Ilovechai , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

I don't have the spoons to explain why I feel my neurodivergence is making this worse, but I need feedback or insight from other ND people on a unique experience. This will be a long thread (added in replies) but I'm hopeful there will be a few kind readers who either relate or have something supportive to share.
Here goes:
@actuallyautistic @actuallyaudhd

JoBlakely , avatar
Ilovechai OP , avatar

@JoBlakely @actuallyautistic @actuallyaudhd Gorgeous! I'm coming to similar spaces but from the opposite end of things. I overextended myself, masked in a very extroverted way & have learned how to check inward before extending myself; instead of the codependent, people pleasing, happy face coping I did for so long. It's still uncomfortable, but in a new way. Before, I got a lot of attention but was never known. Now it's a little lonelier, special few know me well & I'm at home in my own skin.

KitMuse , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

I know people with estrogen have said their ADHD gets worse during perimenopause/menopause, but I'm wondering if people with testosterone 50+ also notice their Autism/ADHD symptoms getting worse. Especially more "inattentive"/stuck in their thoughts.

I feel like we really need more research on all of this.

@actuallyautistic @neurodiversity

KitMuse OP , avatar

@randomgeek @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity Thank you so much! That is immensely helpful.

KitMuse OP , avatar

@pathfinder @randomgeek @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity Thank you! That's exactly what it feels like as his spouse. (It very much DOES NOT feel like what my mother dealt with, for example.) I will share this with him and see if it resonates.

Ilovechai , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

@autisticadvocacy @actuallyautistic @actuallyaudhd

"Sometimes an autistic person may behave in a way that you wouldn't immediately link to sensory differences. A person who finds it difficult to process everyday sensory information can experience sensory overload, or information overload. Too much information can cause stress, anxiety, and possibly physical pain. This can result in withdrawal, distressed behaviour or meltdowns.",anxiety%2C%20and%20possibly%20physical%20pain

18+ matthewtoad43 , avatar

@Ilovechai @autisticadvocacy @actuallyautistic @actuallyaudhd NAS are not always helpful as they are primarily a parents and carers of autistics organisation. But this seems reasonably thorough. I'd like some views or resources from people who have more substantial sensory issues than me though.

The point about clumsiness often being a result of sensory issues is interesting, I just assumed comorbidity with dyspraxia.

Certainly office noise can be an issue. The usual answer is of course to wear headphones and listen to music, but of course I accuse myself of reducing my productivity by doing that, and it still leads to awkward social situations. Calibrating the amount of interaction in offices is a pain.

Restricted diets aren't necessarily all that bad, unless you also have to restrict them for other reasons, e.g. worrying about your health, having to get food on the run, veganism, allergies, reflux (also a common comorbidity), other medical conditions... In other words, while it's not necessarily the most important thing, it can still be a major pain in practice. It can also be a significant problem socially, whether dating or group socials.

My relationship with touch has changed over the years. I do have issues with wool, but the main thing is hugs. For many years I would reject hugs. Sometime in my 30s I figured out that I actually enjoy hugs. Then Covid happened. 😐

olena , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

What some people don’t seem to be able to understand is that for the ones with executive disfunction number of steps matters a lot.

I just put away all my dried laundry aside of duvet cover.

Why? Because for all the other things it’s easy one-step task: grab all the knickers and shove them into the drawer, get the home clothes and put it into home clothes cube box(that cubed Ikea shelf is such a helper for people like me, I just have a cube for every thing).

But the linen shelf is at the top of the bathroom closet, and it’s almost full. So I need a stepladder to be able to put the duvet cover there(I can try to shove it there without, I kinda reach the shelf itself, but in its current state the cover is likely to fall from there, and probably with some other things, so that would upset me which I am not ready to deal with now).

But the stepladder is now occupied by my winter shoes which were drying there before I put them away for summer.
But to put them away I need to get two big boxes from under my bed, empty one by putting everything that is there into the other one, put all the shoes there, put the boxes back under the bad, ensure all the boxes there are arranged in a way that is allowing my cat to play in that labyrinth, and probably clean up after that as I suppose there’s going to be a few dust bunnies.

Gosh, I got tired by just typing all that.

Going through all those steps may bot take too much time(if I don’t get distracted by something, including the urge to sort everything perfectly), but the very thought of going through all those steps just discourages me so much that I can’t find energy to start. “It’s just one duvet cover!” - they say. “It’s a shitton of steps!” - I answer.

Well, the cover is drying in a way that obscures a view from my bed which irritates me enough to maybe develop enough anger to put it away in the weekend.


glowl , avatar

@olena @actuallyautistic feeling called out, as i just cleaned up half the kitchen.

but taking the key and laundry basket, going down to the basement to hang the laundry for drying and walking up again is just to much right now.

Drude , avatar

@olena @actuallyautistic Today, I asked my SO to do the second half of a task, because it were too many steps and I felt overwhelmed. After doing the first half (about 5 steps, maybe), it didn't feel overwhelming anymore to do the last 4 steps. It's sooo strange how our brains work.

BeAware , to ADHD memes avatar
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  • Robsadaisy ,

    Adding tasks that I’ve done, that weren’t on the original list, just so I can cross them off.

    BeAware , to ADHD memes avatar

    I feel like I'm always "just chilling"đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž 😬


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  • BeAware , to ADHD memes avatar

    My limitless desire for information always gets hindered by my very limited memory.

    There's nothing like the ADHD experience of going to google something and immediately forgetting what you were going to search so you have to look through your recent apps to find whatever triggered the thought, but then get distracted in the apps, then just rinse and repeat.đŸ˜©


    BeAware , to ADHD memes avatar
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  • tslnox ,

    So is that why I'm decently productive at work but it's a miracle if I can force myself to do the laundry or load the dishwasher or other chores?

    Baggie ,

    Very likely. I find it also has a lot to do with environment, like work is the place I go to get stuff done, home is the place I play games and chill. So when it's time to get stuff done at home, the wires get crossed a bit.

    BeAware , to ADHD memes avatar
    BeAware , to ADHD memes avatar

    The ADHD urge to lie about why you didn't do something because "my brain refused to start on it" doesn't make sense to a lot of neurotypicals.


    This behavior has gotten me into a lot of shit over the yearsđŸ˜ŹđŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž

    rekabis ,

    ADD/ADHD is an executive function failure related to feedback and it’s relationship to motivation. Normies never experience that on anything approaching a regular basis. As such, trying to explain that to them is like trying to explain what the colour of the number seven smells like. They’ll be all, “well, just do it. How hard could it be?”

    die444die ,

    They’ll be all, “well, just do it. How hard could it be?”

    Though sometimes that’s exactly what I need someone to tell me. To the point that I do this with some of my other ADHD friends. “Do it right now. I’ll wait.”

    BeAware , to ADHD memes avatar

    My greatest tragedy is that I literally always want a nap, right up until ten pm, when I feel utterly alive and electrified.


    I know I'm not the only one...right?😅

    scotlit , to bookstodon group avatar

    Only Here, Only Now by Tom Newlands review – growing up with ADHD

    “The prose in Tom Newlands’ debut novel is glorious, managing the feat of being both muscular and airy at the same time. But it is first and foremost the landscape that he stakes out that grabs you by the throat”

    —Tom Newlands’ ONLY HERE, ONLY NOW is the Guardian’s Book of the Day


    loops , to ActuallyAutistic group avatar

    I’m a patchwork in progress of all the things people want me to be and things I think are cool and none of it really goes together 🙃


    Ilovechai , to autisticadvocacy group avatar
    kshernandez , to poetry group avatar

    Hey y'all! Check out the dope youth created and lead zine!

    I with I'd had something like this as a child. Please share this with your ND youth. @poetry @disability

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