parody. Maybe it hit harder in the 80s?

fireweed , (edited )

Wow that map of the wiggly London-Singapore flight route really drives home how many airspaces these Europe-SE Asia flights have to skirt around.

fireweed ,

I'm digging deep in my memory here so I can't provide any details, but there was one episode from a very early season of Grey's Anatomy where I got to the end of the episode and thought, "wait, did they ever solve this episode's medical mystery?" There was a lot of doctor-plot that episode and the patient plot just kinda got dropped. Well I watched the deleted scenes for that episode, and low and behold there's a line where they explain exactly what was going on with the patient. It wasn't the real highlight/purpose of the scene, but I'm still shocked they would cut it because it left an entire plotline (albeit just for that episode) completely dangling.

fireweed ,

I haven't watched the series in over a decade so I have no idea how it's aged (or how my tastes have changed as I've aged) but I remember the early seasons being quite good. Gray's Anatomy was really popular the first few years that it aired, and at least at the time I thought it was deservedly so. I think I dropped the show around season six? It was getting too soapy/ridiculous and the plot was starting to go in circles. They ratchet up the tension really high pretty early on (both on the medical drama and doctor-relationship drama sides) so the writers inevitably set themselves up for failure, because this isn't a shonen power fantasy, you can't just keep driving things up to higher and higher stakes and still remain within the confines of reality.

For instance, in a very early season there's a really bad train crash where a bunch of patients flood into the hospital and I remember it being a huge climatic thing with some fantastic episodes. Then in a later season they have a bad ferry crash plotline that falls flat because they already did the train crash, and the emotional impact of this huge public transportation disaster was significantly diminished by a sense of "didn't we go through this already?"

I cannot believe that the show is still going, mostly because I'm amazed they have any audience left.

fireweed ,

I don't understand why some people find monkeys cute. They're so ugly and obnoxious! They don't even have the presence or majesty of great apes either. The further from humans on the evolutionary scale, the cuter primates tend to be IMO. By the time you get to lemurs, bush babies, etc, you've hit standard mammal cuteness.

fireweed ,

Dogs with blue eyes look absolutely psychotic to me for some reason, like it's indicative that they're the serial killers of the canine world or something. It's super unnerving. This doesn't translate to any other animal for me; for instance I think blue-eyed cats are gorgeous.

fireweed ,

I've heard two good explanations as to why she'd publicize such a story:

  1. She botched a common Republican technique by choosing the wrong victim to villainize (full explanation here)

  2. There are witnesses to the puppy murder (construction crew) so this is her way of getting ahead of the story before someone else tells it (AFAIK so far we've only heard her version; maybe reality is even worse)

fireweed ,

You shouldn't really use metal on stainless steel; stick with wood or silicone.

fireweed ,

Unpopular take, but I like theatrical previews. They're like bonus mini-movies, similar to the shorts before Pixar films. (I hate spoilers so this opinion only applies to movies I wasn't planning on seeing anyway, however I'm not much of a cinephile so that ends up being most of them.) Also it's nice having a buffer for any latecomers to get settled before the feature film starts.

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