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BigDanishGuy ,

What's up with the string tension in that stock photo? I haven't seen recurve limbs point that much forward when stringed before.

BigDanishGuy ,

Nu har jeg ikke fulgt så meget med, men er det i relation til at skatteministeriet står i brand?

Og bestemmer man selv hvilke skatter, satser, ofre skatteydere, og indkradsningsmetoder?

BigDanishGuy ,

Tja, festen er vist begyndt

BigDanishGuy ,

Er det korrekt forstået, at den eneste grund til forslaget er en magtdemonstration overfor højesteret? Eller har der været situationer, hvor hedninge har flaget med det svenske flag lidt for entusiastiskt?

BigDanishGuy ,

selvom man kan argumentere for, at Danmark ikke anser det for at være et nationalflag.

Hvis den foreslåede lov forbyder at flage med andre nationers flag, og højesteret så ender med at dømme for at flage med det palæstinensiske flag. Har højesteret så tvunget DK til at anerkende Palæstina som nation? Det ville da være det ypperste i kategorien "malicious compliance".

BigDanishGuy ,

Why Mozilla? Why? You were the chosen one... Fuck it, I'm going back to lynx! Tabs? Sure we have tabs in lynx, just run lynx in tmux

BigDanishGuy ,

Sorry I can't read your reply, lynx doesn't render it properly ;)

BigDanishGuy ,

De har pænt mange henne i fakta, jeg kunne jo prøve at spørge.

BigDanishGuy , (edited )

Da jeg hørte det tænkte jeg, at der måtte være mere ved det. Men fra

Chili i store mængder udgør en risiko for især børn og svagelige voksne. Mulige symptomer er bl.a. svie og ubehag, kvalme, opkastning og forhøjet blodtryk. Derfor stiller vi nu krav om, at butikkerne fjerner produkterne fra deres hylder, siger enhedschef Henrik Dammand Nielsen, Fødevarestyrelsen.

Så fordi man kan få kvalme, opkast og forhøjet blodtryk, så bliver produktet forbudt?!? Med den argumentation, så kunne man også forbyde store poser salmiaklakrids. Ja, faktisk så er jeg en slags videnskabsmand selv, og jeg har, efter omfattende, og til tider særdeles nedværdigende, empiriske undersøgelser, lavet en liste over hvor meget jeg skal indtage af en given fødevare for at opnå kvalme, opkast og/eller diarré. Jeg foreslår at vi forbyder alle salgsenheder, der er større end de mængder mine studier indikerer er sikkert at indtage.

BigDanishGuy , (edited )

FMI er, som så meget andet i det danske forsvars infrastruktur, ikke mere kompetent end de politikere, der står for den øverste ledelse. Sådan lidt "garbage in, garbage out".

Er hurtigt kig kan hurtigt få en til at ryste på hovedet. Første historie illustrerer min pointe fra forrige afsnit.

Med andre ord, så sætter man 190 mia over 4 år af til forsvaret men man kan ikke lade de ansatte gennemføre uddannelse og træning her og nu. Sikkert fordi man ikke har fundet ud af, hvordan pengene skal fordeles. Det kan også tage lang tid, man kan ikke ride samme dag som man sadler i det danske forsvar.

Jeg håber bare at Putin anmelder sine troppers ankomst mindst 6 måneder før, samt at funktionsmailen Putin sender anmeldelsen til, bliver læst og funktionen ikke er vakant eller på afspadsering.

BigDanishGuy ,

I may only use VMware workstation pro for desktop virtualization for lab use, and I do realize the ramifications for enterprise operations are exponentially greater. But even I am getting a worse service. I used to be able to google an issue, find a link to the VMware forum and just open that. Now * redirects to and searching for the post there seldom finds it again. Absolutely brilliant timing for google to kill cached pages.

The broadcom takeover has fucked us all.

BigDanishGuy ,

we never do aggressive things

Lady, some guys are at the door looking for you, asking "WTF?!?" In Chechen, Ossetian, and Ukrainian... Oh wait there's a guy loudly yelling in Finnish coming around the corner with his buddies from Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania... OMG they've got torches and pitchforks, saying that they're looking for their friends on this list

I do realize that she's talking about individual Russians not being aggressive. And I know that I shouldn't find it so funny, that she's having this wake up call from the world... But I find it absolutely hilarious. You want others to like you? How about treating people better? And if your country's the problem then revolt.

BigDanishGuy ,

What happened to Adam Conover? I used to actually like his content. I probably agree with his message, but IDK because I only managed to get 2m45 into the video by skipping and playing double speed, and I'm not watching the rest.

I don't remember him being so loud and aggressive. What the fuck's up with the poop jokes?

BigDanishGuy ,

Youtube must really hate those guys...

Makes you wonder how long it will take, before Raymond Hill plummets to his death from a basement window.

CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information ( )

You know how Google's new feature called AI Overviews is prone to spitting out wildly incorrect answers to search queries? In one instance, AI Overviews told a user to use glue on pizza to make sure the cheese won't slide off (pssst...please don't do this.)...

BigDanishGuy ,

Depends on how strict you are about the tests. Google is obviously satisfied if the first live iteration of a product doesn't kill more than 5% of the users.

BigDanishGuy ,

Guessing that you don't want to see the dead rat I got the other night with my airgun, I present you with this instead.

Otter interview goes off on a tangent

BigDanishGuy ,

I still haven't warmed up to using it for currency either, for me it's a command on Cisco's IOS. Which, BTW, I have to make clear is made by Cisco and make my phone write with a capital i.

I understand that the world evolves, and that languages do as well ... but I do have a problem with the speed which it evolves with, as well as it seems like the ignorant use of existing terminologies, is the main evolutionary factor these days.

BigDanishGuy ,

Yes, det var den store ændring for mig, og mine kolleger(statsansatte faglærere på tjenestemandslignende vilkår), da staten blev træt af at lockoute alle de ikke tjenestemandsansatte, og erstattede vores fælles overenskomst med en lov

Vi gik fra at arbejde på "akkord", ie "undervis N min, få M min til forberedelse efter egen planlægning", til at skulle registrere tid. Men søreme kun hverdage 0600-1700, for ellers er der tillæg. Væk var friheden.

Nu skal vi til at registrere, hver gang vi går fra en type opgave til en anden. Føler snart at jeg ligeså godt kunne have taget det ingeniørkonsulentjob, hvor alle timer skal faktureres til kunder.

Er det kun undertegnede der genkender glidebanen? Hvis arbejdskraftkøberen ønsker at dominere arbejderne, så kan jeg kun opfordre til at man stempler ind hver gang man arbejder. Man ikke så meget som læser en SMS, uden at stemple ind. Ret skal være ret ... for begge sider. Så sørg nu for at få løn for ALT dit arbejde.

BigDanishGuy ,

We already have one for the Danish government's apps. It's called 2.1 stars. /s but also not really /s because most of our official government apps are actually rated rather poorly.

But seeing how the best rated app by the Danish government is actually rated 4 stars on play store, a badge may be in its place.

BigDanishGuy ,

"Rock and roll all nite" is at least somewhat rock-ish. Try "I was made for loving you" that's almost pure disco.

New York Bill Would Require a Criminal Background Check to Buy a 3D Printer ( )

I understand the intent, but feel that there are so many other loopholes that put much worse weapons on the street than a printer. Besides, my prints can barely sustain normal use, much less a bullet being fired from them. I would think that this is more of a risk to the person holding the gun than who it's pointing at.

BigDanishGuy ,

In other news: virtue signaling politicians are considering banning [scary items that their core voters know nothing about] in order to appear tough on crime, while avoiding doing the logical things experts recommend, because that would look bad in the eyes of the voters. Instead the only consequence is extending the stigma related to excons resulting in greater recidivism

Googling 3d printed gun homicide returns a story from Rhode Island in 2020 (where the police can't figure out if the gun was actually printed), an attempted murder in Reykjavík in 2022, and this story from 2022 that claims a total of 44 arrests were made related to 3d printed guns... world wide

In contrast there were 48117 firearms related deaths in the US during the same period.

Maybe statistics and proportions should be a core part of math from an early age?

BigDanishGuy ,

Routers and lathes, both CNC and manual ... and calipers! The name sounds like something to do with bullets and they look like tiny machine guns.

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